The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 29, 1898, Image 1

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FGHTH YE ar smoke a “Bill Arp’ warters New 'Brand from NIB gig Force fflay Now Join Shafter’s Army. ORDERS FOR 9,000 MEN. Tra „sports to Key West Joined By Fleet of Warships. e Washington, June 29.—Or ders have been issued for the departure of another huge army expedition from Tampa, com posed of about 9,000 men of the Second division of the Fourth army corps, under command of Brig.-Gen. Snydei, and six bat teries of artillery, three light aid three heavy, Ihe prepara tions have been proceeding qui etly for some days, and although the stores have been going abroad at Tampa, a rigid cen sorship at that point has pre vented any word going out as to the expedition. Ihe actual de par .ure from Tampa is expected by the war department to occur today, although there may ®be unavoidable delay. The plan of moving has been thoroughly de termined upon. 1 welve trans ports arete carry the expedition. They will move first to Key West, nt which point a strong naval convoy will meet them and escort the expedition to San tiago. Gen. Snyder’s Second divis ion of the Fourth army corps is now at Tampa aid is made up of the three biig des and nine regiments, as ollow's: First Brig, de—Col. I. L. Russey, commanding ; 11th lu-l fantry, 18 Infantry. Second Brigade—Gen. L. II Carpenter, commanding; Ist District of Columbia, 2nd New 't ork, sth Maryland. Third Brigade—Gen. R. 11. Hail, commanding ; 3d Pennsyl vania, 157 Indiana, Ist Ohio, I t Illinois. Whether some regiments will he taken from other divisions cannot be stated definitely. It is known only that Gen. Sny‘- der s division has been looked upon by the war department as the one best equipped for an immediate start. The batteries W HI be designated by Gen. Ran ,ln|ph, in command of the artil lery at Tampa. H the expedition gets away tuday it will anq ve o fp Santiago •‘‘bout next Saturday. The trip doubtless will be to the eastward a, ound Cape Maysi along the Sa,ne route as that of General Rafter’s expedition. This will bril >gGen. Shafter’s force up to a >out 30,000 men, made up of ’ K ‘16,000 men he took with 1 ,n > ( <en. Duffield’s command 011 the Harvard and Yale, Gen. •uietson’s command, which h| lgoon the same steamers, a, mGen. Synder’s division from tampa. CKLES’ RNICA SALVr, I«e best halve in the world uts. Bruises, Ulcers. Sores, “ hheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, JPPod Hands, Chilblains, Corns tiv ? Sk ' n ® ru PHons, and posi qu'rJ d CUr it f ° r Pib9or nopay * re ' Pact’s* 7 UUlira " tP<>d tO givP PhceTc Or ™ )ney R„, i 2 “" U P Br ’>O’’ w Cur,y Arrington. THE RONili] HUSTLEI<-C()AniBRC.IAL _______________________________ * • BIG FORTUNE Phosphate Workers Dig Up • $30,000 in Gold. TOUND NEAR AUGUSTA. One Negro Disappears With The Treasure. Augusta, June 29.—A chest of gold coin has been found at the phosphate works at Pon Pon, S. (’., which is estimated to have contained about thirty thousand dollars. Mr. Charles S. Heard, superintendent of the works, has the chest, but the gold was spir ited away by the finders before Mr. Heard or any of the mana gers could get sight of it. Recently t vo negro men were digging for phosphate and un earthed the metal chest. They agreed to slia r e it, and one of them undertook to carry the go d while the other watched that no one should catch them. The party who took it off subse quently told his partner that he had put it in a bag and had buried it in the river, and that he-wasnow unable to find it. The second party does not be lieve it, and at once reported the matter to Mr. Heard ami brought the chest from which the gold had been taken. This negro says that he was betrayed by the first negro, who has the gold in a safe place some where. He told Mr. Heard that that the other negro had put the C ’in in a wate»’ pail, and that it almost filled it. The coins were as large as a silver dollar, and were all gold. The pail contain, ing the money was so heavy that the sturdy negro could hardly lift it. The man who found it was arrested and told the authorities the same tale about the money being in the river, but this is not believed. 