The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 08, 1898, Image 5

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OKLARATIOIS™ •- , f • J We are going out of the retail goods business. DC AH TUCIUI (Our present sale the end of this business. iiLKu I iILIVI S Our present i rices will never again be Duplicated- I The opportunity to buy such vool; at suo'.i p. ioes wi*l soon be forever ; ) goods worth 100 cents on the dollar are being offered at 30 cents on the dollar—quantities of them. Ladies’ skirt and tailor made suits=-a big stock. Piques, all the family of them. Without question the best stock of goods in Rome and being given away to get out of the retail dry goods business in Rome. • * . . • * » 1 OOOYDS, DRESS CALICO 2R 1,000 raNS AT 1 CENT.. ——.lll —Hi——r.— DOTT D LADIES’ 1 500 EVERY SHOE 300 .<< , . , . Rr ,, Shirt wais>ts—the dol- Yards of Ores' Goods In our stock what it Baby caps recently Mens launaried shirts Swiss tha co-. .' s lar grade at 39 cents. and waist silks, worth cost us, or less, to quit bought at factory pric- that cost where they a yard, we now price 50c, at 25c. business. e3 . were made 75 cents to at 25 cents.. • ; . $ 1 .00. on sale at 39c. - —1 • ■ * ———“— "——l r ACTUAL COST i 500 ’ * For all millinery, with no charges for Miss t Ladies and gehts si'k and satin necties that Snyder’s work. A positive saving of 75 per ? v cost 25 cents to $ 1.00, on center table at 10 cent, • cents each. , • . Fw * , 4M Ml YARDS of summer wash fabrics on center tables—much of it cost 15c, 20c and 25 cents—loveliest /V"v f conceptions for ladies and misses dresses. We are giving them away at 6centsav 1• I bnin’nr when we quit business your opportunity for such bargains will begone and gone forever. Buy from us n>w Not just a few things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at big prp'its t > JF make money. We affirm, of all the goods in this house, no' a dollar’s worth is priced above cost. OH wk . wk ® IM w ■ Iw" ■ ir I 1« B omm colony M President Has Signed The Hawaiian Annex Job SUEUR TRUST HAPPY. Transfer of the Island Republic to Occur at Once. Washington, .July B.—The president signed the resolutions annexing Hawaii at 7 o’clock last evening Minister Hatch, el Hawaii, had an exte *ded con ference with Secretary Day on the consummation of the annex ation of Hawaii to the United States. The Hawaiian authori ties had taken steps to convey the good news at the earliest pos s *hie moment to Hawaii. Mr Hatch sent extended ofiicial dis patches to the Haw aiian agent in San Franc sco to be forward e'l by the steamer sailing today. it is the view of the Hawaiian au lhorities that Hawaii becomes a Part of the United States on tlle moment the president at taches his signature to the reso hition of congress. The annexa tion is said to be complete with ° ur ' any further action, here or i* l Hawaii. At the same time it 18 Possible that the Ha waiian ' ft’dature may pass a resolution s ’"‘ilar to the one p ssed by our CO| >g'ess. While it is said that * lls was not necessary, yet ii ih be a .ormality accomplishe I ' remove every possible < ’Mice for quibble over the regu a| )ty «)f t,h fc procedure. l |e Hawaiian sen ite unatii— I mously ratified a treaty of an ( imvatinn. This, in effect, was a louder of Hawaii to the United States. Now the United States ' accepts the tender by a joint resolution of congress signed by the president. The tender and acceptance complete the act. If, however, it is desired to have both branches of the Hawaiian legislature pass an act similar to that of the American congress, Mr. Thurston says this may be quickly accomplished. The ses sion has ju it ended, but an extr • sesion can be called at once. It, is said that the transmission of the republic to' the United States can be accomplished with out the slightest delay or fric tion . For the present the existing civil organization will continm with President Dole as chief executive and this will run along until the five commissioners ap i pointed by the president com plete a sysfein of organization laud put it into effect. It was by a ceremony of the simplest character that the reso lution annexing file Hawaiian island to the United States were unacted finally into a law. It oc ■ curred in the cabinet room of the executive room, and only six persons besides the president were present. At 6:40 I Alonzo H. Stewart, assistant doorkeeper of the senate, arrived at the white house with the en grossed copy of the resolutions signed by the speaker ex tempore and Vice President