The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 05, 1898, Image 3

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Wai Time Prices. While on the one hand as ft ■ result oC the war. nearly all fobd products have advanced in price, on the other hand, it. ‘ his had precisely opposite effect on the Furniture I Trade. We| .must keep our sales up to the normal standard, and to do th’s wh realize that goods .. must be sold lower than ev< r, and weareprapar ed and determined to make you lower prices on auythii g in our bouse than can be f .und elsewhere. Our line is Complete and Upto Date.- Consisting ii: part of Bedroom / «-J J. • J ,1 Suites, ■' Parlor /. Suites, Sideboards, 1 wardrobes Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, Peckers and ■ Chairs, all kinds. Hatracks, Baby Carriages Mattings, Rugs, Portiers, Certains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens. Iron Beds. etc. t Also complete line of casketsco Hina, robes, etc., at the lowest, Ibices.Call on • Rliudy, 4 4 ' Harvey ■ ■ '■ ■■■■’’ ■’ r. & Company. . ’ D on’t forget that Mr *'* sdell is ,n charge of our re pair department and that he can anything made of wood. SBPJFWS m J!. YIB9B JEoRGfA FLOYD COUNTY ill bi* sold the. quart house dcoi in the city of ft »m*, Floyd Co. Go. between lhe| legal hours of sale, on the first Tu'arday in July 189 F the following described property to wit: • All that, piece or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd county, state of Georgia and that part of said county known as the addition 6F.L R Stov-ena, deceased, to East Rome, a plat of which said addi tion i’s recorded and registered »n book X page 66 of records of the Suf)erior.Court of Floyd county same beijig lot No. 3 and contain' ing two and one filth acr-s more or loss . Said lot fronts 122 feet on the Cedartown road, running back between parallel lines to « GO foct street said lot’s north boundary line extends 800 feet, said lot’s south boundary line extends 82b' feet. Levied upon by virtue of an execution issued from the city court of Atlant) in favor of the Southern Home Building and Loan Association vs. Annie 8. Lester as the property of the Deft. Also at the same time and place one resident lot with buildings therepu,. being city lot No IG4 m JJorth Rome Floyd county Ga.. ft citing on corner of Broad street 30 feet and running back samel width 90 feet along Third street and being one block from the Rome and Decatur R. R. depot. Levied upon by virtue of two tax < fatf in favor of the state and county for the use of W. T Chen ey trans, vs. Win M. Bridges, tax 1895 and 1896. as the property of W. M. Bridges. Also at the tame time all that tract or parcel of hnd I lying and being on the right of road from Rome to R ece’s Springs bounded cn south by J. J. Reece, in the cast by Priutup’s Ci'y on lie West by road to Reece’s Spring. contaning 1 eighth of an acre more or less . Said piece of land being in the shape ol a smootning .ron, all in the 28rd dis.riot and 3id section >f Floyd coun'y Ga and about 1 and me half miles north of the city of Rome. Levied upon hv virtue ol two ti fas issued from the jil tier court 1234 di Uriel G. M Fult'i •ounty Ga. , one in favor of A. W. Ballew and the other in favor of i Elmo Bailew and bth’ against Vlelvi'da Stickney-. as the property »f the deft. Levy made by Byars L. C. -Vi that tract or pac>l of land ■ ving uud being in the Etowah di . Lion f the city of Rome, Floyd a; tin y Ga.,it being part of lot N , 1 ip said division, fronting 33 fee' «n Broad street, extending back 110 feet. Bounded on the West by property formerly owned by J. G. Dailey, on tne lot former ly owned by J. A. Bale, on East by jot foriner'y owned by W. H. Webb. Also lot N<>. 2. same divis ion of said city and county front ing 28 feet on Broad street and extending back 127 feet. