The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 05, 1898, Image 8

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GLORIOUS FOURTH I Madeyet More GloritnJs by Sampson's Victory. DESTROYED ’HE FLEET Os Admiral Cevera in Santiago Harbor Yesterday Washington, July 4.—Glori ous news from Cuba affords the American people just reason foi an enthusiastic c- lebration ol this, the nation’s natal day. Admiral Sampson has accom plished the work which he was directed to perforin when he left Key West for the Southern coast of Cuba. He was ordered t< find and destroy Cevera’s fleet. Several weeks ago Commo dore Schley located the tleet in the bay of Santiago. 'I esterday, after being bottled helpless in the harbor for weeks, the fl *ei was destroyed. Nothing nov\ remains of the Spanish squadron but shattered and burning hulks. In addition to the splendid work accomplished by Admiral Sampson, Gen. Shafter, in com mauu of the land forces before Santiago, had so far progressed in the carrying out of his plat 9 f >r the reduction of the city tha at 10 :30 yesterday morning he demanded the immediate sur render of the Spanish forces At 4: SO yesterday afternoon Shafter’s demand had not been complied with so far as oflicials here were able to ascertain. That the demand will be com plied with, however, Gen. Shaf ter fully believes, and that the stars and stripes will on this Fou th of July be raised over the former capital of Cuba is regarded as practically certain. Shortly after 12 o’clock this morning, Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen left the White House hastily, and going direct ly to the department, posted the bulletin announcing Samp-i eon’s glorious victory. The information contained in the statement was received ear y in the evening, but it was not announced officially until sever al hours later. As a result of its receipt, however, a conference of prominent officials was held at the White house immediately. Those present besides the Presi dent were Vice-President Ho bart, Secretary Day, Secretary Long, Secretary Als/er, Postmas ter General Smith, Gen. Miles, Adjt.-Gen. Corbin, Gen. Guy V. Henry and Senator Hanna. The information was discussed in all its phases. The news sent by both Gen. Shafter and Lieut. Col. Allen was received with in tense satisfaction. It was taken to indicate not only that Admiral Sampson had accomplished magnificently the task to which ne bad been set, but it also clear ly proved that Gen. Shafter was in a much stronger position than the war officials had been led to believe he held. One of the oflicials who attend ed the conference said after the news had been officially an nounced that it very materially Tnodifi d the seriousness of the situation. The destruction of the fleet, which was not confirmed until a few minutes before the news was given to the public, removes by far the most serious, obstacle to the occupation of Santiago by the American land forces. During the almost con tinuous conflict of Friday and Saturday, reports show that the Spanish fleet did awtul execution by shelling the American troops. The fleet of Admiral Cerveru was one of the finest Spain pos- SINEWS UF j Train Robbers nd big Boodle, From Express. 1 THEY ULRD DYNMITI ' 2 And Blew up the Oar After Side Tracking it ’ I Dallas, Tex., July s.—Gener e al Manager I h irn, of the lexas i ami PaC'fic railway, has made I che following statement about the train robbery near - Stanton. Friday nighi: s “Six robbers, all masked ex— t cept the leader, flagged our Nt*. i > West-bounu express at 10 • ’clock last night five miles West of Stanton, on the Staked - Plains, between the Colorado ) ind Pecos rivers, one of the most , lesolate spots on the line. i The robbers covered the en i ;ine crew with Winchesters, cut i die expres car loose, forced th* > trainmen to move it on to the ! side track, and then blew it up with dynamite. Nobody was I nurt, but the car was wrecked, I the sides and bottom being * blown out. The robbers the:; - blew up the express safe, wreck- I ing it and b. dly damaging its i -ontents. What money was in it they took. Mounting horses they rode away to the Southwest. . “The Pacific express alone know the amount lost. This is, however, the season of the yeai ■vheu the express companies make their heaviest shipments. Three pursuing parties a:e after the robbers. Two start from Midland and Stanton and a largt p *sse start from Pecos on a spe cial train under the direction of Sheriff’ Devail, of Reeves coun ty. The Texas and Pacific R’v company has offered a reward f $250 for the capture of each robber. The express com pan} will offer the same amount and the state of Texas w ill duplicate it. Rumor.places the amount se*- cured by the robbers all the way from 110,000 to $50,000. sessed. Three of the vessels, the . Almirante Cquendo, the Vizcaya . and the Cristobal Colon, were , modern armored cruisers of the [ first class. The Vizcaya, which visited this country soon after the Maine was sent to Havana, . and was in N*.w York harbor when the news of the destruc tion of the American battleship I was taken to her commander, » I , i was 7,000 tons displacement, 310 feet long and heavily