The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 29, 1898, Image 3

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REIGN H Iloihj. of Aiiliod Men Threateiibd. —M i FUSTS BY EMLIiHWM. ■■ V -A: Must bo Criticised. Key West, Fla., June 28, — the mofst authentic and.reliable news. yet.obtained of the true condition ®f all airs in .Havana was-today furnished to a repre sentative of the Associated Press • by a British • s’ubjecl'who left "Havana'on board the British 'cruiser Talbott and who arrived here yesterday.' He says a reign of'terror pxistjs at the Cuban Capital- Capt'.-Gen. Blanco h is a proclamation announc ing that anyone daring to ex- I press an unfavorable opinion of,; or suspected of being dissatisfied j ‘ iweAmt policyof the p go|ern|neit, Still be summarily slidt without trial 8r investiga tion This proclamation, it appears, caused dissatisfaction among ■ the members of the orden publi-l co, or police force, of Havana, who threatened to revolt if full ; rat ions were not served out to ; them. Serious trouble was ex pected, as the orden publico is a numerous and well armed body * of men. '1 he result is that today ! fche orden publico patrqls the ; : eUy and its inembers a/'e Qiemy selves piliced, Spanish infan- ( try and artillery soldiers mount ing guard over them at every j corner. FAMINE IS EMINENT. - f „. /Famine, it seems, is ®emi-p F n'etit, and the stories oi thd-ir-‘ Bi , ». S ? rival of supplies at Havana via | Batabano are pronounced to be . untrue. The informant of the i Associated Press thinks Havau.. j cannot possibly holdout si ~j weeks longer. . J Tlie city is pronounced to bo panic-stri’ k-n, its inhabitant- 1 expecting every inopient to le bombarded by the .American' , Heet, as they realize that Capt - , ■ Beit. Blanco’s attitude releases! tlie I nited States "from the obli gation or giving the customary bombardment notice. Biots are daily expected at Havana, as the troops are suffer !; ing fwmviHm-get' amLtlie vdlun4,l tetTs are seeing their Wives and j chillAm <J\ hig rtf- wailt.- Under* ■‘•nch conditions the captain-gen eral camiok nip<;h jlopgee i keep th ‘ military forces in check and | reb Ilion is likely to devas hue ilav-ana before the cirfy is ♦ captured by the Americans, t apt.-Gen. Blanco admits that the situation is desperate. dinners from foreign war- 1 ‘ Bi conclusion, the gentleman s - l }s he credits the report that tlie gunners at Morro castle and ; ,lt oL her Spanish, batteries were taken from foreign warships,an<| | h“ says the c msiils, including ‘Hi. Gollan, the Briash repre- Sl 'native, are strong Spanish sympathizers. b-itish Vice-Consul Areaste kb he continues, is a Spaniard b iiii th and a reporter of La ‘ ‘cha, the mouthpiece ojt. jlte B’Vhrnment. Mr. GollauL ;ilie Bntisli W u |. ieil| ark<, g ■ v ,t. ;l (i, ;i ::er on ‘ tl ‘« guests were Spfcniordsl u three B: itish Mihjocifc prom- •• e gUed by Mr. GolLm’s orders to the forecastle of the Talbot vclit n she left Havana because I .jiiev- were Cuban sympathizers, i.’ 11 said that as a result of Hhe <M»ergetic protests of the En- . plisinnen to the British foreign .office and to the governor of J a-1 nftuca, khe Talbot will shortly* retficn-ia Havana with Mr. Gol-I lan’s successor. FOR: J 1 HUPPINES. Four Thousand Men Sail From