The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 09, 1898, Image 7

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| HlflGO BATTLE .Gen.Miles I off For Cdba. Hl * L SAILED TODAY WITH Ig """" 1 Thousand and Seven Hun s dred Men Wishing loll ’ Jul y 9—At 12 I’clock it was announced in Sec retary Alger’s office that Spain Ld refused to surrender San-J Jiaao and that the bombardment L.d probably begun. One of Secretary nlger s offi Lal sides, as .the clock struck the noon hour, pulled out his Latch and announced that ac cording to Gen. Shafter’s last Lispatch he would fire the first Igiinjproniptly at noon. I Secretary Alger, when a«ked Lt 1:30 o’clock, however, if the [fighting had been resumed at [Santiago, replied: “1 do not think so.” At 1:50 o’clock a dispatch fro n the front was received. Gen. Corbin, on receipt ol W ord from Santiago, hurried over to the white house and on his return to the department stated that he had nothing to give out at present. It is believed at the state de partment that the dispatch from Santiago relates to a surrender, as it would be considered public property if it related to a bom bardment of Santiago and would be immediately given out. While making it clearly un derstood that no pace movemen whatever has been inaugurated, the officials continue to believe that some movement may as sume definite form at any mo ment. Such a movement would b) of such supreme importanc that the officials deprecate the reports that it actually has oc curred. HOBSON COMPELLED TO WAIT Lieut. Hobson will have t< wot now until the next con gress for promotion and for tin j th.rnks of his countrymen, ow ing to the failure of the house ti pa<s the senate resolutions. The accepted theory seems to hav< been the president . Could make promotions as he would recess appointments. Senator Hale, chairman of th*» naval committee, told me this m irning that it would be possible for the president to pro mote an officer to a Irgher rank in the same grade, but he could not transfer Mr. Hobson from the construction corps to the line without the consent of congress, and this consent had been temporarily held up owing to tue failure of the house t< net on the senate resolutions. OEN. MILES OFF' FOR CUBA. Charleston.. S. C., July 9 ''he transports Yale and Co lurnbia, having on board the commanding general of the ar tuy, Nelson A Miles and staff ail d 1,700 men, intended as re t'dorcements for Gen. Shafter, before Santiago, got away at 2 0 clock this afternoon. Gen Miles and staff are at Yale. notice TO SUBSCRIBERS. Ah bills for subscription to II Ustler-Commercial are payable aul C. Jack, or order, and are ' Ue Saturday of each week. <lv e your money ready when 'he collector calls. Paul C Jack, Mgr. circulatiout dept. FITZ. WiLu NOT COME Duties With the Army Prevents Hirn Attending Reunion Atlanta, July 9.—Mr. S. A. Cunningham, editoi of the “Confederate Veteran,” receiv ed the following letter from Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, at the head quarters Sons of Confederate Ve.erans, 12 Wall street, this morning : “Headquarters Seventh Corps, United States Volunteers. Jacksonville, Fla., July 7. “Mr. S. A. Cunningham, Con federate Veteran, Nashville, Tenn.: “My Dear Sir—replying to your letter of the Bth inst., I write to say that, as far as 1 can tell now’, it will not be possible for me to attend the reunion of my comrades in Atlanta on con. sequence of other obligations and duties. “1 regret that I will not have the opportunity to testify, as far as my presence could, my high appreciation of the valor ana devotion displayed by the South ern soldiers in the war from 1861 to 1865. “Very respectfully yours, “Fitzhugh Lee, “Major General Commanding.” 41 MEN Capt. Henry Stewart and Com pany Left Yesterday. Capt. Henry Stewarc and his 41 men who passed the required physical examination by Dr. R. H. Pate, Ass’t ’surgeon of the Third regiment, left on the early morning train for Griffin yester day. Capt. Stewart will .return and open his enlistment office again. Those who went were : Oscar Shannon, Eugene P. Logan, Root. N. King, Donald G Gunn, Spencer B. King, Phil dp L. Byrd, Frank George, G B. Itsmi, C. E. Gillenwater, Wafford Staffins, Robt. L Da vis, Ellenton Baxter, Rugar E. George. Frederick II off ib an, L°ck Porter, William Co#|r, Bam Lewis, Cicero Sparks, De witt Bell, Wm. H. Richardson, John Dunford, Jas. F. Brannon, Wm. L. Wilson, Peyton Grimm, Ernest J. Logan, John H. Tal ley, Joseph Young, Wm. H. Reynolds, Marcus B. Earle, W. I). Newman, Fred C. Baumgart ler, John M. Underwood, Can trell Y. Jackson, Frank C. Oni nurg, Noah Langham, Chas. A Dunwoody. Z T. SUDDATH KILLEC- Ridh Hall County Man Victim of Accident, Gainesville, July 9.