armored. I her belt armor being 12 inches t Jin thickness a id her deck armor 3 inches. Her armament consist . cd of two 11-inch, ten 5 5 inch j Hontoria guns, eight 1.4-inch ] rapid tire guns ami two ] lense. She had two masts with , military tops, two turrets, two . I smokestacks and a ram bow. She carried six torpedo tub' s, was capable of a speed rr'e of 20 , knots and her completement was 500 men. Almirante Oquendo was in a) most every respect a duplicate n> ? the Vizcaya. The Cristobal Colm had a displacement of 6 840 t<m *’ and was 328 fe«t lonit She had 6- ‘ | meh arm r both at the water line 31 and at the gun position, and 1 o 1 inch armor on her deck. Hpr ar ? ■ mament consisted of two 10-inch, ' , ten G-inch rapid lire guns, six 4.7- . i meh, ten 2.2-mch and ten 1.4-inch ( . guns, two mitralleuses ami font I torpedo tubes. She was capable of s speed of twenty knots and car*. I ried a complement of 450 men. Os I the remaining vesse’s of the fleet the Furor and Terror were torpe do boat destroyers and the Reina ■ Mercedes was an old vessel that I ■ j was sunk a short time ajo by al she., fr tn Sampson's fl -of. .dS H, P. WOOTENS BRO., -J2 Successors to lc ' S ROME PHARMACY. KJ 3 )‘J Broad st. —New Clark Building. 5* i 1. "s*-■ We Iqive bought the entire stock of tl ‘ Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to,supply your went* in F.4L, the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Ou: ‘ Sji stock incomplete and of the very high' ' grade. k We solicit a part of your patronat mid sh-ill co , deavnr to the best of our ability to please you nt a ' 4S , t times. We should be pleased to have vou call on os. Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet articles ami ' such things as are usually carried in a first cl a*-*- drug store. Cigars and tobacco. . Come to see us. n* - •i ■ 4 HJr 11 ittft ih hn h irm m ■ tr- '\ = S. Al. Stark, ♦4 2 .2 LLDIE . ASDGEMMLi S S * £ Dougherty Bldg, 2nd Z\ e 4 £ s F. HANSON. NORRIS N. SMITH. 1 THE HANSON SUPPLY CO. ! g Plumbing and Tinning. g 2 Engineers’ ani machinists' 3 supplies. Stoves, ranges and ® C tinware. Gas and electric fix= G 8 tures. INSURANCE gasoline | stoves. Water meters. | 5 325 Broad st. Phone 32. 0 $ ini■■■nwm. ■II— ■ ' ■■■■■■ ■■ -—« ■ ■ Bi. z 5 ill 51 5> d : jli £i: 5 lift s for $ J. A. GAHfi s .com are WAITING 7 for everyone in Rome to cc in and see the magnificent st.O. s9\ on men’s and boy’s clothing Epi bicycle and golf suits, is wha we are doin g> ' Kl *' we are h u ' tling while we wait. We wii B^lOW y° u th® *' lll -' st -->twly|;^\ * 1.11 clothing, made from the m west iHSMs®' styles and patterns in fa'. rick> > perfect fitting and handsome, t ’ . . l ,e found in Georgia, and the; are above competition in value for the price. ’fhegreatest line of negligee shirts ever shown in Rome. J. A. Gxnvnxi : ) '’2JUaMBHaMSQSMMSMMMKQMV..'A/.-WI« Q an supp ly a n > s Ours is the Most Complete! -r ’ Department Nursery ■ U/ 8 in SJ S I-— —— low rates. We publish one cf »s?'"--/ r S’ * 3 the leading Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued. which will be mailed I rec. Send for it now, w ( ’’ ave you money. Try us. can refer you to customers in every state and G ,--A ;- in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends f 1 and near. Have hundreds of carloads of j ’ FRUIT AND OmMEHTAL TREES, SHBU3S, ROSES, PLAITS? We send by mail postpaid, Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Sr.fe cr: d satisfaction guaranteed; Luger by express or freight. 32 .t; ihouses. r,tXH> act THE ht HARRISO* 1 - fcox §22 f , To lineal Poepi of Rom. ' i ii- wih pleasure ihui we introduce to our renders the of a iij v; and complete stock of P r, c I IE, lai A.TND Si 11 nil ?ui s i cal 111 -51 r 111 acn t s in the new Moseley building;- '327 Broad”' street/ ' * where we would be pleased to have you call and examine our goods. The stock consists of some of the-best nukes of pianos anti organs on the in irket today. We keep g.-full line qf everything pertaining ton first clas-. mu-ic store —Something Rome has needed for a long lime,. Give us a call and you will tim! a music store that Romans m ly bi proud of We are determined to close out ) i -1 H( ■Y- ' 1 .4 the earliest possible date. 327 Broad Street. ' • S. P. D'avis, Manager. i,', ■■ , , \\\X\XXX \ \ \ \< \ V We keep on hand- at all times a full stock of Sheet Music F. J-KANE* CO 1248 Bvoad Street. Sale of Sum Us V > > Y X X X \- X X XX X X X X X X X x X X X X s x X X X XXX X X X X X X X X XXX .x\\ •J v v Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Percales, Gingham and Madras. Ready-Made Skirls and Waists » .v .’Sfe. ® • jti We intend to close out our shoe -i *• ” stock, so take advantage of cost pcries the best makes. • Special prices on everything at it 218 Bro d Street - . ——— - - , , . .. I ffWh' A.CPiIP ’ I: ■ I.ltar Jpofl ■■■"■' ■ >w ■ I ?*> Ivll &®kf ■ &E3 ■ ■ » _. j<m •Wi»WS«>rJW> ratMnKMfeAtfX' i&fIUSa.'M&U ilHlHra—KS.3atWlWl»l" 11 ~ J) ■ /i rmanentlv cured by us:n te DR. <VHITEHALL’S KRVITMATIC-^ cel) | <ur it and the be , -t. Sohl by ‘rnegists <m a positive r 1 ■ >• '*• "i Sample fr< «on mention of this pi bt' .stf'n- , HE '‘R WHJ’T’r -’ VUURIMIKV ** |