The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 08, 1898, Image 2

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PFBSONfiL MiHflON Mr. R. B. McArver, of Coosa, • is 111 Uh* city. Mr. 11. W. L'>wc, of Cedar • Bluff, is i i Ihe city. Ordinary John 1’ Davis spent today in the country. Mrs. S. M. Wynne is vi-ilin • friends in Cedartown. Mr. 'l'. W. Beasley of Cedar town spent yesterday in the city. House to rent, close in- Apply to L A Lloyd. Lots of nice fruit at Lloyd s, rnd heaps of other good tilings to eat. Damaged Corn for Sale. ti. D. Cothran & Co. Mrs. E. L’. Ledbetter will spend several weeks with friends in Cedartown. Miss Minnie Grillin, of Rock mart, is the guest of friends in North Rome. Mrs. Ethel Harrison, of Bir mingham, is the guest of Mrs. Ellison, in West Rome. Fancy mild cured hams al Lloyd’s, small in size and price and they are sweet and juicy. Messrs. John Bailey and Bob Harpei went up to Chicanaauga on their wheels this morniirg, Rev. M.C. Singleton, of Shi loluand pastor of the West Rome circuit, spent today in the city. Misses Emmie and Lucy Wright are the of their uncle, Mr. M. A. Wright in Co dartown. Mr. W B. Campbell, a for mer Roman, but now a hustling “knight of the grip,’’was in the j city today. Mrs. T. W. Scott, and son, Dunlap, left today for Atlanta, where they will spend .soin-* time with friends. The many friends of Miss Florence Mills will be pained to learn that she is quite ill at her home on Fourth avenue Miss Flora Tomlinson after, a pleasant visit to her sisser, Mrs. E. L. Ledbetter, has returned to her home in Cedartown. Mrs. If. B. Barks and daugh ter, Miss Alice who have been ' spending several weeks in Ti ion the guest of Mrs. W. If. Penn will return home tomorrow. Messrs. Logan Clark and Ed Barnett, of Atlanta and mem bers of the Innman In use party, are spending a few days with Mr, John Glover in the Fourth w ard. Miss Nellie Rainsaur, who has been the charming guest of her cousin, Miss Louis Ramaurs, in the Fourth ward, will return to her home in Cedartown to morrow. Floyd County camp No. 368 Confederate veterans have se lected the Old Reliable Western <fc Atlantic R. R. as the official route to, the grand reunion in Atlanta July 20th to 23d. Eyes examined fr< e by Dr. Taylor, experi enced optician. at Wooten’s drug stor e . Save your eyes.Do not delay. Mr C. E. kson, better known as “Coffee,” traveling passencr agent of the Southern Ry, made his appearance in the city today and is shaking hauls with his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. King Coooper, of M irietta, are the guests of Mrs. C. M. Marshal. Mrs. Coop er was formerly Miss Josie Sib ley, <>f Augusto, and was presi den. of the Georgia W. C. T. - i ri t ilir I The Royal is the highest qr«<i« baking powder I ’ known. Actual tests siio-a it goes »ne tbird fu. ther than any vihar brood. LeJ MkiH 13 POWDER Absolutely Pure • I ROYAL BAKING POWOt R CO., NCW YORK. , LOCAL HlPßi.ll in. Lawn Partv. — llm young peo ple’s M:s.-inry society of ih* First Prisbyterian church, will g Ve a lawn parly on 'he lawn a! Mrs George Ba evening. Barbebue —A fair sized crowd attended the barbecue at Mobley Spring today given by Floyd county relief society. A neat sum was realized lor Hu sick soldi* rs. Floyd Vets. — T ke Confeder- , ate veterans will leave Rome .Wednesday morning July 20th on a special train at 6 a. m. via the Historical Battlefield Line, the Western & Atlantic R.*R. to’ attend the reunion in Atlanta. Nice house for rent, near First Methodist Church, now occupied by J S Mav.Possession at once. Apply , to L. A. cloyd. Muchly Wanti.d -—Jim Jack son a nuclily wauled negro by the | nu hoi idee lime was urris'ed this, in rning by D pt. Sheritf Bill Me- Lt.-mi, and lodged in jail. IL inn just arrived tr in Cbicaimiuga when caught. A Bu.-y Man —C’.