The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 01, 1898, Image 4

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Illi miSTLMIM THEHUSTLEft OF ROME EulMbiinhed, IWO THE ROME COMMERCIAL EHtabHsbvd. 1885. Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL G BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. OtMce. Wilkereon Block, Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION tally And Sunday,per year >5 On iMday, per year Ill" ffeakly (T«x Rome Courier) per year W BT CARRIER IN CITY AND SUBUI.9B DtVy and Sunday, lOceutt per wee:, Remit by bank draft, exp rm, Money order or registered letlsr Address THE. HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, a. .ROME, GA. Entered at the Poatoffice at Rome, Ga., a second class matter. Advenietng rates and sample co, les tor tl asking, BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 The Hustler-Commercial is the only afternoon paper in Northwest Geoigia. It has tl combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and the Rome Daily Commeicial and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF The City of Rome The City Marshal The Sheriff of Floyd Count) The Ordinary of Floyd Co, The H ustler—Com m ercial lias the confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidence es all its readers. Now is the time to tell youi neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber It took Shafter to get ont< Cuba, Who said the cavalry was lc good in a fight? The first of the week will bring us the Fourth of July. The “New Fourth” is theway it is being written in the South The ourtfi of July will weai the biggest bangin her history, this year. The “cough” of the guns on the is very trying on the Spanish nerves. The Covington Star says “L?t Me Kiss Your Dewey Lips” is the latest naval air. Poor old Boston town more she breaths easily. Camara is not anchored in Boston Commons. The rough-and-tumble cowboy and the dude of the nation, stand side by side in the war against the Spaniard, Why don’t some one write an ode to the cantaloupe, the cous in of the water melon and rival of the Queenly Peach? “Fighting Joe” - Wheeler is . the bravest man that ever climb ed a Cuban tree. Now watch your Uncle Joe “walk the log” of the Spaniard. Do not Spring jokes all Sum mer. It May lean you to vour Fall.—Waycrots Herald. Who Winter Spring such a Summer joke? The question of the hour: Who will be the military candi date in 1900?—Atlanta Commer cial. Don’t know—But Bob seems to have the advantage over his “running mate,” just now. The queen of Spain has sent her jewels out of the country. She will probably h.tve them bottled up in her ancestral man- Bion in Austria, and go to them M when she has to. i he Oregon seems destined to | i make a reputation «.o a globe itretter. And the best part of it j is, when she has reached the lend of a long journey, she shows up ready to do business with all coiners. If the Oregon is not the finest ai d most trustworthy fighting craft upon the bosom of th de. p, «he conies mighty close to ii Savannah News. “Brigadier Bill” should com mission Candidate Hogan for a military office ; said commission to go into effect on the day after the induction of Allen D. Can dler into the gubernatorial man son. It’sapartof “Brigadier Bill’s” policy to reward the ac tive opponents of the people’s choice, Allen D. Candler. In 1896 Daniel Webster deliv ered the following: “I am clear ly of the opinion that gold and silver, at ratios fixed by congress constitute the legal standard of value in this country, and that neither congress nor any state has authority to establish any other standard or to displace this standard.” Capt. Henry J. Stewart is one of the very few officers in the 3rd Ga., regiment of volun teers whose appointment was not dictated by political motives Capt. Henry Stewart is a brave officer—he is not a politician, though the majority of the offi cers in his regiment are nothing else. John Church, of San Francis co, wanted to enlist in the caval ry, but was rejected on account of his size. He stands 7 feet 1$ inches in his seeks, which is just 7 feet 1 f inches more than Jerry Simpson stand in half hose. But then. Jerry don’t want to join the cavalry. It is to be hoped that Shafter will capture Santiago in a glori ous victory befoie old Miles has a chance to sneak in and claim a share of the glory. The peo ple of this country will never love Miles as that conceited uni form worships himself. The Atlanta dog will have to perambulate just as the com monest sheepkilling cur of the piney woods. The dog-catchei is out of a job while the dog-cart has been side tracked—and the dog-days draweth nigh unto the Gate City. Gov. Atkinson has issued a proclamation calling upon tin people of Georgia to observe tin fourth of July this year in an appropriate manner. There’s no liner fourth of July governor on earth than “Bri.adier Bill.” Texas will harvest her fiisr bale of new cotton next week. It will be sold at auction and the proceeds used in buying car tridges for the soldiers. Now if that ain’t gun-cotton, what i it? Floyd county went against Bill Wright, but he will becomptrollei general another two years.