The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 05, 1898, Image 2

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RUNNING FIGHT. How the Sampson Fleet De stroyed Hie Spaniards. ‘■FIGHTINGBOS” EVANS In Thick of it, and Made a Characteristic Report. Near Santiago, de Cuba, July 4.—The American victory is complete, and according to the I best information obtainable, the American vessels were practical ly untouched and only one man killed, though the ships were subjected to the heavy fne of the Spaniards all the time the battle lasted. Cevera’s fleet was discovered the moment it attempted to I leave the harbor. For an hour or so the American fleet follow-! ed the flying Spaniards to the Westward along the shore hue, sending’shot after shot into their i blazing bulls,tearing great holes in their steel sides and covering . their decks with the blood of the | killed and wounded. At no time did the Spaniards t show any indication that they I intended to do otherwise than fight to the last. They showed no signals to surrender even when their ships commenced to sink, and the great clouds of smoke pouring from their sides showed they were on fire. But they turned their vessels toward the shore, less than a mile away and ran them on the beach and rocks, where then destruction was soon completed. The cfficers and men on board ' then escaped to the sin re as well as they could with the assistance of boats sent from the Ameri can men of war and threw them selves upon the mercy of their captors, who not only extended to them the gracious liehd of American chivalry, but sent, them a guard to protect them from the murderous bands of Cuban soldiers hiding in the bush on the hillside eager to rush down and attack the tin- j armed, defeated by valorous foe. ! Heavy explosions of ammuni tion occurred every few minutes sending curls of white smoke a! hundred feet in the air, and i causing a shower of broken iron and steel to fall in the water on every side. The bluffs on the coast line echoed with the roar of every explosion, and the Spanish ves sels sank deeper and deeper into the sands, or else the rocks ground their hulls to pieces as they rolled or pitched forward or sideways with every wave that was heaped upon them from the open sea. Admiral Cervera escaped to the shore in a boat sent by the Gloucester to the assistance of Infanta Maria Teresa, and as soon as he touched the beach he surrendered himself and his command to Lieutenant Morton and asked to be taken on board the Glouchester, whiclt was the only American vessel near him at the time with several of his ofliceis, including the captain of the flagship. The Spanish ad miral, who was wounded in the arm, was taken to the Gloucester and was received at the gangway by her commander, Lieutenant Commander Richard Wain wright, who grasped the hand of the gray bearded admiral and said to him : ‘‘l congratulate you, sir, upon having made as gallant a fight as whs ever witnessed on the Rea ’’ Lit utentanl Com man de r The Royal •• the highest grade baking powder known. Actual tests show it goes one third further than an/ 0t.." brand. pwq Ba 'aW POWDER Absolutely Pur* ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. - - ' - * ' ■ - ... ! I Wainwright then placed his cabin at the disposal of the Span ish oflicer. At that time the Spanish flag ship and four other Spanish vessels had been aground and burning for two ho irs and the only one of the escaping fleet which could not be seen at this pi int was the Cristobal Colon. I But half a dozen curls of smoke far down the western hcrizon ' showed the fate that was await ing her. The Cristobal Colon was the j fastest of the Spanish ships and she soon obtained a lead over the i others after leaving the harbor and j escaped the effect ol shots which j destroyed the other vesseli. She I steamed awav at great speed with [the Oregon, New York Brooklyn and several oth* r ships in pursuit, all of them firing at her constant ly and receiving fire themselves from her after guns There was no possibility what ever for her escape, and