The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 30, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH year smoke a “Bill Arp’’ waiters New Brand OFF TO CUBA larger Movement From Ghic amanga Thao Thoiliht of. rivalry AMONG MEN. Raiments Hustling to Board The Cars First Chicamaugb Chattanooga, National Military Park, Ga„ June 30.—The order issued yes terday afternoon conveying the information that the entire First army corps would be sent to Cu ba has doubled the activity at Camp Thomas. 'lhe work of completely equip ping and arming the twenty seven regiments is an immense task for the short time in which it must be accomplished, but the work is already in progress, and the officials say it will be finished much sooner than is generally believed here. Everybody in the twenty sev en regiments from colonels to privates are bustling todry and considerable rivalry to be the first to get in shape is in evi dence. It is believed that all under | orders will be moving inside of I two weeks. The Western and I Atlantic and Southern railway I officials have received no order I from the war department to sup- I ply cars for the moving of troops I from Chicamauga park to Tam- Ipa or some other southern sea- I port. The only thing of this sort lii a notice from the war depart | ) ent to the local Western an/ I- lantic officials stating tha I t >ops would doubtless be movci I h uth very soon and suggesting I tint they make preparations to I furnish a large number of cars I when the proper time arrived. An order appointing a court I martial board for the First divi- Ision, third corps, has been is— ■sued from Gen. Grant’s head- I ■quarters. I I brigadier General Howard ■ dlro: ‘ a,ld Major Moore, repre- ■ ■seuting the governor of New I Hle le New York ■ ■camps inspecting rations. They I Wltd the commissary, ofli- I fr r 8 !lnd Privates and the result ■ their investigation so far is ■ Bthut they are thoroughly con- I B* lllced that ( ncle Sam is taking I ■good care of nis soldiers. lie CoUVild er, ot the Fourteenth KB* e ' lV Ol 'k, has received permis- ■ Kioa tor his regiment to engage l^^B > taiget practice and as soon as KB | e >m get his range in readiness «B he lueu will begin what they bwa ei ‘ger for many days. *■■ '''g'oher (,eneral Waites, for- ■ ■tttly () f ] exaßj ] lag a<su|ne( ] ‘iinaiid ot the Second brigade ‘Sieving Col. Pew, 'com- e \ c * dle Ninth Massachu hen the new commander * W rHlJr '‘ ed to the Eighth, ' lieutenant Colonel »■ l(> orde „ reMi¥ed ■W . '" ll ! Kew York i e I ■■irddi', S “ C °" d bl ''K“ d «. ll'« i 4“‘'ua«d'”7?. U " lier 11,6 br ' Ksde 1 ■j', Ge “- This IS,.,■'<! a trill “ r « rr «l to lhe k feh * r «g» ’nan ts to njoy« THE ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL DISRUPTION Os The iiliio Coal Trilst Threatened. A PLAN TO BOYCOTT IS Broken up by Railroads Strike Expected. Cleveland, 0., June 30.—The great Ohio coal trust, which was organized last fall, and which controls every pound of coal mined in Ohio, is on the verge of collapse. Every coal road in Olro is in the combine. Each agreed to act as selling agent for the mine operators, and turn over a per centage of money to the mine owners, and keep the remainder for freight charges. The rail ways agreed to keep West Vir ginia coal out of the lake mar net by keeping up prohibitive freight rates. Now it is alleged the Balti moie & Ohio, the Wheeling & Lake Erie and the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railway are secretly carrying West Virginia coal to the lakes at low rates. This, it is said, will result in a disruption ol the trust. STRIKE MAY FOLLOW. A prominent Ohio coal opera tor said today : “If the Ohio trust is broken I anticipate the greatest strike of miners in the history of the business. West Virginia operators were not a party to the Chicago agreement as to wages and the lake mar kets will be flooded with coal from that state. To protect themselves Ohio and Pennsylva nia producers will be obliged to break the wage agreement, and a strike will follow. CAMARA BEGS FOR COAL. But Egypt is Fip.m And Declines To Yield a Point. New York, June 30-A special to The Tribune from Port Said, says: Admiral Camara, instead of the 10,000 tons of coal for which he ■isked on Sunday now demands 3,500 tons, as he insisted upon bemg allowed to take thi smaller quantity after firm but courteous refusals, the goveinor of Port Said at