-i era! Frank West, undert ker for Rhudy liar- j vi j y & Co. is one of the busiest: men in Rome tin sc days. He bar . Hilda • t 8 fumra's white and colored the past week, and is a ! bustler from way-back. Head Cut —Mr OrlanHs Calveck a farmer living near Rome, hap pened to a very painful accident yesterpay afternoon at 1 o’clock m Wootens’ livery stable. He was m the stall with a mule, he kick -ii at Mr Calveck and struck a plank which fl ov i.p and struck! Mr. Calveck in the head, cutting! u deep gash 2 .inches long. The.j wouifd was dress.-d by Dr Cox. He is a brother in-.’aw of Mr. I John P. Davis. SHOOTING SCRAPE. At Cave 'pbing Monday, While Cell bratjng The F< tutu. Monday the negroes of Cavr Spring. was ce'elrat ing the glori ous Fourth in royal style, a big crowd went on a picnic and before he day was eml-d s< vm al bad scrapes Imd occurred. Jim P.tram ,re, Emmett I'att'e laud Collie Ellis a tiegrss, got in v I scrap and knives and pistols were irely used, in the scuffle. Battle j was mortally wounded with a 3S Coliber pistol, by Collie Ellis, sb has skipp'd out and has not been arrested. EMBARKING AT CHARI.E T N Charleston, S. C., July B. I’ll .•mhurkariotj of reinfur etnems f-.r Gen. S jafther began here todav the 6th M issaehusetta and 6th ll liuois b ung taken out. to the Co lumbia ami Y.»!•». Then, are 5,000 men here ready for embarkation but only two transports have ar rived. The troops here are th i 2 I Wis consin and the 16 h ?■ nnsylvania. iiider Brig.-G«n Ernst, from Camp Thom is ami the ('ch Massa diuS'C ts undei Brig.-Gen. Carret-i sou, troni Camp Alger. AL.j.-G n. : Wilson, in command of the Camp rhomas contingent, is here with his stull The men spent last night m the cm and in w;tr«h dimes on I the water front. • r»—i «i «ii ■ «- Monthly PufiuAcuivd I>Y Dr. Miles’ I’Ul* •mkMmt < I—— BMBJ—aofcn—tl «Illi SI »T URrOi/SMSm— ■ 8011$ OF BEfIUH Was ’hi ilri'lianiiii Uglily ,r. i<i .1 h itjiii. RLECTRIGIAH KERR fllllJ rhe Arch Lights Burning Last Night- A Big Crowd Out. The Mobley park theatre was a scene of beauty last night. After, numerous delays the large dynamo and lambs arrived Tncsdav, and was placed in po sition by the company’s expert electrician, Mr David Kerr, who for several days has been hard at work getting the lamps placed and last night the grounds and theatre were brilliantly lighted. 'l'here are eight arch lamps of 1200 candle power each, and [ are of improve make. Mr. Msirvin is contemplating putting tui electric fountain in the lake. Last night the B< ruchi-Beldeni Company placed “Rip \an ; Winkle” to the largest house since their engagement here. Mr. James Morton was unus ually fine in his roll of “Rip. Tonight “Ten Nights in-a Barroom” will be the bill. On account of the inclemency of Wedm sday no performance was given. They gave a matinee this afternoon and will give one | Saturday afternoon.. POLICE COUK r. Cases Tried Th s Morning by ths Recorder, I At this ur ining’s session of 1 t.he police court the following c ises were tried : John Rush, a negro boy about 15-years-old w j up charged w’th burglarizing Hand & Cos, store and Cothran & Co, on Sec ond. avenue, last, night. He first entered Cothran <& Cos store by breaking the door open in the rear of the office and tak ing a S6O gold watch belonging WoMi'. Guy S. Cothran. He then proceeded to Hand & Co’s, ’ju'st across the. street. He gained ‘ eii'tranee to tire store by climb- 'ing to th° second story in the. ‘ rear through a i He robbed the cash drawer of $2 00 in money and helped him j self to chewing gum and 10 cent, cigars. He was bound over under a S2OO bond in each case in de ! fault. Bob Cherry, plain drunk, $3 lor 6 days. DR I‘AIE De The 3rd .Georgia' Regiment Arrived Tuia M (Rning. Dr. R. H. Pat 1 ] assist surgeon of the 3rd Georgia regiment, ar rived i.n the city this morning frmn (y:;iffii. to exnnmm the re cruits in ' aptaiii 11 o,ry Stewart's new com |^my., Out df 1b.,, ninety men enlisted ■ : hirty had be n -x , mined at 3 .’clock, at d at a late hour it could : not be learned how many ami who , the required physical ex i a ruination. I APPLICATION? FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. QEi liGLA FL 'YD C )UNTY. . Whereas W J Neel, administra tor of Mrs. Fannv W Jones, de ceased, npTeSHiits to the court in ' oi? petition dti'v iT<-d, that he has .dministefed Mrs. Fannie W (ones’ estat''. Tins is to cite all j persons c ucirn- d, kindred ami ((■editors to snow cause if any 'they cm, why sai.l adnjinis!ra’o” • sh u!d not he dne larg -d irom his j o’minislrutnn‘(o'l receive let'ers >f dismission on toe first Mend iy I ,in October 1898 This July 4 h ! 1898 John P Danis, Ordinary. 1 Marsh I S i 'A ; HO'dE. 1.1-C‘RGIA, 1 h>v<! c< rn y ; JJie.u will be sol-' - c< uri hoii-e dumr in the co y*J- 1 Rome, b'k>yd county, Ga ~ "ii t .e < first ruehdat in .lune, POS le , tween t lie lega.l hours pl sole 1 " p | I following den-ribed propeiiylo :"" 7 i < Parts < f lo’s N<>s. 5 iin jbe E’owab Division it) j t oj’’ Kerne Floyd couniy Gn. > commeueii gat a point, pii I 1 1" I Som h side of Broad s' rent 56 fr » from the corner pj, Broad stoet M i,d Fifth avenue (iofmerly B idge ' street) and running thence West erly uioirg’Brotd street 28 feel a- d ■ thi back 1 roip npd t at I ai.glfß to B.ioiixl stF-'et the Ame j width me hui drkdtWet 1 more u 1 BS, Also U h.t 20 fe-1 « 'de ai d ! 32 leetlo >gjoining the above de -enbr-d property on the West at. 3 ’ in rear ol the store on fin; adjoi - 1 ing lot, said twenty feet'in width > cumnier.cing ninety feet back .from Broad street aiici running < back the same width thirty Lvo f< - . Said two pieces of property cou stitutmg what is kuoviii as the : •fur.-by drug, -store joining th j Central hotel. Said pi ©perty lev ied on ns the property of J’. I Turnley ami E. i’- .l urnley .to sal isfy the taxes due the city <t | ; Rome on said property f.r th- j.) >ea-s 1892, 1893, 1*94, 1895. 1896 ’ and other years,. Ei fas • havh i been issued agaimp said property for said taxes and levied on th< same. . f Also at the same I irne ipid p.lac» . one vacant lot known as : part. ..of lot No. 86 in Etowah Divisi n oi j the city of Rcme Floji. counti Ga'uFroi.tb'g »>u Sixth avenue-50ft I more or less abd rtrtm-iTo- back [ same width 125 feet mc- 'ipr- JeSm to aa alley. Bounded op.t.Ee 'N’qrt.b-I, by the property cf W- L.. "Hmm i ii the West b’v Sixth a '»■:,»).* I, the S. uth bv East Third -i-l-qAr- | ami on the East.Lv ft'i alley. Ley-'P ied on ".s the pri pQi .y of i JmlithE S lieblej,., Dr t:<x-"S dm Hi" rof\ <>f Rumi* f rj :e voir I 'f■r Ihe i;?e oi -I B• t'h ■ m(be.. | traiisft-ret*. Pnpeitv uomte-> Orft- r by transferee. . ' • J. B SIIR 'PUITRE. M " rsllil I ' LEITERS OF ADMIN'STRA-.i TION. GE RGIA FLOYD COUNTY. ■ * To all.whom it may concerni- Emma Pentecost having in proper ■'orm anpiied to me lor peimaneut .letters of administration on ' the estate of Polly Pent' cost late of said c unty,. deceased This is cite all and singular the creditors iu d next of km oi Polly’ P-nU cost . to be and appear at my'office v. ilh .ii the time allowed by law and . t-h >w cause, if any they can, why permanent administration ehj-iud ■ not be granted to \V. 11, Ennis, .0 Adm’ron P-diy ’ Pentecosts’ es'ate Witness my hand’and’ offi cial signature t his 4 h day of July ■ 1898. John P. 1) vis Ordinanv LETTERS OF A D'M IN- TION. GE' RGIA COUNTY To ai whom it *.ay c Emma Peoteecst havinf n proper i form applied’ to me tor p< rmum nt ! I. t‘ers of admit istration On thei est&te-c.f Rndmon PeiitUmsi late; ' f said c univ deceased .This* -is !' to cite all und tbe.crddi - , ors and next of km ol Pudmop. | Penteco'i to b- ami appeiir ai niy.; i ffico within the time*’ aIIo wt d by ' law and show cause, ifeny they' 'au, why permanent admi.uistru tion shell d not be granted to W- H Ennis Co , Adm’r on Rf-;(lmo'p 1 Peiitecmr’s estate. Wiiju's's my i b ind and < flieiai wigis'arure.ilii*. 