The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 24, 1898, Image 8

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THE POINT PMK Government Will My, 17 acres on Look Odt PRiCK IS TO BE $40,0001 —.— I Dili Wnl bi Finally Passed ini Near F mure. Chattiuim gi. .111124 - ' h<‘ civ i' Huinirv In'l, «-nil»ra<‘iiig an appro prialion *'i S4O 000 t>r lh‘* pur chas ■ot 1 J « mt p -rk, on Lookou mountain, was passel '>y th |>m.o yort'Tiluy aftcrn;, 'ii Th bill now g.>es to th*-* sena’e and i a that Im dy has alnady act'd favor ably, it will become a law in a few nays. The first iriwi of this inn :ort..n' action was received yesterday afternoon about 3 o’clock by A. W Chitnbli.a, the attorney for the trustees of the pr'per'p, ii a br es telegram from Congressman Moon aimmmcii'g iliat the h >use had attreed t >the conference com mittee report < n the Point park purchase, and that the bill em orncing the appropriai ion had bei i passed. The t'd’irrnni a'so stated that H e bill would go to th° sen te in connection with tl c-oj. r“ace r port am wou'i • acted u,' '"■ a' o <• ’’he passage y 1 tl s appro >ri ati.j.. bill meat s that toe gov in mcnt wII establish a grind mil itary park <m the crest of the m u’lt im , • coiinocti n with th* bill! li ltd pui ’" just below lie p .i; ■ ides The prop' si ion for the purch *-■ of the park has 1 u pending f. some years, and its adup i >i> :i .oiner pv. le'.e ■n f G *n, H \ Jtoyto i’s HTV Cea 111 tie n,l o Ohutt-Ui mga. Gm . Bo; nt n wi - c tiled l.j W s’i'ngt »i a v. >-u. •a (o, an i st r>n _>• V .. d V I!>■ I I I rn j t < i • '»•*»-• i h couierem- 'Committee ol the h >use und seiiat* 1 K Tile measure h is had in uiy upJ <*MW THE MISTAKE of your lift Mas been made when you spend your money at one of the closing out or at cost stores before you visit \V COKER & CO. and find out what goods cost. We will give you prices that are eye-openers. COKER & she price has been cut on every article in our house far below the prices that theclosingout and cost prj houses are selling at. Come and see and you will know thatZour prices are the lowest in Rome. Reinemb we handle everything you want and out prices shall be lower than others .| W .H. COKER & CO M _ AA /|\ Ladies’S.ippers 50 and 75c per pair. Thay are Ladies’ Brocade skirts,'?sc each, 3 for $2.10 /K hand-turned and are strictly first-class. W M\ Ladies’ shirt waist, Lares t styles, just received I Hosiery 8”12, 16c per par that others: as r 35c each or 3 for sl. A 10, 20 and 30c for. J 4S ' ■ & and downs at tl is session of con-I gress When the civil sundry bi 1 - was original l y . asse 1 in the house the appropriati m forth ■ point I ii'chase was ki'lei, in the ssriate an amendment was adopted to 'he bill embracing an appropri ation of SIO,O 10 for the purchase. The bill then went hick to th" house and a conference committee ot the two bodies was appointed t > consider the measure. This commite" c ml i n f ag ee. | nid another comm tee wa appoin-! lei, with the icsint that a favora- I de report was agreed t . ih" h u- j •ommite 1 presenting it b< fore th I > i-s ig i of th) 'nil ye t rd ay at t- r , i non. A-. the ame d lie it *-mbr ci g the appropriation m go at"d in i h senate, that body will adopt th I ep > lon I p iss li ''ill at h » fir- I pp <rt unity. I P lint P irk •* n'.r c■< sv- i,fcei | «»»If I lH !!«■■ r —II ll - - - . H aakMM.- • — . . . A hap • is tin / —i' <? !'■ liappi- st bi m, ' • *> \i ;llj . WO rld f , Tg hold in he- J Ixf • . arms tue dear | Z “? ■' K-J little- life . I p ' part of het ven JU. •■'"'- ' own life—nt .;. . i I I \ ling, trustim i / Jb'_— ■' a,! '■ <’•' pendit. 1 / < n protecting I / ' love, is tin swet: j / i \ est, tm- t sacted r< i ] i \ Sporisibility of a vvc / / I \ man's e.