The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 07, 1898, Image 3

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rs. O i account of poor health, Rhea | )U4 been forced to abandon <he stage. o o o Bonny Yank, of Lumpkin coun ty, Georgia, who has only one eye in organizing a regiment of one eyed men to light the Spaniards, and Colonel Candler, the one-eyed Confederate veteran, who is a can didate for the Georgia Governor ship, has given his indorsement to tie idea. —Philadelphia Times. “Bonny Yank,” I suppose, is no other than my old friend of the gold fields,Boney Ta' k, as brave a man and quaint a 'character as ever breathed the pure mountain ozone around the ancient city o f Nucklesville. known to this gener ation as Aurara.Of course“ Boney” j g not raising ai.y such a command __but then you have to go away from home to bear the local news. o o o The usual suicide mania has pre vailed in New York this spring and summer just as in times of peace, but the first attempt among the soldiers to commit suicide wai tlist of Private b'ay'es, Campany E. Third Missouri, who while in the hospital at Camp Alger last Tnurtdiy severed the arteries of hi* left arm with a knife. He will probably recover. o o o Just any old note is worth two cents these days. o o o Platt and Quay, the P's and Q'- of the republican party are a t-tiangely silent as $ Mark Hanna these days. o o o If large interests demand a minister, then Spain should have a minister for her submarine ship ping- * , o o o The three rear admirals senior tn Dewey will all be retired by tb.e age limit before January and Dew ey nip .nen be tne ranking officer of the service. o o o The mys ery of how and why! G ne'al Fitzhugh Lee returned from Havana without his famous 1 ontee, just at a time, too, wh n 1 ■ portraits were coming into d< - i !iud, has been explained by the' genera) hiins'-lf in confidence to a friend He did not speak the lan guage fluently at the time and when 1 lih went into a barber sh p he indi cated by signs that because of the Hat he wanted the goatee removed wh*n the cooling lather had app'ied, however he thought bet ter of it but all signs indicating a change of mind failed him. The barber bowed and scraped indust- ' riou«lv and before he un ierso d more than half thv goatee was gone, o o o ‘ Chang, the Chinese Giant,’’ who travelea with Barnum for years, and who was a phencin inally tall Yankee, has been granted a divorce by Judge Rogers, of Providence, R. 1. Chang, to his fellow townsmen, is Frederick A. Bailey. They call him Chang Bailey, and when cleanshaven he has a physiogno my that might be easily fixed up to typify a genuine Mongolian o o o “The reports that President McKinley is liable to break down owing to the strain of the war with Spain have usually been started by strangers in Wash ington who did not know that the President’s face is always pale, and that he never has color 111 his cheeks and judging from It s pallor that he was in very bad condition. ns a matter of fact, he continues to enjoy good health, despite his hard work,” ’einarks one of his admiring editorial friends. o o o Queen Wilhelmina avails her self of a royal prerogative and Lankly declares she “detests music.” This saves her much tiresome pretense in conversa tion, though she is obliged to attend the gl and opera on certain occasions. o o o \\ hen the war was only a few days old, the New York World exclaimed : “To doubt that our navy can capture Havana and seize Porto Rico within forty eight hours is to question the intelligence, valor, skill, resources and spirit of our officers and lighmg men.” 'That was two months ago,now what have our fighting men to show for it? o o o Someone suggests that when Admiral Camara hears the latest news he will probably realize that instead of leaving Span, he should have taken her with him. o o o A contemporary thinks that if President McKinley will pre face his call for colored volun teers with the statement that water melons grow as big as a barrel in Cuba and that the,crop lasts all the year he’ll have no trouble in filling the regiments. o o o There’s a General Wheeler, a General Young and a General Lawton all at the front, hence the south feels at home in the saddle. o o o The senate stands 56 to 33 on the Hawaiian annexation ques tion. At the present rate, if all of the opp nents make speeches as long as those made by the leaders the debate will be in pro gress when the votes are being cast for congressmen next No vefliber. And that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, either. o o o '1 he barn-cle has at last served I one good purpose. When the Texas and Marblehead were cruising in Guantanamo Bay I they were saved from destruc ; r.ion by the mines being covered I with barnacles. The most de ! picn<] . gency may at times serve a mighty purpose. o o o Shafter rhymes with laughter, i and the mention of his name in 1 : Spain hereafter will cause the' Spaniards to contract the “dry i grins.” Do You Gm" it? —I have ex clusive charge of the circulation department of the Hustler-Com mercial. If you do not get your paper promptly, report to me I i and it will be attended to. The I subscription is 10 cents per ; week, payable every Saturday, i Please have the money ready when the Respectfully, Paul C. Jack. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. All bills for subscription to Hustler-Commercial are payable I Paul C. Jack, or order, and are due Saturday of each week. Have your money ready {when the collector calls. Paul C. Jack, Mgr. circulatiout dept. BE ATS THE KLONDIKE. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of M <rys viile, Tex . has found a more val uable discovery than has yet been made, in the Klondike For years he suffered untold agony from I consumption. accompanied by ! hemorrhages, and was absolutely cured by Dr. King’s Ne* Discov ery, for Consumption, C mghe and Colds. He declan o that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure: would have it even it it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. Tiial bottle free at Curry Arring ton's drug store. Regular size 50c and SI.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food ami sunshine, with plenty ol’exeiciso in the open air. Her form glows and her face glows with its beauty. U her system needs the cleansing idtion of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of figs, manufac -1 tured by the California Eig Syrup Co., only. FOR SALE 1 1 cook stove 1 heating stove 2 bedroom suits rockers, chairs, and other housnheld furniture. Call at 917 W. Ist. St. FRUIT RECEIPT BOOK FREE. 1 The Editors of Fruit are .com piling a new receipt book that will contain nothing but receipts that require fruit in their com position. They ask that every housewife who reads this will send them all their favorite re ceipts for pies, fruit cakes, fruit cooxies, fruit puddings, sauce, pickles, methods of i reserving, serving, etc, etc. Anything that is about using fruit in any form whatever will be acceptable. Write very plainly, sign your name and add'ess, and send to the address below, and in pay ment for your receipts one cf the Fruit Receipt Books w ill be sent you free when it is publish ! ed. It is an excellent opportuni ! 1° g et valuable book with lit- tle cost. Address FRUIT, Dun kirk, N. Y. ; Roy W. Van Hoe sen, Manager. THE SURE LA GRIPPE CUR There is no u*e suffering from this terrible malady, if you will | only get the right remedy. You ) are having pain all through your | bodv, your liver is out of oider.i have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are c njpetely used up Electric bit ters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure r elief. They act direc'ly on your Liver, Siomach and Kidneys, tone up 'he wlmle system and make you feel like a new being They are i guaranteed to cure or pri e rer’und |.>d. For sal* at Curry Arrington’s rug st >• j. Oily 5) cyi s pe r | >Ctl 1. ADMIX IS t'A TOR’S □ VLE Georgia, Floyd’County . Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary of said country granted at the Mav term, 1898. I will be told before the court house door in the city of Rome, withit. the 'egal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1898, the fol lowing described property, towi > 80 acres of land, mors or less, the same being the west half of mt No 81 m ths 23’d district and 3rd section of said county. Said property sold as lhe property of Julia Parker, deceased Terms of sue cash W H. Ennis, Admk. SUMMERS HOOL. I will open my summer school ou lhe fi’st Mond ty tn July.Specia attention given to pupils prepar ing for the university. Palemqn -I • Kino REDUCED RATES O.i account ot ths Seventeenth i International Convention of the Christian endeavor, to be held a’ Nashville Tenn , July 7th —11th, 1898. the Southern Railway wi'i sell tickets from points on it- I lines to Nashville, and return at I rale of one fare for the round trip > Tickets to be so'd July Ist to 6rh , inc'u ive with final limit Ju y 31s* i 1898. By decositing tickets with I agents of terminal lines at Nash * ville on or before July 31st, th-- return limit mav be extend d t>» , August 15Ji 1898. - Many prominent speakers wil s participate on this occasion. r For further information cull on any agent of Lhe Southern railway. LEITERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. !