The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 05, 1898, Image 4

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■. IIHMEILCOIIBIft THEHUSTLER OF ROME- E>tabiii»hfd, IWO. "HE ROME COMMERCIAL KstabllHbed, IWY>. Issued »r«rj avenin*, except SaturUay ■ Sunday and weekly. PHIL G. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. I U Hee. Wilkjrson Bl.>ck, Third Avenue I . .. LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION >aily and Sunday,per year $5 Ou tuuday, per year »Lo<i Weekly (Ths Rome Couhikk) pet year » BY CARRIER IN CITY AND SOBJUBS D»‘.y and Sunday, locente per wee J, Remit by bank draft, exprsi! money order or registered letißT Add-ess THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, ROME, ;GA. H„a Entered at the Postoffice at Rome, Ga., as eeconu class matter. .... . ■ —* Advertising rates and sample co,.ie» tor th ; asking, <„ .. ■ BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 ThE II USTLER-CoMM KRCIA L is the only afternoon paper in Northvitst Geoigia. It has th combined circulation of the old evening Hustler of Rome and the Rome Daily Commetoial and is THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF The City of Rome 'Die City Marsha! The Sheriff of Floyd County The Ordinary of Floyd Co, The H ustler-Comm ercial has the confidence of the classes and the masses—because it mer its and deserves the confidence of all its readers. Now is the time to tell your neighbor to quit borrowing and enlist his name as a subscriber. The eagle continues to scream Spain will have to pay the Jwar tax . Mobley’s grows yet mor- : ular. Farmers of Floyd are in line spirits. Dewey 1, Sampson 1 2 and Schley 0 2. Well, what is all this '-‘scrap’' about, any how ! Shatter’s fighting has cost Americans heavily. Mil . ~i. In time of war Spain has no use for war ships. Poor old Cevera, but then he was kind to Hobson. Now let Sampson kiss Cevera and charge it to Hobson. J" TV.”'- . Lend a hand and help the soldier’s barbecue move. The pension list will now takv on beautiful growing proportions. The races at Mobley’s are all that lias be’en claimed for them. Sampson was handicapped with a cable, but he got there in due time. In Shafter’s line of battle, “Fighting Joe” Wheeler holds the center. Port Said is not so far away— if Admiral Watson will culycut his cables. Gen. Miles continues to oper ate from the Uncle S-im end ol the foot-1 g. Now give Schley a chance at a Spanish fl<*et and let him win an admiralship. The Spaniards don’t begin lo bjlieve that story about a De- Ilined Sampson. Admiral Watson will have to “hurry up’’ if he get« a whack at Spain’s other ileet. Th‘V announced tn Madrid jwi 'di'-feiir bourn iibtr ShnttHr’s in y land'd that it ua 4 Hiing iav.iU'-d by yellow, tmu-n at 1 i Daiquiri. That I'rmy is going to | tak" rtbout everyth ng ia sight <(' Santiago, and liikn il quit k, but it | is not omti'p tt nt. Il can not taki the yellow fever iu twenty-four hours. From i h<- way' I ncle Sam's boys have been “hogging” the bullfighters out of their ships of-war, it becomes more appar ent that the Spaniard had delib erately chosen his language when he yelled “yankee pigs” at our boys. It doesn’t matter much what ' Europe thinks, all the same the Americans will teach the old worl 1 a lesson ; Upain by expe rience, and the other nations by observation —unless they dare “come closer.” Spain is having a hard time now With her finances, but wait until iier auditing committee tackles our war indemnity bill. Then there will b<- weepit.g and wailing and gnashing <>f teeth. —Albany Her ald. Montejo had his D-wey, Cervera his Sampson, but when Admiral Watson goes tip for that other fleet Camera will deveh p a pic turesque negative. Dewey destroyed a fleet and didn’t lao3e a man. Sampson destroyed a fleet, captured a Spanish admiral and lost only one man. The Spaniish Spaniard will be slower than ever in believing that part of the scripture which r j cords the Delilahering of Sampson. DamtlieEtowah—but didn’t 'timp-on, our strong-man, give - Uncle Samuel and his boys a _ : < -ns Fourth of July present? Santiago is the oldest town in America, but Uncle Sam has a way of taking any old thing he needs in his business. Capt. Henry Stewart will car ry almost a full company out of Rome. He has about 80 men en listed now. Has any one heard from Hob >oll since Cevera’s Ileet joined Montejo's submarine naval ex pedition? It is Doctor McKinley now, and the country will hava a right to expect that he will dose its enemi< e to a more thorough purgation. “The Cuban soldiers have made valiant assaults on. the ra iions furnished them by Uncle ' Sam,” observes Mrs. My rick. The rich red blood of the “Yan ' kee Pigs” has dyed Cuban soil. • and Spanish rule must forever' end in that devoted Viand. I i Any operator who drops out bt cause he won't pay for a stamp on his stock plainly doesn’t care two J cents for the business. j I The Memphis Commercial-Ap peal thinks Garcia has certainly earned the right to give his name ( io a good five cent cigar. The Baptist Young People’s Union of America will meet at (Buffalo, N. A 7 ., oil July 14. f ■ , | Germany can’t have even a • teeney little coaling station in '' the Philippines. i , The Democrats have nominated ; Capt. Jenks to be governor o': ' \ Ivan ia . - | ——— i The Spaniards should make haste and sell the remainder of i their war ships. I I Teddy Roosevelt will yet win hib brigadier general straps 'S THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FKiS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is munufactuoed by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, ami we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true amt original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist, one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured brother par ties. The high, standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty •jf the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, ami it does not gripe nor nauseate. 