The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 26, 1898, Image 8

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■ —m. .i— ■ • . - • " THE MISTAKE of your life Has been made when you spend your money at one of the closing out or at cost stores before you visit W. h ■«l COKER & CO. and find out what goods cost. We will give you prices that are eye-openers. The price has been cut on every article in our house far below the prices that theclosingout and cost price houses are.selling at." Come and see and you will know that]our prices are the lowest in Rome. Remembe we handle everything you want’and our prices shall be lower than others • W.H. COKER & CO 20,000 TROOPS 9 To be flurried 'Forward to Reinforce Shafter. CAMPAIGN OF SANTIAGO Must be Fought Hurriedly For Many Reasons. Washington, June 24.-—Ex perienced officer* appreciate the fact that the task before Gea. Shafter is no child’s play. The best evidence of the seriousness of tiie situation is established bx the fact that 20,000 additional troops are to be sent to Santiago. Porto Rico is temporarily lost sight of, and the whole force of Shafter’s array is to be thrown aga n t Santiago. It is not generally known that such a large addition is to be made to Shafter’s command, but it is fact nevertheless that the transports which conveyed the first expedition to Santiago have been ordered back to Tam pa to get 20.000 troops to re inforce Shafter. The anxiety of Gen. Miles to go to the front now, and the coll ision which surrounds his fu ture movements is the subject for much comment. It is said at headquarters that he is going to Santiago not to relieve Shafter, but simply to do duty in the field. When he is to go, and how he is to make the journey, is a matter of conjecture, for no two reports of his intentions are alike. It is said that he is anx ious to participate in the fall of Santiago because he realizes that the expedition to Porto Rico which he had expected to is packed away in cold /ft Ladies’Slippers 50 and 75c per pair. They are W Ladies’ Brocade skirts^'/5c each, 3 for $2.1 O A hand-turned ana are strictly first-class. U • , . W Ladies’shirt waist, Latest styles, just received f Hosiery 8,512,16 c per pa r that others, as< y. 35c each or 3 for SI. 10, 20 and 30c for. storage for the present. Washington, June 25.—Not withstanding the official Spanish reports of heavy fighting be tween the American invading forces and the Spanish forces near Santiago, army officers here are confident that no en gagement of any moment has occurred between the troops. Part of the landing project was a movement in force by the Cubans across the country to prevent the Spanish forces con centrating upon the beach to oppose the landing of the Amer ican troops taken in connection with Sampson’s plan of blinding the Spaniards to the real land ing place by an indiscriminate hurrying of the coast for twenty A happy mother is the aJP xßvv happiest being Jjffer Jmk 7 * n world. To hold in her J? A.> 4 wM arms the dear /A -T TjM little life —a " (v. —tHI pan ' ier ver y \“ S / own I*l* —nest- s K line, trusting / Iff| l and dependent / on her protecting / i 'k love, is the sweet / i \ est, most sacred re- / / | \ sponsibility of a wo- / • I \ man’s existence. \ ) ® u * many a woman PKqßaAtaaA* approaching the time zsx of motherhood feels (■) most deeply its duties anti trials. She is burdened with a sense of anxiety and 'll I » nreaso "able foreboding. ' '» This state of mind is un favorable both to the ~ ' mother and the child. A prospective mother may insure hersell •gainst the slightest fear of danger or exces sive pain by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, during the period of expect ancy. This " Prescription ” makes the coming of baby absolutely safe and compar atively painless. It gives elastic endurance to the organism specially concerned in motherhood, and healthy vitality to the nerve-centres. It makes the mother strong and cheerful. It gives her recuperative power. It promotes abundant nourishment and provides con stitutional health and energy for the child. It is the only positive specific for all dis eases of the feminine organism, devised by an educated and skilled specialist in this particular field of practice Its sale ex ceeds the combined sale of all other med icines for women. "I am very thankful for what Dr Pierce's Fa vprite Prescription has done for me,'' writes Mrs Etta E. Smith of Grenola. Elk Co.. Kansas. “About a month before I was confined I had meh pains I could stand up only a littl. while at ■rtinie. I could nst rest at night at *ll. nor at Sly other time I could scarcely eat anything at I I began taking Dr Pierce's Favorite Pre ■tription and after the second dose 1 felt better Freni thea until I was sick I carried nearly all the water thit was used, up a long hill, and worked in the garden every dav. besides mv "•er work, and did not teel at all bad When the btyiy was born the doctor and the women who yprre with me said I had an easier time than any one they ever saw for the first time. The baby W very healthy and growing right along I have been up over since she was Iva Aaya old.' THE SURE LA GRIPPE CURE. There is no use suffering from this terrible malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have do appetite, no life or ambi* tion, hays a bad cold, in tact are cjmplstaly used up. Electric bit ters is the only remedy that will giv# you prompt and sura