The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 24, 1898, Image 2

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Rheumatism Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: “For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. 1 gradually grew werse until I was un able to take my food I or handle myself in *ny way; I was abso l/SjEifrYJ lutelyhelpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re- S* * A’SLzjYk lieved me so that I soon able to move r *K^ lt ann; long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170." A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema, and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine—S.S.S. (guaranteedpurely vegeta table) is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valuable books. Address K VW. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, REEDYTO FIGHT Deposes At Santiago fire Be= ing Strengtliencil. MOUNTING SHIPS GUNS Cervers Is Placing His Small Pieces On Earthworks In Gen. Garcia’s Cninp, Deras Santiagode Cuba. Jnne2B. per the Associated Press Dispatch Boa! Wanda, via Kingston, Jamaica June 2-1. —A Cuban who left the city of Santiago’s Monday nig' t arrived at Gen. Garcia’s camp 01 Tuesday morning with accural maps or the haib.r and of ihe “arthworks surrounding it Tie ■ ps o' A Irniral Cervera have uov d from the p< siti m tl ev w.-ro in thiee daysgo ,and low li-t io n-m st a cirsle, su. r.m iding a small Miami an I lighthouse ftb >ut halt way up the f<ur mile hai bur. The Mi moured cruder Cristobal Culm . which is unit jured. h**s to toe wee , commanding with, he< p rt battery the oaitow neck o the harbor, whi'e the Vizcaya, al so uninjured, lies to the east, bn starboard battery lo iking dcwn Upon the neck. Both of lue Spanish torpedo b ate are temp' rarity inju-ed. on< having been etruck by fragment*, of the ehe Is th if sunk the R ina Met'.! des ami the other hiving ho ooiler tul es and engines in courst of repair The mo«t important statement ma 'e wis in substance that tin torpedo boats have not, since th**il arrival here, mad*-any attempt to leave, being unable to do so The s ips have only h ilf their supplier o coal, at though s>u e coal a rrivK by over land route two w eks ugo Th* shell that sunk the R tn Mereeedes was tired during th first b onhirum mt by the M issa t hovel is. Beyond (his loss and tin no . i loss <->f ’if.. mcideut t t ' —— NEW MAN. *•_[ was a sufferer irmn dys pepsia, gout an 1 rheumatism, cans-d bv impure blood. I tried vicious medicines, but obtained no icii'-l until I began taking Hood’s Sarsiqi r Ila. This inec i inc h s in ide me a new mai and is me b st 1 ev\.r took. I' Las boon a blessing to me.’ Willi itu M, J.lines. Brogdon, . e Hood’s Pills are the only pills tmttiici- with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, riasy and yet efiicient. it, th f re w.B little or no diimago dot-u." The earthworks wer<’ disturbed mid one smooth bore vun was dis mounted on ’he west bullei”. Seven new guns are being put up facing the sea, tnree of which on the west are ships suns of the 6- inch rapid fire variety, and au tomatic guns of all desciipticns, it appears, are from the ships and mounted on the earthworks surrounding the city. A new line of trenches has been dug about a mile and a half from the city. The Spanish soldiei s known as the regular troops are on half rations, and no rations or supplies are fur nished to the local Spanish forces, numbering about three thousand men. They are com pelled to forage for them eves. The spirit of discontent, it also seems, is very widespread among the Spanish troops and an uprising in Santiago de Cuba is feared. There is an absolute lack of drugs in Santiago, and finally the crews of the Spanish warships are one half rations. BUCKLES’ RVI M SkL’/o, The best salve in the wcrld for Cuts, Braises, Ulcers, Sores, Sult Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands,Chilblr.irs, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cure for Piljs or no pay re quired'. It is guaranteed to give perfect “atisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 ceuts per box - For sale bv Curry Arrington. eSJTS! ■■ l ... . ■ POPPED FROM HIS MOUTH. Man Wasted Away From Crea ture’s Doings in his Stomach. Easton. Pa., June 24 —A live lizzard, over an inch in length, was disgorged today by J'unes Si.usser. 