The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 28, 1898, Image 3

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«'I notice you are not very nartial to ‘rade editions,” re ;n,rked a well known business Jlian and liberal, advertiser to me a few days ago, “and after haV ing been‘taken in’ by a number of‘trade editions, why ] want to commend you for this ‘lack of enterprise.’ ”. o o o That merchant has studied the situation closely ana after inl > n y years and much expendi ng of cash, he has learned w hat 1 discovered when I had published my first, last and only trade edition, viz: That there was good money in it for the publisher, but absolutely a poor investment for the advertiser. O O 0 I get out that trade edition many years ago and did ALL I promised in the number of ex tra papers. The state press was very generous in its compli ments,while my personal friends were unusually kind in their comments. From a financial standpoint, the venture was a splendid success. 000 Os course, too, the paper earn ed every dollar it received—but —the advertiser in this case, as as in 95 per cent of similar in vestments, recieved decidedly poor returns. I satisfied myself ! fiat the paper could serve its pations better by the “steady-j drop-melts a-rock” plan, and | quit the‘'special edition busi ness alter the one trial. 000 However, I keenly appreciate the compliment paid me by this observant merchant. 000 Tomorrow your Uncle Allen D. Candler will be nominated, and next fall he will be elected givernor of Georgia by an old fashioned Democratic majori of from 80,000 to 100,000. 000 His was a remarkable ca m paign. But the man of desti | went up against the Sun day bull fighters, the possum eaters and the politicians who infest die state from mountains to the seaboard—and he routed them from every jtronghold. 000 hou may say that it is bad political policy for me to make comments on the recent cam paign. Perhaps it is, but not being a politician, why, I don’t tare. [ believed from the first that Spencer and Bob were running mates”—l believed Candler would carry 100 coun ties and I believed then and be lieve now that the anti-Candler leaders would do little or noth ing for the nominee in the fall elections. 000 Now see the shape things are 1,1 ing. Here is “Handsome Bob the ' ‘Th undering Ajax”— 11 politician of the first Atkin— sonian brand, already appointed a Lieutenant Colonel and sent the front by“ Brigadier Bill.’’ Why? 000 hy, one reason is that Bob a ' d his voice, his matchless elo 'luence would have to take the sl ump in favor of Allen D. Can di >• And W. Y. Atkinson, the ' nder, who in both races fell so *■" behind his ticket would feel Powerful bad if your Uncle Allen ‘"cd the cld time democratic majority. T 0 o O Liigadier Bill” may be relied I 11 to do all that he dares to t down Candler’s majority. I Tlnre are scores of military <dli jeers in Georgia who aie - more I able and more deserving for ihe ! lieutenant colonelcy than the professional politician “Mr. ] Bob.” o o o But it’s alright. The Meyer hardt letter was loaded. The men who manipulated it “didn’t know it was loaded.” The peo ple have sense. Your Uncle Al len will have 268 votes in the nominating convention tomor row. lie carried 100 counties to 37 for the running mates. Next fall he will have a 100,000 ma jority—at least it will be nearer 100,000 than it will be to either of “Brigadier Bills” majorities. Mark that piediction. 000 A female relative of Admiral Dewey gives a brief sketch of his boyhood days, in which she says: “While George was not quite as bad as Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer, he was easily one of the most mischievous boys in Montpelier. He plaved hooky, stoned the nei t ho >r’s cats, smoked a clay pipe behind the! barn, considered the whole year! one continuous April fool’s day, and, to his infinite disgust, was, compelled to wear nice clothes. I He had a tender place in his, heart for the girls, and was quite a hero in the eyes of Montpelier’s diminutive belles.” FATHER CLIFFORD IS ll_L. He is Lying 111 at the St. Joseph Infirmary on Courtland Ave. Rev. Father M . J. Clifford, of Augusta, one of the most devoted membel’s of the Catholic priest-! hood of the diccese of Georgia, I is lying vey ill at St. Joseph’s infirmary. Father Clifford was stricken with paralysis some time ago j and was sent to the infirmary i for treatment. Since that time, in spite of the most careful nursing and attention, he has shown no signs of recovering. Father Clifford i c well known tn Atlanta, where he has thous ands of friends outside the mem bers of his church. He was for several years connected with the Rome parish, which included quite a large number of churches scattered throughout the moun tains of North Georgia and East Tennessee, and during that time he performed an enormous amount of pastoral work. Prayers were offered for his recovery at the Church of Im maculate Conception yesterday. —Atlanta Journal. INSOMNIA “1 have been iihinu ( IM.IHI'.TSIor Insomnia, with which 1 have been afflicted for over twenty years, and I can say that discards aavc'sriven me more relief than any other reme .ly I have ever tried. I shall certainly recom mend them to my friends as being all they are represented.'’ Thos. Gillahd, Elgin, 111. « ’L CATHARTIC TRADE MARK RKOISTIRED Pleasant Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. IBc. 25c. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Company, Clilcngo, Montreal. New York. 316 bfiil TH 51 M H Sold and gnarantoed by alldrug nU" I fs to C’IJRE Tobacco Habit. It rests with you whether you continue I h<L>jjcw*at nerve-killing tobacco habit. N Rw|HL removes the desire for tobacco, with---411 fflri tr* out nervous distress, expels :ine, purities tlse blood, a a < at A* n'' stores lost manhood, .^7 Au L-i: ;nxk?s vqu strong 7 [ U j 400 Ct in health, WS liwf I 1.... ind pocket-^«df 5 W ’7 BAT fni. iM'ok. x**j £ 1 01 - r o v ’b drugj’i f w w jg g g vouch forus. Take it v. will,pati‘ntly,persistently <’ ilMkv box. SI. usually cures; 3 boxes miarantead Coeure, or wf refund mnnej Slerlwg Bvuiedy CLieago. SUuU’cal, Tor Damaged Corn for Sale. H. D. Cothran & Co. -.■■lM In.lS’>»nr><<.<mnrrh.wa and ili.cHaipi-H rbc/ wriwn z i: ' r ' ffllDY It bv • . n <‘-:it st«lv « V without ln<-'.>sv< ».»-u< e. >. XJ JH. P. WOOTEN & BRO., S i 3* • Successors to I 5 5- ROME PHARMACY. Jpi ea 309 Broad -st. —New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome 3® Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in JL> the ding, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. wy We solicit a part of your patronage.and shall en deayor to the best of our ability to please you at all 3J times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. '=s Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articlesand such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug gjf i Ssp store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. ■ ft * H*. UM K& g S. Al Star k, £ Ms X S LMW OD GlilO® PUL ’ S x ' X x H* * Dougherty Bldg, 2nd,A : J* X 4'. X *4 X X K’. Z F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. i THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. j B Plumbing and Tinning. x JEngi icers’ an J machinists' x supplies. Stoves, ranges and • tinware. Gas and electric fix- c ~ tures. INSURANCE gasoline S x stoves. Water meters. x 9 325 Broad st. Phone’32. • 51.25 ail 5i 5> Nt s'lirts for $ J. A. GILIH S .COMPANY WAITING for everyone in Rome to come t in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, x bicycle and golf suits, is what __we are doing, but we are hus tling while we wait. We will show you the finest stock of clithing, made from the newest ' WaFAWr* styles and patterns in fabricks, perfect fitting and handsome, to . be found in Georgia, and they are above competition in values for the price. The greatest line of nigligee shirts ever shown i i Rome. J, A. GAfIMON &CO , , , . . . ■ . . ■ , . ■ ' i ." ■■ ■ gmta Can supply all Ours is the Wlost Con plete | mAW’/ Department Nursery tn -H’O S] low rates. We publish one of fl J HI UiT? g theleadingSeed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, ummmhbnmMnsn>ns'r.ra>»ii,.■» tw which will be mailed fi ec". Send for it n. 'W, it will save you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory J ■ ■>.;, in the Union. 43 years ot square dealing has mane uspatrons and friends far and near. Have hundreds of carloads of Ar FRUIT AMD ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. , We send by mail postpaid. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival au satisfaction guaranteed; large, by express or freight. 44th year. 32 greenhouses. >,oaoa«ra THE 4k m Ro» 528 Painesville, Q To Muical Potp'e of Rome: wUi pleasure timt we a • uu of a new and complete sloe 'MIS, IMS, I • AND Smaill Musical Instruments in the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street, where we would be pleased to have you call and. examine our goods. The stock consists of some of the best m ikes of pianos and organs on the market today. We keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store—Something Rome has needed for a long time. Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may bo proud of We are determined to close out ou BICYCLES the earliest possible date. ' & K. 327 BroadJStreet. S. P. Davis, Manager. x x X X X X XX. X X X X'X X \.\ x X \ x X \~ We keep on hand at all_time3 a full stock of Sheet Music • w of the veiy F.J-KANE& CD [2lB Broad Street.; Sale of Summer Goods > > > X X X X X X X X X AU/ x X X X X X XXX XXX x X xwwwwwtx X x x’TRr «ra»x x:x \ x x . x \ x- or* Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras. Ready-Made Skirts and Waists We intend to close out our shoe stock, so take advantage of cost pcries on shoesof the best makes. Special prices on everything at F. J.KANE a,id CO. 248 Broad Street. t’Crmanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. TI ' surest and the bert. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cen ner Cr Sample sent free on mention of this pi»bU?atf 'u. :'HE hr, WHITT, '’ • » fcofc Send, Indi*, r