—Zach T. Suddath, a prominent Hall county farmer, was foun 1 dead yesterday afternoon under Lula bridge. It was at first believed that Mr. Suddath had been kill-, od, and a posse was organized in Gainesville, upon receipt of the news of the alleged killing, to hunt down the assassin. Today it developed, however that there had been no crime, that his death had been due to an accident caused by his own act. Mr. Suddath was sin posed to ba worth about $30,000, and was known to usually carrj about on his person considerable sums of money. This fact gave rise to the belief that he had been murdered for the purpose of robbery. He had been out fishing, and was returning home when the accident occurred. Full particu lars have not yet reached here. Germany don’t want to me I die in m that Philippine mess She may think she do, but sht I don t. .aiiJWsa— i AT4 HE CHURCHES On account of the abtPiice of lhe pastor Dr. Belk. R< v Tho®. 11. .Law 1). D., « prominent Presby terian divine <>f Spartenlnirg S. C. *ill fill the pulpit of the First M. E. church ’h s morning. Rev. C M. Verdell retnriud yesterday nom the quarterly cot - fcrence at Da la®, and will ho d the regular bhi vices at the 3rd Methodist church today. I’ev Dimmon has returned tiom Dalias, and will have the usual services at the 2nd Me'hodist to-j day. The Ep Worth League, will have the regular Sunday aft irnoon meeting. There will he service as usual at the First Babtist and Episco pal churches. ADMINISTRA I OR’S SALE. Agreoah eto an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd county will be sold at public outcry at the court house door of said coun ty on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, the following propertv to wit: —One house and lot in the town of East Rome, said county frooii ig on Howard avenue, be winning at a point, one hundred and forty-one feet, Easterly from the right of way of the Southern Railway Co This being the North easterly corner of Mrs. Eliza Gammon lot, running thence Southerly along the lot line of Mis. Gammon two hundred and twelve feet, thence Easterly along the Dunns lot sixty-two stet, thence at right angles to Dunn’s ine and in a Northerly direction along the line of Mrs. 11. G. 'lawlii s’ lot two hundred and twelve feet to Hovard avenue, thence Westerly along Hi ward ; yei'iie sixty-two feet to the be ginning. Sold as the property of 0. A. Gamincn late of Calhoun County Ala. W. M. Gammon, Ad ministrator. Terms of sale cash. This July Bth 1898. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GE RGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas A. D.Hardin,adminis trator of M. Av-ry Hardin, repre sents to the court in his petition inly filed, that he has administer ed M. Avery Hardin’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show; •ause if any they can, why said iGministrator should not be dis hurged from his ad ministr ition and receive letters of dismission on she first Monday in October 1898. This July 9th 1898. John P D»vis ; Ordinary. ■ I FOR SALE 1 cook stove 1 heating stove 2 oedroom suits rockers, chairs, and ■ther household furniture. Call at 917 W. Ist. St. THE SURE L\ GRIPPE CUR There is no use su deling from * this terrible malady, if you vill only get the right remedy. Y< u are having pain all through your ood.’, your liver is out of older, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are cjmp etely used up- Electric bit lers'is she only remedy that will give you prompt and sure •elief. They act directly on your Liver, •itom.rch and Kidneys, tone* up he whole system and make you eel like a nvw being They are guaranteed to cure or pri e refund 'd. For sale at. Curry A ringt mi’s rug st>.