The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, June 30, 1898, Image 8

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Yale sends troops. Ric’NFoktEMENTa Sent By Fast Cruiser Reach General Shafter* WashinEton, Juu*Bo. —.Inst be*, fore entering tbe cabinet roam yesterday Secretary Alg«r an' nounced that the A ale, with its Urge quota of reinforcements for Shafter in the attack on Santiugf and subequeut movemen t had made a successful landing Mon day The official dispatch showed everything passed ofl W 11 and that all the troop* had disembarked. BARONESS BLANC Concert-Hall Artist, Reported Dying at Chicago. Chicago, June 30.—Baroness Blanc, the famous divorcee and concert-hall artist, is dying at Leland hotel, in this city. A wtek ago she was taken ill and grew rapidly worse. An operation was performed, and this morning she was in a criti cal condition, the attending phy sicians not expecting her to live. SUMMER SCHOOL. I will open my summer school on thefi'st Monday in July.Specia attention given to pupils prepar ing for the university. Palemon J. Kim J ADMINISTATOR S SALE. Georgia, Floyd County. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary of said country granted at the May term, 1898. will be told before the court house door in the city of Rome, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1898, the fol lowing described property, town • 80 acres of land, mors or less, the same being the west half of lot No. 81 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of said county. Saia property sold as the property of Julia Parker, deceased Terms of •ala cash. W. H. Ennis, Admr. FRUIT RECEIPT BOOK FREE. The Editors of Fruit are com piling a nesv receipt book that will contain nothing but receipts that require fruit in their com position. They ask that every housewife who reads this will send them all their favorite re ceipts for pies, fruit cakes, fruit cookies, fruit puddings, sauce, pickles, methods of preserving, serving, etc, etc. Anything that is about using fruit in any form whatever will be acceptable. Write very plainly, sign your name and address, and send to the address below, and in pay ment for your receipt* one cf the Fruit Receipt Books will be sent you free when it is publish ed. It is an excellent opportuni ty to get valuable book with lit tle cost. Address FRUIT, Dun kirk, N. Y.; Roy W. Van Hot:- sen, Manager. TEE SURE LA GRHTECUR There is no use suffering from this terrible if you will only get the right A remedy. You are having pain all\ through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in biot are completely used up. Electric bit* lers is ths only remedy that will give you prompt and sure “elief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system acd make you feel 'ike a new being. They are guaranteed to cursor price refund ed. For sali at Curry Arrington’s rug sto.'s. Oily 5) cen‘» per ottle. At Mobley.—The Peruchie- Belden’s Comedy Co., will hold the boards at the theatre tonight at Mjbley’s Park. Mr. Marvin, manager of the Street R’y., has gone to a great expense in get ting the company here, as they only play m large cities. They come highly recommended. REDUCED RATE Ou account ot the Seventeenth • (nteruaiiotial Convention of the Christian endeavor, to be he,ld nt Nashville Tenn , Ju y 7th —11th, 1898. the Southern Railway will sell tickets from points on its lines to Nashville, and return at rate of <>ne fare for the round trip. Tickets io i* sold July Ist to 6th inc'n ive v :‘i final limit July 31st 1898. By deLoriting tickets with! agents of terminal lines at Nash ville on or before July Slat. th< return limit mav be extended to August 15ch 1898. Many prominent speakers wil pirticipite on this occasion. For further information call ou any agent ot the Southern railway. OVERSTOCK!. LESS THAN COST. 50c Glass stopperd botls of best Bay Rum, 25c. sl. 25 Fysicians fever thermom eters, 63c. 50c Diamon wall finish, 4 culors 33c. 50c 4-ii.. wide camel hairbrush es, 15c. 25c Bromo Laxativ Quiniu 14c 25c National White Led culors for house painting, per can 13c 4oz Graduate, to tnezure with2Bc 10c Dog Soap, per cake, 05c $1 B >tls Gifford’s 11. 11. 11. lin- iment, 50. 2 c Box pils, Bell’s, C. C , Haw ley’s. Howards’, Murdock’s, White Bead, or Wilders, each 10c. Castor Oil for axl’s worth 40c per quart, price 20c Harness Oil worth 25c per quart, price 10c. 5 Quire pkg of legal note pa per worth 25c price 10c. Fine 9-ine h Roll wrapping paper, cost 6?, prioe 4’. $1.50 cruches, per pair 75. Six barrels (six colors). Spear’s wetherproof, fireproof paint, dry. worth 10c lb price Columbian Spirit, for burn ing, bathing and all external purposes, worth 60c quart, price ,> I C . 