—-Grif fin News. Aye, verily, verily, and yet an other two, stilt other two, for Comptroller General Wright is as faithful to duty as be was gal ant on the field of fire and blood, Col. H. W. J. Ham, of §nol lygoster fame, hss entered tin race for clerk of the Georgia House of Representatives. Geor gia Ham is good enough for any good """——• Your Uncle Allen heads the Lesi State house tick* t ever offei ed the people of Georgia. Let the ppop'eshow their appreciation by making the majority 100,000. AT THE THEATRE. Peritchi-lieldeni Company al Kalil y Park. LARGE CROWDS ATTEND Each Performance. “A Little Wild Cat” Last Night. Another large audience greet the Peruchi-Beldeni company at the Mobley park theatre last evening in the “Little Wild Cat.” Miss Beldeni as “Wild Cat” acted her part to perfection. She is a most captivating little ac tress and received hearty ap plause. Mr. Peruchi in his acrobatic specialties was the best ever seen in R'ine. Theo Atart rs “Rezedebaum, the Jew” was simply great. Each and every member of the com pany are first class. This evening two short 'come dies will be put on. After the performance there will be a dance in the pavillion. The curtain will rise promptly at 8 :45. There will be plenty of cars to handle the large crowds. ■ —'«■-2” JL It would be difficult nowadays to find a man possessed of the qualifications enumerated in the following advertisement, which appeared in an early number of an English provincial journal still in existence: “Wanted, for a sober family, a man of light weight, who fears the Lord and can drive a pair of horses. He must occasionally wait at .tabl join the household prayjr, look after the horses and read a chap ter of the Bible. He must, Gcd willing, arise at 7 in the morn ing and obey his master and mistress in all lawful com mands ;if he can dress hair, ing psalms and play at cribbage, the more agreaable. Wages, 5 guineas a year.” Roosevelt was a dude and so was Dewey. Say Mack, can’t, you look around and find a few more dudes to help you conduct this war?—Wavcross Herald. Ou to Santiago, on to Havana, on'to Madrid, on to every old thing that is Spanish.—Ameri cus Herald. War is costing $2,000,000 per ■’ay in this country —and even Mark Hanna cant figure on what the total cost, per diem, will be to Spain. To Visit in Rockmart.—Mrs. Mitchell, accompanied by her son, Master Frank, and her lit tle daughter, Miss Lillie, also little Miss Annie May Blunt, of Charleston, S. after spend ing a few days most pleasantly with her mother, Mrs. Lewis, will be accompanied by her mother on a visit to relatives in Rockmart. Mrs. Mitchell is as charming as pretty, and by her uany sweet womaaly traits has won her way into the hearts of a wide circle of friends in this city. Iler party will return to Ro ue from Rockmart after a fortnight and remain in the city for the summer. RHEUMATISM CURED LN A DAY. “Mystic Cure forßheumat am r <nd Neuralgia radically cures i . to 3 days I's action upon th ystem is remarkable and myete. fl ions. It removes at once the cam > { I id the disease immadintely dis I ippearß. The first dote 1 oenefiis, 75 cents. Sold by Curry ll \rrington Co, Rom o , Ga. THE WfFt% GOES Deeper. So far. we have been very successful with our muney raisi ig Sa u bnt the desired amount of has not been ra’ne u and we are com pelled to raise this money out of our stock. During our sale we have sold down a great many lots of suits, leav ing two and three of a kind, an to close out th~£e odds and ends wp have gone through our entire stock and selected out these broken lots and placed them on a separate counter and offer you choice at HALF PrtiCL. if you c m find our size in this lot of suits it will be th? same to youasit we had OneTh usand suits of a kind. They are a new, c ean, fresh, desirabi , uo-to date suits. On this counter vo will find suits rangmgin price from $6 to $25-00. You can bu v any of them at HALF PR ICE. You cannot afford to miss this opoor tunity to buy Clothing. Furnishin > Goo i c and Hat so cheap. When we advertise SLAUGHTERING PRICtS we mean just what we sav aud that is to SLA I JG TEH PRICES. Thousands have gone awav from our store pleased with t’r.e barg »ins the/ have gotten. So fall in line and come to us [and get ycur shaie of the bargains we are offering. MEH’S FINE SUITS. All $22.50 and $25 suits go at sl6 50. I All sls and $lB suits go at $11.50, All 10 and 12.50 suits at 7.50. All 6 and 7.50 suits at 5.00. All 5 suits go at 3.50. | Children s Knee Pants Suits Go ssL-t: I-bssb.K' price. WJD'J 1 TTIJiU Jl DT M $6 00 suits go at $3.00. $5.00 suits go at -$2.50. 450 suits go at 2 25. 4.00 suits go at £ 00. 350 suits go at 1.75. 3.00 suits go at 175. 250 suits go ak 1.25. j 100 suits go at .01 MENSFIif PANTS 331-3 OFF, $6. O') p i'its g i it $ 1.00. $5 00 pants go at $3.35. 4.50 p i its »• >at 3 0). 400 p Pits go at 2.65. 3.50 p vits g) at 2,34. 300 pants,go at 2.00. 2.50 pants go at 1'.67 2.00 pints go at 1.50. 1.5) p mts g>, a' ?1.0 >. FINE STRAW HATS □□AT HALF PRICE. $2 50 hats go at sl-25. , $2.0) h .ts g ’ at SI.OJ. 1.50 hats go at 75c. 1.03 ha : s go a s)c. 75c hats go at 40 c. 5 >c hats go at 2oj. 25 per cent off on all Furnishing goods Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery,Handker chiefs, Soft and Sti{| Hats, Big Line 1 lot Weather Stuff in Ssrges. Alpaca, Line i. 2 an 1 d isk. AH g) in thj? d! count sale- This Will B 3 Our Mw-RO YOUR MONEY SAVINS This will b-» our money raising sale and your m >ney saving sale. dreh’ 11,1 This is no trick of the trad iniris it a going out of buiinm aI v irtisiug ohiin* to r “ ((|tl |ia| oeopk. We always do ex ictly wii i‘ w) a Ivertis-i an Iw> ar i->un ’ P ''3 l l ot ’ u ' a vv ,r< country are aware of this fact. \V<c>inito v>u now with the honest, frank statenam t gto .'i need, eg money and in order to ra.'‘M the needed amount we off ir y»u th* nli ii Mt, b Jit » ,l P clothing furnishing goods and hus in R >tno at fa >m 25 to 53 psrceit rediietijn. n. nini i o