'lhe little creature jumped about at a great rate. S.iusser for three years has been . suffer* r from what the doctors bought was stomach trouble Dining the past six months he off* rid terribly, and gradually ost in weight until he was a uei't skeleton. He had a severe vomiting fit today, and then the aiise of die trouble appeared Sausser says that over three years ago he took a drink of \ater at from his cistern, nd immediately after told his ife he was certain he had swal lowed so nething alive, but he nvrt< ok steps to get rid of it. HO V S THIS! \V« off >r Oii« Hundred I) II" toward for any casn of ( atarrh hat cannot b cured by Hup ? fatarrh Cure. F .1 Cheney & Co. Props. To ■do O. We the uml rsig ml, have kucwi •’ J. < heney for lhe ast nd belifeVH him perfectly honor Lie in al; btistm'Bs transact ion me. fi iHticia ly able to curry cut ..v obligation mnd<- by t‘ eir firm We-t .t Tr.,ux. Wholesale huggist, Toledo, q. V, ai. DING, \INNAH A’ Marvin. Whole-ale h uggist?, Toledo. 0. Hj.l’s Catarrh Cure is taken it. ?r.ially ac t i ng, directly ipon the blood and mneo is sin, ichh of the Bvat.em. Price 75c. •er bo tie. Sdd by a 1 ! Druggists. Testimonials free, LAN.,UNG AT AG’JADohES Pla a D 1 Es’e Cab e Station uantanuno Bay. June 23 —The .rmy b gm Inn ling yesterday at l guu >r s li j en miles erst of Sinti .go de Cuba. It is not exptc 1 - •d tha’ ths disembarkation wiil >e finish 'd for several days, /? I aniagent torSoutli rn Queen Coal or \V ood Ranges. Also isui’auoa Safjt’’ GHj. q rno stove - Call and .e nn rsnok and get jstiinaes on your olumbitno- and tin vork- door to ooera 11-use- THE EXCELLENCE OE SYRI? OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Sybup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. ’1 he high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO. Cal. LMUUVILLF.. ’ ->nw YORK. N.Y. HONOiI AND VIR l UE. A British Consul's Tribute to the American Navy. Portland, Me., - June 24 —Cap tain Frank Wilde, of the cruiser Boston, writing under date of May 11th .0 the Cumberland Club, of this city, in acknowl edgement of congratulations sent Dewey and himself by the club, says, among other things : “Women and chil Iren have left the city to a large extent. A good story is told of lhe British Consul, to whom a Span ish lady came with doubts and J fears and inquiries as to wheth er the Americans were such as descr bed in the captain gener al’s proclamation. The Consul said: “Madame, honor and vir ue are safer in Manila today . han they have been for three hundred yearn. A PRECEDENT Established in Damage Suits Against Cities. Columbus 0 , June 24.—The I Supreme Court yesterday reject ed th- $50,000 claim of Mrs. I William Frederick against the ci yof Columbus. Four years g > the Fire Department’s wa te • tow. r fell and killed William j Frederick, her husband. The | Supreme Court holds that a municipality has a sovereign right to exercise governmental function, and that it cannot be h-Id responsible for accidents I may occur in that connec t on, unless due to the careless iess of its employees. SUMMER OPERA 'At Mobley’s Park ail Next Week. Dance Tonjght. Commencing Monday and lasting all the week, the Petrusl - ; IDldina Company will hold the '■ »ards each evening at the oeautiful little theatre at Mob lex ’s Park. lhe company is a good one i.r.l should draw large crowds e ch evening. The company is a large one. There will be dancing at the j park tonight and tomorrow eye? ning ; no extra charges for mtp ■ ic. SUMMER,SCHOOL. I will open my summer school >n thefi’st Monday m July.Speais mention given to pupil* prepar ing for the university. Palemon J. Kins. SUMMER PRICES Lc-nham & Sons Closing Out Seasonable Millinery. • Messrs. Lanham A Sons, the merchant princes of Fifth ave nue, have thrown their summer 1 millinery on the market at regu lar closing out prices. ' r his, they do annually rather than carry over old goods to a new season. The stock they have begun to slaughter is right down to date, and is made of hats and bonnets fashioned after the very latest fads and styles. “We don’t propose to carry over a hat in our millinery de partment,” said Mr. Lanham to The Hustler-Commercial man “and all we want you