1 n order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Cb. SAN Flt A N CISCO, Cal. LOUisVILLt: 'a.W YORK. N. Y. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. The youth who courts a tall girl has a lofty ambition. The wheels in a man’s head are seldom able to score a cen tury run. Women never criticise the grammar/jf men who pay them compliments. A man is more apt 11 tell what he doesn’t believe than what he Joes. A diamond is of less value to some men than a spade or a club is to others. Many of our laws are made by nen who have barely escaped the law’s clutches. When it comes to a to s-up be tween a man and a bull the man invariably lose--. Words rhyming with Cuba are scarce and a long suffering public should be thankful. Some men don’t seem to know when they are whipped, but they doubtless have suspicions. True love is portrayed by a man and woman who have been married three years and still ride a tandem. A woman always credits an other woman with having excel lent judgment when they both dislike the same person. The lady writer who said a man’s a fool if he takes a worn m’s advice, ami he’s a fool if he doesn’t, might as well have ■oiid that all men are fools, and I t it go at that. The Second Massachusetts and the Rough Riders are winning glory and shedding members around Santago. It is stated that whenever the \ esuv us tu'iis loose the Spaniards imagine that the last days of Pom peii have come again. HO V S THIS! We offer One Hundred D liars Reward for any case of Catarrh hat cannot be cured by Hall’s atarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. , Props. To- . do. O. We the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15years, and believe him perfectly honor able in all business transactions hug financially able to carry out uiv obligation made by their firm. \\ EsT it Traux, Wholesale | Druggist, Toledo, q i Walding, ; Kinnah it Marvin, Wholesale i Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken io t h-.i 111 y, ac t i ng, directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price, 75c. aer bottle. S >ld by all Druggists. Testimonials free, I fl th flilFE EOES Deeper. So far. we hiv3 boen very successful with our money raisi ig sale bnt the desired - mount ofcash has not been raises and Aeare com' peHed to raise this money out of our stock. During our sale we have sold down a great many lots of suits, leav ing two and three or a kind, an to close out th —e odds and ends we have gone through our entire stook and selected out these broken lots and n<ac dihem on a separate counter and osier you choice at HALF PrtlCL. If you can find _our size in this lot of .suits it will be the to you as iwe had One 1 h usand s.uits of a kind. They are ai| new, c ean, fresh, desirabi ,uo to date suits. On this counter vou will find suits rang'ns in price from $6 to $25-00. You can biv anv of them at HALF PRICE. You cannot afford to miss this oppor tunity to ouy Clothing. Furiiish'n •• Good c and Hat so cheip. When we advertise SLAUGHTERING PRICt.S we mean just what we say. aud that is to SLA I IGH TE'-d PRIC ES. Thousands have gme away from our sto -o pleased widi the ban? -in 3 tha/ have gotten. So fall in line and come to us Land get ycur share of the bargains we are offering. MEN’S FIHE SUITS. All $22.50 and $?5 suits go .it $lO 50. All sls and $lB suits go at $11.50. All 10 and 12.50 suits at 7.5(1. All 6 and 7.50 suits at 5.00. All 5 suits go at 3.50. Chile a.' Knee Pants Suits Go Jfflgw - I'M T) IF m $0 00 .mils go at $3.00. $5.00 suits go at $2 50. 4 5(1 soils go at 225 400 suits go at 200 . 350 suns go at 1.75 3.00 suits go at 175. 250 suits ro a‘ 1.25. | 100 suits go it .01 MENSFIN IMPS 331-3 WE $». 0 I o i its g i i $ I 00 $5 00 p inti go at $3.35. 450 p i its g ) i 300 401 p i its go at 2.H ’>. 3 s'l p iits g > it 2,34. 30) pi its g) at 20). 2.50 pants g’) at 1.07 2.00 p i its g) at 15). 1.50 p i its gia' $ I.O J. FIN E STR AW HATS BDATHALF PRICE. $2 50 hats go at $1 '25. * $2.0) huts g•at $ I .03. 1 50 hats go at 75.-.. 1.00 ha's go a 50e. 75c bits go at 40c. 50c hats go at 25c. 25 per cent off on all Furnishing goods Underwear,- Shirts, Hosiery,Handker= chiefs, S)ft and Stiff Hats. Bi g 1 ill cl I lotWeci tl ]c t Stuff in S e 553 3. Alp Isa, L : ae i. Gasi an I duck. AH go in thj? d'- count sale- mis will bs our Minuy-Rabiim s® YDLJR MONEY SAVINS. This ’'ill bs our m >ney r..i -ing sain and your money saving sala. , th* This is no tri -k of th j tr id • n>r is it a going out of busin »ss advertising fl'iti oil > ‘ f people. We a! w iys do ex 1 :tlv wi it wl-i 1 v.srtiss and w ) an ears ths ps ipl s of R»n' ,l * 1 <I T ' Wrt country aib aware of this fa-.t- Wscimsto vou now with the honest, frank state nmtt 1 ‘ , need ng moii.jy audio order to -.1 ■ ■ the need id am runt we off >r y m th i cle ia »st. bnt b >' I t * clothing furnishing g>ods lid h>. s In fl rrn > at faun 25 to 53 percent reduction. 11 IM 11 is li I iii all ft iw'