The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 09, 1898, Image 4

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For Amnsl, 1898. «i E0 R GIA, FLOYI>C 0 V N T Y. vVill be sola before the court, house door in the city of Rome ; Floyd county G»., between the legal hours of sale on the Ist lues day in Augu?t 1898,the follow ing described property bv V'tue of state and county tax fi fa J is sued by thetax collector of FUvd county Ga., and against the fol lowing named defendants. # Lots of land Nos. 19, 20, 53, °B4, 335, 272, and 345 in the 16th District and 4th Section of Floyd county Ga. Also lots No#. b 49, 719, 720. 721, 722, and 791 in the 3rd District and 4th Section of said Floyd county Ga. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by I V. T. Sanford, T- C., tax for the year 1997 in favor ol state and county vs Ed R. Minbinnett, as the property of the defendant Levy made by W. M. Byars. L U. Also at the same time and place that tract or partfl of land lot N>. 315 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county Ga., and more particularly de scribed as being lot No. 1 accord ing to map or plot of siid land. This map being of Lumpkin’s ad dition to East Rome recorded in book N N of deeds pages 380, 381. Said lot being corner of East and oward avenue fronting along Howard avenue southeast 61 feet and running back along East avenue 235 feet to Hill street. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V. I'. Sanford F. C. Fax fur the year 1897 m favor of state and county vs. Nat Harris as the property of the defendant. Levy made by W. M. Byars L. C. Also at the same time and place city lot in the Fourth wa-d of the city of Rome, Floyd county, Ga., fronting 100 feet on avenue A and extending back same width to Ojgtanaula river and known as lot numbar nineteen in block “B” of formerly Desoto. Levied on bv virtue ot a tax fi fa issued by V. T. Sanford, T. C. tax for year 1897 in favor of stale and county vs. Mrs. J. F, Ward law as tue property of the defend ant Levy made by W. M. Byars L. C. Also at the same time and plac" city lots in the Fifth ward of th city of Rome, Floyd county Ga., knowu as Nos. 9, 10 and 11 ot Butler's addition to Hillsboro, each fronting on Butler street 31 feet and extending back 138 feel to what is known as the Rhudy lot. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V. T. Sanford, T.C. tax for year 1897 in favor of stat- 1 and county vs Mrs. Mary Webber as the property of the defendant Levy made by W M Byars, L C. Also at the same timeaud place that tract of laud in the Firs' ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Ga,. beginning on the West side of Ninth avenue in said city of Rome at the Sou'heast corner of lot known as the Holmes Sani tarium lot and running thence in a Northerly direction along Ihe West side of Ninth avenue 2001 i to a street, thence along the South side of said street in a Westerly direction 131 feet to the East sidt of a street opened through th above ment.ened Holmes Sanitari um property, thence in a Souther ly direction slong the East side ol said street 200 feet, thence in at Easterly direction along the lint dividing tl is property from estate of G. W, Holmes 131 feet to start ing point. Levied on by virtue ot a lax fi ta issued by V F Sanford, TC, for year 1897 in fa vor of state and county ys H D Hill, agent R L Moseley, as the property of the defendant. Levy made by W M Byars, L C. Also at the same time and p’ace l**t in the town of East Rome Floyd county Ga.,beginning at a point the junction of Oak and Ma ple streets, thence running North with the line.of said Maple street 72| feet.'to a point, thence at right angles West 130 feet to a. staks, thence at right angles South 724 feet to Oak street and thence with O ik street East 130 ft to the begin ning. Levied on bv virtue of a Ux fi fa issued by V T Sanford T C, Tax for tbe year 1897 in favor of state and county vs Mrs. M E Nelson, as tne property of the de fendant. Levy made by W M By ars L C. Also at the same lime and place that tract of land ly'ng in the Fifth ward of the city of Rann Flovd’county Ga., and lying in the Northwest corner of the Cave Springs roao and Mill street, front ing uu Cave Spring road 74 teet and'extending back same width along Mill street 216 t to Pearce’s line. Levied on by virtu > of a tax fi fa issued by V T Sanford, Tux f>r the year 1897 in favor of state and county vs E L Peirce, trustee, a- the property of the defendant. Livy m ide by W M Byars. L C. Also at the same lime and place tho«e trac’s or parcels ot land ly ing and be'ng in the 3rd District ana 4th Section of Fioyd county Ga., the same being oue undivided 2-slhs interest in lots 167, 168 171,190, 192,202. 