The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 04, 1898, Image 1

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'EIGHTH year smoke a “Bill Arp ’ warters New Bra d GLORIOUBFOURTH nititt Wore Glorious by Sampson's Victory. DESTROYED ’HE FLEET - of Admiral Cevera in Santiago Harbor Yesterday Washington, July 4-Glori 1 OU s news from Cuba affords the American people just reason for sn enthusiastic celebration of this the nation’s natal day. Admiral Sampson has accom plished the work which he was directed to perform when he left Key West for the Southern coast of Cuba. He was ordered to find and destroy Cevera’s fleet. Several weeks ago Commo dore Schley located the fleet in the bay of Santiago. Yesterday, after being bottled helpless in the harbor for weeks, the fl jet was destroyed. Nothing, now remains of the Spanish squad ron but shattered and burning hulks. In addition to the splendid work accomplished by Admiral Sampson,Gen. Shafter, in com manu of the land forces before Santiago, had so far progressed in the carrying out of his plan s for the reduction of the city that at 10:30yesterday morning he demanded the immediate sur render of the Spanish forces. At 4:30 yesterday afternoon Shafter’s demand had not been complied with so far as officials here were able to ascertain That the demand will be com plied with, however, Gen. Sbaf ter fully believes, and that the s'arsand stripes will on tbi« F u'thof July be raised over the former capital of Cuba is regarded as practically certain. Shortly after 12 o’clock this morning, Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen left the White House hastily, and going direct ly to the department, posted the bulletin announcing Samp son's glorious victory. Ihe information contained in the statement was received early in the evening, but it was not announced officially until sever al hours later. As a result of its !*ceipt, however, a conference prominent officials was held “tthe White house immediately. 'Hose present besides the Presi dent were Vice President llo bart, Secretary Day, Secretary J, 'ig. Secretary Al /er, Pus tin as Smith, Gen. Miles, djt.-Gen. Corbin, Gen. Guy Henry and Senator Hanna. 1 -ip information was discussed 11 nil its phases. The news sent J both Gen. Shafter and Lieut. u Allen was received with in le,lsesatisfaction. It was taken ’ Olndi cate not only that Admiral h ac | accomplished “"gnificently the task to which ,i ‘d been set, but it alsodear ie pioved that Gen. Shafter was ai “uch stronger position than |mr" ar °ft‘ c ' a ' 8 bad been led t<> be ‘'eve he held. ue of the officials who attend I)e ' ecoil f«<encesaid after the nou„A| d very mMOT i“iir 11 " r,o “ ra '“ » f ““ fleet ‘ lliedest ™ction of the 1 w uch was nofc C4)nfirmpd THE ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIA until a few minutes before the news was given to the public, removes by far the most serious obstacle to the occupation of S intiago by the American land 1 faces. During the almost con tinuous conflict cf Friday and Saturday, reports show that the Spanish fleet did awful execution by shelling the American troops. The fleet of Admiral (’eive'a was one of the finest Spain pos sessed. Three of the vessels, the Almirante Oquendo, the Vizcaya and the Cristobal Colon, were modern armored cruisers of the first class. The Vizcaya, which visited this country soon aftei the Maine was sent to Havana, and was in New York harbor whe n the news of the destriv - tion of the American battleship was taken to her commander, was 7,000 tons displacement, 340 feet long and heavily armored, her belt armor being 12 inches in thickness a id her deck armor 3 inches. Her armament consist ed of two 11-inch, ten 5 5-ii’ch Hontoria guns, eight 1 4 inch rapid fire guns and two mitrail lense She had two masts with military tops, two turrets, two smokestacks aud a ram bow. She curried six torpedo tubes, was capable of a speed rcie of 20 kno s and her comp'etement was 500 men. Almiiante Oquendo was in a! most every respect a duplicate o> the Vizcaya. The Cris obal Col >t« had a displacement of 6 840 tons and was 328 f eet lona. She hud fl inch arm r both at the water line and at the gun position, and 1 5 inch armor on her deck. Her ar mameot consisted of two 10 -inch ten 6-inch rapid fire guns, six 4 7- meh, ten 2.2-iuch and ten 1.4-ii ch guns, two mitral lenses and four loipjdu tubes. She was capable of sped of twenty knots and car ried a complement of 450 men. O-< the remaining vesse's of the fleet the Furor and Terror were torpe do boat destroyers and the Reina Mercedes was an old vessel that was sunk a short time aio by a shell from Sampson’s fleet. The Terror was hot wi*h the fleet at Santiago, tut is supposed to be at San Juan, Porto R'co. un dergoing repairs made necessary in an encounter with the St Paul a few day# ano In addition to the above men'ioned vessels, theie were two torpedo boats and a col lier in the Spanish fleet originally. Whether the collier was at Santi ago or not known. RAVING MftNlflG. Game Milner Tried to Kill Herself Yesterday AT THE COUNTY JAIL. Was Found with Throat cut Used a Butcher Knife. _i Carrie Milner, the negress who struck Henry McDow With an ax several weeks ago, is a raving maniac in the 1' loyd county jail. Yesterday morning about 10 o’clock, the prisoners were thrown in the greatest excite ment, aud the whole neighbor hood was ,aroused by tc earns of “help! Murder I Fire I” Deputy Sheriff McLeod went into the jail ami found Carrie lying in a pool of her own blood on the floor of her cell with her ROME GEORGIA, MONDAY EVENING, JULY, 4. 