The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 07, 1898, Image 6

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CURT. J. B. NEVIN Forced by ill Hrallli to Quit the Army. DR. BROWN'S ADVICE. Who Will Succeed the Roman? Gov. Atkinson to Appoint. The following from this morn ing’s Constitution, will make in teresting reading matter, e pe ciallv for the friends of Capt. J. B. Nevin, of this city, The Constitution says : Captain James B. Nevin, commander of Company H. Sec ond Georgia regiment of volun teers, has resigned his commis sion. The resignation was sent to Adjutant General A. C. Cor bin, at Washington, vesterday morning. It will be acted upon at once, as the Second Georgia has been ordered aboard the transpOlts to go to Cuba, and it is imperative that Capt. Nevin’s successor be named before the regiment leaves. Serious ill health is the cause of Capt. Nevin's resignation He came very near deatlhat Tampa on acccunt of an abscess behind the right ear. This, in addition to other sickness, forced him to get a furlough aid come here for treatment. For more than a month he has been in Atlanta under treat ment. He has been constantly hoping to recover sufficiently to allow him to rejoin his com mand, but instead of improving in health he has remained in about the ssme condition. Yesterday Dr. Brown notified him that he was seriously ill and advised him to resign from the army immediately. With deep regret Capt. Nevin acted upon this advice by seeding his resignation to the adjutant gen eral of the army. A retiring board would have acted upon the case of Captain Nevin had he not resigned. He knew this and was very anxious to avoid the necessity of passing before the board. He knew that he would be entitled to a pen sion if retired by the board, but he did not consider that iiis ser vices in the army had been suf ficient to deserve a pension, so he resigned outright. Major Almand, of the Secon batallion of Col. Brown’s regi ment, in which Capt. Nevin’s company is assigned, wrote Mr. Nevin this week that he wouh be ordered before a retiring board. He hud received a letter from Capt. Nevin asking him about resigning, and in reply In said that if the captain was to< ill to serve he could with pro priety resign. Major Almand said that even man in the regiment would bt proud and glad to welcoim Capt. Nevin back again, and In hoped the officer’s health wouh be entirely recovered. He stater that a retiring board had bewi organized to pass upon all offi cers who were away on sicl leave, and said that this boar had made special inquiries re garding Capt. Nevin. He said tlrnt the regiment had been or dered to leave and that all tin officers must go w’ith the regi ment. Capt. Nevin at once wrote . note to Dr. Brown and begge< him to give him a truthful am candid statement regarding hi. physical condition. In reply Dr Brown wrote the following let ter : “Atlanta, Ga., July 5,1808.- Captain James B. Nevin, Uuit**o States Army, City. Dear Cap tain : In regard to my c nversi tiou with you about your condi tion, 1 most say that the prog j nosis in yourcaseis unfavorable. I would advise you to imme diately resign your commission as captain in the Georgia volun teers aid thus dismiss this amount of worry from your mind. 1 know how much it will grieve yo i to realize this fact but you asked me for a truthful statement of your condi tions and my odvice as to what you should do, and I will give you both in thia. Very sincerely you rs. “George Brown M. D.” Capt. Nevin at once wrote the following letter ol resignation to e i Corbin : •so Adjutant General H. C. Corbin, Washington, D. C.— Dear Sir : Having been absent on sick leave over thirty days, days, and believing my health in dangerous condition, I will hereby tender my resignation as captain of Company 11, Second Georgia regiment, infantry vol unteers, James B Nevin.” Gov. Atkinson will have the appointment of Capt. Nevin’s Successor, according to a state ment made by Acting Adjutant General Erwin, of Georgia. The governor applied to Capt. Erwin | to learn if he would have the au thority to appoint men to fill vacancies after the regiments were mustered into service, and Capt. Erwin reported in reply t hat the appointments would re main in the hands of the govern or. When asked yesterday who he would mime to command Capt. Kevin’s regiment, Gov. I Alkinson stated that he had not been informed of the resignation and had not considered the mat ter. He said he would certainly appoint some one from the Sec ond regiment and would confer with Col. Oscar J. Brown in regard to the best man. First Lieutenant Walter Per kins is now in command of com pany 11. He took command when Capt. Nevin left and has been acting in the captain’s place since that time. Capt. Nevin said ! yesterday that Lieut. Perkins is! a good soldier and a capable offi cer. It may be that he will be promoted to a captaincy. Lieut. ' Jack is the second lieutenant of the company. Com pany II is made up of north Georgians and was recruited mainly from Rome, Capt. Nev in’s home. Capt. Nevin is ex sorry that he unable io go with his men to Santiago, u:d he