last formally noth tied the admiral that under the circumstances any coaling what ever of the Spanish fleet in JFgyp ian waters would be forcibly 'pre vented. The Buenos Ayres, the Colon, the Isla de Paor»y and the Cor adanga have been removed into out of the way berths, thereby in dicating a long stay here On the arrival of the transport ‘lsla de Luzon the troops Dow - , ou board the Buenos Ayres will be transfer red to the Isla de Luzon so as to enable the Buenos Ayres to act as a cruiser or commerce destroyer. Miss Susie Freeman, who I as been the guest of Mrs. Julian Cumming in Rome la now at the home of Mrs Dr, Will Johnson, She will remain during this week. —Cartersville News. under the orders received by the First division and First and Second brigades of the First corps. The entire corps now goes and the regiment can resume its old place. ROME GEORGIA. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE, 30. 1893. ABPY CUBE I Pigeons Presilmalilij Used bij Spaniards. ■ n i ■■■ ....... ONE BIRD RELEASED Strange Message Carriers Found at Key West. Key West. Fla., June 30—Dur ing 'he past week a dozan strange carrier pigeopa have been found in the Government dovo-cofe in this city. All are marked in the same manner. For instance, the last four ciptured are marked: “A 5, 588.” “A 5. 573,” “A 29. 626,” “A 17, 428.” It is believed h re that these pigeons constitute a <-ignal code, and, as all the pigeons are from the same cote, and sent out by the same parties, that they were set free by Spanish spies with the hope that they would reach Cuba. If this be true, the pigeons have been away from Cuba too long, or else they simply stopped here to rest and were captured by the Gov ernment officials, ONE BIRD RELEASED. A pigeon with a similar mark went on board the schooner Puge, about 40 miles north ot this city yesterday Captain Prior examined the bird, found the message, and, concluding that it was a govern ment message, set it free again. Although the pigeon fl.-w south when released it has not been heard of here yet, and it is pre sumed the bird kept on its journey to Cuba, probably carrying im portant news of the movemen’s of our army and navy t 1 General Blanco. Ednham and Thumps n GUFFEY SAYS JENKS, SUPE* Claims That He Will Be Nomina ted On The First Ballot, Pittsburg, Pa., June 30. —lt is -xpected that 400 friends of Col onel Guffey will’leave for Altoona this evening. Guffey left for Altoo na last night, and tomorrow morn ing at 8 o’clock the Allegheny County delegation will follow him . lu a short talk before leaving dome Colonel Guft’y declared that there was not the slightest room speculation as to the result, and that Judge George A. Jenks, of Brooksville, would be nominated on the first ballot. Mr. Guffey made it apparent that, so for as he is personally concerned, he has no “string” on the nomination, and will not allow the clamor of friends to swerve him. The entire influence of the National Committeemen will be exerted m behalf of Judge Jenks, who it is claimed, will re ceive over 300 votes on the first ballot. THE EARTH QUAKED. Italian And French Cities Dam aged This Morning. Rome, June 30.—Two sharp earthquake shocks wereTelt this morning at Rieti, sixty-two miles f rom hare. The worst one was as 1 am., and lasted nine seconds. A number of buildings were dam iged i The Carbineer barracks were ren dered uninhabitable and the whole population is panic stricken. At Castile, France, the earthquake! shock injured a number of people ] and killed one child. VV. M- Taylor, pastor of the Highland Park Christian church, will return from Rome, Ga., to n gilt, where he has been holding a meeting —Chattanooga New» r l> illll? ntiiTiß Bombai ded Ct WITH ' 3 Bargains Pre.ty Shier India Linen ", .’ 3 !Acs Pretty Picture Handkerchiefs only Jet Pretty Folding Fans only 1 ct Coats Spool Cotton only 2 cents Paper Pins only 1 ct Good Yard wide Sea Island 3*4 cts bummer Calic j par yd, only Scents. Laundrad S lirt Waist (7 cents Muslin de Soire only 49 cents Embroideries Ci-japer than Elsewher Organdies From 234 cents and up, LADIES NM UNDERWEAR CHEAP. SUCDMBR MILLINERY, Our riillinery Department is aglow with its beauti ful array of summer riillinery and our prices are right, TECB MCCALI. 2S 4 / PATTERNS Are the equal of any mado and our pricss are under any patterns in Rome on paper patterns. LANHAM SONS ... _ '"SHb . —4 IO CENTS PER WEEK