The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 01, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH year smoke a “Bill Arp’ MS PAID TOLLS Bill Can it be Possible Thai Camara Will SUL TO PHILIPPINES’ Commodore Watson Hurrying Arrangements For Attack. Washington, July 1 —lt is SJ uounced at the navy depart ment that the Spanish Cadiz squadron has paid the heavy Suez canal tolls and is about proceeding eastward to the canal though this statement was prob ably erroneous in view of the later reports to the press indicat that the Spanish vessels weie stopping for repairs. The advices only hastened the preparations making for the de parture of Commodore Watson’s eastern squadron. The commo dore has reported to the navy department his arrival off Santi ago and is in consultation with Admiral Sampscn in regard to the details of the cruise, which it is expected will occupy fully four months, provided the war should continue that long. The delays to which the Span ish are subject at Port Said will redound to the advantage of Admiral Dewey if Camara is still in reality bound f« r the 1 Philippines, for they ensure the ' arrival of alm*'®*. * l '" r i Gen. Merritt’s military force and ( almost certainly of the cruiser . Charleston and the monitors Montery and Monadnock befoie me Spanish squadron could Meh Manila harbor. fbe news that reached the ( department through the press t r ports that Admiral Camara is ‘ about tu leave his torpedo boat destroyers at Port Said because ; they would be unable to weatht r | the monsoons that rage in the i Indian ocean at this season, is believed at the navy department to presage the dissohiion of the , squadron ano the abandonment of the cruise to the Philippines. As these topedo boat destroy ers have proved their ability to cross the Atlantic in bad weather it is conjectured at the-depart ment, that the real reason for turning back is one that is al most chronic in the Spanish navy, namely, a breakdown of the delicate machinery of the war craft. Leaving out the three torpedo boat destroyers, Audaz, Pros perina and Ortes, there is very little leL in the squadron of an offensive character, aside from the battleship Pelayo and the cruiser Carlos V. At any rate, the dropping of the destroyers will weaken Camara’s squadron so materially as to make his de feat by Dewey a foregone con clusion, if they should come to gether. LI-BoN A LITTLE EARLY. Lisbon, July I.—it is rumored that four American war ships ate on their way to this port. ORDERED FR M PORT SAID. Cairo, July I—The fullowing °oicial announcement was made th ‘» afternoon: “The Spanish * ni P 4 “I I‘ort Said began coaling rum their own colliers, which ar rived from Spain. f*ha Egyptian fovenkmaut ■oli- Till. ROME HUSTLE I {-COM As E R CIAI STARVATION t Now Staring Cen. Gomez’s Army in The Face. MAY HAI/E TH DISBAND. Spaniards Making Ready for a Desperate Stand. Key Key West, Fla.,July I. Pi eminent Cuban leaders here have received information stat ing that Gomez’s situation is worse than critical. No supplies having reached him, he is about I reduced to the point where I e will I e compelled to disband his army in order that the soldi. rs may save themselves from star vation. The army is still 1 ope ful that supplies will reach it rom the country. Sailors say that the sand bat tery West of Havana engaged a warship Monday. Several shots were fired. No damage was done to the ship and but little to the jattery. .MESSENGER from CUBA. Washington, July 1 —Capt. Nicolas Perez Stables,of the Cu ban Cavalry, aid to the Spanish Secretary ol War, called on Gen. Miles and Admiral Sicard, as bearer of official messages from the Cuban Republic. Capt. Sta bles said to a reporter Speedy means of communication between Gomez and the United States, as well as with the Cu bans on the Eastern side of the trocha in Puerto Principe. DYNAMITED A BRIDGE. Chicago, July 1. —A special to the Record, dated off Santia go June 30, says : The Spanish forces in Santia go are preparing for a last des perate stand. Early this morn ing they blew up with dyna mite the railroad bridge across the inlet coming in