The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 09, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH YEAR smoke a Bill Arp’ warters New Brand SHARPSHOOTERS In Spanish Army Picknd off Otlr Officers. CHARGE BY AMERICANS Was Brilliant And Will Live In History. Tampa, Fla., July 9.—Capt Kerr, company K, United States Cavalry ; Dr. Harvey and four other wounded officers, who were participants in the battle before Santiago last Friday have arrived in Tampa. They tell many thrilling stories about the engagement Dr. Harvey first spoke of the vexatious delay in unloading the transports. He said that it was impossible to get the seige guns in time to use them in the battle. When the fight began Friday the artillery had not been un loaded, and the men were com pelled to charge the enemy in the trenches without having first shelled them. The Spaniards fought like tigers, from cover, while the American forces were in the open at the mercy of the Spanish bullets. Sharpshooters on the Spanish side were in trees half a mile away. They picked but every American who wore a sword or had stripes on his trousers, and were killing officers at an appall ing rate. The officers soon noticed this and dropped their swords and began shooting with guns left by comrades that had been killed. It was this that caused so many officers to be killed and wounded. The Spaniards had everv ad vantage, and they should hav d<>ne more damage than was re«lly accomplished. The stren th of the Spaniards his been underestimated, as have their fighting qualities. The American soldiers have been doing the greatest fighting in any army in the world, but they are experiencing many draw backs, and the heat and priva tions are telling on them, but they never flinch when marching square into the face of fire and death. The doctor said there is no yellow fever in the army. He said that the Cubans have aided die Americans as guides. There is a great and distressing need forsurgeons and nurses ia Shaf fer’s corps. At one time he had 100 wounded men lying in a row w »itiiig to be attended. SCAFFOLD BROKE Four Workmen Were Killed at Marshalltown, lowa. Marshalltown, la., July 9. A scaffold of the Glucose Sugar Refining Company brokeyester ay, killing Adolph Brender, James Lamb and George Mc- Raughlin, of Peoria, 111., and John Corrigan, of Springfield, $lO Rome to Nor folk. Ocean View. Va., and return via W & A Rand S A Line July J *n» imited to July 21 st, C K A yer, T THE ROME HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL GEN JMOB FOX t Makes an Appeal to Mayor And Citixena of Rome. —A ASKS "HE HILL CITY TO / Do Her Share Towards Geor gia’s Entertainment of Vets. • > Headquarters: Room 112 Kun ball House. Atlansa, Ga., July 6, ’hß To the Mayor and Citizens of Rome, Ga. Sirs : —The Reunion of Confederate Veterans will be held in this city July 20—23 next. They will be the guests of our state. It is desired to give them royal welcome. To do this, we want your cordial and gener ous assistance. 'l'he Reunion of 1896 was held in Richmond, Va , and the great people of the “Old Domin ion” united in according the Veterans loving welcome. No less grand was the sponta neous entertainment given them bp the loyal-hearted Tennessee ans in Nashville in 1897. Georgia must not, anl with your ajd shall not be excelled in this regard, by either of these great states. The Cons derate Veterans As sociation of Nashville called on the people of Tennessee for sup plies with which *o feed the many worthy Veterans who could not afford hotel expense®. That call was responded to with lavish profusion. In like manner do we call on the people of Geergih, and all who cherish the memories of the “Lost Cause,” and who honor the survivors oi that cause, t< show their appreciation by liber al contributions of provisions and supplies, or money. Money is more desirable, as provisions can be procured hera, and save express and freight. Every dol lar will be applied solely for the use of the commissaries. The General Commanding the Georgia Division U, C. V. has appointed Assistant Commissa ry Generals in every county in Georgia, who will secure and forward such supplies as can be obtained. I now appeal to our city sisters to aid usia money contributions to assist in providing for all old needy Veterans. Respectfully, Amos Fox. Coms’y General Ga., Division and Chairman Commissary Committee Cons. Reunion Asso ciation. HOW’S THISI We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh ihat cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chbney & Co., Props, To ledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F< J. Cheney for the last 15years, and believe him perfectly honor able in all business transactions ■inc financially able to carry ’out any obligation made by their firm. West & Traux, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo. O- Waldino, Kinnah & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, a c t i ng, directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. ROME GEORGIA. SATURDAY EVENING, J IL*, 9. 