The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 29, 1898, Image 2

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The Rovel is the highest grade ba— known. Actual tests show it floes ono third further than any ether brand. ma ia &AKIH 1 * POWDER Absolutely Pure sovAL »' -worn 00., sew voak. PERSONALEMLNTION Mr. Joe Roser left yesterday for Birmingham. Mr. Even Harvey went down to Cedartown. Mr. Tom Shifltt. of Liv.ngston spent today in the city. Fresh Graham flour ami new crop whole-wheat flour at Llovds Mr. J. B. Tippin, of Six Mile Station, was here today. Mr. Dave Shelton, of Oreburg. is in the city, Mr. O. E. Hume, of A’lanta, is here today. Mr. C A. McDaniel, of the Gate City, spent today here. Mrs. Mary Jones Mathias, of Foster’s Mills, spent today in the city. Mr. E. H. Cohlough, has return ed from a pleasant visit to Car rollon. Miss Annie Camp has retu ne< ; from a pleasant visit to Chic amauga. Tickets are on sale for the Mobley Park Theatre at Trev itt’s drug store, Lots of nice fruit at ,Lloyd’s, rnd heaps of other good tiling to eat. Third quarterly conference wil be held at the First Methodist church, this evening. Damaged Corn for Sale. hl. D. Cothran & Co. . Clever Bob Best, of Carters ville, was among the visitors in the Hill City today. Several new style fancy cakei at Lloyd’s. Also best reception wafers ever brought to Rome. Mr. John’Root. is spending i> while in the city. He was light clerk at the Central a number of years. Capt. and Mrs. John C. Fos ter and daughter, Miss Bonnie, of Foster's Mills, spent today iu the city. Fancy New’ Orleans Syruj just arrived at Lloyd's. Fine s Ik, sweet as honey. The many friends of Mrs. Joi George will be pleased to learn that she has recovered from hei recent illness. Mr.|J. Dallas Turner, returnee’ from Chicamauga today and sayr one million dollars will be pair to the soldier boys today. W. M. Taylor, pastor of thi Highland Park Christian church will return from Rome, Ga., to n ght, where he has been holdinj a meeting —Chattanooga News Miss Susie Freeman, who’ ha been the guest of Mrs. Julia. Cumming in Rome is now at th home of Mrs Dr. Will Johnson She will remain during this week —Cartersville News. Divine services will be com menced at toe court house to night and with the exception of Thursday night, will continue right on indefinitely, for om purpose only: The salvation of sou’s. Services conducted by J. H. Boone, of Tampa, Fla., and Rev. Mr. Adams, of Chattanoo I Tenn. Everybody com?. Je sus loves the lost. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Lawn I’alty The Epwo u League, will give u lawn party lo* morrow • veiling between the two thurches in Hie 4th. ward. Police Cikci.Es —Every thing is unu-u diy quirt in police cir cles, v rv h w arrests have beet, made 1.. t..c past few days. To morrow is day. New Church .-$ 1056 has been subscribed by the members of the Christian church here to build a place of worship. They have not yet selected a lot but expect to in a few days. Building Cracked. The building owned by Mr. A. Dougherty and occupied by Tay lor & Norton, corner Broad street and Second avenue, is being re paired. The building was in a dangerous condition. The side walls were badly cracked and in danger of falling. At Mobley.—The Peruchie— Belden’s Comedy Co., will hold the boards at the theatre tonight at Mjbley’s Park. Mr. Marvin, manager of the Street R’y., has gone to a great expense in get ting the com. any here, as they only play in large cities. They come highly recommended. ill Meet in Cedartown —The Rome. District Meeting of the Wo man's Foreign Missionary society vas he'd at the Second Method is church in the Hill City recently. The Cartersvil e church was rep resented by Miss Mamie Wikle Next year the district meeting wifi be held in Cedartown —Carters ville New?. House Party.