to do i merely to state that fact to the people. We have done this be fore and the people know what to count on when they see Lan ham <t Sons announcing their closing out sale of spring a»'d summer millinery.” Mr and Mrs. J. Rubt. Can trell, of Rome, who have been visiting relatives in town, rt turned home Monday afternoon. —Calhoun Times. Thanks to Col. John S. Can dler, a brave and capable officer and a military leader who knows a good captain and a gallant company, Capt. Henry Stewart and lhe Hill City Cadets will now get a chance to serve their country. Rome will have cause to feel proud of the Hill Citv Cadets and Capt Stewart. Mark that prediction. Fresh new pickles, all styles, in bulk and fancy packages, just arrived at Lloyd’s, where you will find the best of everything to ent. POLICE COURT •‘Beaver Slide” Well Repres ented *n Police Court Today. Hattie Jones, Mat White, and Ai.nie Tuples, three of the most notorious white women in Floyd b ounty, was tried at this mornings Ipo ise | court on the charge of i sigh ting and vagrancy. They all live in : ‘Beaver Slide.” in the 4th ward. night they all got dinnk and was raising all kind of dis turbances, when officer Joe Sharp, arrested the two and locked them 1 up. Hattie Jones was sent to jail in default of a SIOO.OO bond, for vagrancy Mat Staey and Annie Maples wereflned SIO.OO each or 30 days >n the co der. Mat White is a regular attendant in all the courts, and has just served out a sentence *n the chain gang. She was run down by a sheriff posse and bl >od hounds a few years ago, she associates with negroes and the lowest c ass 01 white peopl : > and is always givu g the officers trouble. Euclid Nelson, col, was fin.d $4 or 10 days so? disorderly conduct. FIVE DROWNED. Saginaw Mich,, June 24—A heat party capsized in the Flint River last even : t g and Chauncey C< ok, 18 Lu'u Loup, 14,. Odalina Lou|p 1(5 and Mil Packard 2, i Arthur Maxwell, 20, were drown ed. Sour Stomach “After I who Induced to try CABCA* &ETM» 1 will never be without them in the house, 4y liver was in a very bad shape, and my heag iched and I had stomach trouble. Now. since tnk-> ng CuscareU. 1 feel fine. My wife hs* ftUo used Item with beneficial results for sour «luiPUCl|.'' Kulumag, lU2I Congress Mt., |j(.. kuuil». Mo, f'," CANDY VHjTjk. ritADf MAUK R«OI»TIWlO Plen;apf. Pal&lilNft, Tutlu Good. Ito UOuil, Nuvvi aUken. Wiialimi. or Grlpu. We. 25e. UK CJUtte CONSTIPATION. ... Btsrbsgr HswmUj rsopsay. rblesira* MMtrsal. K«« tort, Sft fjOTO-BAC gl»w to uTritoMel NtVikT FTTKISriT U Every day now brings us heavy monts of standard and seasonable it niture, ana with the coining of snriß we have already received a p CAR-LOAD OK BABY CYALtRIAG-Ei All of them beauties and many of them dainty little vehicles, combin ing the essensial points of beam,v am? strength • a MATTINGS, I I IJ GrS> CARPETS In this department we have received tor ihe spring trade one car load of mattidg which we imported direct from Japan. Here you can find new patterns and the prettiest of designs and at remarkably low prices. STOVES- Do vou need a new stove in ycur kitch n? Ttien call on us and you will go no where else. V e have the best and that means' an economic stove in every sense ot' the word. THE MS MIK [ 305 Broad st • Phone 52- Undsrtakii-s, Embalmer, an Fu neral Directors. I A'WHOLE CLUB Ji <Ca/t iil *>Make II AX- /A Better |H Running T,me ttjj r -- o’- Hiil . ~’ tOPvtIIGH »-(*»/ I carry a full and c implete line of jewelry, iuclu ltd E ding Diam mils My stock of silver notions and novelties was ntv tfji = er more complete. WEDDING! PRESENTS A SPECIALTY. J K Williamson I • • SmihijiEiiiiibu::r-;::ii;::; r r : TTtiijrni”jf [m N ms ——— i ■ PESO'S n tin Hyaimis, Como, Wig., n > Jan. 10,1898. J „ K . T regard P® I would not be w ‘J* f qR 0 without PISO’S J;I .Mi SEption* l CURE for CON- dg hes whereaiC ttsTTAits'TTSj m SUMPTION for any B gaWS B. thing. For a bad " Cough or Cold it is ■ “* * beyond all others. 15 fl Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. X WES e . » “The Best Cough Medicine- &• 1 LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLES I Offers the publicfthe finest teams best ® o, ?^ erg 1 ances and most' polite and courteous ’ | 'l'lie best slot k of horses and mules on ea I stantly. i