The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 26, 1898, Image 7

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r— „ .the highest gr«Je b “ » e-""* TheHo'- 1 '* 1 B t „ st .»how it so*»o««- %* f n d further than -"y ftherbr-d. KovO pTpo<3 powolb Absolutely Purt* ROVALP' "2 *nf ß c °.> Kt* VOIK- _| personal mention »■ ])r,'T (’• Mull, of Shannon was jere yesterday. Mr. Russell Thomas, of Adairs' rille, i» m the city. Mr. W . H. Darnell, of Calhoun s iii the city. Miss Ruth McLeod is visiting friends in Armuchee. Mr. M, M. Jack was reported I some better yesterday. M as Beulah Suddeth.-has gone to Elijay to spend the summer. Mr R B. McArver, of C rosa, ip-iit yesterday in the cry . Miss Ethol Prince, of Ameri cus, is expected in the city tc niorrow- Try a “Bill Arp.” It s Warfor’e new brand and the best 5 eent stroke in the state. Clever Louis Dempsey, of Ornnan, spent the day in Rome yesterday, -Mis- Jy-ss’e Norton-,- Os Louis ville, is tue'guest of Miss Jessie Tetters. . 'Misses ■ tt’oodall, and Maggie Smith of Richmond are the guests oi Mrs. Arthur Cuudell," If you eat. ycu cannot afford not to trade'at Lloyd’s. The best of everything, largest variety and lowest price. Miss ’Eunice Daniels, who has been ep-uding several weeks in .the city with'relatives has returned to her heme in Leasburg, oqipa n.ed’by Mrs. J.j). Hanks, ' «* ft For that tired feeling. yOu must enrich and ■ purify your blood. 11 oo *'s Sarsaparilla i§ the n ediMtife-ybu need. A mammoth display of freshy ripe tomatoes at Lloyd’s on Sat urday morning. Also crisp ve,g-; enables and ripe fruits ; large fry stiiafl delicious hams, lint- fresh batter, etc. Mrs. Jim Mitchell and her two interesting little ones, Miss Lillie and Master Frank, Q,f ( bar eston, £j, are visiting ‘' •FJeiW.ft the. city. j.illid inis'- hei?ij.ttie friend Unhir May. Blunt with her.- Among tie‘legal lights who have b'-eii present at court have been u Wesley Shropshire. of Sum* " n He, Robert Toombs Wright. 11 ' loii tanooga, and Harper Ham -11,0, 1. ot Rome. The last named ,!l " e up to assist his partner, the 3 'h'-i'or general, in his work. He ’ " i "‘ of the handsomest in the 11 Aalkei Countv Messenger. SEVERE penalty F"! Assfua Copper Who ’Slept M hile On Guard. i<ort Tampa City Fla , June 25 -Ass us Cooper, private of Com - I"'* '• I 1 irst O. y. I. t w fo o slept l! -'lard was sentenc 'd to six "'hs in the Ohio Penitentiary " is fin ut j|HO per month Thu s, " g. it Private Reynolds Com- E-.fdept on guard. A greater I’ ua'ty is predicted for him. editors jaile. El ’an, J U n 9 25—Nineteen edi lv''been sentenced to jail ‘e charge of up the riots. LYNCHED IN TENNESSEE Three Thousand People Seo a Mob Dispose of an Outlaw. Nashville, 'Penn., Juno 25. A dispatch to 'The Banner from Double Springs, Tenn., states that Charles Washington, color jep, who recently assaulted Mrs. I Word near Mine Lick, Putnam county, was- d at Mino [ Lick yesterday. He was captured near Dayton [and lodged in jail at Cookeville, but was taken from prison by a mob ayd hanged* The negro said he had escaped fj'om the New’ Jersey peniten tiary after serving only a short time. He confessed*. his . gudt. The lynching'was"' vyitnessed by 3,000 people. MANY TORPEDOES Sent by Austria to The Spanish Fleet. New York, June 25.—A spe cial cable dispatch to the Even ing Journal from Rome says that the Austrian steamer Zeruin has taken on board at Flume a great number of torpedoes, and sailed for Suez to join the . Spanish squadron. HOW CAN HE DO IT? Castor Oil for axl’s worth 40c per quart, price 20c Harness Oil worth 25 c per quart, price 10c. 5 Qufre pkg of legal note pa per worth 25c price 10c. Fine 9-inch Roll wrapping paper, cost 6c, .price 3|. . t , $1.50 cruches, per pair 75. Six ,barrels (six colors). Spear’s wetherproof, fireproof paint, dry. worth 10c lb priceT. that. . t>- ‘S Columbian Spirit, for. burif-j ing, bathing and »'all extern# purposes, worth 60c quart, price 37c. 75 4-gallon empty mineral wa ter botls to put up your wine, etc, in, worth.2oc each, price-sc. Atomizers below actual cost and a new lot of rubber goods (Household and fountain) .paint and shoe brushes just ar rived. Price uncommon, at Frank Wright’s Farmacy, cor ner opposit Masonic Tempi. ■ ' . FRUIT RECEIPT BOOK FREE... • The Editors of Fruit are piling a new receipt book that will contain nothing but receipts that require fruit in their coni ) position. They ask that every housewife who reads this will send them all their favorite re ceipts for pies, fruit cakes.fryit ’ebonies, fruit puddings, pickles, methods of ( reserving, serving, etc, etc. Anything that is about using fruit in any form whatever will be acceptable. Write very plainly, sign yodr name and address, and send to the address below, and in pay ment for your receipts one cf the Fruit Receipt Books will be