The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 28, 1898, Image 8

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MBOMI GIAL THEHUSTLEf? Or ROME Established. 18'JO. THE ROME COMMERCIAL iblisued. IS'.>.». * —— ImkuvU every evening. ♦•x<ept Sunday and weekly. PHIL G BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. tittlee. Wilkerson Block. Hul l Av> ou LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION >allj and Sunday,per yiw 8 > '»•> tuii.iaj, pn year • ■ 81-" Aaekly (IHK RoME<'oVHiEi;;i>n year M BY OARKIER IN CITY AND .nIBJ .11 D«‘ y ai.'l Sunday, llh uuts per wee , Rcnnl by bunk draft. expriJ? money order or registered letisr Address THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, ROME, GA. Entered at the Postofflce at Rome, Ga , a aecouu class matter. Ac'vertis ns rates and sample co, >es lor th asking, BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 The ll ustler-Commkrcial is the only afternoon paper in Northwest Georgia. It has th combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and the Rome Daily Commercial and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF The City of Rome The City Marsha! The Sheriff of Floyd Count y The Ordinaryof Floyd Co, The 11 ustle r-Com m ekci ai. lias the confidence of the classes and the masses —because it mer its and deserves the cod lidenc* of all its readers. Now is the time to tell yotu neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber. About the time we get used to one hero another pops up, ob serves an exchange. A remarkable kid has been born in Tennessee. They haven’t named him Dewey.—Macon News. A Kansas woman is suing hei husband for divorce and anotiiei man for breach of promise a: the same time. Germany is courageous an< allows no transgression of hei rights, but she is also sensibh enough not to engage in a wai that gives her no occasion t< meddle and in which she coulo only take a chance of success There are reasons why Germany shold be neutral, but none why she should not. It seems as if the navy afford, ed more opportunities for con spicuous acts oi heroism than does the army. The sea is more favorable for a fearless, reckless and daredevil’spirit, for individ ual prowess for the exhibition of the spirit of chivalry’ and knighl errantry, than is the land, and each opportunity seems to have its man to fill it. How would it sound—“ Pres ident of the United States and King of Hawaii?’’ Other add - tions may come later on : “Em peror of the Philippines, Prince of Cuba, Duke of Porto Rico,” etc. There is nothing like get ting ready for the surprises which our republican friends in Washington appear to be prepar ing for the American people. These past two months show immense achievements on the part of our civil military and naval administration. Much lias been fully done, and much more has been so far accomplished that the ripe fruits are ready to be garnered. In reason and in truthful fairness, the retrospect affords ground fur congratula tion and confidence, nol lor fault finding.—Poston Advertiser. i 11 pot tillOl T THE COUNTRY 'I I- i>xt :u n ' ’iTivi nti'iii o< t'l'clil Al'-ii will be held at Buffalo In y. A hailstorm which swept over i Welsh County, N. D, destroyed crops w rth $200,000 Ki nr Chinamen in San Francis'- co, o*l |, ive been threatened with ''V highbinder con* piiuioib. Coni’ <1 Stok 8 hade his sw eet h< art g<> nl-by in New York, and, going m his borne, kill’d hi nisei! in his father’s presence. • SiXtv-one, disappointed miners have returned from the Copper River country to Juneau, Alaska, no gold having been found. Thirteen-yearsold “D?c” Rome, colored, shot and killed Garfield Mae i!, aged 15. at \Vinchest.