1898. SPANISH HONOR Demands That Army Must Redeem Tilt Navy. • U.S. FLEET EXPECTED J And H«ayy ArtiHey Being Plac ed on Th* Spanish Coast. Madrid, July B.—The cabinet council tins evening considered the question of new cable* and military measures necessary in view of an American attack up on Spanish ports. All rumors ss to peacs nego tiations are semi officially de clared to be unfounded. The ministers are divided in their opinions as to the advisa bility of immediate negotiations for peace. The war party is in dited to adopt the view of Mar shall Martinez Campos, who considers that the army must by a noblj victory wipe out the defeat of the navy. The peace party urges direct negotiations with the United States rather than through pow ers whose selfishness has allowed Spain to be crushed by a strong enemy and who may now in trigue for harder conditions, de siring to profit by her dismem berment. A belief is ourre it that ths United Sts'as warships New York, Oregon and Texas are now on their way to Spain, and precautions are being tak n at all the seaports to avoid a sur prise. There is no cessation in the work ot strengthening the coast defenses. Evon the heavy aral lery at the formidable French frontier forts has been with drawn and sent to the seaports. A long artillery train left Jaca a few days ago for Barcelona, where four additional thirty centimetre guns had already been placed. Twenty long range modern guus will be sent to Bil boa. In fact all the ports are be ing very strongly defended and mined. The war office gazette announces a royal decree appro priating 10,000,000 pesetas for the artillery. Current gossip credits the In fanta Isabella with a wish to as sume the regency. She has visit ed the barracks and addressed inspiring words to the officers and men. It is rumored that the qusen regent would not be averse to such a change on the ground that dsubslla, being a Spaniard, could better sign a disastrous peace than herself, who is often taxed with being a foreigner. Ihe government has r. ceived a dispatch, it is reported, an nouncing that the Spanish troops have made a sortie from Manila and inflicted a severe defeat on the insurgents. CLOSING AT AND BELOW GUST. Columbiac Spirit, Bromo Laxa tiv Quimn Pile, Liniment, Gradu ates Axl Castor Oil, Harness Oil, Dog and Tar Soap, 9 inch wrapping paper. Diamond Wall H Finish, Tinting culors for hous* painting, Spears wetbsrproof fire proof paint, camel hair brush.- I creches, large empty botFes A | •tomis-'ts al Frank Wright’s Far | ■Mcy eosesr oppoait Masani< I LANHAM &SON& I-CLOSING OUT * SUMMER DRY GOODS #*#***«**##******<«* Beginning Monday morning, July 4th we willl nams prices on all Summer Millinery, Dry Goods, Etc, t that will certainly interest ev?ry one who cares to save a dime or a dollar, Look At These Prices. Summer Calicoes per yard 2c Ladies Shirt Waists with, de tach obi e collar and caffs, lauridried. only 100 Ladies 50c Shirt Waist now 3Oc Ladies 65c Shirt Wais; now 40c Choice of any Shirr. Waist in the house ex ept silk wor>.h much more 75 c 10*4 Sheeting per yard 10c Yd Wide Sea Island 3 l-2c Ladies h?se double sole high splice heel 49 gauge Pilot dye worth 20c no w 10c Ladies low cut Shoes cheat). Millinery at Prices to dose. Violets per bunch 2c *' “ ” 3c “ “ “ of 3 doz )ii, 6c Large assor tm 3n t o f F. o we rs white and colors worth much more, now 13e Shapes worth $ 1.75 now 1 .O- Shapes were 75- now 33? Shanes were bOe no w 25a These aaenota lot of Us- year’s shapes but this seaso-i gaols, stvlish anl up-to-date and we make these’ prices to close the n oat for cash- We will not charge goods at these pr«ces This is a pn ince you wdl probably . )t ge ;ag tin sa ).i,co n i lie LAMIAMASONS Ribdons IRibbonS ! 90a Sash Ribbon, all silk in new colors 6 inches wide 59a 75c Sash Rib on now 35c Sash Ribbon No. 80 was 90a now 50c All silk Ribbaa 4 iaa’ies Wide, red,blae and pink, was 30c now l_ *!l2 1-2 c 25c Veiling now 18c L'c Veiling now 3c LOOK AT THIS ! Bsautifu] Rich Satin worth 50 to 75 now 18c in brown, blue, pink, canarv and orange. Ti’inmed hats no w 99c •* “ “ $1,25 now 68c $2.75 now 1.50 Children’s trimma 1 hits 35c Mdses trimm ;d Trimmel hats ware $5,03 3,40 53,09 3,75 $5 09 2.55 /• . $7.00 3.80 Everything in Millinery at prices that ci’iiot -03 mvcrel any where. Everybody can. afford a traveling hat, amidsummjr hat, aa evening art or anythin? in. M Ilin ary ath 3/w I bmn| the cl; rt j )i • 5;) r) V > v . 11 i> , . cal? ?g) >I; at ti) s) oric 33, I O CEPS PER WEil.