-.istance. ; J C* I ) lint nntny a woman I appiiniching the linn i ’| ((f 11|1)lllt ifaood fteis I I - a ( m f most • -e'-iv its duties am' I *. trials. She is ! md. i;..-<- • ) i with a sense of anxiety un< CU u..ri.. -table rebelling ’ "x / ,This '•*ite of i .ind is tin- ' favorable both, tn the i ' mother and the child. A prospective mother may insure herseli T aiast the slightest fearot danger or exces , ■ .nin by th. •u-•- of i)r. I’ieice's Favorite i SL'iption. during th-.- period of expect This " I'le-e-iption ' makes the , - ’ a . ■ .- tm eotupa' niv.-l nainless. i Itgivesela ti< emluranct t< tin organism . specially cone; in. d in mi-herl-.i-od, and he ilthy vitality to the nerve-centres. T » makes the motile’ strang anti cheerful. I: i gives her recupyr n:> pew,,. Tt promote l - i abundant nourishment and provides cor i < health and i-u<-i;v for the child It is the only positive specific for all di*- ♦ of th • f -minim- orpmiistn. <’.< vsed by tn e.-iucati d a in. .di-: in this I 11 it fi -VI <>f pt cti< Tt sale ex ceeds the combined ,-..d. o, all olh;i med icin s for women. . "1 am very than’ to’ -I’- i: Pr Pie rre's Fit- I vi ■ >t< i-o rlptioi - loin >■ ■ . writes Mr* I Elm E. Smith of Greiioi... 1. :. C ’’ o.v-.v 1•• tbojt a month before I was confined I had »ui ’■■■;.-• ■ :’ 1 11 i"’ onlv a little while al ; a time I .-.mid not rest at at all. nor at - any other time 1 could s. arci 1y eat anything at - ' nil ! heeati I;.kill-: Hr ri- rce's Favorite Pre i aermtl nd alter then .-one dose I felt better I From th, a io:ii' ’ -v-i< J< / I carried nearly all ' I the water w o , long bill,'and | worked in the ca’d. n e ’ - ’-. .'dea my Other work, and-’id n-.t :ei I a; al’bad. M lien the I I baby -as Ixitti tile ci-.x-t : -id 'he we n who I ; were with me ’aid I had an < isu-i tune tnan anj I one they ever saw for the first time The baby < is very healthy and growing rirht along ) I have been up ever since ihe was five days old. [ SW-*r TBEBURELK GRIPPE CURE. i There i« .:<> u»» stiff ling from ’his terrible malady, if V"U will only g"t th»- tijjlH remedy. Y-m are pain a'l through your 'icd> . your 1 ver mit of order, have no appetite, no life nr ambi tion, hav« a b»d cold, in fart are " inp eta t need un. Electric bit» ter* is ha only remedy that will ■tiv® you prompt and sure -elief. i rti< y #(•* direc’ly on your Liver, ( om«>’h and Ki tneya. tona up | 'he wh' le »va'em«!'d make you eel 'ike a new hei; g Tbsy are I -uarni teed to cursor price refund l d. For a.iL- at Curry Arringt on ’» ; htiif sto e. O ily 50 centa per t '-Hie "■ e- on the crest of Lookout mmniaiii. 1,700 feetabove Chattas ■ ooga The property is controlled |'V E. .1 Simirtt, of Roches’er. h'. Y., Edward A. Burr, of News ' rt, R, L, and John P. Sanb >rn, u Providence, R 1., trustees f< r astern parties, who are repersen- C'd hem by A. W. Chambliss, j When seen yesterday afternoon Mr, Chambliss stated that as soon as Gen. Boynton returns from Washington he will cons r with hirr and arrangements will be made for the transfer of the moperty. He said that it migh l possibly take a month to perfect this? arrangements There are no encumbrances upon be property which will in any way '.nterfere with its transfer lo the g 'vernment. Mrs. Whit side holds a c', which, of course, will be s tiled at th** prop r time. —=• ‘ HARD FOUGHT AND BLOODY EN- GAGEMENTS. ” Madrid, Juno 24.