San Francisco. , ■ X < » » «. THRILLING SCENES. ' ■ i 1.. Great Crowd? Cheered The De parting Soldiers. • ■ '’ - ’ $ ■■ If • ’ i J «' San F|iaucißCO,*J'uii<r28 —A noth- ‘ er fleet of transp vtr hys sailed out through the Golden Gate to I the broad Pacific. Tisw afternoon | the third fleet of vessels loaded ' with soldiers and supplies for the amyl o| a fhuiwiled whittled si.d tl(e vi'h and the booming of cannon pro- j ceeded down the bay toward the I | ocean ano by night will be on their . way t,o the Philippines The 1 or'-; ders to get under way were issued I chorly afternoon, but it was , nearly 2 :30 yO'clock before the i ■ :a.c:n.r.fol Jm i | hoisted and , ui< i 4jJt™ i I mu'ion. The first of the ves se.'s comprising 'he fleet was tbe signal for the crowds which had ; menfio chMrkig llAAdepartii ills BflS diers and for the steam whistles > along the city front to scream'2 kh ir good-bj'es to Hie ; sh.ijpa land - a |men who an* going'to tit) J protect the interests of t dWut try and to -spread the <on fine of freedom <Mi- thq afli#! -<ba xf Af.rid 'bay‘craft F.iW around the big steamers and some went close enough tp passengers throwing oranges j otner tningstfio P l.d on the decks of the- tffau®pu.>rt♦; The scenes on the transports was g a thril mg one, the men were g inf the rigging Bk J|B<)| and tl igs waved and'fluttered ffpm every port hole and spar. As ti e ci veststfs d&’ocejded sll-wly j lite bay the’misy di-ul'uslwitio'ns ’>! the people on *he shcre more aiid >in-6 , reasbb i> until the dm was uWful dnd‘’dr<rd'M to the noise of whistles and belis. I the booming of many, cannons from flip batteries’at Fort | r £be |Sidj)B which It ft today ear ned "about 4,0(50*01511 undef r co*T.-°? .nand of Gen Arthur McArthur, whl) has usadetl^-^teller Lh'iS'YpT , jhs fl igship. f'he'City of Bara] th'e'j Ohio ai|d the Morgan ( s ity weie , i the othfir vessels sijil |vith Bie ; , ludi ma. The steamer Valencia was not i ready to ay and will probably ?;iil with the steamer Newport on , Wednesday. Gen. Mnritt al^g»| 3 J f st< jroceed/|o jhe li.lijibM m the- Newport, which has beor. I especially prepared for the service. I INSOMNIA ‘•lliii.t- b»f-u iihiiig CAS)iCAKJETf> i.<»r ■|s<..-nnfn. "itli wh.rtl I ffifvi wen niWetWl-I<* I • ■ t .veiny ••ai-sunmU p:nii sajypit-i i'. p ivmi me more ralief than aiiv otner rcnie- .V 1 have'/x t’l(*rl. 4 shallu'?<anss' A' ,'SKa* oj ’libiu t. fun ® CANDY. • C- - CATHARTIC ' W' •kßbSfrsc- ** t'l/ ' t S $ l’:® W '■ 1 ' ''''rid Ink'l l' fib ‘■.l 'lVwflßi i ... HCURjI || • . dSipA, r,a,> !S, ‘" I rt ft f n 11 P' : ti V all v‘u u w’ G/flftgdM I-.) (WlHfll 1 < -- S* H Mr. N. H Biss, of Lavender? 7 ; eoent today in tbe city- ‘ _ :S H P. WOOTEN & BRO., S* .-5* Successors to ' J; ROME PHARMACY. Sp/ TH 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. Jhß We have bought the entire stock of the Rome e- 8 * Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in ■ the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall en- sffj deavor to the best of our ability to please you at all •L ai times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. "=5 Fulllineof druggist’s sundries, toilet articles and such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. ■tZ 2J5 ' Come to see us. , v “ . r V4tr x *** E S. M. Stark, . £ X KW >4 5 lAiiii ismMirc ra . s ■ >< f*' X S Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A e * El £ < 11, i, ... W'.M i* * 1 81 B». —— || F. HANSO\. NQRRLS N. SMITH. ItWißOli SUPPLY co. I I?” *Mu tiling and Tinning. | 2 Engi l iars’ and machinists' 3 supplies. Stoves,,, ranges and • | tinware.. 