The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 29, 1898, Image 7

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*T I Tirww TMTTCST B TPTW ' '• 3C JLsL I • • • fl ' • Has been made when you spend your money at one of the dosing* out or at cost stores before you visit VW 11. • i f COKER.& CO. and find out what goods cost. We will give you prices that are eye-openers. , ’ •»; I r? I •'’< •’’*» •>»< •'*K • - '*K •’’K •'*K .x»k •> K -"' k .’>► • v V •”*> • ■ -S X .’’K •’’’*». •'*k. -Ts •’’*• • - " t ‘ t •’**< *3*. ’2S- jJ > -. v x 'df''d^‘.d'\ I /. . M? l| Ladies’Slippers 50 and 75c per pair. They are W Lidias’ Brocade skirts,J7sceach, 3 for $2.10 /i\ hand-turned and are sirict-y first-class. \? ‘ • /k Ladies’shirt waisL Lateststyles, justreceive’d ' Hosiery 8, 12, 16c per pair that others ask * /i\ eac h or 3 for $1 • A 10,20 and 30c for. ’ ... ||| 4V, ' • v ' • *jiF* diP, <p\ v . •" A \ .r. 9 .^ t d*”str* < 'd>r -dP >U- * • >K‘ Nmu- '%_• ' %k . •:. . ? x. tV . t>> . ■ - X>U‘ >»r The price has been cut on every article in ot r house far bdow the prices that the closingout and cost price houses are selling at. Come and see and you will know that our prices are the lowest in Rome. Remember we handle everything you want and our prices shall be lower than others I . 1 wl w 7 W W w w m W■ ■ Ita W Bi W S J 4v w m W ■■ f H ■ Sfl Ifs L' ? I mw |B * i-t s'••. i t-.A IM a i W m l»dl Wa wB / ■ ■ B mpl a ii i m fey "K fiH WOR f hfiiwmM m El Ki k x . 'W® EvJ L ■VW H h ■ iW ■ Hp||. HIJ g| W M ■ | v v o MM w . I X ’ WIT GIVE UP Capt. Cm. Wires Thai Situations is Crane. ! INSURCEANTSUGCEEDir ■ I 1 Augusti’s Family Are Still Prts- : oners. Madrid, June 29—According to official advices received here, the eoj.asaries sent out to seek General Monets column of a thousand nieu returned after a fruitless 1 search. ( Captain General Angus i s fain- ( 'ly is still in the hands of the in- ; surgeants. General Pena, with a thous nd > soldiers, has surrendered His sol- ; diers, most of whom are natives, J'toed the insurgeu's. A majority °f'he detachments in the island * of Luzon have surrendered,’owing 1 *o their luck of food, though some : succeeded ,u escaping. Numerous ’ Spaniards, inc'uding the governors| ’ °f Batanga, La Guna and Bula- j i Ctt “' have taken refuge at Cavite. 1 Ihe rebels who are besieging ; Manila P Xe eed 25,000 men The , CII .V is completely isolated and 1 " arrival of the Spanish squadron 1R anxiously awaited, for the po-;' Blt 'on of Manila is untenable. liHv' nall re *? e l cra^B navigate the . conveying prisoners to Cavite, i' tti*’ government hue received . 10 following dispatch from Gen Qat„d from Manila Jum ,>r he B ifu a ti oll 18 Btil | ag grave c<) >oinue to maintain my posi- I ' J ‘‘ “ 131de th e line ot blockhouses lt h« enemy ia increasing ® >ers. as the rebels occupy the rerr''? 68 Whic h Burr<j nnding. Tor trei 1 ra ‘ 11S ar3 ‘"auditing the rendering the work difficult. The numbers! of sick among the troops are in creasing, make the situation very distressing and causing increased j desertioi s ot the native soldiers. • “It is estimated that the in-1 -urgents number 30,000 armed withe rilles and 100,000 armed with swords, etc. “Aguinaldo has summoned me to. surrender, but I have, treated his proposals with dis-, dain, for I am resolved to main- 1 tain the Sovereignty of Spain | and the honor of the flag to the last extremity. “I have over 1,000 sick and 200 wounded . “The citadel has been invaded by the suburban inhabitants, who have abandoned their homes, owing to the barbarity of the rebels. These