The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 27, 1898, Image 5

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—— .. 1 .<■%, DECLARATIONS- - - » . jWe are going out of the retail goods business RFfiO TUFM ' Our present sale the end of this business. ni.HU I nLlfl S Our present prices will never again be Duplicated- ' The oppoi tunity to buy such sroods at such prices will soon be foreve r gon oids worth 100 cents on the dollar are being offered at 30 cents on thedollar-quantities of them. Ladies’ skirt and tailor made suits-a big stock. Piques, all the family of them. Without question the best stock of goods in Rome and being given away to get out of the retail dry goods business in Rome. 1 oOOYDS, DRESS CALICO 2|c • 1,000 FANS AT 1 CENT. MTimniT 11 • .rawnmsKwa DOTTED LADIES’ 500 EVERY SHOE 300 300 Swiss that cost 46cts .^'crX'^rso^nf 0 ?' Y^ ds Gooas ln ° ur stock at what it Baby caps recently Mens launnried «hirts ayard.wenow price lar grade at 39 cents, and waist silks, worth cost us, or less, to quit boughtat factory pric- that cost where they at 25 cents. 50c, at 25c. busmess. es. were made 75 cents to £ I $ 1 .00, on sale at 39c. ACTUAL COST 1 1 • cents each. ft 000 of summer wash fabrics on center table—much of it cost i s c, 20c and » cents-lovirf ’ ’ .. | c eptions for ladies and misses dresses. We are giving them away at 6 cents a yard Remember when vve quit business your opportunity for such bargains will be gone and gone forever B4y iTom "JT N ot just a few things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at bi > profits M make money. We affirm, of all the goods in this house, not a dollar’s worth is priced above fost BASSBHOSt & C 0« 1 lie fiscal year ending the 30th of the present month will make a record unapproached in the Past. The total exports of mer chandise for the eleven months ended may 31 .were valued at $1,135,485,618, while the im ports amounted to $563,596,531 h aving an enormous excess of exports of $571,889,037. Tbeex ha? been largely increased •>y the exports of bread stuffs, wl 'ile the imports have been curtailed by the Dingly tariff and latterly by the war. 000 / llle Louisville Courier-Journ al says; hi ’ z Uee has jined-he Yankees, oe "’heeler’s donned the blue; ‘ firgitthe civil wai, " ,l r. d-n it, 1 ean, too! 000 1,1 Savannah Press says that hti i schooners have become Sllll l ly sloops in size. 000 Rome is jubilant over the an ointment of Capt. Henry ■ ■ wart.—Augusta Herald. 0 o o ! ’" lsl be a sad disappoint to some wives to learn lllt married men are not want *' 111 'he army. It occurs to us I:it 01 all men these would be j adapted for war. They have; ain it. Thomasville Enter- . prise. ' '.’plett should remember! .' 11 is lor volunteers and 110 t xeterans. o O O bidenlly som „ j„„ Io ex _ 3 )tl ' vuc " Georgia’s too moat prominent coast cities, Savan nah and Brunswick, and Editor Perham, of Waycross, is just boy enough to make fun of oth er people’s troubles, as the fol lowing paragraph from his Her ald indicates: “Some people would like to see an army or two of troops mobilized at Brunswick just to devil Savan nah, and it would certainly do it.” 000 ■ It’s a good thing for Col. Candler that his “home paper,” didn’t break loose during the campaign. But then every great man has some fool friends.— Macon News. 000 Now Bob Berner will have a chance to make a war record for himself. A good war record is a mighty good thing for a politi cian to have in his business.— Albany Herald. 000 The Memphis Commercial appeal thinks it is about time the navy was recognized in our national politics. It therefore nominates a national ticket for 1900 headed by Dewey. Samp son, Schley, Sigsbee, Hobson and other navy men are suggest ed for cabinet positions. Eor Secretary of Agriculture on this ticketjit nominates “any hayseed on the strategy board.” 