«k >rgia. floyo county! To all whom it. may cencern : Equitable mortgage conpuiy h iving in proper form apphed to tne lor permanent lett' i’s of ad I ministration on the estate of Wm B. Wiggins, late of said comity deceased. This is to cite all and an gular the criditors and next of kin of Wm. B. Wggin* io be |!ind appear at my ofl'ic within : tlm time allowed by law t ■ d show cau-’e, if any■ they cat . vly per ■ manent administration sh, uld net be granted to W. II . Ennis Co. Admr. on Wm. B. Wiggn i estate Witness my hand and official sig na ure this 2nd day Mav IS9B. John P. Davis. Ordinary. Woman's Diseases Are as peculiar as unavoidable, and cannot be discuss- f’y’ *d or treated as we do those to which i the entire human ; family arc subject. / ‘ ' Menstruation sus- : tains such import- ,'ITM vL! ant relations t<*> her * I iVL health, that r Suppressed. Irregu- Il ' I A lar or Painful, Obt U |\ she soon becomes I \ languid, nervous and irritable, the bloom leaves her cheek and very grave complica tions arise unless Regularity and Vigorarc restored to these organs. Bradfield’s S TT’ f most noted r emaie physicians Regulator sort prevail more extensively than in any other section, and has never I failed to correct disordered Men-! struation. It restores health and 1 strength to the suffering woman. “Wo have for the past thirty years handled I Bradfield's Female Regulator, both at whole- I >ale and retail, air' w no instance has it failed 1 to give satisfaetka. V e sea more of it than all 1 other similar remedies combined.” Immak. Rankin & Lamar, Atlanta, Macon and Albany, Ga. The Bmaufielo Regulator Co., Atl. ni i, Ga. iold b" all Druggists at Si.OO per Settle. CHEAP RATES. The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains between Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. m. arrive CLiattanooga 4 :15 a. m. ; leave Rome 10:35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. ni. • leave Rome 6:25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. 'l'here is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. in. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. in. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. m ; leave Chattanooga 3:10 p. m. arrive Rome 5 :85 p. in. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. in. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information c ill on C. Harrison, G. T. A. SUMMER RESORTS Many delightful summer n suits are sitr ated on and reach'd via the Southern Kai way. Whether one desires rhe senside or ihe irmun tains, the lasbionab e ’Hotels or quiet country homes, they can be | reached via this magnificent ii'gli way or travel. Ashevills. N. , Hot Springs. N. C., Roan M< iliitluin, Tenn and the mountain resor's of Fast Tennessee and Western Nort* Carolina “The Land oi lhe Sky’ Tate SpHngs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn., Lookcut Moun tain, Tenn., Litliia Springs, Ga , .he va-rious Virginia springs, and the seash >re resorts are. reached hv the Southern Railway. The Sou'hern Railway has issued a handsome folder entitled “Sum mer Homes and Resorts ” descrip tive oi nearly one thousand sum mer resort hotel.- and boarding houses, includin' information re garding rates for board at the different places and railioid rates to reach them Write to C A, Benscoter, As sistant General Passenger Agent Southern Railway. Chattanooga. Tenn, for a copy of this folder. ' -HANKS ‘ \ * i Furniture * I ■ I Air'.-Ori vv* *• o i* You will i .... surpris- J ed to see I how much you can buy at our store for a little ’• It is our object to give the best goods for the least money. I If you are thinking of bnyingsonii thing in the fine of Humiture,. Car pets, Mattings, Rugs Etc., you will be sorry if you don’t see us. I | We sre ma<ing sam? ve y lo .v prices on e ve ythin.T no .v, to get reaay for our fall goods that are coming in* Oj.i’i fa<i to see us. Yours * to please. < ■I I I'r . ■ Turmwre S txj 1 ' J. j r 1 gS£t ; ' BRIMWRI ■■■> ■ .• t .«• • ij-j-i;..; ; • * ...» t t . • • • '-•g. •• • . . .a..a. a 4.4 44 ( A WHOLE! CLUB h W IS : J 1-3 ' -I ' . Ca 't a /; ■■ - Ma,(e if a : R Better H TSf Running ;S=- yjflM g:;.j cl /"' A A Time © hi! ... If ~r M s .-oovoir »t. ‘ jifciij I w '' carry a full and c>tn rlete line of jewelry, inclu ding Dia:n >a is • My stoak of silver notions and nov Ities was nev- uiifc or more complete. • Eui? WEJDfVi PjIUSE’ITS A/SPECHkL TY. 1 J K Williamson 15 ::z3= J yj’ i.j lbs / .! | cfeo, Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr., Jan. 10,1898. » Jam 2,1898. • I would not be I regard PISO'S without PISO’S niffa -II CURE JOR CON- CURE for CON- "pjCURis WHERE ALL lISEF AILS* SUMPTION as the SUMPTION for any g Bcst i C n Tme Psc H best Cough wd -' thing. For a bad ■Sto’SfßTgcine on the market. Cough orCcU it is ■ having used it for beyjnd all others. 15 years. Mrs C REYNOLDS. J. A. W ESTOV ER. “The Best Cough Medicine.” ® n. B w ' w w w « w wEi w SR -jr -at * LIVERY. SALE AND FEED STABLES {Offers the public the finest teams, best convex-- aiices and most polite and courteous driver . t. ITbe best stotk of horses and mules on sale cou- , irtautly.