The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 07, 1898, Image 5

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THE MISTAKE of your life r Has been made when you spend your money at one of the closing out or at cost stores before you visit W. 11 COKER' & CO. and find out what goods cost. We will give you prices that are eve-openers. * ” * * \ • fl /IS Ladies Slippers 50 and 75c per pair. They are W Ladies' Brocade skirts,*7sceach,'3 for $2 1 O il? nand-turn.d ana are strictly first-class. W 4\ Ladies’shirtwaist, Latest styles, just received I i Hosiery! B,;i 2. I6:*per pairLthat others as<’ K 35c each or 3 for sl. h 10, 20 and'3o»;for.' /IS ■ \|/ The price every article in our house far below the prices that the closingout price houses are selling'at. Come and see and you will knowjthatjour prices are the lowest in Rome.fißemember wejhandle everything you want*andiour|prices shall be lower«|than others, W.H.COKER&CO . 1 GOV. CANDLER rddressed the People o f Franklin Yesterday. TENDERED NN OVATION. Ringing Words From tho O d Commoner on the War. Barnesville Ga., July 7. —Hon. Alien D. Candle’- spoke to an im tneiiße mdience here in the court hiuee t< day. Became to the oounty not a» a candidate for goVn • ’nor, but to meet hi» lifelong friendi and to spend a day with them. It was estimated that half his •ud'.enca were Populists. Duri ig the speech Col. Caudler waa frequently cheered by Popu lists and Democrats alike. The very best feeling prevailed. As soon as he appeared on the streets a Rn-at crowd of his old friends, composed of members of both par ties, gathered to meet him and pay the great rerpect they have always felt for him. In speaking of the war, Colonel Candler said : ”1 have stood with you all in fu’iit ot battle and would that we c.uld stand together now. Today We again stand in the midst of **r Ou r soldiers are now fight ing unuer a tropical sun. And is a large Party in this coun try favorable to coi quest, a party "liieh would reach out to the ends °f the earth to add conquest after conquest to our preset t terri* *”ry. jhey do this in the face the the tact that such a course would be to overturn * ur whole govern me ital policy. I 8 8rsw with on this though Ido not sgree with • everywhere . I agree with Wil- liam J. Bryan that we must not depart from the old landmarks. W<- must not break the old ship of state away from her ancient moor ings Why? Because when we ex 'end our territory, we must main t in an immense standing army, and niv friends, who supports this standing army? “The great masses of tbe peo ple. It wdl bring renewed burdens. It will entail greater taxation, and harder times. Now, it is an abso lute necessity that we stand to githertomeet the enemy when the war is closed, and an attempt is made to threat upon,us this new territorial extension idea. There are Democrats wno favor this new doctrine, and we must begin now to meet this heresy. When the war is ended, and that will not be in the dis'ant future, this question must be settled, our peopl», the masses, must win, “Let us stand to meet oir great eaemy, t e Republican party. This war tax is already falling heavily upon us, and I fear that the scenes of reconstruction will again be enacted unless we can lay aside our differences at home and prepare to defeat these new ideas. We all claim to be Jef fersonian Democrats. I claim to bi such. Why cannot we agree, th-n? We are honest in our con victions Let us come together and stand as one man as we did in the years following 1865. “This is not a year of national elections, and wa ought to begin tc prepare for the trials which must come after this war is clos ed ” Referring to ths reduction of taxeq Col. Candler said : “If elected governor, as I b«- lieve I shall be, I cannot say to you that I will reduce taxes, be cause you know that the governor cannot alone do this. But I wish to say that he can wield an influ ence in that direction. If the people should, by some accident, send up a legislature which shou d attempt to raise taxation. I prom ise you that I can use tbe veto .power, and that I will do it.” FREE PILLS. Send your address to H. E Bucklen & Co . Chicago and g«t a free sample box of Dr. King’s New- Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free fr -m every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken in their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c per box. Sold by Curry-Arrington Co., drugg sts Woman’s Friend The Great Medicine that Gives Nerve Strength Hood’s Sarsaparilla Makes the Blood Rich and Pure, Creates an Appetite and Restores Health, Vigor and Vitality. “I feel that I ought to write a few words in praise of J food’s Sarsaparilla, which has done great things for me. I was in a delicate condition and was sick at my stomach and constipated. I tried remedies highly recommended for female weaknesses, but the medicines brought on other troubles. 1 was so weak I could not attend to my household duties, and I then determined to try Hood's Sar saparilla. After I had taken this medicine a short time I began to gain strength. I Crew Stronger Each Dry, until I was able to work ail day without any inconvenience. 