while her fate is not definitely known at this hour, it can be readily im agined from the word? of Captain Evans, of the lowa, who returned Torn the westward with 340 pris oners from the V.izcnya just as the Associated Press dispatch boat j was the Spanish flag. In answer to an inquiry be shouted I through the megaphone: “1 left the Cristobal Colon far ito the u estward an hour ago and the Oregon wa e giving her bell. She has 'undoubtedly gone down with the others and we will have a 4th of July celebration in Santia i go tomorrow.” Captain Evana, who had been in the thick of the engagement up to i he time he took the Vizcaya’s of ficers and crew from the shore, said that to the best of hit knowledge not one American ship had been struck. . 1 U». I i C. 11. Tolbert, of Calhoun, is ! shaking hands with his many i friends here today. Messrs. W, H H. Camp J . Ed Camp and Tom Shipley of Living iton spent today in the city. Carrie Milner, who was ad judged insane before Ordinary John P. Davis yesterday, will be taken to the asylum at Mil ledgeville tonigli t. Dr. Taylor, the optician, will be here again Monday, July 4th and will be pleased to meet for j mer patrons and make new friends. Eyes examined free ei ther at your home or at Woot ton’s drug store. Funeral Yesterday.—The fnn e-al of Mrs. J. M Kendrick whe died Sunday at her home at Kar tah occurr d yesterday near her home and was largely attended. ' She was the daughter of Hon. W S. Selman of Crystal Springs. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn her loss. INSOMNIA ‘•r bare been u.'.iii" I IM AKETS for ; nsomnla. with which I have been afflicted for I >ver twenty years, and I can say that Cascarets >av. iri.en me more relief than any other reme vl h ive < ver tried. 1 shall certainly recom leml them to my friends as being all they are presented. ’ THUS. GILLABD, Elgin, 111. CANDY * CATHARTIC . Pleasant Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. On Good. Nev, rsu Lon. Weaken, or Gripe the 26c Oh- ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... t’-ilknr (Uwirdy <*4t npauy, f'lilearn, Mnnfmal. Ywrk. 316 i S “Kjjarnntewl h» ajtdrug- * 1U JAG ■ t-. to CV ICE I'ovaceo Habit GOES TO CAR I ER'Vi LLE. Has Faithfully Served Ini' CHI’KCHES At Cl THBEKI A\i Da w bon . Cu'hb'"* Gn.. July 5- Rev E. M . Ci’ni • i' 1 '*f the I'resbyl - nun cbm i l Cut libel t. Dawi >n xn<i Fort Uaite s has accepted a unanimous ca'l to the pastorate of the Presbytt rian chinch nt Car tersville, Ga Thu Cuthbert church in congregational meeting yesler- I day„jeluctanily united with him Ln request for a dissolution of that relation. i Mr. Crag is universally popular ! and one of the best pastors that! has ever served the church. The people of Cuthbert will part with ! him with the greatest regret, PARK ACTRACTIONS The Peruchi-Beldini Co., Ar... i This Week. In spite ol the imclemency of the weather last night a very large crowd greeted the Peruchi-Beldeni company at the Mobley park the ater. l’he“Nibla Oit cast” was the bill for the evening. Mr. James G. Morton played the ; leading roll as G< ra’d Weston, the “outcast.” His part was carried to perfection and shows him to be a star. Mr Chas P. Wl.i’e as Col. Lee, the banker, is an actor of the j first waler, and was very clever in 1 his part as a rich old banker. Miss Marion SawtM as usual ' captivated her hearers, with her sweet voice. A good bill will be put on to night. MR. WATSON DEAD. ■— Passes Away at his Home in the Fourth Ward. Yesterday afternoon at 6 :30 o’clock Mr. Will Watson, ufl.t-r aj short illness, died of typhoid fe-■ ver at his home in the Fourth ' ward. He had only beei sick for a short time and his death was somewhat unexpected. The deceased, at. the time of his death, was ah >ut 2 years of age and was a model young man. For the past few years he was employed at the postoffice as mail carrier, and was always i attentive to his duties. Mr. Watson was wall-known and had many friends in Rome who will be pained to learn of his sad death. He leaves a wife, mother, fa ther and several brothers