1898. ffl. SERB WRIGHT Almost Murdered by an I J fdrialed Negress. FWO UGLY KNIFE WOUNDS From ;His Cook Who I e V\ as Ejecting From his Residence. T ■ M - ——— l Hon. Seaborn Wright was badly cut this morning about 6:30 o’clock by his cook, a ne gress by the name of Cantress For several weeks the woman has been very impudent to mem-1 bers of Mr. Wright’s family. This morning, because of in sulting language used to a white servant, Mr. Wright feeling out raged took the cook by the arm and proceeded to show her the door. ’The woman had evidently pre-' pared herself for just such an occasion, for, like a flash, she whipped a keen bladed knife from her clothin / and with the fury of an enraged tigress pro ceed to cut and slash her em ployer. In the confusion which fol lowed, the bloodthirsty cook made good her escape and at noon today had not been cap tured. Mr Wright lives in the suburbs bf ihe city. He was assisted to his bed nud Dr. Henry Batw sum moned by telephone. Dr. Battey responded promptly. He found Mr. Wright suffering rom tw > ugly wounds, one just the heart where the keen blade had p'-i.e’rated the hollow Ihe other was a wound three in ches deep in the lett side. hile these wounds are serious, the physician thinks they are not necessarily fatal. Mr. Wright is one of the most successful lawyers >t the Rome bai and a leading po'itician’ of the state, having run. two years ago li the gubernatorial nominee of the anti-demoersts. Fortunately for Mr. Wright, the woman ’’aile 1 to make her crime murder, though there is but little doubt that she intend ed to kill. Mr. Wright has the sympathy of the entire community and all join in wishing him a speedy recovery. ■ 1 ■ '■ " throat cut and blood pouring from several ugly cuts on her head. In some way she procured a large butcher knife, and it took •di die strength of Mr. Mc- Leod to get it away from her, and he came near being badly cut himselfin the a* tempt. Several times she has tried to kill herself and she has to be watched nearly all the time. She will be tried before Judge Davis for lunacy and sent to the asy lum. .Ji.__J.JL —l. NEW MAN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It has beon a blessing to me.” William M, James. Brogdon, S. C. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. EC and efficient. LANHAM &SON& ■ I- CLOSING OUT * .*w***#***»« SUMMER DRY GOODS f ■%***■. .***#*o****# N Beginning Merrcmy morning, July 4th we willl name prices on ail Summer Millinery, Dry Goods, Etc, that will certainly interest every one who cares to save a dime or a dollar, Look At These Prices. Ribdcns .'Ribbons ! Summer Calicoes p^r*yard 2c 90 c Sash Ribbon, all silk in Ladies Shirt Waiscs with de- ’ new colors 6 inches wide 59c tach -jbie collar and cutis, 75c S ish Rib cn now 35c laundried. only lOc Sash Ribbon No. 80 was 903 Ladies 50c Shirt Waist now 3Oc now 59c Ladies 65c Shirt Waist now 40c ‘Ail silk Ribbon 4 inches Wide, Choice of any Shirr. Waist in red,blue and pink, was 30c the house ex ept silk now 12 l-2c wor-.h much more 75c 25c Veiling now 18c 0-4 Sheeting pn’yard 10c Veiling now 3c Yd Wide Sea Island 3 l-2c LOOK AT THIS ! Ladies* hase double so e high solico hoel 49 gauge Pilot Beautiful Rich Satin worth 50 to dye worth 20c now • 10 3 75 now 18c in brown, blue, pink,' La.d’es low c 111 Bhoes cheao. canarv and orange. Xl,il 1 iiierv cat Prices to Chose. Violets ner bunch 2c Trmmed hats woruhsi.sO now 99c •' i “ ’ •• 3c “ • “ “ $1,25 now 68c “of 3 dozen, 6c 1 “ “ “$2.75 now 1.50 Large assortment of F owers Children’s trimmed hats 35c white and colors worth Masses trimmod hats 40c much more, no w 13c Trimmed hats were 3,40 Shapes worth $ 1.75 now l I.OC “ t \ ‘‘ §§’£2 Shapes were 75c now 380 ( soo3 o'SS Shanes were bO c naw 2b3 “ . 8/.00 3.80 These aae not a lot of]ast year’s Everything iq Millinery at prices shapes but this sea-on goods, that cannot be maxaed any stylish and up-to da ie and we where. . Everybody can atiord a make these prices to close the n traveling hat, a midsummer hat, out for cash. We will not an evening hat or anything 111 charge goods at thes > press Millinery .f th?y w.T bring the This is ach nice you wi'[probably i cash to our store- We wni'not not get again so on, co 11 3 quic <. ch i”ge good >at thes 3 pric *s, LANI IAM&SQNS. IO CETSPER WEEK