1 have taken Hood’s Pilis for constipation, and I am better to day than I have been for five years. Since taking Hood’n Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills I feel rested in the morning. 1 am less nervous and ain sure I have richer and purer blood. I have always oeeti bothered with scrofula, but now I •an rid of it. Before my last child was torn I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and ny girl baby was fat and strong, w hile iy other child was not well and lived o be only two years old.” Mbs. E. F, )eal, Box 419, Missouri Valley, lowa. Hood’s parilia Is the bast—in fact the One True Blood Pnri&er. • Hood's Pills tuiiy yrnpwaxt 'A ! THE FLOYD VETS Held an Enthusiastic fleet ing on Yesterday. 'COMMITTEES APPOINTED And all Making Ready for the Great Reunion. Rome, Ga., July.sth 1898— Call meeting of camp No. 3,68 ' Veteran’s Ass’n. Adj. F. W Quarles, presiding, H. S. Lans dell, Sec’ty. Protect. The object of this meeting wi s explained by Mr. G, K. Greeen. Circulars i were read from Mess. W. A. Hemphill and J, O. Waddell on lacation and transportation also (from Mr. Amos Fox Com Gen’l, requesting all camps in the state to respond to the call for supplies to be used at the Re union of the Confederates in At lanta on July 23rd ’9B. Mr. J. H. Camp was elected j Asst. Com., Gen’l of Camp No. 368, with power to appoint a committee of one from each dis trict in the county to solicit sup plies and report on Saturday I 16th with such supplies as they : may have received tn the Com., Gen’l, C." 11. Lavender, at the Southern R’y depot, so they can be shipped to Atlanta at once It is the desire of the camp that every man in Floyd will come to the rescue of this com-1 mittee. We ask this for the; pride we have for old Floyd We don’t want her tobe in the rear, but always in the front as she has always stood. Come out and help the old Veterans as this 'may be th« last reunion that I some of them may ever attend. The following committee from the different districts were ap pointed by Mr. J. H. Camp : W. H. Camp. Livingston; Fe lix Corput, Cave Spring; W. F. Montgomery, Vans Valley ; IJ no Marion, Barkers; Joe Da | vis, T exas Valley ; Jack Sel man. Floyd Springs, Win. Ter ry, Everett Springs ; A. C. Mor ris, Flatwoods; R. B. McAryer, North Carolina; T'om It. Early, State Line; Tom Glenn, Etowah; R. B. Stevens, Chulio; Earl Pierce, Ridge Valley ; 'Pom Bur ney Watters; Alfred Johnson, Howels; Berry Holder, Lindale; J. 11. Camp, Koine. NEW MAN. “1 was a sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by impure blood. I tried various medicines, but obtained no relief until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med icine has made me a new man and is the best I ever took. It has beon a blessing to me.” William M, James. Brogdon, S. C. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. EC and yet efiicient APPLICATION FOR LEf TERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY I Whereas Solo j n Everett administrator oi John Mills, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered John Mills’ estate. This is to cite a’l per -ons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can why said : dministra tor should not be discharged from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in Sept. 1898. This June 6th, 1898. Johi> P. Davis, Ordinary- “RIP VAN WINKLE ’ At The Mobley XPark Theatre Tonight. On account of the inclemency of the weather last night no per formance was given by the Peruchi-Beldeni Company at ' Mobley park. “Rip Van Winkle” will he the bill for this evening. The park will be brilliantly lighted with electric lights and. several arch lights will be placed in the pavilion. ANNUAL REUNION Confederate Veterans, Atlanta, Ga., July 20th to 23rd, 1898. i Reduced rates via Southern Railway. On account of the annual re union united Confederate Veter ans at Atlanta, Ga., July 20th to 23rd. the Southern Railway will sell tickets from points on its lines to Atlanta, Ga.. and re turn at very low rates. From points within a 'radious of 100 miles of Atlanta, tickets will be told July 19th ai.d 20th, with 'lnal limit July 28th, and from points beyond a radious of 100 miles of Atlanta tickets will be sold July 17th, 18th and 19th, with final limit July 31 st. Call on any agent of the South ern Railway for further infor mation. ■ /SECURE D|j esting books “ Invent- ( w you are swindled.” ? itch or model of your ? aient and we will tell ( n as to whether it is < . probably patentable. We make a specialty ? ) of applications rej< uteri in other bands. < ; Highest refer meet f irnished. ? ? MARION C MS RION < ( PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPERTS ; t Civil * Mechanical Fn facers, Graduates of the l J Polytechnic School of Engineering. Bachelors in ( \ Applied Schnees, Laval University, Members ? ) Patent Law Associa'ion, American Water Works ? < Association, New England Water Works Assoc. > < E. Q. Surveyors Association Assoc. Member Can. < Society of civil Engineers. , Orness: -* WamhWgtw. D.C. > t Muntbkal, Can. )