sent you free when it is publish ed. It is an excellent opportuni ty to get valuable book with lit tle cost. Address FRUIT, Dun kirk, N. Y. ; Roy W. Van Hoe s p, Manager. CHEAP RATES. On account of the meeting of the Southern Biblical Asse nbly • at Knoxville, Tenn., June 16— 25th, 1898, the Southern rail way will sell tickets from points on its lines to Knoxville and re ' urn at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold r 1 on June 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, with final limit J line 27 ; also on June 20 and 21, with final limit July 4, 18u8. For further information and I descriptive circular relative the same please call on agent ofto Southern railway. SCROFULA It is Foul Blood’s ’ Advertise rs en t i But it is Sr n Cured by Hood’s 111 a. ■ Yes, Scrofula, if. thin?’, may be called the advert isinu-ni foul blood. It lathe scourge of the wor i —ofj, painful, debilitating, ttnbborn i. d v. 11 nigh unendurable. Outward appKc.-t iovs do not euro, they only drive t ile diiilct-.1. -,-to quarters. Emollients may i aliinte, they c .nnot sabolish the evil. 'LT-.'.' i.< but one sure way out, and tl-a' it to eliminate the taipt from the I ! -0.1. Tie is ci a remedy t hat <•« i effect tl.'s, and it is the only cue t'.wt, so far as we know, has almon! invariably succeeded • even where the system has been poisoned by long years of taint, and 11 ravages to be repaired, are i-em ndcr.u That remedy is flood's Sarsi.- . !•: Ith a: “My daughter v. i ■ at,.hied -. ith im pure blbod. Tin ■ ■ 'i dig aorei all over her body end luey caused hei much suffering. We tried medicines that were recommended ae blood purifiers, but could not t ee t hat t hey d id nny good A frit nd told me » bou: Hood’s Sursapa ririaaud b. .ngivin' th.- ■ girl th is med icine. Th- r-stflt vrat t !.-:t she was per fectly cured alter ta ;•• fC’»' bottles She has had no sympi ami of scroftilr sores rince that time.” MAti.EiTA M 1 Smith, South Middl. < a-, hla .s. HoocTs Is the best iii fact the One True Bf ' 1 I’uritiei-. Insi-.l upon Iloon’s; t-i';.-! n > - .list lute. Pi ood ’« Pi 1 i A... r ' : "7'|: S .V■ LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Concert.—There will be a sacred concert at Mobley park, this afternoon by Ford's Orchestra A splendid program has beet, ar ranged. May Die. —Carrie Milner may have to answer to the charge of murder. Henry McDow, the negro she knocked in the head with an ax Friday morning, is in a dangerous condition. To Set Case* —Judge W. M. Henry will meet the bar at the house tomorrow, and set cases for the July t erm of ihe Superior court. Much Better —Mr. Aimer R. Davis who was suddenly taken sick in Atlant i with rheumatism of the heart, returned home Fri day,. and was üble to be on the sti'f et yesterday. Adjourned Court. —Judge Geo. Harris adj turned court yes ter lay afternoon until Monday ,iqoi;ning at 8 o’clock, when he will again take up the civil dvt-kdt. Only criminal and jail Teases were tried this week. Mr. Mullen Returned —Mr. J. E. Mulh n returned Friday from Philadelphia where he was a del egate to the National Frat mity Fie met a number of relatives a d old friends he had not seen since his childhood and reports a very pheasant visit. Lawn PdrtY.- -Miss Jessie Tow el's. will give a lawn party next ~ Tue sday Evening at ler beautiful horHT Ot' 7(h avenue in honor of her guests there Misses Forton, of Louisville Ky., a large number of invitations have been sent out and a most enjoyable evening is an ticipated. Brought*FiMm Caattanooga. —Dept Sheriff 'W. P. McLeod returned yesterday from Chat tanooga with Will Jones and Freeman Wallace, two negroes wanted in Rome. Jones is charged with assault and batten and Freeman with kidnapping Both were landed in jail. "Apxoints Three.—The law requires a roster of ail the com ■ panies q,f Confederate soldiers that enlisted from Floyd county Ga., during the late war ; and the Ordinary to appoint a com mittee of three from each com pany upon the recommendation of the survivors of each compa ny. The soldiers will have a meeting at the court house on [ the fourth Saturday, Inst. All are requested to attend and rec ommend their committeemen. I The sons of veterans are also re ) quested to meet at the same > time and place. Resptfully, John P. Davis wax wtr | School Supofe. 4 1 M’e are pioneers in the school books and school sup- 7X ply business and we are also right up-ro-da f e in every- Mynj that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. wv> Mfr iifr W Sfr j|£ Sfr W- W. ,-Jt. uc, 11 MPtfi, I 8 .. , . 1 o Ao house >l the Stite car. serve vou better when vo<i de- »L i <’ sire to invest in a new covering fcr tr.e dear rid walls nf W y-Us home. See our stock on hand and samples I H. A. SMITH, g || THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. 