Hobart. Geo. If. CarDelyou, assistant secretary to the president, receipted for the resolutions in the usual form and then notified the pres ident that they ha I arrived. A few minutes later a little group was gathered about the cabinet table to witness the com pl nion of this important legisla tion. Those who comprised the group were Mrs. McKinley Sec retary Cortelyou, Mr. Stewart, Capt. B. F. Montgomery, of the signal corps ; Capt. Leffler, the president’s confidential messen ger, and George B. Frease, post master of Canton, the president’s home city. Precisely at 7 o’clock the pres ident affixed to the resolution he words, which made them law : “Approved, July 7, 1898, William McKinley.” Miles will reach the front whtfh Camara reaches Manila,! mo that will be —some bright lay after the war is over. —— f ■ Your Uncle Allen is sitting steady in the boat. He will soon take the helm in the grand old ship of state. Washington, D. C., and return 119.50 via Southern Hail way. Tickets on sale July 4,5, 6 and 7. For information and tickets rail oi' J. N. Harrison, C. T. A. Knights of Damon A National Life Fraternal order, with the home office in Macon, Ga., ’has two of its representatives canvass ing this city for’, new members, j Both ladies and gentlemen, are! admitted by this order. Mr. Frank . L. Mallary, who will be pleasantly remembered by many of our citi- > z-ns is supreme secretary of this ■rd r. SSOOO, vva» paid by them to rhe heirs of Capt M, M Popper, about two years ago. The represen tatives are Col. O R . Flouri oy <-f Mtcon and M•. 11. K. Fu'en weder l f Ashville N. C. who are stopping at the Armstrong. They w iuld be pleased to give any de- I sired inf rmnion to ,our worthy citizens. /a. v') /WrJr. I Yoke Fellows. W ®f an y women work toe V V \<l ’ ,arc ’- 1 There is no ques ( V, ” lion about that. If they Vt 'X did not have I,ove for a \ /D yoke - fellow they could \ 'vjlhli never endure the daily, hourly grind and diudg.-ry •1 of life. But they bear it cheerfully, sustained by loving thoughts of hus band and children. But when physical weakness or disease is added to a woman's burden it becomes al together too heavy. No woman can be cheerful or ’■.••.> flil who is drugged down by conlitiua jnu and physical wretch cdn. -s. The- specii 1 « < ..’.-.ties-'i s peculiar to the feminine, i,tn are comparatively easy to overcoat.- if the earlier symptoms are given proper attention. But if. allowed to go unchecked, they are liable to develop into serious, chronic confplications. Any woir.a:. alHicted with these de®r ' ■ ailments ought to have the immediate aid of Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription. It is a perfect and unfailing specific for all dis eases of the feminine organs. It was de vised for this one purpose, and accomp lishes ’his purpose as no other medicine has ever done. For nearly 30 years Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. V . where in conjunction with hik staff, of associate specialists, he ha- successfully treated many thousand cases of "female complaint.'’ No physician living has had a more ex tended opportunity to study this class of diseases in actual practice. No medicine ever invented has done for women what his “Favorite Prescription” has. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, cure constipation RANGES. I am agent tor South ern Qu( en Coal or Wood Ranges. Also usuranoe Safetw Gras ol’ne swves • Call and seemvstock and get estimaes on your and tin work- Nevt, door to ooera house. ltrv3t» witn you whether you continue n«*rvc-kiiling tooaeco habit. N <»-FO B AC-gs remove* the desire lor tobac< o. * W ffipgfcggE out nervou- (lujtrcbs. v.xpeib iuco- < Vi, t> - tine, purifies the blood, stores tost manhood. > Jr- , inikes you strong T, sold. 400.000 in health. rtE and VStf 10-KA< from book. own drunribt. who ■ K ill vouch for us. Take it with persistently One KLtS k h m rimru.»rrrr«l to rnrr. or we rrfun-j Biionev. •* ’’ W *y €•• v MmilnmL fvfk. THE ARMSTRONG HOTEL Rome, Ga. i Regular • Boarders ,rY'. ..... .. . Rales ' .. . ■ c Warned- r MoiiUHlj- ■ . ; ’-Ti------- *The place to get a quick, good meal. McCALL YOUNG, Proprietors. - *- ... a ißest While IASDW it Fjrth) /r/ o b l . 'r)) I til n> ; marked foA/ls, leiv? orders J. T. Croush D j,, $ 3 o ;r trio. Solen lid c jekirals o il/$ 1 i. o. a vu.’ x:). •#••»••••*»•»• HI HI w i Repairing |f J Don’t Walk On -I ; © Tour Uppersl t S W.A-MULLINiX ,Masonic Tmr! W 7 ‘ " THE HODEL LAUNDRY I; 1 lid the b jst oi work md gutran tees s ttKfioU.oi- 0 l*13o; are m yst rets )□ to!o. 7 • • ’> i