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V-. T. Sanford, T. C. ,in favor of state and counts’ vs. R. H. .Jones, as the property of the de fendent. Tax 1897. Alsu at the same time and place, ail that tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in Floyd county Ga .. and being part of lots No. 32° and 326 in Third district and Fourth section, lying on West side of Cedartown road, beginning at the line of the Southeast side of ihe Gibbons place, running up the Alabama read to within 30 feet of Kamp’s shop, Ounce South to the fence, thence along the fence to the Cedartown road thence ut the road towards Cedartown about 560 yards to a fence, running West of the line of the Gibbons and Parks place, thence bn a marked line to starting point, containing 51 acres more or Uss. Levied on bv virtue of a tax fi la issued by V. T, Sanford, T. C., in favor of the state and county vs. Wm. S. Gibbons, as the property of the defeiideut, Tax 1897. • Also at the sam-- time and place lot No. 85 in block “B” ?f origi nally the town ot Desoto, now the Fourth ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Ga.. fronting on West Fifth street 89 feet and ex tending back 260 feet. Also part of lot No. 43 in the Fourth ward of said city and county, fronting on avenue C. 88 feet and extending back 200 feet and being the place whereon the defendent now resides. Levied upon by virtue of 3 tux Ii fas issued by John J. Black, tor mer tax collector in favor of the state and county vs. r«. Geo. A H. Harris, as the prooertv. tl)p defendant. Taxes 28Ju 1894. . J, P. McConnell, Sheriff. SALE] i.EoUGI A. FLOYD C< UNTY, Under and by virtue of an order granted by the court of ordinary lot F <>vd conn v. Georgia, at the fai.U iry t *in 1898 the nudersigii' jed, Samu. ■ 1 ..i khou.« i. ..dminis trntor ot ' fn« .1. Black, deceased, will sell ui. :be iiist Tuesday *i. July, 1898 at lb court house door in the city of betw en the legal hours of sa'e, to the highest and best bidder for cash 'he sols lowing real estate to wit; One un divided half interest in 'hut prop erty in the Fifth ward of the cilt of Rome known us that portion ol the MilG proper y, not heretofore sold, lying between South Broad street and Pennington avenue amt through which Branham Ave. runs the same being bounded on the north by said avenue down to a point about opposite the center of ths steamboat wharf property and 'hence by the Coosa river on the north and by Myrtle Hill cemetery as in w enclosed on the sr Uth, the property described being an undi vided I alf interest m all that, part of said Mills property lying on both sides of Branhajn avenue not heretofore sold Also the whole of the following lot? to wit. A lot in the Fifth ward of rhe citv of Rome beginning at a point 185 feat south of the inter' section of Forrest and Harper streets, running thence south 62 feet and extending back east of uniform width to an alley 150 test and having thereon a four room dw. Hing house. Also a lot m th*- Fifth ward of the city of Rome beginning at a point 247 feet south of the inter section of Forrest and Harper! streets and running thence 55 feet sud thence back east <>t Uniform width to an alley 150 feet and having thereon a four room dwel ling house. Also that tract of land in the Fifth ward of thecHy of Rome ly ing on the corner of Forrest street and Pennington avenue and front' mg on Forrest street 148 feot and on Pennington avenue 91| feet, bounded on the ea-t by an a ley and ou the sou'h by a lot belong' ng to the es-tate of John J. Black ' deceased, having thereon two fi ur roomed houses. All z sold as the property of John J Black Samuel Fuxkh user Administrator of .I. hn J B'ack 4 -\ •'III I! I i I. I*ll <' • ’' * ' II I I I>' <U J 1 PICTURES HAVC \RIfVEG All parties holding coup<>ns| mm.tinting to $2 50 will call and 1 take choice. Others can trade Ihi? ameunt and get one. Call at once. W. H. Coker & Co. "*a RAILWAY. Con-lensed Schedule in Lllcct Maj I. IsliS. staYioxs. ' >' ■ 10 No. 11 ’ N-o. 8 Lv Chatlanoogu OJldani 3.10 pm! 10.10 pm Ar Dultou I 7.51 am 4.24pm112.10am Ar Koine ;' s.Hspm ! l.dlatn Ar Atlanta Il.d’lam itO&pm Lv Atiantu t .'Opml S.Lipin 5.20 um Ar Macon 7.10 pm! io.ssiim B.loam Ar Jesup I -L 10am 2.38 pm Ar Everett 5.25:im 3.23prr Ar Jaok&mville | 8.10 am! 8.25pu. Lv .'