-r. Va., for stealing a bucket of coal. George Com!age, wanted in Bos ton Mass., for embezzling fundi of ihe Bay State Ice Company has sin rei,d> red himself at Indian apolis, lid . The portrait of Enip ror Fred erick on the German steamer Kaiser Frederick, which cost $lB,- ()! (), was slashed to pieces by at; unknown vandal at New York. The American Institute of Ho moeopathy has been warmly wel c .'ined at Omaha, Neb., where President Wright delievered hie annual adi’ress yesterday. “A man who charges the gov ernment. three prices for some thing the government needs and must have,” says the Baltimore American, “can hardly expect to have his name put down on the roll of American patriots.” May be so, but he won’t be lone some just the same, and there ire about as many of him on the pay roll as there are patri ots in the army’ roll. It is strange to see Grover Cleveland and Wm. J. Bryan agreei .g on anything, but they are together in oppposing terri torial expansion by this country. Each has made a speech recent ly on this subject and each op posed the acquisition of addi tional territory by our govern ment. Gov. Atkinson has not yet tendered a war commission to a member of bls “numerous staff” though at least one of the Lieu tenant Colonels, an officer who was a company commander for years, has made an application. Spain is going to keep Hobson because he knows too much . Perhaps the, Spaniards believe t lie disease is “ketchin’ ” and they’ are courting such an epi demic. Admiral Cervera’s fleet is * worth $10,000,000 or $12,000,- 1 000. What a magnificent Fourth ' of July present for Admiral Sanq ;on to turn over to Uncle Sam. If the third call should be ] made for 100,000 colonels it _ would be answered before the . >eek was out. 1 The experience of Rcoeeveit ai d his Rougbr'ders, were drawn into . a skillfully prepared ambuscade ( >n the day before yesterday should each the army a los* on. The Spau i ir> s are treacherous and will not heS’iale to resort to any measure if ob'ainiiig a victory. Their plans ntrapping Roosevelt’s men were > ev> rly arranged, although they j were in the end defeated by our nope, says tie Enquirer Sun. A [arty of pr sp ctors return ( ng hum Alv-ka to Seattlu, reports , a hard luck story. They say a' st eight 1 undred men who left list sprii g for Alaska Byway < f Coppn nv r, have been forced to turn Lack and leave their outfits behind th m. SPAIN READY FOR I EACE Then, a; signs that indicate disposition on th- part of r.h* Spanish people, or any rate on the part of a la _e portion us hem, t> Ik W to the .. -vital le am! aek lei peace. The Con» -|i< i lim eia, nn<> of the leading of Madrid j nniials, hs il to humor thi plitie of the people and make the process of begging tor peace less oiieroi a, claim'd mi yesterday that the United btatee bad suggested pi uce upon certain conditions. As a matter of fact there is no tiuth in such a statement. The United States is not suggesting peace in any way except, by th; roar of artillery and the rattele o< their rifles. The Mudiid paper’s statement, however,, is very significant. It in dicates that Spain desires peace, and the suggestion of pence accr< li lted to the United States is sim ply a suggestion of what Spain would like to have the United States to do. • Pans is entertaining an “Ann Sam,” who is, however, in no wav related to Uncle Sam. “Aunt Sam’ is Madame Tiresias Simon Sam, wife of the President of Haiti. Siu is accompanied on her tour of the Continent by her physician, Dr Nicolas, and twelve b ack ladies in-waiting. Mayor Phelan, of San Francis co, has announced that he will build a library and recreation b Hiding at : lie citv alms h nise at his own expense. The cost of the structure and the books with which to equip il will be about SIO,OOO. A sentence of ten years impris onment has been meted out to Prince Ach.rc-t Seif Eddin. the cousin of the Khedive of Egypt who ehot his brother-in-law, Prince Fuad. Offenders of royal b oot! who commit such serious crimes are usually sent to an in sane asylum, but in this case the Khedive has refused thus to mit igate the sentence. RHEUMATISM CURED LX A DAY, “Mystic Cure forßheuma tism anc Neuralgia radically cures in Ito 3 days. I'a action upon the system ia remarkable and myste rious. It removes at once the cause cud the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by Curry Arrington Co. Ronp Ga- SUMMER RESORTS Many delightful summer resorts are sitrated on and reached via the Southern Railway. Whether om desires the seaside or rhe moun tains, the fashionab'e hotels or ' quiet country homes, they can bi I reached via this magnificent high way of travel. Asheville. N. C. , Hot Springe N. C., Roan Mountain, Tenn and the mountain resorts of Fast > Tennessee and Western Nmt . Carolina “The Land of the Sky’ Tate Springs, Tenn., Oliver 1 Springs, Tenn., Lookcut Moun- I tain, Tenn., Lithia Springs, Ga.. > the various Virginia springs, and the seashore resorts are reached by the Southern Railway. The Sou l hern Railway has issued ? a handsome folder entitled “Sum mer Homes and Resorts ” descrip , live oi nearly one thousand sum mer resort hotels and boarding houses, including information r>- gardmg rates for board at the I different places and railro .d rate io reach them. Write to C. A. Benscoter, As sistant General Passenger Agent Southern Railway, Chattanooga, Tenn, for a copy of this folder. : jjf |J "31 |L 5 ■ M “S kM >< <[PROMPTLY SECUREDj S > Write for our interesting books “ Invent- < ) or’s Help and “How you are swindled.” < i Send us a rou,7h sketch or model of vour ( > invention or improve rnentand we will tell < * you free our opink n as to whether it is ? probably patentable. We make a specialty 2 5 of appli ations rejected in other hands. c j Highest rol / MANION MZRJON < ( PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPERTS ✓ j ( ivil M-'cL.-;].! '] En inner . Gradual* s of lie* <. i 1 f ? \ I’.it nt Law Ah -,'wia'/on. American Water Works < ! Association. .\*-v.’ Lnjxland \\’at> r Works Assoc. ) P. Q. Surviwors Association, Assoc. Al ember Can. Society of civil Engineers. . < Offices: ‘ WAsniNGToir. D. C. S ( Montreal, Can. > L Nm & GOES Deeper. So far, have been ver/ successful with 01 r money raisi c,i bnt the de ired amount of cash has not been raiseu and Ae are coni® r e’led to raise this money out of our stock, URI, Durins our sale we have sold down a great many lots of suits lea ins two and three of & kind, an to close out th se-odds and ends? . have pone through our entire stosk and selected out these broken ini ■ end oac d them on a separate counter and osier vou choice 3 HALF PrdCL. If you cm find ' our size in this lot of suits it will be? • sam -'to vou as i‘we had One Thousand suits of a kind. They are ! - new, c ean, fresh, desirabi ,uo to date suits On th s counter vn' > will find suits rangmg in price from $6 to $25 00. You can h d any of them at HALF PRICE. You cannot afford to miss this onnorl tun'ity to ouy Clothing. Furnishm i Good c and Hat so cheap. WhJ we a ive z tise SLAUGHTt RI NG PRICt S we mean just what we aud that is to SLA I JGHTER PRICES. Thousands have gone awal ' from oiu sto"O pleasod with the >ins they have gotten. So f a |ij ' Hne and come to us land get ycur share of the bargains weal ■ offering. ■ MEN’S FIHE SUITS. All $22.50 and $?5 suits go at sl6 50. I All sls and $lB suits go at $11.50. I All 10 and 12.50 suits at. 7.50. All Gand 7.50 suits at 5 00. I All 5 suits go at 3.50. I I " ■ H s Knee Pants Suits Gn ijjijgff' Tuupm Di' 1 ra| i' $6 00 suits go at $3.00. ' $5.00 suits go at $ 2.50. I 3 4 5.0 suits go at 2 25. 4.00 suits go at 2.00. j 3 50suitsgoat 1.75. 3.00 suits go at L.>. ■ 2.50 suits go at 1.25. | IGO suits go at .00 I MENSFINEPANTS 331-3 Off. $6. 00 p nits go al $ 1.00. I $5 00 pants go at $3 35. H 450 pants go at 3 00. 400 p ints go at 2 65. H 3.50 pants go at 2,34. | 300 pants go at 2 00. H j 250 pants go at 1.67. 200 pants go at 1 50. H 1.50 [l ints go a'sl.oo. B FINE STRAW HATI . GO AT HALF PRICE. I $2.50 hats go at $ 1 ’25. $2.00 hats g 1 at $1 -00. S . 1 50 hats go at 75c. 1.00 hais go a ->)c, ■ 75c hats go at 40 n 50c hats go at 25:. H 25 per cent off on all Furnishing Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery,Handle® chiefs, Saft and Stiff Hats. I ÜBio Line HotWeatlpl -1 . dl B , Stu ’f in S irges. Alpaca, Line i. Grash an d d ick. AH g"> i n q i e I . count s tie. H This Will Bs Our Miiisy-HUiP.] s| sa.r*d ■ YGLJR MONEY SAVIN| This will b> -itir in >noy railing sale and yo ir money saving sale. ( ( ) This is no trick of the trad i nor is it a going out of husin >ss a Ivertising sch-nti' , ; dpojilp. We a 1 ways di ex ictlv w ri 1 ’ w• a ivertisi and wi ari sun the pi >,>U oi that"'B’ :. nntry an-aw ire of this fact. Wicimito von now with the honest, frank Mta ’ )Üb , t J need i;g m >nev an 1 in order to rai- .i the needed amount we off it y hi the cleanest. b:i ■ i 'lothing tur listing g ids and ha's in Rome at faom 25 to 50 reducti iu u. m hi _IIT ~