from the sea just North of Mono Castle. The structure was built of steel and was three-eights of a mile long, being on the route leading to ’ Santiago from Aguadores. Later in the day large forces of men were observed working on new entrenchments in the land side beyond the abutments of the ruined bridge. A Cuban spy, who has just come out of the fleet, says that the advance line? of the Ameii can Army can be seen plainly from the streets and housetops of Santiago. The naval commanders in Ad miral Sampson’s fleet talk con fidently of silencing the guns at the entrance to the harbor with in 40 minutes after the final bombardment shall begin in conjunction with the attack by the land forces. They believe the American warships will then enter the harbor and that a des perate battle will begin at close range between the Spanish fleet and the United States battle ships. fied them that they could not al low this and that it must stop forthwith and that they must also leave Port Said, a# the twenty four hours’ limit had been greatly exceeded. The Spaniards «hen stated that their ships wanted re al ya »nii ’’Mgi'i discharging coil. home GEORGIA. FRIDAY EVE.XINC. July, |. 1898 GOOD ROADS Hbnierfly Constructed to Santiago. SHAFTER EAGER TO ACT. Will Not Need egsly Sacrifice the Lives of His Brave Men.' Playa Del Este, July I.—The e delay in the attack upon Santi - ago has been caused by the in -5 ability of the commissaries to d keep apace with the army in its adva ice upon the city. The con i dition of the roads, or rather, i the entire absence of roads over which vehicles can pass, has rendered it impossible to forward supplies until the engineers had prepared the way. But within a few days the en gineers, assisted by such pacifi cos as could be pressed into service, have accomplished won ders. Serviceable bridges are being thrown across ell the waterways and deep ravines, and a good military road has been constructed where, a week ago, was enly a mountain path, affording perilous footing to men in single file. Gen. Shafter has no intention of calling upon the troops to make the supreme in his knapsack. Up to the present this has been impossible, but the work of the engineers is now nearing a stage that will enable the wag< n trains to reach the front. When they can do that the assault upon Santiago will be no longer de layed, for the general is evident ly most anxious to anticipate the arrival of Spanish reinforce ments from the garrison at Manzanillo. The signal corps linemen have managed to keep well abreast < f tlu head of the column, and the military telegraph now brings frequent messages from G> n. Wheeler at the front to Gen. i Shafter at his headquarters. HEAD CUTOFF i Deaf And Dumb Girl Kil ed At Williamst own. Ky. Williamstown, Ky . Ju’y I.—Ma linda Owens was behead’d by a Cincinati Southern train here ed nesday night The pilot of the er.» nine hurled her 40 feet. I hirty feet away the head was fouu I. I he young woman was deaf and du üb. | She was one of the most popti’ar ’ oeople in Williamstown WHEELER'S SE iT In Congress Will Not Be Dis turbed Till March, Montgomery, A’a, July 1. "ovaroor Johnson has decided to take tio action in regard to the seat in Congress of Major. Joseph Wheeler till March 4 next. growing revolt Ha? Sf’READ To Spanish Carol’ne Islands. New York, July I.—A Vancouver (P~*C.) dispatch etat p s that mail advices from Hong-Kong say that the revolt against Spain has spread to the Caroline*. waiters New Brad ROME Bombai ded WITH “ Bargains ■ Pretty Shier India Linen 1/ps Pretty Picture Handkerchiefs only ;> ct Pretty Folding Fans only . _ • I Ct Coats Spool Cotton only Ceil S Paper Pins only • t ■ Summer Cilic> par y□ ily 3 cants. Lrandred Sairt Waist |7 cents Muslin de Scire only 49 cents Embra [ 13ri aa C aap )r th Vi Eiaavnar Organdies From cents and. up, HUIESIIISLIN ■fflEiH MP. SLKDMBR MILLINERY. Our riillinery Department is aglow with its beauti ful array of summer riillinery and our prices are right, w * w nit THE patterns Are the equal of any mado and our pricss are under any patterns in Rome on paper patterns. LANHAM A SONS > CEfSPER WEEK