000 The gunboat Dolphin went rabbit hunting the other day. She “jumped’ a railroad train along the coast, near Santiago, and chased it into a tunnel. Having got her quarry into the hollow, she destroyed the trrck so that it could jiot get out again. At last accounts the train was still in the tunnell.—Amer icus Herald. GfISHS RAISER. Watters X Son are Slaugh tering Prices TURNING STOCK TO CASH The Sacrifice Sale Will Last Only a Few More Days. Watters &, Son, the big Broad street clothiers, know exactly how to carry out any undertak ing or enterprise in which they engage. This wide awake hustling firm of up-to-date business men found, some ten days ago that, owing to a mild winter, business had not been as good as it should have been—and in consequence they would soon be in ’need of ♦unds. They had an enormousgstock, but cash was needed worst am so the firm very promptly decid ed to lay the knife into prices and throw their stock on the market. Last Sunday morning they announced a .“Money’ Raisinj. Sale” and to show that th ex meant business they specific > goods and quoted prices. The result has been exact!\ what the firm anticipated. Their store has been crowded from morning to night for six days. The crowds have flecked in, have examined goods and eager ly purchased, for the people know bargains when they see them. “Our sale for the past week has been all we anticipated,” svid Mr. J. B. Watters day. “We are rapidly exchang ing bargains for cash and while we are raising the funds we needed in our business, we are at'the same time clothing the multitudes.” “Our advertisement in The Hustler-0 omme’• ci a 1 has brought us rich returns, and you can leave it stand, unchanged, for another week. It states what we are doin? and that is all that wo want it to state.” “We will continue the sale for a few days longer and then will promptly shut off the slaugh ter.” A word to the wise is sufficient —so look over the Watters Co., add and govern yourself by wh it you see. Now is the time to join the push. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thatikful words written by Mrs. Ada E Hart, of Groton, S. D., “Was mken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs, cough set in nd finally terminated in Con urnption. Four doctors gav.i me in, saying I could live but a short ime. I gave myself up to my avior determined if I could not I bay with my friends on earth, I wool i meet my absent ones above. ! My 1 usband was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It cured me, and thank God lam saved and now a well and healthv woman ” Trial bots ties free at Curry Arrington’s drug store. Regular size 50 ce,.ts and SI.OO. Guaranteed or price re'un 'ed. rests with you whether you ewanm tin ve-ktiling tobacco habit. N W notes the desire for tobacco, c nervousdif*sjei>b expels g ,1 « ic, purifies tlio blood, nh B >res lost ya. ■ fl boxck .-Ikoa vou Mron.r t HJtOO.OK> . health, nerve^cwTU l'?aA*'casesi.ur<xißL K ■ <1 pocket— \ KjKKOTO BAf troin a B own druggist, who Mil ’'OBch ferns Take, It wit h will, patiently, Ono fl * Hnc . •*; OS"ally enmt ; 3 hoxoo. toenre, orw* refund money. 4 SurilScßemedje.., C*l»*eu. ■—HaU, THE ARMSTRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga o Reoular Sucoidl Boarders Kales WaM- 1 MoiiMlu. ..... - 'The place to get'a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. ——- '■"■■■' ■ . j . - - ■ _ iißest White LEGHORNS! p Forth 3 vary b 33 i nJ ~ n > ; marked foA/ls, lac/? orders O J> T- Crouch & Cj„ $3 pirtrio. W Splen lid cockerels ord / $ 1 &» I. D.GAIL'JAID. »•»»»»»»«» WW »» S® ■■ - " i Repairing || • Don’t Walk On X S @ Your Uppers?! • ©■<© ! © ©'••©’© •© s© ® ® OXH THE MODEL LAUNDRY Is doinT ths bast oi work tad. guar am tee 3 stt’.sfiitbi. <?rioss are most TiL• >1 > ) i. Al’ A'SSOLiI:/