The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 09, 1898, Image 6

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IK WSWGOfMIBI T-JERUSTLER OF ROME- "HE ROME COMMERCIAL EaUbll»be>l. 1895. I. every eve except Bwturd», Suudav aud weekly. • PHIL Ci. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. uflloe. Wilkirom Third Avenue jally and Sunday,per year #5 0" Sunday, per year 1 1 - 0 " Weekly (To RomeCouhikb) pei year W BY CARRIER IN CITY AND SUBUBSa D»Sy andßunday, lOcents per wee). Remit by bank draft. money order or registered let!er Add-esa THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, rome,;ga. Watered at the Postofflce at Rome, Ga.. at geconu clmb matter, Advertising rates and sample copies tor tb asking.,, BUBINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 Teddy Roosevelt is now a col onel. . Schley is alright —in spite of Sampson. Sampson had as well shave his whiskers. ■L ,M 2 ■AJ-'J-? Will our navy have another victory today? Fisherman Watson may be relied upon to net a few Span ish mackerel. , Let the Spanish Don—sack cloth and ashes. Cervera did his best, and fail ed. So did Hobson. JU A Pacifiic cable will soon b* needed in our business. Spanish “honor” thirsts for the best blood of her sons. Dan Emmett, who wrote Dix ie, is living in Mount Vernon, Oho. 1— The Cedartown Standard i.- easily one of the best weeklies of Georgia. The eyes of. the Old World an gazing in astonishment upon the American navies. It is saie that there to be sev enteen more major generals named by the President. It is to be hoped that Hobson don’t feel as bad as the newspa per cuts make him look. . ■■ 'y The Suez canal is doing very well just now, thanks to the Spanish naval “strategists,” “Camara begs for coal,” says a headline. Nobody suspected that he could buy it.—Augusta Herald. ; Admiral Watson may not be a plain man, but it’s dollars to cents he breaks that Camara when he looks at it. The term “ Yankee,” has been so broadened since the outbreak of the war with Spain that it is applied to all Americans. The Gainesville News is a new’paper just launched b} John Blats, who is an old and well known newspaper man.] J_-.IJ. 1 w. That concert of the poweis, after seeing the show that the gunners in the American fleet made, has gone out if business. * ~~ ■’..JL. 1 ..,.. _?■» The Suez canal must afford beautiful bull fight scenery, since Spain so persistently operates her Camara along those banks. — - - When it comes to the genuine article of fighting the little I Gloucester lines up alongside the biggest biuleshipm the whole shooting match. It is a striking coincidence that Samuel J. Tilden, GroVer Clevelandtand William Jennings Bryan, the three most noted leaders of the Democracy since the civil war, are all on record against, such enterprises as the annexation of Hawaii and the Philippines. Representatives of tbesounl money Democracy and reprcs, utatives of the silver Democracy find a basis for unit ed action in saying no to the new departure in American pol icy. There is a mercantile and cominerc al side view’ of the na val battle at Santiago. Some of our foreign critics affect to have found the cause of American success in the superiority of our steel armor plate and guns. As a result they anticipate a great er demand for our battleships and cruisers on the part of for eign purchasers. Gallant Ed L. Wright has been nominated as State Senator from the Tenth District. Geor gia has just cause to feel proud of Ed Wright. He is a gentle man, a scholar and a brave old Vet. McKinley should have ap pointed him a brigadier general. This from a Northern paper, The Toledo Blade : “Gen. Joe Wheeler is the same brave man of a third of a century ago. In Friday’s battle before Santiago, although too sick to lead his men, he was carried to the front on a litter. Wheeler is alright.’ Sampson, who, while acting admiral, was, in reality, only a captain, has now been made a Commodore. Schley should be made an Admiral, and Captain Clark, of the Oregon, be promo ted to Commodore. An announces that to Sylvester Seovell, of the New York World, belongs the unique honor of having been recogniz ed by the government as the biggest liar so far produced by the war, In the engine room of the monitors the thermometer regis ters from 140 to 160, thus again illustrating the truth of thesty ug that “war is hell”—or the next thing to it.—Macon News. The Vermont volunteers are serving two paymasters. Uncle Sain pays the Ve nionter $15.60 per month to serve as a soldier, ind Vermont pays him $7 per month in addition. Yousef, the “terrible Turk” who had been wrestling in the United States, was among the victims of the ill-fated La Bourg ogne on her fatal trip out. If Englishmen can celebrate, the Fourth of July, American can appropriately observe the birthday anniversaries of George Hl.