'Qis and electric fix= G |rtare|. iNSURANCE gasoline -§ ?! Jovls.'-"Water.meters.' 5 Br.uQ'.st.;, Phone’32. ./. • linw r.-—‘lll 'H T ~-x IMI MMVfI rriMeaMMKMBM MMHMMMMMMMMam . SJ|AS JjJ5 f P ‘ i ‘ 1 iris for $ f'A.'GIHH a -COMPANY -a i.i ; . for. everyone hi, Rome to ,come , *4. | ah .A .Hjkn and seethe Magnificent stock if men’s and >oy’s clothing, . SjL bicycle and-golf suits, is what d we are doin 2> ’l ut we „ are 11US ; '■ u.Hiug.ybMl we wait. We will . ? .... —' *''i : *showi y*>ui thi finest stock kin I ’ ‘ 'vßkiu ~ ■' i i:, -‘iv fr ? m tho G ' a-M? i and. patterns m fabracks, ■ b piM-fwa. fitting |nd handsome, to I be foiilid in-Geprgia, and _ they , are competition iu value- j || || lor, t-'£‘ price. J.l ,U»O1 f lit .1* t..t. i, I e Thegreaf’esi litis of* negligee shirts ever snoW/I 1 rßorne. , CO. .W) ,'jui . V.liv-' “ --4 ls < I Llia i »,L JlJl'l. j ■ -~V. . faiUM ‘ c Itijivi H 14 r- ' I. •v : . v.£hL. >'K»r»W*l«*!F , f'-^VaRF ! yb <?a-) luipp'b a!' «, fours s Depart; € rrt . d il-1 tt’Ati (2 We >Miljlisho>e of S s’l KJ. | the JcaciingSeed, Plant c:d Tree Catalogues issued, , !Lx S si l «<j»nMr.iM»tO W ft# i-wiH'bt maiUdlKi-r. Sendffunit will .-fclMgaSU y| j save yo.i moneJL dr us. can refer y.o> o ..u-.t imer.) in every state and ter rifojy y J; , I in the Union. SS < of: quart: deninlg has made r.spatrons andfrtends tju -nd , I near. Have of carloads of lur > 4' X I SSXS THE %-W ARRiSO*» *• ” *o> 528 Pamesvill©, C I To Muical Poepi. of Rome: wih pleasure that we un of a new and complete stoc MB, «BE AND Small Ahisical Ins lii’ti men ts in the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street, where we would be pleased to have you call ami examine our goods. i Tho stock consists of some of the best m ikes i of pianos and organs on the market today. We keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store—Something Rome has needed for a lo.ig time. Give us a call and you will find i music store that Romans may be proud of • • 3 We are determined to close out ou »- HICVCHBhS the earliest possible date. ’’ " • K. K. rOMBKfi 327 BroadJStreet. S. P. Qavis, Manager. X\XX\\\XXXxXXxx X X X XX \ \ \ X \ V \\ e keep on hand at a full stock of .. MdPWia Sheet Music • w of the very’ — BS F.J-KANE& CD 124:8 Broad Street.; Sale ol Summer Coeds i X" XXX X’lXlJjy X X X X’ X \ XX X X X X X X-X> XXX X X XXX X-W* \X X x.x XX X xX * .: o-ill. i. J Lawhs, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras. Ready-Made Skirts and Waists We intend to close out our shoe .v • , ij . j-t -.4 » , n* w -Au stock, so take advantage of cost pcries oq shoes of the best makes. ». .■ . ’ . ~i M. 14, Uli Special prices on everything at ... , i* * 4 ___ a *■ w-» y. ?■ j F. J, - 4 .i 1 j • i.. -248 Broad Street’J. '• 1 - _ I<—» J®l —J ■.▼ •w gm I 11 J L-J F W M hJ * D*.' and tWbeFt. Sold by .druggists on. a posi tiye gvavantw. Price 50 cen ne>-h--><. Sample sent free on mention of this pvb/’eati’n. :KE ’M< wur rr •’ ’. ytmUMINV ’V. Wmd, Indi* % i