The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 08, 1898, Image 3

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j BYRD’S EYE VIEW The New York Mail and Express “li' h. doe M heeler's official says- vu r ,-port of ihe battle at. biboney is H graphic, accurate and compre*. h ,nsiue review of the whole en gHgeineut If it weri) t that the general is an able statesman and brilliant soldier he might be temp jed io go into newspaper .voik, and w itb a finite assurance of sue cesj.” With such compliments from tnis s< urce let us all observe once more :“The war of secession . is over." * * * Prof. Fisher, o.f Yale College, is being severly criticised on account of tba formation of his note to. President McKinley, informing’ him that the decree of doctor of laws had been conferred upon him. He used the expresssior..“His Excellency, Win. McKinley.” which, his critics say, ie very bad form, if not incorrect and en irely un-American. Tne term “His Ex cellency” is often misapplied in letters addressed to governors of the various states, as well as tc the president of the United States. * * * .1, E. Ten Eyck, of Jersey City, and Miss Elenora Payers, of Rich mond Hill, Long Island, are now man and wife after a touching and unusual romance. Mr. len Eyck, when looking over the album of a friend, found a picture of Mis Lay ers. which was so attractive that h wrote to her, and. the result of th" ensuing correspondence, which lasted nearly a year, was an en gagement. When the couple were to meet for the first time Miss Fayprs, in taking a train to go from her home to New York, was run over and lost both legs, ai.d Mr. T«s Eyck saw his bride for the first time in the h'spital. When she was able to leave the hospital they were married. * * * The “rebel yell” has been heard again. Ibis time it arose from under the red, white and blue ban ners of Shafter’s battle line in front of Santiago lasi Friday, and no cry in all Cuba that day had so true an American sound. Great is the “rebel yell;” and may it echo down the ages J Philadelphia Record. Now listen at that ! The voice of one of the best newspapers in in iuiid and from sbe heart of the “City of Brotherly Love.” * * * Patriots at the front are licking Spaniards: these at are lick ing stamps,—Americus Tune re corder. * * * The Birmingham Age-Herdd accuses General Miles of a desire to go to the trout. It i c needless to say the general can easily prove an alibi, —observes Mrs Myrick . * * * That barbed wire around Santia go would not interfere with the Georg.a boys. They have become acnsiomed to it around the water melon patches years ago.—Aligns, ta Chronicle. * * * Ihe first sausage was invent 'd In Germany in the year 897. It was first made of a goat’s stomach stiilLu with blood and little pieces °f 'at. It the tenth century chop 7 ped pork got into it, and what has got into it since would be hard to -Boston Globe. * * * It was Hobson’s choice, And he took it. And look at him today! I here isn’t a chap Ina mile and a lap With half such A snap As Hobson’s has got—and say, If any young fellow That's fighting, M ants honor and glory and fame You bet Y mr sweet life He must p- e l f or The strife And show the who’e world 1 hat he’s game ! Detroit Free Press. T „ ’ Bjeede collapse of the Spar. | ish armored cruisers under the fire of Admiral Sampson’s battleships ■will be noted with suprise in Euro '! pent' naval cnci a. > “ l'o all mien's and purposes,” ' said the London Engineer in a re deem, issue, “vessels of the Vizcaya •|c'ass are battleship- of the second 'jelass, while the Cristobal Colon . could, and no doubt, will, lie in the line if there is a naval action: she | is proof against every sort of shell” Yet this much bepraised war ship ' when test' d by the 1100-pound ‘-h'-lls of the Oregon and Massachu* setts, collapsed a'most as quickly as though she had been ah old wooden hu'k. i ~" REPORTE I) MUTINY J - 1 By Si amsh Prisoners Os Board- Six Spaniards Killed. I I Washington, July 7. A special dispatch to the Evening Star, daG i ed off Santiago, via Port Antonio, Jam . July 6 says: After the dio- • truction of the Spanish fleet Some 450 of the men of th" Maria Tere sa were placed as prisoners ot. the Harvard. For some reason not yet ascer tained these m n mufinitd. The < fficers and crew of the Harvard ■ were not unprepared, however, and mutineers were fired upon . Six I Spaniards were killed outright and > twelve were wounded. This taught the Spaniards a ■ learon and restored quiet. Secretary Long says that the navy department had received up to 3 15 o’clock no information of' ■ a mutiny of.Spanish prisoners on j ■ the cruiser Harvard . FREE SCHOLARSHIP IN ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE. io any young than or lady ■ who enters the Rome Business College during the next thirty plays and purchases a new Wil liams Typewriter, we will pre sent an unlimited, full course scholarship m bookkeeping and ■ business practice, or an unlimit ed full course scholarship n shorthand and business office work. The price of the scholar ship alone is almost half the price of the typewriter , but it gone in free. We guarantee the typewriter ’to be a high grade first class machine in every particular, i Address 11. S. Shockley, Rome, Ga. NOTICE 'J’O SUBSCRIBERS. All bills for subscription to Hustler-Commercial are payable Paul C. Jack, or order, and are due Saturday of each week. ' I Have your money ready Jwheu 1 i (he collector calls. Paul C. Jack, Mgr. circulationt dept. BEATS THE KLONDIKE. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marys ville, Tex . has found a more val ’ liable discovery than has yet been I made in the Klondike For years he suffered untold agony from consumption. accompanied by hemorrh'gee, and was absolutely ! cured by Dr. King's New Discov ery, for Consumption, C rnghs and ’ Colds. He declan s that gold is of little value ir comparison with this marvelous cure: would have it even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King s ikew Discovery lor consumption. liial bottle free at Curry Arring ton’s drug store. Regular size 50c and SI.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded ST fI’RR W piwiis, L-if America’s Leading g Instruments. JESSE FRENCH PIANO & ORGAN CO. Manufacturers and Dealers. No. on Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Nashville, Teua. Birmingham, Ala. Pallas, Tc. as. Monteomeiy, Ata. Fa:tjrics: Richmond, Ind. Write --- -.rarest house. A a-cent stamp ma* • tare y -a i - -• THE MQDERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and .sunshine, with plenty of exercise m the open ujr. Her form glows and her him glows with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of figs, manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co , only. FOR SALE 1 cook stove 1 heating stove 2 bedroom suits rockers, chairs, and other housuhold furniture. Call at 917 W. Ist. St. FRUIT RECEIPT BOOK FREE. The Editors of Fruit are com piling a new receipt book that will contain nothing but receipts that require fruit in their com position. They ask that every housewife who reads this will send them all their favorite re ceipts for pies, fruit cakes, fruit cookies, fruit piiddings, sauce, pickles, methods of preserving, serving, etc, etc. Anything that is about using fruit in any form whatever will be acceptable. Write very plainly, sign your name and add'ess, and send to the address below, and in pay ment for your receipt-i one cf the Fruit Receipt Books will be sent you free when it is publish ed. It is an excellent opportuni ' ty to get valuable book with lit tle cost. Address FRUIT, Dun kirk, N. Y. ; Roy W. Van Hoe sen, Manager. THE SURE LA GRIPPE CUR • There is no ids suffeiing from this terrible malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You, are having pain all through your | hodv, your liver is out of order,! have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are e mp’etely used ud Electric bit ters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure -elief. They act directly on your Liver,; Stomach and Kidneys, tone up ’he whole system and make you feel like a new being They are guaranteed to cure or price refund ed. For sale at Curry Arringtonh rug st > ‘i. Oily 5) ceu s pe r rilli. ADMIN IS PATOR’S S ALE i Georgia, Floyd'County. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary of said country granted at the Mav term, 1898, will be fold before the court home door in the city of Rome, within rhe 'egal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1898, the fol lowing described property, towit ; 80 acres of land, more or less, the same being the west half of lot No. 81 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of said county. Said property sold as the property of Julia Parker, deceased Terms of sale cash W. H. Ennis, Admr. SUMMERS HOOL. I will open my summer school on the fi’st Monday in July.Sp 'cia attention given to pupils prepar ing for the university. Palemqn J. Kinj REDUCED RATES * On account ot tba Seventeenth International Convention of the Christian endeavor, to he held at Nashville Tenn , July 7th —11th, 1898. the Southern Railway wili sell tickets from points on its lines to Nashville, and return at rate of one fare for the round trip Tickets to be sold July Ist to 6th • inc'u-ive with final limit Ju'y 31st 1898. By depositing tickets with! agents of terminal lines at N tsh ville on or before - T uly 31st, th" return limit may be extend-d to August 15th 1898. Many prominent speak irs wil participate on this occasion. For further information call on any agent of the Southern railway. EITE R S OF A N MINI ST 11A - TION. GE'.HGIA. FJ.OYD COUNTY ! To ail whom it may cencern : I Equitable mortgage c.'U[)ii)y having in proper form applied tn me for permanent letters ot ad ministration on the estate ot Wm. B. Wiggins, late of said county deceased . This is to cite all end singular the xsriditors and next of kin < f Wm. B. W'ggins