< sup llO.oiam o.slipn \r Jacksonville I I . '.*ui:mhi» Lv Evcret t : s.3oam[ U.3o|.n Ar Brunswick | 1 6.3oanr| 4.30pn No. 8 carries I’uJlniun Sle< ping Car Cbattu nooga to Atlanta. No. 10 carries Pullman Sleeping Our Chat | tan ora to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Piitlnjan Sleeping Car Atlan a to Jaek'onvtll.- and Atlanta lo Brunswick. i o i o's-. No. II No. # I No. 1' Ev Atlanta 10.00 pm i.oopinj 7.50 an Ar Rome l.' O.un *'..-.*.'>pn) 10 Hoai: Ar palidn ; -.'. .kiinl 7 illpin ll.kiair Ar < h.ittnnoo'-a 4.losin 8.50pn; l.OJpii Lv Cbultunooi'a 8 11am 0. lopni Ar Durgin LCHpm | Ar Lexington 5.10 pm 4.50:iml Ai'Louisville 7 .'sipin 7 .'Oi.-uii Ar Cinvinnat i 7.;’.(iprn 7.3i>anP .... LvChattanooga 1.25pml 1.15 am laipn Ar Nashville . No. 7 enrrie Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta toChattau > ga an 1 Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No. 0 enri'ic-. Pullin.m Sleeping Car Atlanta lo Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louisville. STA'I'IONS. N 0.6. No. IS No. 11' i,”v T'li..: i; i-....T f 10am 4.10 am !o.oopn ArKn : ".e 1155 am R.o.3am Ar Morris! wu j I.Mpm W.soam 2.25 an Ar Hr.’Springs 11.40 am t.OOan Ar Asheville i.lSpm Aioan. Ar.Salisoury 6.40 pm • fi.3onm Ar Greensboro 9 s!”m I *0 n Ar Raleigh I.4'.:im 3.4 |-n Ar Norfolk ' 7 lie- m Ar VVa h i ny10n..... I. T .T ! 6.42 tn 0. ’in Ar New York.. | '12.43pm 6. i: u No. I? carries Pullman Sleeping < 'ar < 'liana nooga to New York via Asheville and Sal isbury to Richmond, aerl vltri Richmond < ilso Pullman Sleeping Car Greensboro to Nur oik. No. I'l is solid train Chattanooga to Salis bury. with Piflimi i Sleeping ('ar Chattanooga lo S ilisbury and Salisbury lo New York with out change. s r a < ION i. No. 4 No. tl Lv Chattiinoo a". .... f>.oopm' 8. loan Ar Knoxville 8.4 pm u ' Ar Mm-rist iwn 2. 12ipu' Ar Bristol ' T.Ooam 3. Aspn Ar Washington " | i 7. loan Ar New York 1 1.20pn No. «. carries Pullman Sloopin - Car Chat:a nooga t . Washinrt ti ami Ciiatta-i oga to New York without chance. No. i oarrlus Pulliui i Sleeping Car Knox ville to liri tol. s I'A 1-1--NS. _ No. 15 Lv R0me............. .. Ar Anniston 11.'Hair Ar Birmingham • lO.OOpm Ar Selma 3.5.-pn Ar Meridian 7.30pn Ar New H.-:,-a n 5,.,, ... .... . ■ l'». Hkiii: At .1 a.-I; "• <su» Ar Vicksburg 11.35 nm Ar Shreveport. i _ ?.»ipm tNo. 15 i |No. 9 ’Bo. io |No. I 1 ) itioffh' 4. s)pm Lv Rome .ar!am 8.35 am s.4npm 6.5? pm Ar Gad don. ar 6.00 am 6 3iian. 6.00 pm 7.10 pm Ar-Altai a. lv s.4samj_B.loam ♦ Daily except Sunday. t Sutftiay only. •F.S.GANNON,3dv.P. & g.M..Washington. D.G J. M. CULP; Tr*f. Mgr., Washington, D. & W A. TURK G. P. A.. Washlngto*. D. O. G A BLNS- WIA AO V.A.ClkMlwuiaesTW m s BEST SANITARY . PLUM3ING fe - ') A ' ‘ dl N <» ■ ! W $ L , $ Gas. Water and Steam Fitter. fr, < A ‘Gas Fixtures, Gas Stoves, 1* f 1 amps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- L’, V * lures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec= Tfe p! $ trie fixtures. C d p t Ist / f ' I have employed Alex S. Pierce to f ; L £ take charge of my shop department. U j: He is one of the best workmen in the » W M * -South. 'Repair, work attended to ® ’ « promptly. ‘3 BJ ‘ | | I • "JOHNC-CHILDS, p ,£), N • 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. Fahy. . r * • L_- I - .. ./..I— ■■ _ I (B S' s"•' e' 'S'® '®' ® 'S e @ S'® M HON OHGE • I ItlieMPaiilsoiieaiO' I ; A ® !<®« THEY ARE THE -t <» t $7 KIND •! IAT OTHER PLACES. * « tOuiiffllailoiinjCoS® » ******** *.* ** ** *.**.* *.* ** * * * * *,*,*.*** * •*■ 7?s * • JVC : JC- JSTETVX’ » * S Tnatis, on-* millinery, is neA * IS |y * and Stylish. Wehayapaid cash J W S. * for our entire spring aid san- W S' * mer stock We got a liberal • X W . S * discount, by paying cash and * TE S * afford to give our custom- * * ers ja)dJ fa' I ess thanheases * * pay for theirs, who buy on tima * aifc * e ‘|and sell on time, Come and *• ’price before buying. We can J W * sell yo i two hats for what you * £ will pay for one at other houses * sfe - I 1 i rtrs, Ao Oo Garrard r ' 8 ->k * : ! «K .******'****.**w*¥*eii*w«*'****'«******