—Among the additions in young ladies to the Reynolds’ house party this week lie following are expected: Misses Myra Thompson, of Cleveland, Tenn., Nettie Col lins, of Macon, Ga., Edna Cain, of Summerville, Ga., and Zella Armstrong, of Chattanooga, Tenn. Do You Ggt it?—l have ex elusive charge of thd circulation lepartment of the llustler-Com nercial. If yotf do not get your paper promptly, report to me md it will be a tended to. The subscription is 10 cents per week, payable every Saturday. P.ease have the money ready w ten the Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. Could Not Sleep.—Mack Murchison is at home from Ma ton, but is not yet a soldier. It •vill be remembered that Mack tried to enlist with the first com pany of Rome volunteers, but failed to meet the requirement tn height. His trip to Macon was co try his hand towards pelting n with the volunteers there. In this he was successful but a few lights at the camp, before being mustered in, convinced him that he would be better otf at home ind so he came. Mack says he did not sleep a wink while he vas bunking with the forces.— Jartersville News. MRS. LOWE IS PRESIDENT. Elected By Tha National Fed eration Os Women's Clubs. Dt-nver„ Col., June 29 —Mrs. V B. Lowe, of Atlanta, was yes °rJay elected president of th“ National Federation of Woman's •lube. The vote wa*: Mrs. Lowe, 429: Mrs Alice Ives Breed, 284. Miss B. P, Burns 10: Mrs. William Sodhelmuth, 2. NOTICE To SUBSCRIBERS. All bills for subscription to Hustler-Commercial are payable Paul C. Jack, or order, and are lue Saturday of each week, lave your money ready when he Paul C. Jack, Mgr. dept. RT THE THEATRE. The PerJchi-Beldini Compa inj Last Night- RT MOBLRY’S PARK. A Good House Present and a Good Attraction. The Peruchi-Beldini Compa ny played “A Wild Gat,” at the Mobley Park theatre last even ing to a large and appreciative audience. The play was cleverly pro duced and the stage setting would have given credit to a much larger theatre. Miss Bel ditii as “Tress,” was most ex cellent. Mr. Peruchl, as a “Western Judge,” carried his part to per fection. Miss Sawtelle, as “Salvation Sally,” delighted the audiem.e with several catchy songs and dances. Tonight the company plays “A Country Politician.” Go out and enjoy a good show ami a pleasant evening. $ - : ———- TWELVE NEW NAMES Added to Captain Henry Stew art's Company. The following names have been added to the list of Capt.- Henry Stewart's company since those published in the Hustler Commeicial yesterday : Westley Browning, CEDARTOWN. Emory Collins. W. H. Stoffin. W. N. Hutchins. W. J. Vance. J. W. Wright. R. S. Stewart. Thomas Philpot. R. D. Hammond. ROME. Robt. L, D vis. • George Palier. Lester Peyton.' ATTHE RACE TRACK Good Races Hq,re on The 4th sth And 6th . Rome will have some first class races on the 4th, sih and 6th of July at the exposition park. The entries are all in for the races and are from Anniston. Cartersville, Atlanta, Macon, Augusta, Montgomery and Chat tanooga. The progrom is as follows : July 4th, 2;35 trot purse, $250.00. 2 :40 pace purse, $250.00. July sth, 2:14 trot purse $250.00. Free to all purse, $250.00. July 6th, 2:50 trot purse, $250.00, 2 :40 pace purse. $250.00. SNUB STAY-AT-HOMES. They Pr pose To Be Immune From I The Approaches Ok Moshers Waycross, Ga., June 29.—The yourg men who did not enlist in he volunteer army in the hopes : hat they would be more popular with the young ladies in the ab sence of the volunteers are meet ing with disappointment, if the folio,, ig story is indicative of the times: A young man of south Georgia who Lad in time of peace prided himself upon his military kn iwl edge and was something of a dude failed to volunteer, and gave as his reason that he would be tre mendouslvpopular withthe fair sex during the war. But he was snub bed on every hand and his life was made miserable because the patrio tic girls wanted to know why he was not in the army. At last ac counts the fellow had gone to work and left off baing a dn i ft.