241.244, and 245, al»n 3-4ihe 189 an t the South halfol No. 216, all containing 450 aei more or !#«•, oi by virtue vs a 11 la issued by \ . F. Sanford, tax chilector, in favor o the state and county va W. H Ennis, administrator .1. J. Millet estate. L *vy made by R H.Cope land, L. C . Also at rhe same time and plac that tract or parcel of laud in Coth ran itChisolm addition to the city of Rome Floyd county Ga., ano known as that part of lot No. 58 upon which the house is situa'e. and formerly known as the George Underwood place. Levied on by virtue of afi fa issued by V. T Sanford, tax collector, in favor ol state and county vs Dunean Jones for tux 1897. Levy made by R. H. Copeland, L. C. Also at the same time and plac that tract of land lying in the 23<d District tnd 3rd Section ol Floyd county Ga , and in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome, being part of original .'and lot No. 284 described as fellows. Begin ning at the Southwest corner of E L Pearce’s residence lot on Mill street and running thence North ward along the line of Pearce’s lot 148 feet to line of J J White head, thence Westward at right angles along tne line o f J J White head 40 feet to the line of E G Hill, thence Southward along th line of E G Hill 148 feet toj Mill street, thence Eastward on Mil street 40 ft et to beginning, being a lot fronting 40 feet on Mill street and extending back same width 148 feet to the property of White head. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V T Sanford j'l C, Tax for the year 1897 in fav >r of state and county vs E L Pearce is the prop-rty ot the defendant Levy made by W M Byars, L C. J P. McConnell. Sheriff. SHERIFF' SkLES mom 13J3 3EORGIA FLOYD COUNTY, Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hourspf sale, on the first Tuerday in August 1898 the following described property to wit: Abo at the same time and place that tract or parcel of land situat ed lying and being in the’ 23rd district and 3rd Section of Floyd county Ga., being ia West Rome and known as lot No. 188 and fronting on Decatur street 65 feet and running back same width 165 feet as shown by map of West Rome drawn by F C Hand in 1888 Levied on by virtue of three J P Court fi fas issued from i.he9l9th District GM. fa vor of W E Beysiegel vs M J Hen son, the defendext. Levy made bv W M Byars, L C. Also at the same time and p’aes one Studibaker wagon 2|, one black mare named Dot, 8 years old, one black horse 6 years oi l named Button, one cream horse 7 years old named Charlie. Levied cn by virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of I Ennis Starling, transferees, vs W M Early, as the property of the defendant, Also at the same time and place lot in the town of East Rome Floyd county Ga , beginning at a point at the junction of Oik and Maple s'reets, thence running North with the line cf said Map e street 72|ft o a point, tbence at right angles West 130 feet, to a stake, thence at ight angles South 72| feet to Oak street and thence with Oak street East 130 feet to beginning. Levied on by virtue of a lax fi fa issued by J. J Black, former tax collector ibe y-'ar 1893 in favor of state aid tounty vs Mrs. M. E. Nelson, as the property of the defendant. All that piece or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd county, state of Georgia and that part of -'aid county known as the addition of J. R. Stevens, deceased, to East Rome. a plat of which said addi tion is recorded and registered in book X page 66. of records of the Superior Court of Floyd sountv lot No. 3 ami contain ing two and one fifth acres more ir less. Said lot fronts 122 feet on the Cedartown road, running back between parallel lines to a 60 foct street said lot’s north boundary, line extends 800 feet, said lot’s, south boundary line extends 825 upon by virtue of nu execution issued from the city court of Atlanti in favor of the Southern Horne Building and Loan 1 A-sociation vs. Annin S. Lest- r as tbe property of the Deft. All ti nt tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in th: city of 1. ails, county of Floyd and state of Georgia in the Saviei Hill addition to the city of Rome in the rear of the residence Jjjj t fames T. Moore and West half of IqMNo. six |jn said additi-ni . The above being the •roperty describedjin*a)deed to J. F. Huston by Mariah Grant M?l-i :olm and Ruth Bond, dated Sept. 25th 1889 and recor nd in hook oi deeds “P. P.” page 152, No. 90 of Record of Deed i of Floyd county Ga. Levied cn by virtne of afi fu issued from Floyd court in favor of Nickle Association for use of officers of Floyd Superior I iourt vs C. S. Foster and J. F ( Huson, as the property cf J. F Huson. Also at the same time and place me black mare