am) sisters to mourn his death. The funeral occurred this af ternoon at 1 o’clock from Creek church. — WASHINGTON, 1). C. AND RETURN. On account of annual meeting National Educational Associa tion, Washington I). C., July 7- 12, 1898, the So. R’o will sell tickets July 4,5, 6 and 7, good ' until 16th for one fare for the round trip plus $2.00 member ship fee, making the round trip $19.50. By depositing ticket with joint ayent on or before July 12th, and upon payment of 50c the limit will be extended until Au . gust 31st. This is the greatest apportuni .ity of the season 1> visit Wash ! i.igton and the East. See that j your ticket reads via So. R’y Fast trains leave Rome at 9 a. in. via Atlanta and 6 :25 p. m. via Chattanooga and the “Land j of the Si<y,” both trains makii g | direct connection through to | Waseington. For full information, tickets ! and sleeping car reservation, i call on or write to J. N. Harri : son, C. T. A. Armstrong hotel building. ’Telephone 39. Mr. E. E. Pomroy, of Marriej | la, arrived in tl.e city today and is the guest of his college fiicndj Mr.Ed Maddox. *** • *. • PEBSOWL M. NIKIN M’. R. R. McArver, of ComH, i» in ilie city today. M Dave Shelton, of Oreburg, is in '.he city today. Mr. T. S. Burney, of Harpers Station, is in lhe city. M'ss Looney of Memphis, is the; gUHxt of Mis B. T. Haynes. Mr. Alex White, of Vans Valley, is in the city today. Miss Annie Hill has returned from a pleasant visit to Monroe. Lots of nice fruit at Lloyd s, ■ nd heaps of other good things i to eat. Mr. Dee McCutchin, of Dal ton, is -pending a few days In the city. Damaged Corn for Sale. i~i. D. Cothran & Co. Maj. R. T. Fouch, C. E, Car* penter are attending court at Ce- I dartown. Miss Ava Printup has returned from a pleasant visit to relatives in Gad.-den. Uapt. Henry Stewart went down to Atlanta on military business yesterday. Dudley Magruder returned I today from a pleasant stay of (several days in Gadsden. Mrs. J. J. Harris, of Sanford ■ la., is the guest of Mrs. H. D. HiT and Mrs. C. F. McCrary, in: j the 4th wa rd ■ URGES PEACE * Babcelcna Paper Says Spanuß Hon r h SatdFiED. Barceloiio, July 5. —The Diano publish s a remarkable article, I ■'fioofcly u gmg peace betwarn I Spain ut d th'' United States, du - * I j the course of which it says . | ■“ l lie Americans are winning by I strength of will and perseverance, and vhile the war respond* to the national fee ing of all Americans, Spain was forced into the war by psrty Then itie article, after declaring lhe Americans were the aggressors I »nd th t Spain was to defend her national honor, says. “Our honor being satisfied, notl - ing compels us to continue such anu nequal combat. We cannot compel those who have gone to the | war io defend our honor to fight io the death. Those who are nireet it g the s' niggle < i.ght to pit u: end to the duel wh m it is material ly impossible for one of ihe com batants to continue it SPAIN WILL NOT YIELD •' >■" “We Will Pußsu'e The War” Pre mier Saga-ta Is Quoted. London. July 5. —A special dis patch from Madrid quo'es Premier Sag is' u saying, in an interview, that he thought the Americans “would get the reinforcements they had requirtd, which would them to take Santiago d" Cuba.” The premier is said to have ad ded. “Though the American warshipa tuay d stroy our squadron in the harbor, yet we will pursue the war. i There are in Cuba 100,000 mon ! ready to die in i's defense but they | will not yield .” SAGASIA WANTS PEACE Report That He Has Already Taken Steps Toward That End. Paris, July f .—A dispatch to the Matin from Madrid, published to day, says: “In spite of the belli cosity of the (fticial utterances, St-nor Sagasta is ardently desirous o f p*ace and has already, t-ken sb p l ' to arrange for a cessation ol hostilities. The general feeling of th ■ cabinet yest' rdey evening wat that peace should be immediately s< tight J disastr overtakes Santia* Ko de Cuba.” Sampson was handicapped | with a cable, but, lie got there in due time. I School Supolies. 