1 t '' it tuituxtiitlitji To the People of Rome. Mr 1 Wish ° announQe I have bought the Model .4. Sfeam Laundry and propose to rearrange and aid to it Mr Lhat you will have in your city a plant second to nooe Mr -a-, in the south. t ■. ?!. Mr I have had years of practical experience, the past Mr Vi/ three years of which I have owned and operated one of yr the largest plants in Texas. With the years of experi- \fr MX ence 1 have had and as I will devote my entire time and /Ik attention to the business I will be in apposition to guar* Hn t fie that anything coming to my laundry will be done /Ak satisfactorily. A trial will c mviuce you lliat 1 can do all that I claim- Send in your bvnlle. If it '’ails to please JV t 'h Hre W >H be no charge. Stop our wagon or telephone yK No 158, and your bun lie will br returned promptly. Xf. ■Ttpmg t > receive a fair sh ire of your patronage, I am /AV *l3.' yorirS to ptea e e, . H- PARKIN. Proprietor Model Steam Liundry. Do You Ggt it?—l have ex clusive charge of the circulation department of the Hustler-Com mercial. If you Jo not get your paper promptly, report to me and it will be a tended to. The subsqriptiou is 10 cents per week, payable every Saturday. Please have the money ready when the collector calls. Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. PINGREE’S PRESENT Tampa, Fla., June 25 —Govern- or Filigree of Michigan who ar rived in Tampa y. s'erday for aj visit *o the tro >ps from his State Brought with him three carloads of po'afoes as a present to the troops. The Governor is bound to deserve 'he appellation of ‘‘Pota to” Pingree, Thirty four Victims Recovered New A’ork, June 25.—A Lon don dispatch says that the bodies of five men, eighteen women and eleven children have thus far been reevoered at the scene of the disaster that occurred when the British warship Albion was launched. THE MODERN BEaC'I’V Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty ofexeicise in the open air. Her form glows and her face glows with its beauty. If her system needs the clemsing action of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of figs, manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co , only. FIVE DROWNED. I Saginaw Mich., June 24—A bout party capsized in the Flint River . last evening and Chauncey Cook, . 18, Lulu Loup, 14,. Odalma Loup , 16, and Mil 'red Packard 2, and Arthur Maxwell, 20, wire drown ed. - ---■ ■ IngFESM CABDi __ ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM, Law Office, 20njK«t First Street, ROME. GA. CHAS, W, UNDERWOOD, Attorney at I av, Rome, Ga. Corporate >n Law Only. ■ ii M B EUBANKS, f Attorney at law. OfficeKing Building, Rome, <a. W II . ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all couits Office. Masonic Temple, koine, Ga, ■W. J. NEEL Attorney at law. Will practice in all courts, Special attention given to commercial law and the examination cf land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER HARRIS, Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB <& WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Gfficein Armstrong h >tel building,'.Rome, Ga . J. S A. NT r O R, AWFORD Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collections a specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome. Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. S.\ Office 24C 1-3 Broad. # Cantrell & Owens. J. L PENNINGTON. D.D.S..M D ENTIST' Office. 305 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur ■liture Co. PHYSICIANS. o hamil ro n, m id. Physician and Surgeon Office, 1 Medical Building Rome, Ga. O ce ’phone No. 62. L F HAMMOND. M. ID., Physician Jand Surgeon, Office in Medica building. Residence, No. 433 West First st Iffice’pho No 62. Lanham & Sons have just received a con signment of 8 dozen Linen Crasn Skirts.and while the stock lasts will sell tne $1 kind far 49 cents and the 75 cent kind for 39 cents, "** Wai Time Prices. While on the one hand iiHj a [result of the war, m arly all food products have advanced in price, on the other hand, it has had 'precisely The opposite effect on the Furniture Trade. We| ;must keep cur sales up to the normal standard, and to do this we realize that goods must be sold lower than ever, and weareprspnr ed and determined to make you Tbwer prices on anything in our house than can be found elsewhere. Our line is Complete and Upto Date. Consisting ir. part of J] Bedroom. Suites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffon iers, : Dining- Tables, Rockers and Chairs, all kinds Hatracks, Baby Carriages Mattings, Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens, Iron Beds. etc. Al?o complete line of caskets, coffins, robes, etc., at the lowest prices. Cali on Khudy, Htirvey & Coinpiiny. .• ■ P. S. DouJli forget* that Mr. Lausdep ig ji .chaq»a2'’f °nr re pair department and that he can -mendjanything mad<? of wood.