mule about six years old, about fifteen hands high named Daisy. Gue dark Jbav nnrse mule about six years old, about fifteen hands high named Mike, purchased of Bass Bros’ <fc Co. Levied on by virtue of a nortgage fi fa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Bass Bros’ & Co., vs C. 8. Ellison as _tbe property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place that tract or parcel of land in the city of Rome Georgia, bounded on the North by the corporate limits of end city, on the East by a street running Northwesterly from | West First street to the corp rate I limits of said city, said st- eet being' unnamed but next East from Ninth avenue, on “the South by the proper y lately deed d by S. S. King to the Merchant’s N i'ion al Bank if RjmeGa., the South boundary line proceeding from the Southwest corner of said Bank’s property to and along the North side of North Boundary street to a point opposite the East side of the old cemetary, thence to the Southeast corner of said cemetary, thence alo'-g the East side of said cemetary to the Northeast corner, thence along the North side of sa d ceme tarv to King street and thence Northerly a'ong said King street to the corporate limits of said city, the North boundary line of the property levied on, excepting a lot fronting on North Boundary street two hundred and ten fe r t and ruining back the same width t two hundred and ♦mi P-nt.Convey , ed to J. P. Gi itfiu by Hugh Brown ] >n July 9ch 1869 Levied on as the property of P. L Turuley, as ? ’rustee for his wife E. T. Turn ley, -■ and as the property of E. T. Turn ley, to satisfy an execution issued by John J . B.adk tax collector, against said trustee for j his wife Dec. 20 1894, for taxes . due the state and county fyr that vear and also other tax fi fas for the years 1889, 1890, 1892, 1893, . 1895 and 1896 and other tax fi fas in my hands. t Also at the same time and place I all that tract, or parcel of land I situated, lying and being in the i ’own of East Rome, Fioyd county • Ga , beginning at the Southeast - corner of lot number five in Block v “N.”and running East along Sharp Lane towards Maple street one hundred and fifty feet, thence • running with same width 150 feet. e West one hundred and fifty feel to starting point Levied on by ] virtue of a fi fa issued from the ‘ city court of Atlanta in favor of 1 Miss Florence Young vs Mrs. V. ’ A. Wilson, as the property of the ’ defendant, 3 ’ Also at th? samo time and place one rebuilt Campbell complete printing press No. 567, repair with , cast rollers in lieu of mold ha r d packing, wrenches and oil can, to satisfy the within fi fa, as tho ( property of the Babcock Printir.t (. | Press Manufacturing company.Thg press will be sold and delivered ae ( 2404 Broad street, the printind office of the plaintiff to avoig J the expense, risk and incon- I venience of moving heavy machin- I -*ry. Will be sold under a fi fa is r -tied from Fioyd Superior court I in Gvor of Fletcher Smith vs Fhe Babcock Printing Press Manufac- 1 uiit.g Co., as the property of the defendant. J. P. McConnell, Sheriff. ST. PAUL FIGHTS TERROR. Capt Haytien, July 7.—The, mnouncement is made here tha i dispatch from San Juan de Por to Rico, canied to St. Thomas by i carrier pigem, asserts that to -lay the United States auxilliary I, cruiser St. Paul had an engage- ' t imontwith the Spanish torpedo * ' I.oat destroyer Terror and killed the engineer and five men. ‘ U S BEST SANITARY PLUMBING ft *’•l A ' ir- ™ N ? W i * • ■ 1 ™ * id Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. i -of • Water 11 A | i Gas Hxtures ’ deters Gas j U Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix- t y tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- T ’J 5 trie fixtures. ’.l ,J 7 E> I' s3' * # I have employed Alex S. Pierce to p •4 L * take charge of my shop department. t> U * He is one of the bestworkmen in the M W M * South. Repair work attended to k g promptly. K 4B I I W I : fIJOHNGCHILDS, I w * 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos.Fahy. 1 ” —— —— r ■ ©S' S' ji MM TO 01K ® (® 11 n 1 t Iwrlu rials w Hdh e ’•* THEY ARE THE * | $7 KIND • •J at OTHER PLACES. • I ‘ x 1 Itoedaiii'iajCaS ® I B w * Sa * * MIL.LIKTERY *| * » a * Tnit is, oar- millinery, is naw > 3 W * andStylisn. W3iav3oiidci3> I 1 5 foroar entire serin? anisen * 1 £ mar stock We got a libera | 1 * discount, by cash and » 1 * Cciri afford to give our custom- i* 1 W * ers?e id 5 fe-less thm beJ 335 || « pay for theirs, who buy on tims I * and sell on time. Came and * I price before buying. We can I * sell yo 1 two hats for what you jl * will pay for one at other houses * fl *1 | I H | Hrs o A. O, Garrard ; I *W*****W*M*'**»*''**»O*W*'»******** I