41 «< " Bre P* OUPerB school books and school »up. w? ply business and we are also right up-ro-<la*e jn every ><« thm< that should be kept by an up-to-date Bookstore i rakM****************** | II WALL PAPER. I No house m the StHte car. serve vou better when vou d e . Iw sire to invest in a new covering fcr tne dear cid walls of your home. See our stock on hand and samples w H. A. SMITH, | THF OLD RFLIABLE BOOK STORE, « I i $ To the People of Rome. | ii j I wish to announce that I .have bought the Model X Steam Laundry and propose to rearrange and aid to it so that you will have in your city a plant second tc none U/ •a. in the south. ▼ I have had years ot practical experience, the past W r ’ e y earß of which I have nwn-d and operated one of the largest plan sin With »he years of experi- IF ence 1 li <ve had and as I will devote my entire time and Uj Vs attention to the business I will be in a position to guar-, V antee that anything coming to my laundry will he done M •J? satisfactorily. A trial will convince you that 1 can do all /|\ that I claim- Send in yo-ir hvndl«. If it 'ails to please M jttC y ,,v there will be no char •. Stop our wagon or telephone No. 158, ana your bund e will be returned promptly. Hl Hoping to receive a fair share of your patronage, 1 am yours to pieae-’ e t H- PARKIN, j Proprietor Laundry.> & SAMPSON GETS PROMOTION. Acting admirl’bName Is Sent To The Senate By President. Washington, July s.—The presi dent toaay sent these nominations to the senate. Navy—Commodors Frederick V. McNair to be mar admiral; Captain William T. Sampson’ to be a commodore Commander Fran cis W . Dickins to be a captain - Lieutenant (jurior grade) 11, A. Field to be a it. Lieuten ant Commander William S. Cow ies to be a Commander. WHEELER IS BET. ER. War Department Receives Ad vices From The Warrior's Tent. Washington, July 5—A dis patch from General Shafter’s says that General Wheeler’s condition 'has taken a change for the better and that his physicians were now almost satisfied that the quick rally would he followed by an early and complete recovery ol the man who has shown himself both a patriot and a soldier. i "j— i CLOSING AT AND BELOW cost. Columbian Spirit, Bromo Lax-* tiv Quinin Pils, Liniment, Gradu ates Axl Castor Oil Harness Oil, Dog and Tar Soap, 9 inch roll wrapping paper. Diamond Wall Finish, Tinting colors for house painting, Spears wetherproof fire proof paint, camel hair brushes, cruches. large empty botles & atomizi rs at Frank Wright’s Far macy corner opposit Masonic Tempi. LjJi "Miss Julia Irwin of Livingston spent today mJ he city shopping. Miss Anna Davis is Reported much worse at her home on Fifth avenue today. Ho». St shorn Wright who wav badly out by bh servant yesterday is reported batter tod»y. Now let Sampson kiss Cevera and charge it to Hobson. nifiisnm uni ATTORNEYS. ERANHAM, Law Office, 200.ra»t Piral Street, EOME.GA4 ”7GHAB/W. UNDERWOOD, ■k Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Corporal' >u Law Only. MB EUBANKS, Atterney at law. OfficeKing Buildinf. Rome, t>a. _ F w H.ENNIS, Attorney at Law. Will Practice in all coeiti b Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga. g fW J. NEEL-' O' I Attorney at law. Will practice In all,wem I Special attention given to commercial w ■ and the eradication cf land title*. | office in Klug building, Rome,Ga. = WALTER HA.RRIS I Attorney at law and J. P. Office over!' 11 . Kane A Co.’a. | ,— ** * w I lipscomb at 1 Commercial Lawyers. 8 Gffice in Armstrong hotel building. I J. SA.NTY CR AWFO’ ,D I Attorney at law, Rome. Ga. Collect! 01 ■ 1 T Masonic Temple. Rome. Go. ■ dentists. | J. A. WILLS, D.D.5 - 1 1 Office 84C 1-8 Broad. # Over Cantrell■ J.~L. PENNINGTON. D .D.s MD l . TCNTIBT- ■ Office. 3Uf> 1-8 Broad street. Over H»°H K niture Co. _____ — physicians. ■ ■ PhyslcUn and Surgeon 0 f * w O . W. V Building Rome, Ga. OO CM p -L F HAMMOND. Physician and Surgeon. O«<* f)r(1 .« building. Residence, No. IJj . Gfllce ’pho No. *B. ■ $7.00 Rome toTy l ® Cumberland, St. ■ mons and Am®‘J Beach and return e tl w. & a. n. R. T,cl sl on sale Mon^ aV .’oisJ 1 | th limited Ju,y C. K. Ayer, C. ana •