inhabitants constitute an embarrassment, aggravating the situation in view’ of the bombardment which, however, is not seriously appre hended for the moment. “'The governor ot the Vizcayas and Mindanao islands cables] that he lias defeated the insur gents in an engagement, during which Chief Arco, Aguinaldo’s! representative, was killed. He adds that tranquility now' pre vails throughout these islands, and he further that the principal malay chiefs of the l Mindanao group declare they' desire to tight on the side of the] Spaniards against the inVaders.’’ The' cabinet council today was occupied exclusively with naval and military questions. It will reassemble tomorrow' to discuss the political situation. EZ Wl L-, ]'■ . -..MX FABLFTS ’’OlT rv T !-V ‘ j • ! /. > i r.-- Ji■ c ... hu potency, S«• ■ .• -«n • 'M.o , v ’ ! . AbJtsu t otho.- zcp'-sc?; ar- .’ O »•! - 7’A ‘ 1 ’.* rt. don: Lo ‘ VttHliij in ar >on’i‘- o, ;if. it :•tu I — tadj, btiHindtifi t ’ I 3V« nt Inanity • Co* '■> «* ' • i . i Tn' tis« show, •.turned .at H l" L i -j UY. c.a a ( I'ltL v.btuo ' 1 ou:jr . •.ohig th* tieinuiH Ajax InbJuts-. iihcuan ' au<l ».. icurv voj. pu • i ten >ru;* ’im'oe to atiect Efl i if *> 1 •gv rof-.’i 4 Ta ni'O.wV- - kmw - ’'P/ ... <-;• sic i i.i’Ks ifc’l trf.itr/wuM for t i, i • tin wrai pw. nroou r«w*ptof 4 1 ll * e A.iay opttEDV SO.. c BARNESVILLE CHAU FAI'QUA J Prospects F<r A Succes.-eui. Meeting Are Very Fine Barnesvil'e, June -9 —Th - pros , peels !<>r the Buio r-vile chautai;- ' (pi . July 3to 10,are most enc ur aging The citizenship is bec< miug ' thorough ly aroused over tie im l p»rtance of the enterprise, and ■ they propose to make thechuutau" i qua a grand success. | Beside th l ' 405 . or 5,000 reach- ■ e's to be hero from t°n surround i igeounties. in the Teachers’ in stitute. there promises to bn i very large attend nice up-n the cbautauqua. The directors announce that Governor Boh Taylor will lecfuie on Saturday morning. July 9 »: ■*- st ad of Tne'day, the sth as pre viously announced. Mr». H. S. Bradley of Oxford, one of the finest pianists in the state, will assist in the chautauq'i.i <-xereisr.- ; during the entire week. Great preparations are being j made for the c lebration of th? 4th if July, when Senator •Benjuniu 1 I R. Tillmun will m ike «u address. « I His subject wiL be.“ Our Conn'iv" and he writes that he will give u-J •‘sixty of the hottest, minutes we have ever heard of." Phi city will be elaborately dee orated ind i i- / xpected that 5.00 J visitors will Le present |NO r FROVI HAWAII. I Banana Growers Suffer From Use of Steamers as Transports Sjin Francisco, June 29.—The interruption of the regular steam communication with Honolulu caused by the use ot f ir* regular ■ cetin steamers as transports ■ for the army going to M mi’a, it i is said will entail groat loss to ’ tile banana growers of the it i- i W’aiian islands. Most of the fruit intended for i shipment will be unfit 'or sa e before vessels can be s :cure 1 to , 3 >;i ziy it t > n ir.c )t. ne Tiie ’ . i c.‘ V -.'ii. W .“11 reniciabst >pl -*5 ti ti •yof 1 once »J : ' i i in in his ■ ■■ ; n MprwWj r 1 ne than o." • lilt: ". t >m< s a, e i.' .. '■ . ■ But ■ • '.'.it 11 ' '\ -ts t: . ricin <? fpr-: ' g ’■ a *■' afld vfeor, ■t i c st ep, < - : ":i cheeks,, •xH ■ - ; y - '</ ;.;io sp:.:klil’.g ; ■ ■ . ■ . • - - . . - . ’ i : ?■ nm ... - , ■ r.-. . lue wcak- ■ I:.-. ■’ eat-e which . ■ ■ ’■ onle ’' lx fv< tneir time, is •■Ot toe I '-.-:■■■. < r i.'Cini' i’.iU ,1 yours; it i« ‘in ■■.■■ ■ .:. .g: Mid unhealthy blood. Wi; n tbi- ' >i.d i- i-'.re and the 1>..