75 i-gallon empty mineral wa ter botlslo put up your wine, etc, in, worth 20c each, price sc. Atomizers below actual cost and a new lot of rubber goods (Household and fountain) and paint and shoe brushes just ar rived. Price uncommon, at Frank Wright’s Farmacy, cor ner opposit Masonic Temp!. Cash Only. Cancer 01 the Breast. Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St., Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife paid no attention te a'small lump which appeared in her breast, but it soon de veloped into a career of the worst type, and notwithstanding the treatment oi the best physicians, it continued to spread and grow rapidly, eating two holes in her breast. The doctors coniine ruled S.S.b. and though little hope remained, she begun it, and an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral vears have elapsed, not a sign oi the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable} lea real blood remedy, and never faih to cute Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any Other blood disease. will be mailed free to any ad- WjU- Wk dress. Swift Specific Co., baO WOF Atlanta Ga. If you eat. you cannot afford not to trade at Lloyd’s. The best of everything, largest variety and lowest price • : soon pronounced her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat ed her, but she con tinued to grow worse and when informed that both her aunt and grandmother had died from cancer he gave thg case up as hopeless, Someone then re- w 5 k'ATEDWI II THE EICELLIiNCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS in due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by aeientifi ■ processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon ail the importance of the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the: satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it dojes not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CnL LOCUVILLK. ' **'.W YORK. N. Y. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exe cise in the open air. Her form glows and her face glows with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of figs, manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only. HOW’S THIS! We offer One Hundred D. liars- Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chbney & Co. , Props, To ledo. O. We the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honor able in all business transactions auc financially able to entry out any obligation ni.ide by c nr firm. West A Traux, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, o Waldixg, Kinnah & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intirually, ac t i ng, directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price. 75c per bottle, S Id by all Druggists Testimonials free. FOR SALE 1 cook stove 1 heating stove 2 bedroom suits rockers, chairs, and other household furniture. Call at 917 W. Ist. Si. SUMMER RESORTS Many delightful summer resorts are situated on and reached via the Southern Railway. Whether one d j sires the seaside or the moun tains, the f'ashionab'e hotels oi quiet country homes, they can be reached via this magnificent high way of travel. Asheville N. C. , Hot Springs, N. C., Roan Mountain, Tenn, and the mountain resorts of East Tennessee and Western Nortl Carolina “The Land oi the Sky” I'ate Sp r ings, Tenn,, Oliver ■Springs, Tenn., Lookcut Moun tain, Fenn., Lithia Springs, Ga , the v&iioue Virginia springs, and the seashore resorts are reached by the Southern Railway. The Southern Railway has issued a handsome folder entitled “Si m mer Homos and Resorts,’* descrip 'V? of nearly one thousand sum li. er resort hotels and boarding l I)mses, including information re izaid ng rates for board at the different places and railroad rates to react] them Write to 0. A, Benscoter, As sistant General Passenger Agent Southern Railway. Chattanooga, Tenn, for a copy of this folder. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY, “Mystic Cure forßheumatismt and Neuralgia radically cures i Ito 3 days. I's action upon th system is remarkable and myste nous. It removes at once the caus t’nd the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by Curry- Arrington Co, Rom*, Ga. LEITERS OF ANM IN [STRA- TI ON. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY’ ! To all who i: it may cebceru : Eipt.ibie mortgagi company h iving m proper torn) applied to me for permanent letters of ad min: f rat ion on the estate of Win 11. W lei'ins, hit-- of said county deceased . This is to cite all and •Jugular the creditors and next of kin of Win. B. W L'l'in-i io be and appear at my office within the time allow-d by law and sh"W cuuse, if any they cm . why per manent admini-'tiatioii sh' ii'd not be granted t-> W. H. Ennis Co. Admr. on W in. B. W iggma t-sfate Wilmas my band and off’ieia sig na:uiw this 2ml day Ma? 1898. John P Davis, Ordinary. W Oman's Diseases Are as peculiar as Aa unavoidable, and cannot be discuss vd or treated as we \ do those to which the entire human rajSgq&yy family are subject. Y TJeoF?’ . Menstruation sus- J-'V tains such import- Xi 1 ! ant relations to her SaiO J 11M health, that when3lWtt| T if®* Suppressed, Irrcgu- <•„ ' 1 A lar or Painful. (j I, j\ she soon becomes languid, nervous and irritable, the bloom leaves her cheek and very grave complica tions arise unless Regularity and Vigor are restored to these organs. Bradfield’s £ o Vof e t h p e f most noted A ClTlcviC phy sici a n s __ . of the South, Regulator sort prevail more extensively than in any other section, and has never failed to correct disordered Men struation. It restores health and strength to the suffering woman. “We linve f r the prist thirty years handled Bradfield's Female Regulator, both at whole iale and retail, an in no instance has it failed to give -ali-faeti' .1. We sea more of it than all other similar remedies combined.” I Lamar, Kankin & Lamar, 1 Al icnta, Macon and Albany, Ga. The BftADriELii Regulator Co., Atlanta. Ga. Sold b»' ell hriKiefsts at SI.OO t>er Bottle. CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening, i I’he schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. m. arrive Caattanooga 4 :15 a. m. ; leave Rome 10 :35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. m. • leave Rome 6 :25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. in ; leave Chattanooga 5 :10 p. tn. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. m. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. irrive Rome 1 :44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on all train*. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. NEW MAN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsi.i, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. 1 tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med in ne has made me a new man and is the, best I ever took. It lias beon a blessing to me.” William M, James, Brogdon, S. ' " • A Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. E 1 in 1 yet efficient. Chicago is thus eaily bidding for the next national political conventions. Tnough these events are two years off, it is violating no confidence to < onvey the information to Chicago that St. Louis has first claim on both ci nventions. < HANK? ' /' -I' iff W ft' - ’ ’ _ v Uy (<ll d UU* ' be surpris ed to sce The best mosquita bin-canopy on earth. 11OW UILICII you can buy at our store for a little money. It is our object to give the best goods for the legist money. If you are thinking of buying some, thing in the line of Furniture,. Car pets, Mattings, Rugs Etc., you will be sorry if you don’t see us. Wesre making sami vey low prices on everything now, to get ready for our fall a oo js that are coming in. Don’t fail to see u«. Yours ■yV - toplease. FT j ■ b ■ Furniture I** « -I _ I "1 " ■ i '' j j, fcfr*-■ - -- - . \ | -A WHOLE CLUB 1 i - can,t I I b ail W, Dexter M Running ® Time I carry a full and complete line of jewelry, iuclu fifil ding Diatnouda My itock of silver notions and novelties was n«v- U’lE 1 a -i : er more complete. W ~ WEDDING PRESENTS AJSPEOIALTY. if J. K Williamson j iiuuiuumiuiiiuiiuuiiiuuiiiuiirumiimiiiiiniiimininuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuiiiuiiuuiillllliUilllinrnnnsaji •: ■ Tnlu * i ■ Olßy i iTTB-wu l Tiiki si r°£a». Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr, Jan. 10,1898. Jan. 2, W I would not be I without PISO’S rffadkuilsWdll-UJJsrfh CURE m CURE for CON- SUMPTION as tM SUMPTION for any best Coug i man- thing. For a bad cine on the mar Cough or Cold it is having used i beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J. A. WESTOVEK- “The Best Cough Medicine. LIVERY SALE ANDEFEEDi STABLES Offers the public the finest teams, bsst convev ances and most polite and courteous drivers. The best stock of horses and mules on sale con stantly.