The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 04, 1898, Image 8

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and a lot of mugs intended for I Blanco’s army. o o o There is a ..disposition to quest ion tHe’auth«nticlj bf*tUe chipatgh from General Shafter stating that he “expected to make the Fourth of July bread for the troops fn in Pan-dos o o o The Philadelpha. t sajyL when that volunteer shot Hl mro in the leg, he may have ttartight hie heart was iu his boots, . 000 The Buffalo Express that if the sister of the hat been nhdueted by bandtis jn the suburbs of ConstantmopN|Zt likely that the sultan aome reascn for wishing her out §,f the way. O 0 o The.loading plubs 91 l£ew } have abolished the pernicious sys tem, of “tipping” waiters. Hence forth lfi4 ’majl expect! 1 Asi quarter at the hands of any ere, says the Chicago Times-Herald. 000 The last of the 800 educated young Englisnmen who founded of Rugby. in the hjoud-L tains of East Tennessee, in TBBI has lefttf)&|ipnce,.Aruadiun village, established upon #»/plan arranged bv Thomas Hughes. thd English author. Rugby still has 4 popula tion of 300, but the English ele md£jthas vani»|ed. Tho «• unM coUegums found the beautiful! moUut#ins lotnes )in and tbeiippor tunities for gtf active L|e ww. jjr 0 j| Richard Harding Davis says dr Nr. Marshall, the New York Jour nal's correspondent, who was shot in the Spanish ambuscade of the R< Riders: duaUea gjyng line/and‘‘though the bid let {Waed within an inch of his spine and threw him into frequent convul sions, he continued in his inthtVals of consciousness to writd his ife-! count of tne figh‘, and gave it to a wounded soldier to Be forwitded to his paper. This devotion to duty by a man who knew he was dying was illustrative of many co'urage and inspiring deeds that occur l red during the two hours of breath-| less, desperate fighting. 000 The following legend appear in a store wiridoiv' in a western town. “On Satu-day afternoon thisl store will be Hobsonized from 2 to 6 p. m.” 000 It is said that Joe Wheeler's charger cannot suppress a horse laugh every time he turns the ! white of his eyes upon the poor ' animal tha* carries General Shaf ter on his hnrricane deck —Amer icus Reiorder. 000 Editor Stoveall is disposed to protest at the cutting off of the water supply at Santiago by the American troops. Brother Stovall should remember that “war is hell” and water an unknown quan tity at that summer resort. 000 jOhu bvrl.aYooßN go? in tHe ovwg here .vSTERdaX, and hE lOOked Sorter till# —Ash burn Advance. • 000 Editor Blackburn wants Shafter to sit on General Miles but the in dications are that Miles is not go ing to get within gun shot of the heavy weight until this cruel war is over Americus Herald. 000 In Wyom Ig. where the women vote, all tb° men want to go to war. It’s the lesser evil. 000 Hoc. H W..J. Ham, of Gaines ville, is a candidate for clerk of the Georgia House. There is no Democrat io the entire South who is more '’•serving than our good friend Ham. He has done splendid I HIT WITH II ROCK <Tj lawyer Davis flssatflls f* 1 jpl. H-X ol ™ l Satdrflatj •'A Tfiis Morning, -r* » Hl*Mp> > / f , j Lawyer Daviy a notorious ne- Mr. .1 Hugh Johnson *Ji I A y.- ir.gston Saturday mornings and dia iinow in a dangerous condi Mr. Johnson repreinanded the uogro’for sbimlflilhl; hv did and before he could defend himself '‘fffe negro picked up a large rock and struck him a powerful blow 'file ''negro broinSTit to Rome yesterday ami placed in YajlrlU W’lWeii 11 [Aeft wiiiai'y hearing before ’Squire Walter WarrH iliistiuoFqpig.J to give the necessary 'bon I and was sent to jail in default. Mr. Johnson is one of Floyd’s best citizens and is a brother of Deputy Sheriff Jim Johnson. lOMie Breast. ik. I^^F aus by, of. Kerr St., F. ejstwfis, says.ftriat his wife attefltixon ro a sffliall lump which inwlfcr breast/ but it soon de '. of the worst type, andin|; the treatment oi ' the besT*“yhysicians, it continued to spread and grow rapidly, eating twe holes in her breast. The doctors ts oo n pronounced her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat ed her, but she con tinued to grow worse and when informed that both her aunt and grandmother had w died from cancer he ? gave the case up as hopeless. Someone then re commended S.S.S. and though little hope remained, she begun it. anl an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several bottles i' disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign oi the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy, S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer, Eczema. Rheumatism ; Scrofula, or any other blood disease. Our books | will be mailed KM j free to any ad dress. Swift . Specific Co., Atlanta Ga. work fcr tho par*y and d< s rves anything he asks for. —Darieh Gazette. 