—Albany Herald, • 3. A monument should be erec'- ed to Chief Yeoman Ellis, the the only American to lose his life iu the remarkable battle of Santiago. It’s dollars to doughnuts that if Spain’s Camara don’t develop a decided negative,it will present a ship-wrecked picture in water colors. - ■ Allen D. Candler’s nomina tion was unanimous—now let the counties fall in line and make his election equally so. Germany don’t wane to me 11 die in in that Philippine mess. She may think she do, but she don’t. A Chinaman out in Indiana has enlisted as John Dewey. I - w THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Eig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. LOUISVILLE. ’ * ».W YORK. N. V. Wingfield Scott Schley is al right. Artist Gary,formerly of Rome, diedin Washington, D. C., on Friday. Here’s to you Capt. Stewart, may you mid your brave boys all return to Rome as heroes —| living heroes. Macon proposes to have anoth er carnival. Macon’s last wa a bowling success. Macon nevei does things by halves. The Spaniards shot away the Merrimack’s rudder, s iys Lieut Hobson, and that is why the corker was not a stopper. A few mules turned loose t« graze on those barbed wire fenc es around Sa ci igo might re move those impediments from Shafter’s path. “Fighting Bob” Evans’ swear words were roared through a megaphone during the battle, and the frightened dons thought the Vesuvius was coughing at them. Four brigadier generals in th* Santiago army received promo tion, and are now major gener als—among them,none deserved this recognition more than Gen. Law ton . J Gen. Blanco cables to Madrid : “No details have been received as to the naval fight, but it is rumored that Admiral Cervera leached a port of Southern Cu ba.” He did sure enough, but his port was not a haven. In the closing scenes of con gress, Cannon, of Illinois, called Ball, of Texas, a liar. The charge was heavy but the aim was hasty and inaccurate and the Ball boomeranged back at the Cannon’s mouth ; the last report sounds as if the whole thing w; s only a flash in the pan. ", - —_ It still appears from accounts f the recent naval victory that rhe guns of Morro are by no means silenced, It is said that ns long as’the American vessels are within its range the firing was incessant. Morro’s gunners must have more lives than a cat, or else the fortifications must be impregnable on the sea side. • $lO Home to Nor folk, Ocean View, Va,, and return via W&. A R Rand S A Line July t 11 th, Smile Jto JuV I 21 st, C K ? ver, P & 1 J A. ME HIFE EOF.S Deeper. So far, we have been very successful with or r money raisi ig sate I bnt the desired -mour t of cash has not been raise j and Ae are com pel led to raise this money out of our stock, I During our sate we bays sold down a great many lots of suits, leav- < ing two and three of a kind, an to close out th~se odds and ends we i have gone through our entire stock and selected out these broken lots I and placed them on a separate counter and ofter you choice at ■ HALF PKICt.. If you c m find -• our size in this lot of suits it will be th* I same to youas uwe had One Thousand suits of a kind. They are ad I new, c ean, fresh, desirabi , up-to date suits. On this counter vov I will find suits rang'ni in price from. $6 to $25 00. You can bju I any of them at HALF PRICE. You cannot afford to miss this opoo v - I tunity to ouy Clothing, Furnishin j Good c and Hat so cheap. WhL I we advertise SLAUGHTERING PRICES we mean just what we si I aud that is to SLA I JGh TER PRIC iS. Thousands have gone aw v I from our storo pleased with the bargains they have gotten. So fall eu I line and come to us Land get your shaie of the bargains we a r-u I offering. I MEH’S FINE SUITS. All $22.50 and s‘?s suits go .it sl6 50. I All sls and $lB suits go at $11.50. All 10 and 12.50 suits at. 7.50. I All 6 and 7.50 suits at 5.00. All 5 suits go at 3.50. ( Children’s Knee Pants Suits JUtjT T'aiJillS sDJ' TJ'l $6 00 suits go it $3.00. $5.00 suits go at $2 50. 450 suits go at 2 25. 400 suits go at 200 350 suits go at 1.75 3.00 suits g> at 17 '» 250 suits go at, 1.2 > | 103 suits go at 01 MENSFINEPANf S 3J14 Off. $6. 0) p mis g > at $ 1.00. $5 O') p fits go at $3.35. 450 p i its g> at 30 ). 40 ) >ius g > at 2.6 >. 350 pints g> at 2,31. 30) p i its go at. 2.00. 2.50 pants g) at 1.67 2.0 Jp i its g» at 15). 1.59 p i its g ) a $ l-.O). FINE STRAW HA I S GO ATHALF PRI CE, $2 50 hats go at $1 ‘25. $2.0) hats g> at M .03. 1 150 hats go at 75:. 1,03 h a > g O 5'3:. 1 75c h rts go at 40j. 5 ‘c hats go at 25c. | 25 percent off 0:1 all Famishing Underwear, Shirts, Hisiery.H indkerl chiefs, S)ft and Stiff Hats, I 13 igr I > 111 eHotW e a 11 ]c I Stuff in Surges. Alpxsi, LHe i. 2 asn nl d ick. AH | count sile. i THIS Will B 3 Oiir MliBJ-M] Sil YOLJR MONEY SAVING This wi-1 bo onr mon.iy r -ising sale and your money s iving sale. i,,, This is . J th) trill i>r is it a g >ing out of husin >ss a I vectism' sohm>to oeoplp. We always do px ictlv w i w< a Ivcrtisi and wi an sura th ip > >pl ’of Ron 'a • 1 ( lountry are aware of this fact. We cnno to yni now with the honest', frank state nmt Oi need.r.g money and in order to rai- the need 11 am mnt we off >r ymt,i• ol ei i »<t. bnt >’> i, r 1 | ch thing furnishing g )ods and hvs m Rom i at fa )m 25 to 50 per ce it redaction. | 11. Mill! 11