was so anxious to go that lie determined to go at all haz irds, but was prevented by Dr. Brown, who assured him that it vould mean death. WASHINGTON, D. C. AND 'iETU RN. On account of annual meeting National Educational Asssocia ion, Washington D. C.,Julv 7- 12, 1898, the So. R’o will sell tickets July 4,5, 6 and 7, good lutil 16th for one fare for the round trip plus $2.00 member ship fee, making the round trip I! 19.50. By depositing ticket with joint agent on or before July 12tfi, ind upon payment of 50c the limit will be extended until Au gust 31st. This is the greatest apportuni ty of the season t > visit, Wash t igiou and the East. Sie that •our ticket reads via So. R’y Fast trains leave Rome at 9 a. n. via Atlanta and 6 :25 p. m via Chattanooga and the “Land d the Suy,” both trains making lirect connection through to V aseington. For full inform ition, ti kets uid sleeping car reservation, ;ali on or write to J. N. Harri >on, C. T. A. Armstrong hotel building. Telephone 39. Fresh Graham flour an 1 new t.rop whole-wheat Hour at Lloyds ; H, P. WOOTEN & BRO., j Successors to ROME PHARMACY. Sr' 04 309 Broad st. —New Clark Building. tjZ We have bought the entire stock of the Rome ft# A B * Pharmacy and are prepared to sii| ply your wan:- in ■ tliQ drug, piescription and patent medicine line. < >u. stock is complete and ol the very highe tgrade. We solicit a part of your patronage and shall eii deavpr to the best of our ability to please you at a TjR times. We should be pleased to have you call on us. Fulllineof druggist’s sundries, toilet articles am such things as are usually carried in a first-class ding store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. S 3 * S S. M. Stark, S *3 ~ « • « ■X •2 * £ Dougherty Bldg, 2nd A »X • K * ,•&: wS < fa ® ’e ® ..«i‘A & iftv • * - ■ c| F. HANSON. NORRIS. N. SMITH,. 1 TBE HANSON SUPPLY CO. j 8 Pi anb . is? and Tinning. | 2 Engineers’ and machinists' i’ 5 supplies. Stoves, ranges and • ft tinware. Qas and electric fix- v 5 tures. INSURANCE gasoline § 2 stoves. Water meters. 2 9 12S Broad st. Phone 32. { 3 « ■—n_—m—i ttitf- —— •• "t~t —^.-i — t •-.•*>. .■< Ji. 2; ill Ji 5) s lirts for $ J. A. GAHJN & -COMPANY A RE WAITING for everyone in Rome to co in and see the magnificent sto ’ oilmen’s and boy’s clothing jW. bicycle and golf suits, is wlir We iU ' e We ai e ;wJl i imujMW tling while we wait. We wi! ■ - show you the finest stock o xis Wdßln clothing, made from the newest styles and patterns in p er f eet fitting and handsome, t' * be found in Georgia, and the are above competition in value for the price. ihegreatest line of negligee shirts ever shown i i.Rome. J A. GAnWJN : ' vzwrurnawir 'Hmiri ■aMuaanaanaiiarirxvwoiu c an EU pp’y a n Ours is the Most Completely"”;;fijSSjk-p Department Niirsery I; S iri IJ S low rates. We publish one ot //X* • y _'‘ y , * * I the leading Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogues» s'jed. V k' - which will be mailed I re* . Send for it now, gv i ! < vs I save you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory j in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends i. 41 t-.nd < near. Have hundreds of carloads of T.} 5 fruh ormnehtal trees, shrubs, roses, Irms. ‘ i We send by mail postpaid. Seeds. Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Ete. Safe arrival a satisfaction guaranteed; larger by express er freight. 44th year. 33 greenhouses. 1,000 acn. TME It HARRISO** < Box 528 Gainesville. <2 1 » ——XBWhXIW ■- - / tAaSMMfek. MMX’as . »■» To Muical Peopi of RomiC I i.-wib pleasure that we introduce to our o a nev and complete stock of 8 le Ptic c ■pLliW HiiilWSlg ■iJIUrUjJ AND I Small Musical Snstraiments I in the new building, 327 Broad street, I where we would be pleased to, have you call and I examine our goods. Tne stock consists of some of the best nukes ■ df pianos an 1 organs on the m irket today. I k ‘(‘p a full line of everything pertaining to a first- I class music store —Something R ime has needed for I a long liipe. Give us a call and you will find I music store that Romans may be proud of. I 4 I I M e are determined to close out I 1 HC.'A'CI ‘the earliest possible date.. I & I 327 Broad Street. I S. P. Davis, Manager. I \ \ \ X X X X X X X -X X X X X X '-, X X.X \ X \ A ■ We keep on h tnd at all times a full stock of V Sheet Music I 4 * A shmSgl F.J-KANE& CO J 248 Broad Street. Sale ol Sbw hi X X \ \ \ \ \ \ X X \ \•Vi JZ X X XX'N'' X X' x '. \ ' tB 111 S ! SIIS SSSIS I 8"“ 3 Lawns. Organdies, Piques, Percales Gingham and Madras. Ready-Made Skirts and Van -’'“K •’’X. .'"X, •"*« •’X >X -X- B Jf’’' x.*-*’- •'WJJ «W>- "-SJsw- <•»•- <» -cor- 9 '»itw~ 1 ' rfj®*’ SPx V 'if -sfl? J \ 1 We intend to close out our shea stock, so take advantage of pcries on shoeso? the best makes. I m osi s? s j o ws Special prices on everything at ■ F.J,KANE»»"C«| 218 Brord Street- H " - - v • y-- O^J _■ < : &£!&» k '.t ■-> ifH-'A." M '• M*k yjj I’ormanontly cured hy ncini- T)R. TVIIITEHALL’S i’ITEI frii'f 5 * ■ ■Jiir st and the be t. Sold by ••ruggists on a positive K'“ ir ' pe^ L -*< sent free r>n mention of this "® t )t -„ , v W nrr. vwinMiw* «■»*»»