io I * and appear at my offi within (he time allowed by lav nd show cause, -if any they cat;, v hy per manent administration thou d not be granted to W. H . Ennis Go Admr. on Wm. B. Wiggins • siat'- Witness my hand and official sig nature tins 2nd day May 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary. Woman's Diseases Are as peculiar as unavoidable, and cannot be discuss ?d or treated as we v do those to which the entire human family are subject. Menstruation sus ''% tains such import- r V ant relations to her wM', ‘ A', ■' •' health, that ' ir Suppressed,lrregu- - j lar or Painful, in 1 U she soon becomes I languid, nervous ' and irritable, the bloom leaves her ; cheek and very grave complica-1 tions arise unless Regularity and j Vigor are restored to these organs. Bradfield’s T"* f most noted r ClTl3,l€ P h ySic ia n s I —. of the South, ' Regulator sort prevail more extensively than in any other section, and has never failed to correct disordered Men struation. It restores health and strength to the' suffering woman. “We have for the past thirty years handled Bradfield’s Female Regulator, both at wl|ole ! tale and retail, an-' ta no instance has it failed to give satisfactK a. We sen more cf it than all | other similar remedies combined.’-' | Lamar, Rankin & i amah, Atlanta, Macon and Albmy, Ga. Fhc Bradficlu Regulator Co , Atl n i , Ga- Sold b" dll Driniqists at SI.OO per Bottle. CHEAP RATES. ; The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains beXween Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. I The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. in. arrive Caattanoogn 4:15 a. m. ; leave Rome 10:35 arrive Chattanooga 1: Ob p. in. • leave Rome 6:25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. in. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohulta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. in. Returning, trains leave Chtttta ■nooga 6 :30 a. in. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. m ; leave Chattanooga 3 :10 p. m. arrive Rome.s :35 p. m. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. m. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. SUMMER RESORTS Many delightful summer r> s,». ts are sitrated on and reached via Southern Railway. Whether one desires the seaside or (he mono tains, the fashiouab e hotels or quirt country homes, they can !>■- reached via this magnificent high way of travel. Asheville. N. C. , Hot Springs. N. C., Roan Mcundam, Tenn 1 and the mountain resorts of Fast Tennessee and Western Nmt 1, Carolina “The Land or the Sky” Tate Sp r iugs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn., Lookcut Moun tain, Petin., Lithia Springs, Ga , th" various Virginia springs, and the seashore resorts are reached by the Southern Railway. The Sou'hern Railway has issued L a handsome folder entitled “Sum- I mer Homes and Resorts ’’ descrip tive oi nearly one thousand sum mer resort hotels and boarding houses, including information r*- ’ gardtng rates for board at th" different places arid railroad rates to reach them Write to C A. Benscoter, As sistant General Passenger Agent ' Southern Railway. Chattanooga, . Tern, for a copy of thia folder. r S - HANKS * '■ • /* ■ v ■ v f r ■■ ■' x " .. 4 Fur Hinire GO- -- ' Lpi ' You will .... w ■ mat , be surpris -J e d to see how much you can buy at our store for a little money. It is our object to give, the icst goods for the leasi money. If you are thinking of &nyingsome thing in the line of Fuiiiiture,. ‘Car pets, Mattings, Rugs Etc., you will be sorry if you don’t see us. Wesrn ma<ing sums ve-y prices on everything no a/, to get ready ferp irfall goods lhat are coming in. Dan t ran to see us. Yours to please. • IRM Ji >•r • . I r» • a. • ■ S furniture . Cl WSM’ - -r 1 __ ■■'■■■ ; ’’’ ’ • 4--M- ••• • • -ii• J* • -it t : ... i.i *..*..*_* 4-i . ... .4*. ...... . ... .»* . „ :; isi 1 AWHOLE CLUB | XI • |:jj Sfe 'X‘ ‘ ' | Ca t |: : j| (W? 8 "'"W. A ■ Make laa | v: : • <>T Better H =# < Running lg| iiHi. "'M- Time ::::| * |jg t-i-fersz _ ,;'TEI Jjl. carry a full an 1 c >rn tlete line of jewelry, incln- jhHoi ding Diam >i ii ' * , ggjj My stock of silver notions 4ud«nov dties was nev- ilii tniE er more complete. ' • |;.u3 wd)D[N} p;i.u?Evrs isp.sjivlt?. j J. K Williamson | jnjg iUiHjjniiuiuuuuHiuiiuuiiiiwiUiuuiwu^UiOuiwuiuiiiuummiyiUHiiiiiHUiiUiwwHiwwnnTn , i b -a coSx. Como, Wis., Hyannis, Nebr.. Jan. 10,1898. ' Jan. 2,1898. I would not be I regard PISO‘B without PIS O’B Bffhi - CURE for CON- nij cures WHtRt all t’tFAiis * [if" SUMPTION a§ the. SUMPTION for any best Cough med .- thing. For a bad t=i*lXcine on the market, Cough or Cell it is ■ ■■ having used it for beyond all others. 15 years. Mrs C REYNOLDS. ' J. A. WESTOVER “The Best Cough Medicine.” LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABLES * Offers the public the finest teams, best convey ances and most polit e an d courteous drivers Ihe best st-oi kof hors e8 an d mules on *=ale cou- ■ stantly.