—The minis ter for war, Gen. Correa, it is announced, has received an offi cial dispatch from Santiago de Cuba announcing that “the Americans’ first attack on Puen t i Berraco has been repulsed af ter a hard fought and bloody en gagement.” i f Punta Berraco is situated a sh >rt distance from Baiquiri, where the United States troops landed yesterday. It is nearer the coast and therefore more < ompietely under the guns of the \merican Meet, from which it can be judged that it is highly improbable that the army has b en repulsed, as announced in Madrid ) SAVED BY A DOG Inmatesofa Burning Building Roused by Brute’s Barking. New York, June 24 —Early this morningthe 15 occupants of dwelling No. 457 Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, were roused by the barking of a Newfoundland dog, and they had barely time to es cape from the building before it was ablaze from top to bottom. Two women found in their rooms overcome by smoke were rescued. HENRY MCDOW Knocked in the H:ad With an ax. This morni-ig abjut three o’clock, Henry McDow, a young negro living in the Fourth ward, I was struck on the head with an ax, by his sister-in-law, Cora Milner, and he is now in a dan gerous condition. Cora lives with Henry’ and his wife and for some time they have not been getting along very peaceably. Last night about 8 o’clock Henry went home for his sup per. He and Cora got in a quar rel, and she went off and spent the night with some of her neighborsand did not return until this morning at 3 o’clock. When she came she was prepar ed to do her brotlier-in-lavv up. J She procured an ax, went to Henry’s room while he was sleeping and struck him a pow erful blow over the head, split ting his head open for six inch es, and his eye w’as cut out of its socket and left hanging o CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. in. arrive C.iattanooga 4:15 a. m.; leave Rome 10:35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m. • leave Rome 6 :25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way oi Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta | nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga :10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. m. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on ah trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T A. his cheek. A physician was called and i his head sewed up. Deputy Sheriff McLeod aria sl ed Cora and lodged her in jail. a Dr. L. P. Hammond trephin ed McDow’s skull this morning. Cedartown Notes. Following are clipped from the Standard: Miss Hannah Neely, of Rome, is visiting Miss I ucile Hightow er on South Main street. Miss Daisy Camp, of Rome, is the guest of Miss Mary Dar ton. Miss Laura.'Te huno, of Rome, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A.' Adams. I |, • „ —————— / • . lc rents Will) ymiflchety-r'y >i: . • t|nw !r«- r. i A’-Kitliiig iiifiiicio hublt. tf-iu lt : ■ .imvcb uvKir- lor tuh.ic m. w i-vj' t vuW'i Hit nrl ' till' Hisl t e\pvi:< l.ic . A W, tine, puriticb the bloud. i ■•/ •;» p V. >*Tf3n .■• ■ 1- x & boxu3 •‘'■Q V'A '“''l 400.0 W . ' ' ' ■t* s'. ' ItSl-sCUI < U p.uv , in.i ■ >t! . 1 o m>.: ..w r f-' BK.t* ’ ’'O'. 0.. ns. 'I A. Il W,i. 'fro’* S’ fiL D’*‘- I'ersibtrrJ v (>r.e I SmMb hL. VP''*"' itava.. . s . 3 bov.-s. ’’■fire » JJr*4nte< <i tocuri . . v.iffuml money «.. ■ouUvai, Tuva. WUNTfOI B. A b e-bodied whi men wanted for I hj Regiment U.S.Void teerf. ] Ration and Quartel furnished at once. I Certain chanceto| to the war. Chanel rO 'promotion. I Leave on fi r st tra or Macon. I A pol v now to v cruiting Statinn, of® Armstrong Hotel. I ROME BUSINESS COR® Rome. Ga., will receive ® men and ladies now ft the exist to the College for w® them through a thorough woj cinl course, and furnish NJ books and commercial blankJ® accept an easy time; note to ®| payable after a position iss® The Cotlege procured I 92 POSITIONS THE PAST W Lt. supplies schools and with competent teacheis f j maiiship and principals of '"''W cial departments; sends fl J| sons in Shorthand fully J for io cents in stamp-*” endorser! by hundred.' 11 ■ snd professional men »■ ll ■ its graduates at Sfenogr J Bookkeeping. Address * J to the Principal, 11. I Rome, Ga. I Damaged Corn! Sale. H. D.cothra| Co. Beware of Imitations I i i j I ■ I I xwi OUHC*"-« *>**