The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 06, 1898, Image 2

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the mistake of your lift • I Has been made when you spend your money at one of the closing* out or at cost stores before you visit W. | COKER & CO. and find out what goods cost. We will give you prices that are eye-openers. , M/ /|\ Ladies’Slippers 50 and 75c per pair. They are IW Ladies’ Brocade skirts,’/sceach, 3 for $2 10 /g\ hand-turned and are strictly first-class. i \F • A Ladies’shirt waist, Latest styles, just received ft Hosiery! 8 "12, 16= per pair that others ask) J E 35c each or ? for sl. I A 10/20 and 30«:for. The price has been’cut'on every article in our house far below the prices that theclosingout and cost pr# houses are selling at. Come and see and you will know.thatjour prices are the lowest in RomeJ RememlJ we handle everything you want and Joutfpr ices shall be lower than I M.COKERM THE FLOYD VETS Held an Enthusiastic Meet ioy on Yesterday. COMMITTEES APPOINTED And all-Making Ready for the Creat Reunion. Rome. Ga., July sth 1898— Call meetiog of camp No. 368 . Veteran’s Ass’n.' Adj. F. \V Quarles, presiding, H. S. Lans dell, Sec’ty. Protem. The objec of this meeting wts explained by Mr. G. K. Greeen. Circulars were read from Mess. W. A. Hemphill and J. 0. \\ addell on lacation and transportation also from Mr. Amos Fox Com. Gen’l, requesting all camps in the I state to respond to the call lor supplies to be used at the Re union of the Confederates in At lanta on July 23rd ’9B. Mr. J. H. Camp was elected | Asst. Com., Gen’l of Camp No. 368, with power to appoint a committee of one from each dis trict in the county to solicit sup plies and report on Saturday 16th with such supplies as they may have received to the Coin., Gen’l, C. H. Lavender, at tin- Southern R’y depot, so they can be shipped to Atlanta at once.* It is the desire of the camp that every man in Floyd will come to the rescue of this com-1 mittee. We ask this for the pride we have for old Floyd. We don’t want her lobe in the rear, but always in the front as she has always stood. Come out and help the old Veterans as this —« ho the last reunion that j some of them may ever attend. The following committee from the different districts were ap pointed by Mr. J. H. Camp: W. 11. Camp, Livingston; Fe lix Corput, Cave Spring; W. F. Montgomery, Vans Valley; J no. Marion, Barkers; Joe Da vis, Texas-Valley ; Jack Sei mar, Floyd Springs, Wm. Ter ry, Everett Springs; A. C. Mor ri*, Flatwoods ; R. B. McArver, North Carolina; Tom R. Early, [State Line; Tom Glenn, Etowah; R. B. Stevens, Chulio; Earl Pierce, Ridge Valley ; Tom Bur ney Watters ; Alfred Johnson, Howels; Berry Holder, Lindale; I. 11. Camp. Rome. NEW MAN. “I was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtainei no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It has beon a blessing to me.’ William M, James. Brogdon, S. C. Hood’s Pills are the only pills j to tase with Hood’s Sarsaparilla EC and yet efficient APPLICATION FOR LEI TERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY : Whereas Soloman Everett administrator ot John Mills, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that I he has ad ministered John Mills’ estate. This is to cite a'l per sons concerned, kindred and : creditors, to show cause if any they can why said administra tor should not be discharged from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the. | first Monday in Sept. 1898. This June 6th, 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary* LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Q. T. Club. —Miaa Berta Mad dox will entertain ihe Q. T. c’ub, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, at her home on Third avenue. Free Soda Water—Tonight every lady will get a soda water check free with each 20c paid ticket at Mobley Pavilion. The bill is “Rip Van Winkle. ”, Off To Tampa.—Several train loads of troops psssed through East Rome last night from Chic amauga enroute to Tampa J to join the army of invasion in Cuba. At Half Price.— The Sol dier’s barbacue,” which the la Hies will serve on next Friday, has had its price cut in half. Now if you like the fat of the 'and,see one of the committee at once and buy tickets. Monl'ght Picnic.