< i I . » i School Siipofe. | A<s A e nr - pimp-irs i’ the school books ami school sup- ply busim »4 and we are als > right up-ro-da‘n in every- Sw w thin' hut should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore. W *.* g II Will PM | g ***■ Si w? * No house c: th Stite car. serve vou better when von de- $$ y.b sire to invest ir. a new covering fcr tr.e dear 'id walls of your home. See our stock on hand and samples sSS\ i H. A. SMITH, J THE’ OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE. I I »» >| t m r rgiift tr $ To the People of Ro me. & -i- M/ M/ 1 iVHh ,o announc » that I have bought the Model k|/ • Steam Liunlry an 1 nropiie to rearrange and aid to it . . so th'it you will have in your city a plant second tc none •a*, in the south. I have hid y.- rs of practical experience, the past k|/ t ’ ll y earß > have own-id and- operated one of CAj .’. ' 111 g°*t plan ts io lexis. With the ye re of sTf eoc.e I have In i tnd a? 1 will dev >te my entire lime and ip'-ntion to the busines- I will be in a pobiii.m to guar* vs anl- th'it ao tiling Mining to my laundi v wi 11 done s .ri- f ictori y. A trial will convince you th H 1 can do all Lr? 111 1 |l,n t*-lot in y ,ur hv ill>.ll it 'ails to please /A /A vovtliwe 11 be n > charge. Stop our. wig mor telephone *'• 1 ,s - an i /on- bun lie will bi ret ime I prnn.icly. /ik 11 ’i 1 ott > : ■ -ivc i fair sh ire of your ptt.-o.nge, lam /Ak •v’ yours to pl • i-’ij, 2 " /R H-PARKIN. $ Proprietor M >del Steam Laundry. One Large Scar Is AH 1 hat Remains of Great Set of ma Sores Ncighbcrs Oruici Lot Lear to Look Upon .lor —A Grand, Complete Cut ; ilood’s Sarsaparilla After C thers Ftpled. , “I v.a- :aken w' h neuralgia in my head and cyr.;. Not long after this, a scrofulas >r< ; on my left cheek extending front tny upper lip to my eye. Other ' my n ck and on tny right arm i d one of my limbs. They w ere very t ne and pain ful and soon b g 1 running sores. My '• >me of my .hl bear to look at me and advised me t > wear a bandage, but I feared ’ . ! irritate the sore and make it v. crtc. So I Couici "lot Hide the Sores. -ov n.< cc, HO aas familiar with a case similar to mine, which had Loen cured by R IMa, urg< 1 me to try it. 1 inally I', . cr.m.'.di'd to do so, and in a short ti.u ■ ; \v it was helping -ne, The ' 1 to heal add the neu r.lgia in tny head was bctSe. In a few ' 1 ores on my arn i and limbs healed; those on my neck gradually ■1 Lappeared n d now they are all gone, ' ■ 'had ry . ptom of scrofula !t e O ■' 1 a ‘ car on my right arm is iins of my terrible a. ’ietmn. The " r.lgia la alsocured.” ■ rcH, 1 a,New Hampshire. < Sarsa- parilla . th • best—in Lie One True Blood Purifier. i iiood’s Pills •?’. :! .t T l,s "’'<o an ilood s burs:iDa» «»>i CHEAP RATES. Ou account of the meeting cf the Southern Biblical Assembly [at Knoxville, Tenn., June 16— 25th, 1898, the Southern rail way will sell tickets from points on its lines to Knoxville and re-1 urn at rate of ole fare for the I rou id trip. Tickets will he sold I on June 13, 14, 1.5, 16 and 17, [ with final limit June 27 ; uDo on June 20 and.2l, with final limit I July 4, 1898. Foi further inform ition and descriptive circular relative the same please call on agent ofto Southern railway. <; fRIFESSIOIIU CißDi t ATTORNEYS. J. BRANHAM. Law Office, WjEist First Street, k ROME. GA. ® OHMS, W. UNDERWOOD, Attorney at 1 av, R. (l ne, Ga. y Corporal' >n Law Only. a— •> M B E’JBANKS, Atterney at law. ofilceKhig Building. Rome, ua. y d W.HENNIS, y Attorney at Law Will Practice in all courts y e Office. Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. I "W. J. NEEL II la ,Y’ W / U P ractlee in all courts, " Attention given to commercial law and the examication cf land titles. oftice in King building. Rome, Ga. e . V WALTER, HARRIS Attorney at law and J. p. Office over F. J j Kane & Co.’s. LIPSCOMB .Sc WILCINOHAM s Commercial Lawyers. *’ Gffice in Arnnrong 1> >t»l building. R > in s, Gt 1 j s A T r r oR, A. •WT.F’O R D e at UW ’ B Ga Collections a > Masonic Temple R ime, Go. DENTISTS. 1 J. A. WiILLS, D. D. 5., Office 340 1-2 Broad. # Over Cantrell & Owens _ i J. L PENNINGTON. D O S.,m7d? ENTIST- nUure C^. 1 ' aßrOa<l Bt,reet ’ Over Hauks Fur I 'PHYSICIANS. O H.-IMtErON, Ad D. __ Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical hiildlng Rome, Ga. Q ce -phone No. 82. -E 3 4’ l AM:MOM 10. ki. E)., ■> Physician and Surgeon. Office in Medlca . building. Residence, N>. 4J3 West Flrstst | Gffice ’pho No 62. i ..Lanhim & Sons have , just received a con i signment of 8 dozen Linen Crasn S<irts and ‘ while the stock lasts will sell trie $| kind > f r 49 cents and the 7o cent kind for .39 C ffl t 5. Wool/ Rang^° al . usiirama SiVA, V s olme staves. p. i seemvstock- - . aQ estimaes on Dlumbitno- ans work. Nayt. donr'i onera hcuse. 00 ’ . »•» pickle,, ail , 111 fancy part ; arrived M Lloyd'., .. .L wil. find the best 0 ( cv to eat. ? 111 Mb Entire time from morning of . ts) lull of entertainment of the highest itdT 0 "” SOME OF THF; ft ATURES. Gorgeous Flower Parade hun<lre<ls< ) f<kcorat l ,lvei 1 5...‘'7“ , :1' and marching bodies of ■. J led by Queens of May, tei the surrounding town.. ‘ The King’s Procession men s Paratie, including all f. and fire companies of the ( besides civic bodies. Two Magnificent Concerts at lit Auditonum, rendered I>v the Boston Symphony Orchestra, a crest milM band,.- :d local choruses. Cjr'”3iion of the Queen f y queens and unm isking o L the Festival on thi I wo Great L icy cle the Chattanooga Coliseum. Firemen’s Contest with thrilling runs on th. main streets. Grand Festival Ball, M Women’s and-Art Exhibits, music,street displays, etc. Railroad Excursion, A special rate of one-half fare will be nade t. Chattanooga during the Sprin ; Festlvil. I ' VtT no looker I TV sell again. At ti.e I jfte who has 1 I local dealer del in' l ;. IA; I be sent our I <i -L. . I ■Jarden” for Lf/ft iy y ■ apply by letter f . . H name of the mirchtat r.e« ■ they bought. To .<1 c’ii : .I tent Manual, eve. ’/c hy l . ■ ’0 cents to pl.i.’e : ' ■ free on receipt of tyi' ■ postage. N itoi.ig '' ■ ever been seen Ik. '> r-ly ■ sf 21X1 pages, cu h ■ seedsand plant >H supplemented by <• Iw! H )f the best novelties c. t. ■ DUH "SOUVE’HB' SES \vill also be sentwitixiut c:-;: fl rants sending 1) ' ■ itate where they sav; i:- ’ I Postal Card Applications V i: i» Bhf I :1 it m iWi as] il An:erica’s S Instruct ■ JESSE FRENCH PIANO & Manufacturers and Dcaleis. ■ * No. pai Olive Street, 8t : 1 ,.08 Nashville, Tenn. y -’/.SB Dalia.,, Texas, ' b.d H L.i.tiries: Kichmon-, > Write bouse. A ■ va.r •. y ® ROME BUSINESS (oH }t l Rome, Ga., will reee ''f 'JB men and ladies now at ‘ ■ cost to the College tor . them through a 11 b >ngl> > cial course, and turn I '' *■ books aird coniim‘D’B'-l I'M ' accept an easy time note t' ll W payable after a position is ■ The College procured ■ 92 POSITIONS THE It supplies schools am with competeikt l( ' :l ''“'‘J manship and princil'h cial dopartinents; o | a i® sons in Shorthand in- I .' for io cent* in staii'P'' endorsed by t l ' l '"' l ' i,,, e >iii|H and professional its graduates at _ Book keeping- Addi ■ to the Principal, H. u ■ Rome, Ga. B