000 “Allen Candler got there wul both feet,” says the Thomasville Times, “and Colonel John Can dler got there without either i f his feet.”- -Griffin News. 000 The Augusta Chronicle thinks that Hon. John D. Little, of Mus cogee will probably have a walk over for. the speakership of tle next house BEATS THE KLONDIKE. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marys ville, Tex . has found a more val uable discovery than has yet been nade in the Klondike For years ie suffered untold agony from con-umption. accompanied bv Hemorrhages, and was absolutely cured by Dr. King’s New Discov ery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He declare that gold is of little value in comparison with his marvelous cure: would have t even ir it cost a hundred dollars 1 bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and ill throa' and lung affections me positively cured by Dr. King’s \ew Discovery for consumption, iiial bottle free at Curry Arring ton’s drug store. Regular size 50c md SI.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. THE MODERN BEAUTY Efirwr,';: ja beauty. Iher system needs the ' cleansin e action of a Bixajnve ligs, niniiiil’ jjjg ’ Mire* ’ • .h.' 1 i Syrup do., owßf FOR SALE 11 2 bedroom suits rocr-rs, chairs, and other household furniture. Call at ' FRUIT RECEIPT BOOK ... .> FREE. -ff ■ -* - ; The Editors of Fruit are com ( filing q new receipt book that J will contain noihingTnii’recelpt* that.rp]iiir', J'ruii t in their com • position. 1 Iley a*k that ' every iio*isAwife^wlfareads this wil send them- all their favorite re ceipts for pits, fruit cakes, frur dftuwKjr-i^,f ujt ptiddings, sauce, pickles, mnhofls of | reserving serypio, Anything that is about,*u“!iig fruit in any firn whatever will be acceptable ■\Vi*Fte vei’v plainly, sign you) 'lame and add ess, and semi t< ! tli,e/a,(jdress below, and in pay ment for your receipts one cl the Fruit Receipt .Books will be sent you free when it is publish ■d. It is an excellent opportuni ty to get valuable book with lit tle cost. Address FRUI T, Dun kirk. N.Y; Roy W. Van Hok sen, Manager. THE SURE LA GRIPPECUB There is 20 u-e suffeiing f'ron 'his terrible malady, if you wil -V . v r inly get the right remedy. Tot ire having pain all through you, j bodv, your liver id out of otder. ' have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact an ' cmp etely used up Electric bi I > i ters is 'he oniy remedy that wil 1 give you prompt and sure -eliet. They act direc’lv on v'mr Live 1 , Stomach aud Ki.iacys, tone u[ he whole sysu m ard make yoi feel like a new bei: g They ar< guaranteed to cure or pri e refund ed. For sale at. Cu'Ty Arrington’* rug atose. Oily 5) cj its per 1 ottle. | AD MINIS PATOUS S XLE . 1 Georgia, Floyd County. I Pursuant to an order of the’■ I court of ordinary of eaid country ■ granted at the May term, 1898 I will be told before the court home, door in the city of Rome, within 1 the 'egal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1898, the fol ‘l owing described property, towit • 80 acres of land, more or less rhe same being the west haff ol ; ot No 81 in the 23 d district lid 3rd section of said county. '[Said property sold as the property ( ot Julia Parker, deceased Terms o! p I s >. e cash. ( W. H. Ennis, Admu SUMMERS IIOOL. . I will open my summer school ,: on the fi‘st Monday in July.Specia I a'tention given to pupils prepar ing for the university. PalemonJ. King i i.rnr vr-.unxi- REDUCED RATES ■) 1 On account ot ths Seventeenth s 1 iteruatioiial Convention of the i ' Christian ir, to he held at ■ 1 N'isli ville I enn , Ju’y 7t'i —11th, r 1S!)8. the Southern Railway wi i . sell tickets from points on its I lines to Nashville, and return at I rate of one fare for the round trip. , , Tickets to be sold July Ist to 6th ( mc'ui-ive with final limit Ju y 31st , 1 18f'8 By depositing tickets with! 1 i agents of terminal lines at Nash’ ■ ville on or before July 31st, the ; I return limit may be extended to c ■ August 15. h 1898. 