-><iy wiii i- ii... <.f y< nth. Tb.'>': ind- o' ■ , v. i’i med tc have lost 111 ir, y t:: ! • :1 „d suffering i ■v- <. 'ii; '■ 1 ; itn- use of Dr. Pi; rec's <.•!•> ii i.iiscovery,' the tn, : • rfi ui'iiral and scientific rejjive natoi if the physical forct-l < : k nown to in. i ’. sert . It . - ’•k- ' ’ ‘ - power to lija'.r a ’ . . ’ : t ■■ ing it d Ci. ‘ " s'. hit m ive out di■ build up -ali tis re. s mtiscular flesh and hr.nerve force. ’ • i vs c- i sf?.utioi,.il powi r, <l. -p : full : : s'rong; rot: 's out hollow elf'’:- .if: < r ■ i •■-.<! forms; giver plutnpu c lot n ma i< ■. It d' ■su. : ’’yl- ' 1-.i.< cod liver >il. On th- . . feet tonic foi corp! ople. 1 action of the ’•> . - :•" i by f • lie ■’. never with hit :’i. -d 1 c-1 Ir- i..v nervous ness, ne ira', ji:r an’. ’ '. Where a co istipated con 1 '■ n erists, the “ Discovery ” should bt?us junction ■a : .'. . • - • Int 1’ .■ ’ h ate the ’in t ' ti-.iid :i’id >■ .:r ■! 1;..-...tive in :' •. re i- ■ ■ iin ■ ’just as .I' d." 'i • n ’ ne’kb:.: • ■■ ill do the wore ho thoto r.: illy, surely o.comfortably. wyotjaG i h ? k nil'.) fl .Ia- Fi’rxished Thr :e I\.m i NiJMBE t S iLDIEIH RiCQUIRIH) S ■ ■ Fra ’i-c > w Jun 25. -A l> •tvrv ■ T I’g'.i' artidi-ry c mip ,:s.-d <•! 125 nu n t: ’■ U r‘' p! iin I’.ihn r, <> ' h<-vet tn . Wyo, wi > rrive here t< day. G v-rnof R i air l mu’: ■.“ th ‘ statem-ut. ih i! flptrc’it of the |i pu alia i of Wyoming of mili tary go is now in the army Wy n ■_’ iit ftiraia i■ i th■ ’ ti n ■■■ 1 »<• mrn oar of m‘a t qlb lun lir ho, (] iota fills is th • > :■’> sa >w i •irtn id ■ by anv s al 1 . Four Wyoming volnn'o’i'a were iett behind when the triuspirts ityhi>• liy ii uiiii > tI • e i . j! PROMPTLY SECUREO]< ■ J for our intereating books-“lnvent-i ; n.lp’ and “How you uro swindled.” ( . i nd u.s i rough sketch or model of your ( , ; invention or improv, nient and we will tell Z S i <iu free our ypinit n as to whether it is ( piol.anlv i.iitertable. We make a specially < 5 O: a; ili .itions re.jrcled in other hands., !’ '1 i ferent f iruiahed. ? MARION O' MZRION ? PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPERTS j 'ail V ctimip.-il Fn inror.s Gratin of the I ■ •• I ol I rgim ’.l' iiih'. iiyu iit lois in c ■ I Helen ot, Laval (Jnnrersity, Members r ’ • l -‘ on. An ’A'aivr Works ? Hon ! v. 1 i .'.h; | Watea Works Assoc. ' , ( I’. Q • ..rv \ <>j s Association Assoc. Member Cun. ' . ( Boei tj £ngjne rs. . ‘ . .<• 1 Washington, D. C. S ■ Montkkau£an. S ■' itwlllj ‘.Hi . H-L U-L-c R« :... OS INE) iid ... p.-’ & St _ • Ill’S ’’.'-j’ ’.l <l/ . >3 . : ’ M.. i'T'fGA, ' ' " ts,. •I ; UHCAGO, ’. d MPHIS mi lOlis-S. ‘ iiff LLILHNG €ARt .t ;'<v; E 11 ti i.TGi'A . . . TO . . • 't s ... and ST. LOWS, : I’AC-f. • —. ,v< i. tih.nta and Chat i-encoua. .' :■■■ <s aac fv-ljf.. . ■ so--;. 1 ?.-tu C<»l , . I • , Gir - - ><i» .-in.' cs, ott /.»-.-AS, . itausc ‘t /’ 4 - * r.. • • .. aur? ’ » •' ■ || WANTED! MEN! Ab e-bodied white men wanted for f hi rd 5 Regiment U-S.Volun uteers, a , Ratio n and Qua rte rs (.furnished at once. ? Certain chance to go 1 to the war. Chances ! for promotion. Leave o i first train for Macon. Apply now to Re- , cruiting Station, office Armstrong F4otel. 1 j j Beware ol Imitations ! f t JOHN nuNCAN’r SONS, AOC.’ Tft, AJEW YORK. '^»owTTOTJCTt'-'»asc«wcr/aßMß«itnrwmkii n ■iimwr Corn responds readily to proper fer- tilization. ■ Larger crops, fuller ears and larger grain are sure to result ¥ From a liberal use of fertilizers containing at least 7% actual Potash Our books are free to farmers. GERMAN KAI.I WORKS, 93 Nassaa St., New Yatk.