The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 26, 1898, Image 6

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DECLARATIONS- s We are goins out of the retail goods business. Pt AD TUFM Our present sale the end of this business. nCnU 1 nnYI $ Our present prices will never again be Duplicated. J The opportunity to buy such troocls at such prices will soon be forever ~ &o n Goods worth ioo cents on the dollar are being offered at 30 cents on the dollar==quantities of them. Ladies skirt and tailor made suits==a big stock. Piques, all the family of them. Without question the best stock of goods In Rome and being given away to get out of the retail dry goods business in Rome. I.OOOYDS, DRESS CALICO 2{c ] .000 FANS AT 1 CENT DOTTED LADIES’ 500 I EVERY SHOE 300 I 300 Swiss that cost 46cts Shirt waists—the dol- Yards of Dress Goods In our stock at what it Baby caps recently Mens launaried shirts a yard we now price ,ar B rade at 39 cents. and waist silks, worth cost us, or less, to quit bought at factory pric- that cost where they at 25 cents 50c, at 25c. business. es. were made 75 cents to $ 1 .00, on sale at 39c, ♦ AC I UAL COS I i s°° For all millinery, with no charges for Miss I t Ladies and gents silk and satin necties that Snyder’s work. A positive saving of 75 per I VW* I cost 25 cents to $ I .00, on center table at 10 cent, : : cents each. " I *0 1 YARDS of summer wash fabrics on center tables—much of it cost 15c, 20c and 25 cents—loveliest conceptions for ladies and misses dresses. We are giving them away at 6 cents a yard. Remember when we quit business your opportunity for such bargains will begone and gone forever. Buy from us now Not just a few things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at big profits to make money. We affirm, of ah the goods in this house, not a dollar’s worth is priced above cost. BASS BROS. & CO. IS THIS fl FAKE? Miss Elliston, of Anniston, has a Letter FRON LIEUT. HOBSON. {Such It the Report Sen* out From Little Rock. Little Rock, Ark , June 25. Miss Elliston, daughter of the late Judge R. P. Elliston, of Anniston, Ala ~ and a second cousin of Richmond P. Hobson, who is here spending the sum mer with relatives, yesterday re lieved the first news yet to come from America’s young hero whose name and whose eroic deed in sinking the Merrimac at the mouth of Santiago har bor amid a haii-storm of Span ish bullets June 3, 1897, are fa miliar to all the world, Rich mond-Pearson Hobson. Follow ing is the transcript of Lieuten ant Hobson’s letter in full. The stars indicating reference to love matters which Miss Ellis ton requested omitted : In Prison, Morro Castle, San tiago, June 6—Dear Ella: 1 do not know whether this letter will reach you or not, but my anxiety that you know that I ■till live is so great that I can not resist an effort to let you know how well I came out of the little transaction in which I am given credit for having been the leading spirit on June 3 last. First, let me tell you why I am writing this. There is a friend of America on guar aver me, though he i d by the Spaniards to be true to the crown, and he has promised to get it to General Gaicia’s camp for me at all hazards. Os course, you have read in the public prints the general details attending the daring act of my self and seven comrades under taking to sink the collier Merri mac at the mouth of Santiago harbor. When Admiral Sampson asked Capt. Miller who of his men wished to volunteer in an effort to bottle up Cervera’s fleet 1 was. I believe, first to respond that I would be one to under take the hazardous job. I thought only of my duty to the Ameri can government, together with the love for all the dear ones at home. But we succeeded beyond all expectations. We all expected to go down with the explosion which sent the boat to the bottom and when I think of it now it seems re mar able that we got off alive in view of the train of Spanish bullets poured into us from the forts surrounding Morro Castle. '1 he detailed accounts, as pub lished in the American preas of the affair and of our capture, while not wholly true are at leas', thrilling and 1 will not attempt to correct it at this time. It was reported to me the sec ond uay after our capture that we would be at once exchanged, and all news bearing on the sub ject was furnished myself and crmrades, but there seems to be hitch in the proceedings some .vbere, even to the cessation of letting us know when we are to be let out. Admiral Cervera came to see us shortly aftor our capture and gave orders that we receive good treatment at the hands of our captor, which has been accorded us. We are confined in the star chamber of Morro Castle. I will give the details of the whole af 1‘ fair as soon as I am certain you will receive my letters. Bat be brave, little girl.l We are all CASHS RAISER. Watters & Son are Slaugh tering Prices TURNING STOCK TO CASH The Sacrifice Sale Will Last Only a Few More Days. Watters Son, the big Broad street clothiers, know exactly how to carry out any undertak ing or enterprise in which they engage. This wide awake hustling firm jf up-to-date business men found, some ten days ago that, owing to a mild winter, business had not been as good as it should have been—and in consequence they would soon be in meed of f unds. &They had an but cash was needed worst and so the firm very promptly decid ed to lay the knife into prices and throw their stock on the market. Last Sunday morning they announced a “Money Raising Sale” and to show that they meant business they specified goods and quoted prices. The result has been exactly what the firm anticipated. Their store has been crowded from morning to night for six days. The crowds have flacked in, have examined goods and eager ly purchased, for the people know bargains when they see them. ; “Our sale for the past week has been all we anticipated,” said Mr. J. B. Watters yester day. “We are rapidly exchang ing bargains for cash and while w« are raising the funds we needed in our business, we are at the same time clothing the multitudes.” “Our advertisement in The Hustler-C omme r ci a 1 has brought us rich returns, and you can leave it stand, unchanged, for another week. It states what we are doin/ and that is all that we want it to state.” “Ws will continue the sale for a few days longer and then will promptly shut off the slaugh ter.” A word (o the wise is sufficient —so look over the Watters & Co., add and govern yourself by what you see. Now is the time to join the push. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D., “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Con* sumption. Four doctors gav.» me uo, saying I could live but a short time. I gava myself up to my Savior determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery foi Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It cured me, and thank God lam saved and now a well ■nd healthy woman. ” Trial hot* ties free at Curry Arrington’s drug store. Regular size 50 Cf*..ts and SI.OO. Guaranteed or price retun led. ItwMn VM wbfiAer yu MOlteae hWru NrTnKAf-jMR v «sa Ua« Aralrw f«r , w ■tto— iiArai nue.s 1 I IM, purtAM oflb Wood I k usreo maahcad. al ■ I ■ bore luukee v*« wt>roa<l ■ I n beat tii. U L* ■ eur«d Bu ■ •Ml TO BA< frt>» bßudt. LFynir drvgyibt wit < ■ P J vouch for ns Take it wifi B vrtll. pa.Urufciy, pertrisVently Or. kMM fl tfSXWJt 3 boiw, nb. ruavojitred t » oniw. «sr we rritnd mwoev cAwaja. B«v f srk THE ARHSTRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga Regular . Special Boarders Rates Wanted- The place to get'a quick, good meal. ] McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. ixßest White LEGHORNS! K For the very 033- b aed and n) s $$ marked fowls, lew? orders a< with J. T. Crouch & Co,, $ 3 p sr trio. Splendid cockarels only $ 1, 99 J* I. D. GAILLIA33. «« »»»»«« ><»»•$• *♦»«»«»• eseesssw MMtMtNiMiiiN* •Don’t Walk On ♦ • © Your Uppers!• | W.A.MU LLINIX,M 8 THE MODEL LAUNDRY Is doin? the best of work and guaran tees satisfaction. Prices are , rr ’^ sl reasonable. Fine w?” 1r a soeciaity