relief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cursor price refund ed. For sale at Curry Arringtuu’s drug store. Only 50 cents per bottle. miles east and west. The scheme worked admira bly ao far as the American troops are concerned, as was evidenced by their landing with out the loss of a man. It is sus pected, however, the Cubans have had to pay for this exemp tion on the part of the Ameri •ans and that the engagements described in the Spanish des patch were really between the Cubans and the Spaniards far back in the rear, instead the Americans and Spaniards. Seeing that the Cubans, who were almost without clothing, had been supplied by Sampson and Shafter, it is conceivable that the Spaniards might easily ; mistake them for American sol tiers at a little distance. The news coming from Jama ica that Gen. Pando is sending heavy re-enforcements to the Spanish General Linares in San tiago, is likely to have the effect of hastening to campaign against that town by the Americans. Pando has 10,000 soldiers' at Holguin, less than 100 miles from Santiago. They are the pick of the Spanish army in Cuba, and their commander is known as the fighting general. Were they to combine with the Spanish force in Santiago, the American campaign might be very much prolonged and he task set for our troops would be much heavier. Two factors ,have been relied upon to prevent this combina tion. The first is the very rougji nature of the country between Holguin and Santiago, which would be exceedingly difficult for troops to cover in less than four or five days at the earliest. The second is the notice efforts of the Cubans to harrasa the Spaniards od the march and re tard their movements. With the force they now have in that country, the Cuban! could do this very effectu illy, but they could scarcely undertake to ab solutely check the #hole Span ish force of 10,000 men. COAL FOR THE FOE ./ 1 i Purchase of 12,000 Tons for Camara** Vloet. e Washington, D. C., ‘June 25 News haa reachad her# that 12,000 tons of coal are being loaded on .shipboard at Valparaiso, Chile. As coal is worth about 118 a ton I there the purchase excitea great curiosity here, and it has been suspected that it was being made on Spanish aacount. It thia should prove to be true, and the fact will soon be known, it would seem to indicate a purpose on the part of the Spanish naval commander, Camara, to carry that celebrated Cadis fleet around into the Pacific and use these colliers to supply the fleet with coni. It this case the object of attack probably would be the West coast of the United States instead of the Philippines, but after all the whole thing is still a matter ot mere conjecture. It re.t. with you whether yea aoaltase kinii. c tun ie-ra »sw • ■■ 1., WUO-, ar-VvU, .II.WOM O1 OW. wlkV - tine, punS.a the blood, re- ~ W—Ayjt lost siauSea*. Loh r n.te. you alrean A t-Ji ■ moi . a. » th. sere. U ■’who; JT hT? ‘ -=■ Sreaaut wh, .-r-W E ■ voaubferae TeS.ilwjU • y • wm. paUenUy, ,W.UW,117 *j„ ■I K has. •>. ueeaJly oerao; S be.M •>as MH gneruwodteaaeo. •» worWaad woaer -•**.. miaam. Sea twA CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which partier can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1:00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 4 :15 a. m.; leave Rome 10 :35 arrive Chattanooga 1:00 p. in. - leave Rome 6:25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is aho a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome 9:00 a. m. ; leave Chattanooga t :10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. m. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1:44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. - . m ■. . «■ PERILS OF CUBAN SPIES. Waited Along The Coast Over A Month To Be Taken Off. Key West, Fla,, June 25 Major Lauriano Prado, of the Cuban army who has just returned to Key West with a companion, A Dias, after carrying dispatches from Tomas Estrada Palma to the Cuban forces in Matanzas Province had a thrilling time. He was landed from the tug Leyden and after joining General Betancourt in Matanzas Province returned to the shore to watch for a steamer. On May 9, 10, 11, and 12 they went to the coast each day and watched for the steamer, but in vain. On May 18 they did not goto the coast, the thirteenth being an * unluckly day On May 14 and 15 I they were unable to go t > the coast 1 as they were sick wiih fbve-. On June 2 they were surprised by a I Spanish ambuscade at 8 30 P. M , I but escaped unharmed Tiiay final- ' ly got away on June 14. Fresh arrival fancy small size I bams at Lloyd’s, at a small 1 price. 1 1 WANTED! MEN! Able-bodied whi men wanted for I hird Regiment U S. Volun teers. Ration and Quarters furnished at once. □ Certain chance to go to the v«ar. Chances f or promotion. T Leave on first tram f or Macon. A poly now to Re cruiting Station office Arm strong Hotel. ROIK BLBLXEHi COLLEfiI Rome, Oa., will rw*h« men aud ladies pow at tbt amt to the <-W for tKwm through a thorough eial eouraa, and faruwb bonks aud oommerdal aweeut an oaay time ndte k* w wXle after a b The Cdlege precured M POBITIOII tn FAM B supplier sehoob end with eocupetsit teachers mwaabip aad principals of citl Apartments; seeds wo.ufsLrtk... fulb for m eente la stamp*; •odureed by hundreds of Mid professional n*en . its graduates at StAßtfW" Beokkeeping. Addr«» * the Principal, H. S. Home, Ga- __ Damaged Corn Sale. H. D. Cothrans Co. Beware •( JmlUti®** www.