The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 28, 1898, Image 2

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THE MISTAKE —of your lift Has been made when you spend your money at one of the closing out or at cost stores before you visit VV COKERJ& CO. and find out w hat goods cost. We will give you prices that are eye-openers. 4> U W /|\ Ladies’Slippers 50 and 75c per pair. They are Fl Ladies’ Brocade skirts,!’/5c each, 3 for $2.10 \|/ hand-turned and are strictly first-class. U • Uy Ladies’shirt waist, Lates t styles, just received f Hosiery 8,j12» 16c pei pair that others ask ... , 35c each or 3 for sl. ft 10,20 and 30c for. /ft ’ • I'lie prke iias been cut on every article in our house far below the prices that theclosingout and cost or# ■BGE«EZL-l& houses are selling at. Come and see and you will know that our prices are the lowest in Rome. Rememtt we handle everything you want and our prices shall be lower than others "W.H.COKER&CO GOM’DORK WRTBON I — Will Attack Cities on The Spanish Coast. CHECK CAMARA’S FLEET Unless Spanish Admiral Cones Skurrying Back. Washington, June 29.—The navy departmental 11:15o’dock posted the following bulletin : Commodore Watson sails to day in the Newark tc join Samp son, where he will take under his command an armored squad ron with cruisers and proceed at once off’ the Spanish coast. The navy department has posted the following bulletin, showing Commodore Watson’s squadron. It is designated as the as the eastern squadron and is as follows : Flagship Newark, battleships lowa and Oregon,cruisers Yose mite, Yankee and Dixie and the colliers, Scendia, Abarenda and Alexander. The start will be made at once off' Santiago. The bulletins also show the following changes in the des ignation ot the division of our war vessels : North Atlantic fleet, Rear Ad-1 miral Sampson commanding; first squadron. Commodore W. S. Schley commanding; naval base, Key West, Fla., Commo dore Remey commanding. CAMARA HAS BEEN ORDERED TO PROCEED. Madrid, June 29.—A dispatch has been received herefrom Ad miral Camara, announcing his arrival at Port Said. lie adds that the ships under his com mand had a “capital voyage” I and averaged a speed of ten - miles an hour. I It was announced here yester day afternoon that Admiral Camara, in command of the Spanish squadron now at Port Said, has been ordered to proceed through the Suez canal with the warships under his command. London, June 29.—A special dispatch from Madrid says the minister of marine, Senor Aunon > has made a statement to the effect that Admiral Camara’s squadron will leave Port Said today for the Philippine islands. ; He is also credited with saying he believes the squadron is pow . erful enough to defeat the ships . under command es Rear Admiral • Dewey. The dispatch further announ t ces that the hope is expressed in Madrid that Manila will be able s to resist until the arrival there , of Admiral Camara’s squadron . s ■ - e SAMPSON WAS WATCHING s . BeuevedThat Cervera Tried To Make A Dash For Liberty. a Off Santiago de Cuba, June 28, 1 via Kingston Jamaica, Monday, 3 June 29. —It is believed Admiral Cervera contemplated making a dash out of the harbor last night. Four columns of smoke were seen . at sundown advancing towards the harbor and two small boats believ led to be torpedo boat destroyers I wereo bserved in the neighborhood ’ 5 f the sunken collier Merrimac. Consequently Rear Admiral Samp -1 son ordered extra precautions to ■ be taken. The torpedo boats Eric- son and Porter stood very close into the harbor all night, but do ships came out. Shortly after midnight the dy namite cruiser Vesuvius fired three gun cotton shells in the direction of Morro castle . They exploded on the ridge and behind the east ern hili. The damage done is not known. The blockade continued without other incidents, * I’ M ENLISTED In Captain Stewart’s New Company. WANTS ONE HUNDREj. Expects to Leave This Week With Raquired Number. Out of the one hundred requir ed, Capt. Henry Stewart has 34 enlisted to date in his new com pany. Capt. Stewart states that he expects to have the required number by the last of this week or the first of next, and that Griffin will probably be the place selected for the new com panies to mobilize. The following is the complete list: Donald G. Gunn. Fred C. Baumgartner. A. H. Porter. Peyton 11. Grimm. George Clements. Ruger E. George. Jas. F. Mortfn. Thos. Harkness. Robt. N. King. Frank C. Omberg. Phil S. Byrd. W. H. Reynolds. Walter F. Brown. E. F. Ellis. E P. Logan. E. J. Logan, James M. Jones. R. A. Lindsey. Joe Broach. L. A. Dempsey. L, M. Spann. W. 11. Thacker. Spencer B. King. Homer Baxter. John M. Goddard. W. L. Hunt. W. O. Mann. B. B. Croley. N. C. Langham. L