The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 30, 1898, Image 7

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•iTmEWILD GAT" Hill is The Bill Tonight at The Part. Tt |[ COUNTRY POLITICIAN w a Large Audience Last ight SP'endld Attraction. Th<> Peruchi Beldeni Co., pl«y --j -‘The Country Politician to a crowed house latt evening at the Mobley Park theatre. The play was well staged and W jjr.Chels» D. Peruchi actfd the part "f “Br. Barnesley ” t 0 perfection and kept the large audience laughing from start to finish. • rtlf-lJ Miss Ella Beldim as Wild Flower” acted her part to per fection. Sheis a charming little actress. Miss Marion Sawtelle as “Bessie Blossom” was simply great. She has a sweet voice and was encored time and again. “Little Wild Cat” will be the bill tonight. IP [RUCKER BOX, JI Negro Baby DUg Up this Afternoon, - NEARNIRUPHIN STREET. It was Probab y Murdered, Had been Buried 1 0 days. Minerva Early, colored, was arrested this morning charged with killing her baby. About ten days ago her baby died under suspicions circum stances. Instead of having it buried in thec a metery she mad ■ a grave on the bank of the riv between the old water work Mauphin street. Coroinr bchlapbach had the body dug up this afternoon. It was buried in a cracker box about a foot and a half long. A jury was empanueled, but at a late hour had not reached a verdict. The baby was probably murdered. INSOMNIA lMomn“u F *wiu e w '} ">‘*,"s over twenty v have beei J for have given n.p ,nnJ dl cun ,say tllal CuscaretH dy l have eve'r?rGH lC t ef , tl ! a “ any othel ' remt! ‘ «‘e»'U!ieu) to m J *’O'" 11 certainly recom represented " Uy >J , e uls . as beinp all they are 1808 - Dillard, Eirfn, 111 ■ O1 candy ■ CATHARTIC tocmefe mark nioiamtro I'otem. Taste Good. Do ••■ CUftr Or, l’>‘. We.'.'jc. We, «»“ ** con «tipation. ... "“•*O«BAC 8ol ;\ _ 10 ’ 1 **•'. lohaeco Habit Cotton, 1 ’•very other crop, needs I noiJ rishment. A fertll *zer containing nitro- f en ’ P hos phoric acid, and not ess than 3% of actual Potash, - - Our i XX) . ** free to any the «“>iect. TM ’■ehman kali works, »i Na, WB s» , N#w ’ BOY DROWNED Near Southern Ry., Bridge Last Night WAS IN BATHING, Went to Far in the Stream body Received a Few Hour# later The muddy waters of the Etowah claims another victim. Last night about 7 o’clock Enoch White, a negro boy about 17 years old. with several of his companions went in bathing near the Southern Ry. bridge, White who could swim but little, ventur ed in the stream too iar and before assistance could reach him, went down the third time. Last night at 12 o’clock his body was found about 50 feet from where he was drowned. The coroner’s jury brought in a verdict this morning ot accidental drowning. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Lawn Party—The Epworth League, will give a lawn party this evening between the two churches in the Fourth ward. Much Better —The many friends of Mrs. .John Graham will be delighted to hear that she is re ported much better today at her home on First avenue. Conference.— The Rome dis trict conference will meet in Dal'as G i., next Tuesday, All the metl • odist ministers from Rome will attend. Some important business will come before the meeting. New Recruits —Capt. Henry Stewart now has 48 enlisted in hi> new company. The following en listed today; David Abrcmson J. W. Collier and Fred Huffman. Police Circles—Every thing is unusually quiet in police cir cles, very few arrests have been made in the past few days. To morrow is regular court day. Do You Ggt it?—l have ex clusive charge of thd circulation department of the Hustler-Com mercial. If you Jo not get your paper promptly, report to me and it will be a tended to. The subscription is 10 cents per week, payable every Saturday. Please have the money ready when the collector calls. Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. A Popular Visitor—Mr. Wm. J. Loader, special representative >f the home office of The Mutual Life Insurance Co , of New York, arrived in ti e city this mornii g and will lemain here until tomoi forenoon. Mr. Loader is a good large size lump of the “salt of the earth.” He is not a writer of ineur ance but is sent out by the match less company he represents to mix and mingle with its policy holders in order that their lives may be made brighter, pleasanter and consequently lengthened. This is Mr. Loader’s duty, and his salary is the wisest investment of his company—for, after a man has been entertained for a half hour or even a few ninutes by this gen ial gentleman, life is certain to be come more worthy the living than before—men are slower about dying and continue to cheerfully pay their premiums. Mr Loader is at the Armstrong. