The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 24, 1898, Image 3

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rj ' ■(Ci/J^ ULL I al n in receipt of the Polk County News, of Columbus N. C. a bright little weekly thatc< nta.ji* B fe ff -Piefatorial” remarks sign e d by my old friand W ; Van ‘ diver as editor in chief, o o o How natural it is, aye. how almost certain it is for a mat. who 01)C6 wields a saber, straddles a tr ipod and commands a devil, to backs ide past returning to the emctum sanctona run Brilliant and br ,i uV) Walt Vandiver will make himself « power on the State press of old North Carolina. 0 0 0 A traveler meeting a settler near a house m the backwoods the fol lowing colliquy occurred: “Whore house?’’ “Noggs : .” “What’s it built of?” “Logs.” “Any neighbors?” “Frogs.” “What's the soil?” “Bugs.” “The climate?” “Fugs.” “What do you eat?” “Hogs.” “How do you catch them?” “D.g« ”—Pittsburg Cnronicle. 000 Milwaukee has decided to ex clude married women from the holding of positions as teachers in the public schools. The rules in Chicago permit them to serve un less they have children under two years of age, t hot gh s- me of the nnmbeis of the Board of Educa* tion think that preference should tie given to unmarried women, who have to support themselves. 000 A new form of accident insur ance policy, guaranteeing the bolder agaii st the consequences of the d image he may inflict upon others, is being issued in Pari l * Parisian drivers are notoriously reckless, and they look upon this iiiuhod of protecting themselves at smal, c st as a good thing. 000 a de'tor in Siam. where three months in arrears can be seized by his creditors-nd compelled to .work out his indebtedness. Should he run uv ay his father, his wife or his children may be held lu slavery until the debt is canceled 000 '■lhe monument to Paste ur, "Inch in to be erected in Paris in the space in front of ihe Panthe on, is now almost c mpleted The Lri’ish Medical Journal says that M. balguiere, the sculptor, has in troduced certain modifications in* iis or.ginal design, in which 1 ustciir was simp y represented as overcoming Death, which was in 'be tet of fight. Now there has add'd on the right a group ’•presented a mother with her Ull ‘d thanking Pasteur, while be -1,1 d the central figure Fame, is crovning hnn with laurds ““ riptions to the memorial “°' v aU) °Ud to nearly $65,000. 000 1 I Doan schoolmasters weie a n 'ing the applicants for the re* " ? vacated post of public chi m l‘«y-»we fc per at Pusch.avil Switzer “ld - pay i e $l6O pe r year. 000 “I'isae promises to send a part r,U " ta us volu «teers for the “• a calvary regiment of 1,000 Jl ys, all crack sho's, mid r 'i, 1 dU “ horfitß trained in the •j - dlll g incident to ranch life. r< l,'imet>t is to be commanded ntnr 1 ul)Sl01 '’ w, ‘o has recently )( f ,ied from Cuba. The govern <f ii U " UUtf!Orized tho formation con Ul d iskUfd bis loCol. Funston, A tou.'i) . <! . Wefctfcrn cowboys on ‘WwT i" r " 8 W( uld pruba ' ... i U P'murd S io Cuba i, u, J’ ° ,t 8 *" ridi “g and shoot ' «uy. \ - U ' d tuke Uudr breatl or „ U \ 11,11 iatt ‘ 8 “o figun Ntwj ' “’ther.—Savannah HOW THEY LfIHOED ft Detachment of the Uth In-j faulty The First NOT ft LIFE WftS LOST Met by Cuban Escort and con < i.cit d to Ce imp. Daiquiri, June 23—At 9 o'clock, yesterday the hour supposed to have been fix*d for commencing the disembarkation, came, and passed, the expedition was in sus pense, but the squadron lay reck ing complacently outside the bay. At 9:15 a. in. the bombardment of the hills surrounding the village of Juraga. some six miles away, began to distract our attention from our own affairs. Then steam pinnaces, trailing strings of empty boats began j speeding to and fro among ‘he I transportsand gradually, though perceptibly filling up with iriops. At 9;40 Cuban scouts appeared Wu a t of Daiquiri and the New Orleans, Machias,Detroit,Suwanee and Wasp began bombarding. Forty-fl ye rounds were fired into the bush during the first quarter of an hour, and many rounds from | the quick-firing guns Not a shot was fired in response. At 9:50 the first boat load containing the men of the Sth and Ist Inst. start'd for the shore, followed by the 25th , (colored,) the 10th and 12th Inst. | at 10:10 Prodigious cheering from shore, caught up by the nearest ships and flying from vessel to vessel through the squadron, announced the fact that the Americans had begun a lauding on Cuban soil, the honor of setting the first foot <?n the island falling to a detach ment of ti e Blh Infantry that was towed ashore by the tug Warn pat uck. This important operation thus successfully completed without loss of life or accident, the troops on land formed and moved up and away to the quarters with-’ out confusion. A force of mount- j ed Cubans, which had been un-| der cover during the bombard ment, now arrived and congrat ulations were exchanged. At 11:30 a detachment of the 2nd Mass. Vol started for the shore and by noon probably 3,- 000 men had landed. Other de tachments were following as rapidly as steam launches could be made available. The sea was auspiciously calm and the sky clear. A cool breeze was blowing and the troops were in the highest spir- [ its, and the strains of “Yankee Doodle” were greeting every string of boats coming. LANDING AT JURAGUA Oil Juaragua, Province of San* tiago De Cuba. June 23 —The troops under Maj.