F. George. Andrew E. Fletcher. Jas. Morgan. Wesley Braining. W. B. Cooper. The Fountain of Youth. ZTWe all remember »Rr A t lle story of Ponce L Z -v de Leon seeking the fountain of J eternal youth; and ITJLaJA we all sympathize with him in his search. Youth JRIA li\ A means so much. It \ means more than h yr 1 life —for sometimes 1 becomes a weariness. But youth with -A. dlr"'' lts abounding P health and vigor, ! *rd e ' as t> c step, i \ glowing cheeks, rrl —j// A/ an< i sparkling =£i-~— eyes —we all gay- ---git j'ii-ii nr- covet genu >ne youth. The weak , ness or dis- jSF-,, ease which tealtyry-’ ages pet le before their time, is not the result of accumulated ye--s; it is the effect of wrong living and unhear..iy blood. When the blood is pure and frecli the body will be full of youth. Thousands of people who seemed to have lost their youth by disease and suffering have found' it again through the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, the most perfectly natural and scientific rejuve nator of the physical forces ever known to medical science. It gives the blood-making organs power to make new blood, full of the life-giving red corpuscles which drive out disease, build up fresh tissue, solid muscular flesh and healthy nerve force. It gives constitutional power, deep and full and strong; rounds out hollow cheeks and emaciated forms; gives plumpness, color and animation. It does not make flabby fat like cod liver oil. On this account, it is a perfect tonic for corpulent people. It aids digestion and the natural action of the liveTj and by feeding the nerves with highly vitalized blood banishes nervous ness, neuralgia and itnomroa. Where a constipated condition exists, the “ Discovery ” should be used in conjunction with Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets, which are the most perfect mild and natural laxative in the world There is nothing else “just as good.’’ There is nothing that will do the work so thoroughly, surely and comfortably. i NOTICE TO SUBSORI BE ILS. All bills for subscription to Hustler-Commercial are payable Paul C. Jack, or order, and are due Saturday of each week. Have your money ready when (he collector calls. Paul C. Jack. Mgr. circulation! dept. FRUIT RECEIPT BOOK FREE. The Editors of Fruit are com piling a new receipt book that will contain nothing but receipts that require fruit in their com position. They ask that, every housewife who reads this will send them all their favorite re ceipts for pies, fruit cakes, fruit j cookies, fruit puddings, sauce, pickles, methods of preserving, serving, etc, etc. Anything that is about using fruit in any form ! whatever will be acceptable. Write very plainly, sign your name and address, and send to the address below, and in pay ment for your receipts one cf the Fruit Receipt Books will be sent you free when it is publish ed. It is an excellent opportuni ty to get valuable book with lit tle cost. Address FRUIT, Dun kirk, N. Y. ; Roy W. Van Hoe sen, Manager. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. Georgia, Floyd County. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary of said coui'ry granted at the Mav term, 1898, will be fold before the court house door in the city of Rome,, within (he 'egal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1898, the fol loving described property, towit : 80 acres of land, more or less, the same being the west half of lot No. 81 in and 3rd section of said county. Saia property sold as the property of Julia Parker, deceased Terms ot sale cash. W. H. Ennis, Admr Do You Ggt it?—l have ex clusive charge of thd circulation department of the llu-dler-Com-1 mercial. If you Jo not get your paper promptly, report to me and it will be a tended to. The subscription is 10 cents per i week, payable every Sai m day. Please have the inotiev ready when the collector call Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. i mn n 1 Ab'e-bodied whit men wanted for fhir Regim 3nt U S. Vol'll teers, i Ration and Quartei at once. I Ji jCert dn chance tog io the war. Ghana for promotion. Leavi oi first trai for Macon. Apply now to cr uiting Station, off* Armstrong Hotel. THE SURE L \ GRIPPE 13 There i« r.o tne snfTeiing h this terrible malady, if V ou 1 only get the right remi’ily. are having pain all through! hodv, your liver is out of o have no appetite, no life ot tion, have a had cold, completely used up. Eloclrii ters is the only remedy tM*’ give you prompt and sure ?1# They act directly on your >’ Stomach and Kidneys, * the whole system and m» ke ! feel like a new being Tbe -’ guaranteed to cure or P r *‘ er ed. For sale at Curry Arrmg rug store. Oily o) cent* ottle. < Beware of Imitations I JOHN DUNCAW* X”*