11 I, I I Many premimnt speakers wil participate on this o’cesion, For further information cull on t b any agent ot the Southern railway, 1 EITERS OF ANMTN STKA- TiON. aLqu lab ALuort 1 ny HB'iogiMMMl'Wltf ' ne lor permanent letters of ad -nini’!t ration 00 the “state of V\ m Aig/Hi" l . late, of said c unty I Ttiis i 1 ? to cite all and 8,l Win. P>j W ggjn« 10 be nut appear lit my otlioe within he linn al wed k>y law ai d show saus“, il any they cat;, why per manent adm 1 ui->ti - at ion slum d not diidg: alstGl M W. 11. Ennis Co. Admr. on Win. B W iggins t state Wiim ss my hand and otßcia sig- Z.J IJhlipis 2nd dnv Mav 1898. J< hn P Davis. Ordinary. W Oman's Diseases Are as peculiar* as unavoidable, and cannot be discuss ed or treated as we do those to which the entire human family are subject. Menstruation sus tains such import ant relations health, that when* Suppressed, Irregu lar or Painful, she soon becomes ? languid, nervous ‘ M and irritable, the bloom leaves her cheek and very grave complica tions arise unless Regularity and Vigor arc restored to these organs. Bradfield’s 5 .US'S' f most noted £”* C1D.3.18 p ll yi c * a 11 s of the South, Regulator sort prevail more extensively than in any other section, and has never failed to correct disordered Men struation. It restores health and strength to the suffering - woman. “Wft have for the past thirty years handled Sradiiald'a Female-Regulator, both at whole- | ale and retail, an ' v.i no instance has it failed to give satisfacti' a. We sen more cf it than all jther similar remedies combined.” Lamar, Rankin & I. amak, Atlanta, Macon and Albany, Ga. I'he BRADfirao Regulator Co., Atlant i. Ga. sold b< all I)i-nqq:sts at SI.OO per Bottle. CHEAP RATES. 'Plie Southern R’y operates 3 laily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties : can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. I’he schedule between these points is as follows Leave Rome 1:00 a. in. arrive Cxiattanooga 1:15 a. in. ; leave Rome 10 :35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. in. • leave Rome 6 :25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. tn. There isali-o a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. tn. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. in. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 -.30 a. m. arrive Rome 1:00 a. in. ; leave Chattanooga 3:10 p. m. arrive Rome 5:35 p. •n. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. irrive Rome 1 :14 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains, For further information calj| on C. Harrison, C. T. A. SUMMER RESORTS Many delightful summer res-rrts are situated on aud reached via the Southern Railway. Whether one ffsires the seaside or the inoun tains, the fashionab'e hotels or quiet country homes, they can be reached via this magnificent high way of travel. Asheville, N. C. , Hot Springs, ' N. C., Roan Mi utiijaii’, Teun and the mountain resor's of Fast fennessee and Western Nortl Carolina “The Laud of the Sky” Tate Springs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn , Lookcut M< uu luin, Tenn., Lithia Springs, Ga . Jje various Virginia springs, and the seashore resorts are reached by the Soiitberu Railway. The Sou'hern Railway has issued a handsome folder 'ntiiled “Sum mer Homes and Resorts,” descrip- I'V oi nearly one thousand sum mer resort hotel- and boarding bouses, including information re garding rates for hoard at the differimt places and railroad rates to reach them. Write to C A, Benscotar, As sis'unt General Passenger Agent S>m her,i Railwiv. Chattanooga, 1 Tl-hi, for a copy of this folder. 1 r ' ji’ ff'AK-y FUHIiUIFG ■ OU* You win > . ’• ■-> , be surpris. J ’ cd to see The but nup i. lIOW DlUCll you can buy at our store for a little money. It is our object to give the best goods for the least money. Ifyouare th in king of buy ingso m >. thing in the line of Huiaiture,. Car pets, Mattings, Rugs Etc., you W i|| be sorry if you don’t see us. Wesm mating sami va y low prices on everything no v. to get ready so-o .irf.tll SO o| s that are coming in. Don’t fan to —i I see uu Yo irs I to please. I MS iltessMi I I Um lHi’6 I ■' i I CO F~“ i ■ fjft’fffinnuii'ittivwwiirfVßißwvwvi • t '•» ’ * ’ ’ *’ * *** ' ’ ’ * ** ’ * '•—"•g 1 •ii-'nHnnnnnnnnTTiTfnninniinTTTnnnnnnnTnfnnnnnfifnnff/iHiinninTniynnininiinninniiiniiiniiiummm.biiM j 'AWHOLE CLUB 1.1 Ca ’t hl Better M S Running ■ Time || ■•il ' T . ■ late iw rBiE I carry a full an l c imp’s *» hue of jewelry, inoltl' Hte 'li'»g Dtatn mU My stock of silver notions and nov- Ities was ev er more complete. WE).MN > P.IESEN TS AySPECIALTV. K I J. Z. Williamson il : ui i&: IFF jiijailHi Bi. S Como, Wls., Hyarmis. Wjß Jan. 10,1898. I would not be I without PISO'S Efenhl CURE for CON. SUMI r » M SUMPTION for any g l - 1 Sffi KXg "* B . '’±„X»W flung. Fora bail cll e - 1 „,,d jJr Cough orCUd it is “ jj aVin g „ W beyond all others. I 5 years, Mrs C. REYNOLDS. J - A - I “The Best Cough Medici | LIVERY SALE ANDIIIFEED STABLES ■ ♦Offers the, public the fine t teams, best c °' I ancts and mott polite and courteous n1 n ' fl i’l he best slock of horses nnd mules on sal' <-° fl stantly. - h o r \ . ■ l| ( M ■ k"*'