'There are about 1200 negroes Working on the phosphate works and they are very much agitated over the find. Mr. Heard esti mates the coin as worth about thirty thousand dollars. He ar rived at the estimate by the size of the chest and the information got from the man who failed to get his share. A fTACK SPANISH COAST. » Gazette Says Americans can Make war Their Own Way. London, June 29. —The St. James Gazette, commenting up on the prospect of the American forces attacking the coast of Spain, says : “The reception of the news evidences a change in public opinion which*, at the commence me r t of the war, thought Eu rope should notify the Unied States the war must be confined to American waters. It is now recognized that th Amjricaus are fully e titled to make war in their own way,and they are indeed driven to retali ate upon Spain in this manner, owing to the tactics which Spain has chosen to pursue.” For that tired feeling you .must enrich and purify your blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the medicine you need. ROME GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE, 29. 1898. DEAR SANTIAGO. ■Shafter Occupies Position flbandmd by Enemy. 'VERY Lb'-TL’’ SICKNESS. Descent Upon Santiago Now Expected Daily. Off Siboney, June 29.—Ad jutant General, Washington: All is progressing well We occupied today an advanced position abandoned by the enemy yester day on the Sevilla and Santiago road, west of the San Juan river, within three miles of Santiago, and from which it can be plainly seen. Shafter, General Commanding. Washington, June 29.—The war department late yesterday afternoon posted the following: “Baiquiri, June 27, via Playa del Este, June 28—lion. Secre tary of War, Washington : The Yale arrived this morning all right. Troops now disembarking. Your son, who has been at the I front, assingned to duty on the staff of Gen. Duffield. Shafter, “Major-General.” It was very late in the day I when the first dispatch within twod iy-> came to the war depart ment from Gen. Shafter, but the news was regarded as so good that there was no disposition to complain. It disclosed a very I satisfactory rate of progress on the part of Gen. Shafter towards the town of Santiago itself, and apparently he has gained all this ground and has come within j three miles of Santiago without suffering any losses since the skirmish of Friday last. Alto gether, the performance is re garded as very gratifying by de p irtment officials here. POSITION OF THE ARMERICAN ARMY. As near as can be gathered from the brief dispatch, the American army is now at the fork one branch of which leads to Santia ;o and the other to Morro Castle, at the entrance to the harbor. Gen. Shafter is thus tree to move in either direction. With the 1,000 men who rein forced him yesterday on the Yale and the additional brigade that will reach him ‘omorrow, it may be possible to make even more rapid progress in the ad vance upon Santiago, as these can be relied upon to relieve the main body of troops from the necessity of keeping open tin line of communication between Shafter and his base at Daiquiri Meanwhile, further reinforc - ments are being prepared and dispatched as rapidly as the best energies of the department can direct, and it is believed that several thousand men sail* d from Tampa yesterday directly for.Santiago. It probably will be necessary t o shell out the forces defending the wire fences erected by the Spaniards. This will involve a larger use of field artillery than would be required in ordinary warfare. The officials here have been forehanded as to these de details, and in, fact have provid ed for she use of barbed wire by our forces. ROME Bombai ded WITH Bargains Pretty Shier India Linen 3;6*’ Cs Pretty Picture Handkerchiefs only > ct. Pretty Folding Fans only 1 ct Coats Spool Cotton only • 2 cen s. Paper Pins only 1 ct, Good Yard wide Sea Island 3*4 cts tumour Calico per yd, o ily Scents. Laundred Siirt Waist |7 cents * * - •, Muslin de Soire only 49 cents « Embroideries Ch;ao?r thaa Els 3 wrier Organdies From cents and . up, LADIES Mlffll UNDERWEAR CHEAP. SUMMER MILLINERY. Our Hillinery Department is aglow with its beauti ful array of summer Flillinery and our prices are right, THE MCCALI- PATTERNS Are the equal of any mada and our pricss are under any patterns in Rome on paper patterns. LANHAM A SONS. lOCENTS PER WEEK