-Gen. Shatter i yesterday morning began landing! at Juaragna. ten miles east of the entrance to Santiago harbor. Lit tle resistance was offered. Au im mediate advance will be made ai d as tha military forces arsin posses sion of the hills back of Santiago, a combined attack by the fl?et and army will I eordered. It is thought by Saturday Smtiago with all its fortifications and the strong tliet under Admiral Cervera will have fallen either captured or destroyed. "promptly secured] > Write for our interesting books “ Invent- . > or’s Help” and "How you are swindled." i Send us a rough sketch or model of your J invention or iniprnvf incut and we will tell i > yon free our opink n as to whether it is < probably patentable. We make a specialty i 5 of applications rejected in other hands. 3 Highest references f trnished. i ? MARION v? MARION ' ( PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPERTS . 1 Civil A Mechanical En; ineers, Graduates of the < \ Polytechnic Schoo) of Engineering. bachelors in i ' Applied Sciences, Laval University. Members < Patent Law Assoeia'ion, American Water Works < . Association. New England Water Works Assoc, a ( P. Q. Surveyors Association, Assoc. Member Can. C Society of Civil Engineers. . * Oppicrs- J Washington. D. C. ‘ tM * t Montreal, Can. , s H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., 3* eJJ Successors to W, *5 ' ROME PHARMACY. D 3 309 Broad st.—New Clark Building. ~ We have bought the entire stock of the Home 3® Pharmacy and are prepared 10 supply your wants in MIL, the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en- W deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all 2* times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. .... Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articlesand ' jjj such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. * 2JJ Come to see us. "X i S. M. Stark, I 'X ’ 7 Hi *X MM K --X Me- "X Mr S LMiiiii and niL 5 X X X -X ’ X. •* Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A •-« - X’-.. X X. X Ms. 'X X X Xf: £ HANSON. NORIUS N. SMITH. 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. j £ Plumbing and Tinning. 2 2 Engineers’ and machinists' g a supplies. Stoves, ranges and ® tinware. Gas and electric fix= q § tures. INSURANCE gasoline § 2 stoves. Water meters. 2 5 325 Broad st. Phone 32. ® (•J « «W*W*uMkJM«aaMtXMEa»MiNUMB■BMM ■•» ewr.-M -• »« 51.25 111 5i » X:; f a flirts for $ J. A. GAHH i .COMPANY ARE WAITING for everyone in Rome to co nc in and see the magnificent stock z® on men’s and boy’s clothing, xl bicycle and golf suits, Is what . we are doing, but we are hus- tling while we wait. We will ( --c show you ,the finest st ck of |J|B clothing, made from the newest •:styles and patterns in fabricks, ' perfect fitting and handsome, to —* be found in. Georgia, and they ’* s^ r ■»•■ ° J . -■-*-» are above competition in values for the price.' Jhegreatest line of n gligee shirts ever shown i i Rome. J. A. GAfIMON x J ) Maaaaam t-.twv- c; an gpppiy all Ours is the Most Department | in iha fl Q low rates. We publish one oi / t/'‘ Hi li»w W. | the leading Seed, Pfo.nt and Tree Catalogues issued, i ''-'X ■ ! ■aaaaaaaaMKiaexsaKa which will be mailed I rer. Send for it n. w, it v. ■! * i 15* ' save you money. Try us, can refer you to cu .tomera in every state and territ. y «« ■-- in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends! rand 1 near. Have hundreds of carloads of T FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. We send by mail postpaid. Seeds, Bulbr., Plants. Roses, Small Trees, Vc. arrival c satisfaction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44th year. 32 i-r nhouees. acre THE f ,T *'' ,o S * *4ARRiSC R ' <n ~' 528 C IM 11, ma.!.l TMouicai Posple of Rums: It is wih pleasure that we announce the at't'iv.i of a new and complete stock of ■pp'W MMK iJflJjjJj IJ' .j I A): A.ND Small. Vlusical Instruments in the new Moadey building, 327 Broad street, where we would be pleased to have you call and examine our good- 1 . lao st >ck consists of so n * of the best in ikes of pianos an I organs on the in irket t)diy. W« keep a full line of everything pert lining to a first class music store—Something ti >nie has needed for a long time. Give us a call and you will fin! 1 music store that Rom ms 111 ty be proud of V e are determined to close out h-BICY( the earliest possible date. K. B. FOIKBBS 327 Broad Street. S. P. Davis, Manager. x \ \ X* \ x \. X \ \ x X X X We keep on hand at airtimes a full stock of Sheet Music . of the very F. J-KANE* CD 248 Bcoad O Sale ol Summer Goods r * . * >\'XXX X X X V X X Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Gingham and Madras ■ S w Xu* Ready-Made Skirts and Waists We intend to close out our shoe stock, so take advantage of cost pcries on shoesof the best makes. Special prices on everything at F. 248 Broad Street* [RM'EIaiMI 1 Permanent!y cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. T - snrost and the be»i. Sold by inggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 ceu pe- Mg Sample sent free oii mention of this pvbf' •/!; *n. JSF.IK.WHr’* VSGULM-LM jJr.A