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. AH bills for subscription to Hustler-Commercial are payable Paul C. Jack, or order, and are due Saturday of each week. Have your money ready when the collector calls. Paul C. Jack, Mgr. circulationt dept. Mr. N. H Bass, of Lavender I roe nt today iu the city. 3 H, P. WOOTEN & BIRO., S Success rs to J* JjE ROME PHARMACY. J 1309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. g* We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply your wants in HI the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our • stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part ot your patronage and shall en- m deavor to the best of our ability toplease you at all M times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. ' Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articlesand such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug g* store. Cigars and tobacco. M Come to see us. 5 £ 2 s S. M. Stark, s * 2 S 5 S LADIES JfflGffl,Hit! I'Hl' S -•*- Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A ' >♦ ** MH >• „ c* S F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. c ! THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. i J*J E Plumbing and Tinning. ? 2 Engineers’ and machinists' | 5 supplies. Stoves, rangesand « n tinware. Gas and electric fix- c | tures. INSURANCE gasoline § 5 stoves. Water meters. a 5 325 Broad st. Phone 32. • si.2sanl 5i 5> Aiirts for $ J. A. enm S -.COMPANY ARE WAITING for everyone in Rome to come in and see the magnificent stock on men’s and boy’s clothing, bicycle and golf suits, is what we are doing, but we are bus tling while we wait. We will show you the finest stock of clothing, made from the newest vfflWJhV styles and patterns in fabricks, perfect fitting and handsome, to be found in Georgia, and they ~ are above competition in values , for thejprice. Thegreatest line of negligee shirts ever shown in Ro ne. J. A. GAfIMON &CO M Can supply all * Ours is the Most Complete | Department Nursery . Ag-fa || c f"' low rates. We pubhshone of in 11157 ' I the leading Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, «« which will be mailed I rec. Send for it now, it will save vou money. Try us, can refer you to customer in every state and territory in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends f.u and ' near. Have hundreds of carloads of N FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. . I wi, vnd bv mail poatpaid. Seeds. Bulba, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival ah guaranteed,Garger by express or freight. 44th y.ear. 32 ureenhouaes. 1,000 acre THE F’ ro '» r »S * HARRISON ' * Ro> 528. Painesville, C : To Muical PoepL of Koine:' » I I 1 * BW *J I pleasure that we introduce to our readers the price of a new and complete sto< k of M ■ MB, M H'S, :| AND Small Musical Instruments , in the new Moseley building, 327 Broad street, where we would be pleased to have you call and examine our goods. The stock consists of some of the best mikes of pianos and organs on the market today. Wr keep a full line of everything pertaining to a first class music store—Something Rome has needed for a long time. Give us a call and you will find a music store that Romans may be proud of 1 1 M e are determined to close out 0a HI CYCLE th© earliest possible date. '*■ '— k " 327 Broad JStreet. S. P. Davis, Manager. X X.X -X X X X X X X.X X X \“\ X x.x X X V k X - IWe keep on hand at all times a full stock of • - - Sheet Music - . ,* of the very F.J-KANE& CO. Z 248 B/oad Street. Sale el Sminei Goods fHW f***»*»«'i» Si X X X X.X X X X X X X X X X X X.X X X X ’.XXX- Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Gingham and Madras ■ | Ready-Made Skirts and Waists We intend to close out our shoe stock, so take advantage of cost pcries on shoesof the best makes. Special prices]on]everything at f. J. KANEanICO,. ‘Lw 248 Broad Street- \ 1 ~ j — —■——_—,.... | jTfil M—w R? 0 V- Bw <wLp MjU G' c-a permanently cored by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. 'D surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cen n®* Hoc Sample sent free on mention of this publ’eatf ?n. :HF "R WHrr c ’~ ’’ VBURINIMI «» WrtMt 'fend, Ind#«• - 5 l sl . EL ..