—Tomorrow evening the Fourth ward Epworth League will give a tnomligh' picnic on the Willie C. Wagnon. iowu the Coosa a large number of ticket* have been sold and a moai enjoyable evening is anticipated by all. Fir t Lady Typo —Mrs. Hunt iigton of Birmingham, after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mis. Tom Turner, will leave for home tomorrow. Mrs. Huntington, as Miss Birdie Lloyd, was the first yonr.g lady to learn type Betting in the Hustler of Rome composi’iz room. She has many friends in this iity who have enjoyed her pre sent visit. Offcers Elected—The follow* ing < fficers were elected at the m>*et : ng of the Fourth ward Ep warth league last night: R. C. Lumpkin President, Miss Clara Mullmax first vice President, Mias Lillie Gordon, second vice pres ident, Miss Luther Moss 3rd vice president, Alex Harris secretary, Miss Jessie Leiri«. treasurer, | organist MiwLillie Tr«*ywick. ’ FREE PILLS. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen A Co . Chicago and get a free sample b.x of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial wi'l convince! you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are I guaranteed Io be perfectly free fr >m every deleterious* substance i and to be purely vegetable. They Ido not weaken in their action, but by giving tone to the stomach' and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c per box Sold bv Curry*Arlington Co., drugg ate “RIP VAN WINKLE’’ 1 Wiu be The Bill Tonight by The [ Peruchi-Beldeni Company. i '•'he Pei’iichi-B jldeiii C ■ mpauy played to a large audience at the- Mobley park theatre last nig’ t in “xriss” or “Beyond Ti e ( Rockies.” Mr. Chelso 1). Perucbi iu’tlie the personation of a Western Judge was simply great. He is an actor of no small ability. Miss Bekleni as “Trias” was as captivating as ever. It is al ways a pleasure to see this bright little star. Miss Marion Sawtelle as “Halleluah S;il” acted he- part to perfection and always receives hearty applause. Mr. Chas. Brewer delighted his hearers with several vocal ►elecAons. He has a most mag nificent voice, and was encored time and again. Mr. Chas. P. White as “Jack Hamlin, a villian by choice,” wa« as clever as ever. Tonight the company plays) ‘•Rip Van Winkle.” Thev carrv l their own special scenery. A soda water ticket will be iJven each lady hold a paid 20c ticket. CfIPT. STEWART Now has 87 Men Enlisted in His flew COMPANY FROM ROME And Adjoining Towns. Lieut Land Has 30 Ready. Capt Henry J. Stewart re turned from Atlanta yesterday, and while there succeeded in getting one of the United States Army surgeons Io visit R< me Friday and examine Hie noys enlisted m his new company. He now has 87 enlisted from Rome and adjoining towns. Lieut. Land, of Abberville, writes that he has 30 men ready for service. « '1 he boys will leave for Grif fin as s on as they are examin ed, where they will be equipped for service. 'l'he following new names were added yesterday: J. E. Potter,Sam Lewis, Clias. G llenwater, J. F. Brannon, W. 11. Richardson and R. G. Chap man. Laid ' r o Rest. The funeral service of Mis. Smith .vho died suddenly at her hom° at Pope’s Ferry, yesterday morning was cm.ducted at P -pCs chuple this morning at 10 o’cl ck by Dr George T. Goetchius, of this cit . I'h seuho attended the-funeral from here were: Mrs. H-nry Hos kinson. Mrs. Dr. D. T. McCall, and Mrs. .1. H. May. ’Squire Trip and Mr. John Davis, two of Taylorsville’s leading citiz ms spent today in the ci tv. Poisoned by I • Was in a Dreadful Conditi Happened to Read About aSin Case -Followed the Other* Example and Was Cured. The following is •Charles Morris, general jobber,i!i4 .on Avenue, North Cambridge, ‘•Several years ago 1 became i* y ivy. 1 tried many medit : ■■■ Jl i large sum of money without* i particle of good. My ehihirs 1 iso atUicted with the same di* ere all constant sufferers withtoj ehing sensation, and it seemed lould tear myself to p a paper in which I fouim 81-*B 1 -* stimohial from a man in Ver ’* „.cl been similarly afflictedandW ]'ood’sSarsapai- 1 1 la w itk a bottle, winch we .tool: and in--* Mo and My Children so much good I purchased We continued taking until we used five bottles . ■ ~afelv say that neither myself J nave any signs of the powon. »| .tirejy left us and we v.-e-dve the whole credit to oarilia. Before resorting to ■ was reduced in weighb ■ veigh 175 pounds. 1100 ‘ ’ has not only done much g J been tin means of saving J ■ of money. 1 ■'■' ould . r J in iny house and I >. ® it to ail who are aflitete,. ■ n this statement for pu ■ .4V3 Will, as I want Others Hood’s SarsapJ ; ,as done for us.” CHA'.t ' ] Pills ' I pXare of imitations ■ Jr- K 'l 4 »■ , 'w . .OX*.