41 b I day of July ,1898 ' - John I’. Da”! 0 oipaKK - ■ 1101 lA 1 “Xtiavr been u-in- <’A S< A He I’.’l’S l'«.‘r lr..s-..annia. with «Inch 1 h ive b»eu .. Itlieied y ) ever tweiii.'. i ars. ai.d 1 e.m say that Cast afcls ve ci . ime in-’i'.- r.-11 •l' thaii any othja. ijejae- I hav< i 11 ■ . mai.l them io my I'i'iemis i,» beim all lhe\ are 1-pr; -'Uteil ' Tib i. GiutAHl), Elgimill. v’wccams TR *' S RCGIAT?R£L> I -■ !>!'. I'il.i:..'. ■ Taste Good. Ho V, r I. ...i; Cri| l(le. .71c. ... CURE 00-VSTiPATICN. ... .1 .:b ILnm-di ( ornp.n,i 1 -. i. . >: rinil. New Yoi 1., ,iih“ ‘ Spains last “sad but. glorious d \y” on the wnt )r cost her mniiy lives and more than S6O/ ()''/;()() in cold cash. T- tbrn; Sctal Suiidlihs. | w We an- pioneers in the school books and achool -m c?< Ply business and we are also right up-ro- daD in ev r ■ 1 '-w ' ''' ■ thm < that should be hept, by an up-to-date Bookstore i Bl PIPES. »» w! No hense lu th • Btite car. servi vou better when von d*. $ >A> sire to invest it; a new covering ter tr.'- dear Gc waJL - your home. See our stock on hand and aarnp'ea I 'H. A. SMITH I THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE ■>» ■') w ( • 1 * tWA* xUtx x XXX K XXXXX XX Ar ft! Jk To the People o f Rome. | I w ’ s h ,0 announcs that I have bought the AT ><]■•! IT ?!. Steam Latin Icy and Drop >se to rearrangp and ald'tcit SO that you will have in your city a plant second tc nooe Die south. W , I have had years ot practical experience, the past \|/ th r e years of which I have oaimi and operated OIIH o f -i. th-largest'plan sin Tex ts. With '.lie ye r-of i-x-p r i. enCe I ti ive had and as I ivill d-w »te my entire ti:n. ; >u),i kL yr ' attention to the business [ ,vtl| l> ,j u ;l pnnitmn t, ( ff! | u -, W '/A alite ■ that an thing mining to my Imt i-irv wilt h..’.j., b A A Jf? s itis’actoci y. A trial will <• mvim;- you th it. t:m <1 , ib! ta i f cl-D n ■ Sndi i y .ur bvn II ■. If n '’ails to |.l M '-r ‘ JfAk - V ’ 7 lh ° re w, ‘' ,)H n “ oliarge Slot) our vv ig n.> nti 7‘ No 158, aim your bun He will b - return-1 prmimTy. m iik II ipiug t > rsc-ive as ur sii tr- of ym, m u..•• ~i t . j ik [W yours to pl-a-z' ‘ •t H. PARK IM, j :-V Pre irietor Mol-l"St an Laundry/; ' CANDY \7\4F cathartic 4 Vcu>ca)Ul& H. Wh. CURE CONSTIPATION 1 111 I . . V > IWH»W l T - lUUIi l —— JBW ■■ I—IWIWW ■ • ■ . ...A. ■ .■■*.. I ... . . .... .. - .-- - I v $3.00 A MONTH. For thismerely nominal fee any sufferer from any Chronic disease can obtain | aline of treatment that has gained a world-wide reputation tor i s healing and curative powers. Cases that have been pronounce . hopeless are quickly and radically cured at home. Dr. Cowden gives every case his personal attention. ' ' Thousands cured. His specialties are: Nose,' Stomach, Deafness, Asthma, Throat, Bowels, Consumption, Cataract, Lungs, Blood, Rheumatism, Obesity, i Skin Diseases. VIGOR! HEjSSL An abwilute specific for Losses Xft ffi K T.| : sea I-lhnns, Premature Dis'barges, W? IS g Qi, ® ■ '.Kadi Dreams, etc. W H » fj j , Either of these remedies will be sent upon receipt of $2.00. Their effi Ip -nd fun iuformaiiou .—lgJ* ■gi All inquiries cheerfully answered. Consultation Free. Don tie gg escape—it may never occur aga.a. Address, !f *J. M. COWDEN, M. D.) 11513th St., N. W„ Washington. DTj ———■— mini i [■■■u. ■■■>< «■■i—H^lW 1 1 1 I’Y'K l - „- s . Jan. 10,1898. T vfxrard m I would not be —1 foB CC without PISO’S i- jn-l as ; CURE for CON- ?' J ‘ ArT SUMPTION for any t. on thing. For a bad Cough or Cell it is bey and all others. 1 J Mrs C REYNOLDS. J.A.WL “The Best Cough ‘Medicine. I - ,