‘e. Oil/ 5) cj i s per >;ti i. REDUCED RATES On account ot the Seven'eenlh International Convention of the Christian endeavor, to be held. a» Nashville Tenn , July 7th —lllh, 1898. the Southern Railway wi i from points on its ines to Nashville, and return at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets to be so d July Ist to 6th mc'usive with final liin t July Bist 1898. By depositing tickets with! igents of terminal lines at Nash ville on or before duly 31st, the return limit mav be extended to Xugust’lsh 1898. Many prominent speakers wil I participate on this occasion. For further information call on I any agent oi the Southern railway. ONE MORE WEIJK, f: At a late hour last night Man • n ger Marvin engaged the IN rnclii-Beldeni Co., for next week. The Woodward-Warren Co., 1 will come later. j APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. I / I GEORGIA FL9YD COUNTY. Whereas W .1 Neel administra tor of Mrs. Fannv W* Jones, de '(-■as<d. represents to the court in i bis p i ition du'v fi rd, th t he has i admin.sfert d Mrs. Fun »e W I Jones’estate. Thia is to > ite all i persons concerned, kindi d • and credi'ors to show cause if any they can, why said adnimistrato'' should not be discharged Loin bis administration ami receive litters of di-mission on tne first Monday in October 189 S. This July 4th 1898 John P Danis . Ordimi.rv Woman's Diseases Are as peculiar as w unavoidable, and cannot be discuss- or treated as we • do those to which the entire human V family are subject. > Menstruation 'sus- ■ft? t..ins such import- IWi T| V ent relation sto her ■Mg® M . vtJyd 2alth, that U- I .' | Suppressed, Irregu- - i 1 , A I ,r or Painful, jlli i |\ she soon becomes | y languid, nervous ' and irritable, the bloom leaves her cheek and very grave complica tions arise unless Regularity and Vigor are restored to these organs. Bradfield’s S oneTt£ T7 f most noted Ji CITI3J.C physicians —of the South, Regulator sort prevail more extensively than in any other section, and has never failed to correct disordered Men struation. It restores health and strength to the suffering woman. “We have-for the past thirty years handled i Bradiield’s Female Regulator, both at whole lale and retail, an 'w no instance has it failed ' to give satisfactk a. We sen more of it than all ' other similar combined.” Lamar. Rankin & Lamar, Atlanta, Macon and Alb. uy, Ga. 1 The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlant Ga. iold b> all Druggists at SI.OO per Bottle. CHEAP RATES. Tlie Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains b-tween Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties pan leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows. Leave Rome 1 :00 a. m. arrive Cnattanooga 4 :15 a. m.; leave Rome 10 :B5 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 n. in. • i leave Rome 6:25 a. m. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. m. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 j'. m. going by tire way ot Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:2O’p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. nr. arrive Rome 9: 00 a. in ; leave Chattanooga 3 :10 p. in. arrive Rome 5 :35 p. m. ; leave Chattanooga 10:10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. in. Pull man sleeping cars on all trains. For further information' c ill on C. Harrison, C. 'f. A. SUMMER RE-OUTS Many delightful summer reßuris are situated on and reaclvd via the Southern Rai way. Whether one ti-Bires ’he seaside or the in un tains, the fnshionab e hot“ls or qui> t country homes, they can be reached via this magnificent hiah-) way of travel. Asln-vills. N. , Hot Springs.) N. C., Roan Mcanfaio, Tenn j and the mountain reaor'B of Fast] Tennessee and Weeterp North Carolina “The Land or the Sky” fate Springs, Tenn., Oliver Spring®, Tenn., Lookcut Moun tain, I’eun.. Lithia Springs, Ga , Jje various Virginia springs, and the seashore resor s are reached hv the K 'iiih' ru Railway. The Sou'hern Railway has issued a handsome folder entitled “Sum mer Homes and Resorts ’’ descrip tive oi nearly one thousand suin ner resort hotel- and boarding louses, includin' information re 'ardmg rates tor board at the iifferent places and railroad rate to reach them. Write to C- A. Benscoter, As sist ai t General Passenger Agent Southern Railway. Chattanooga. Tenn, for a copy of this folder. ’• ■ HANKS '■ =i- P ur (l GO- You will Bessie. j, . _ L, C _ ■ / be surpris- cd to see •how much }ou c-m buy at our store for a little money. It is our object to give the 1 goods for .the least money. If > u aie thinking ofbnyingsome thiiig in the line of f- U1 aiture,. Car pets, Mattings, Rugs Etc., you will be sorry if you don’t see us. Wesrc making sj.n, va y| o v p -io 3i j , eve /thing no ,v, to get reaay f oro rnfall goois that are coming in . Don’t fad to . see us. Yours T to pfease. ■ V f BK * mure rw'- i 1 ? few r ■ —t i H, Z - ■ • ' 1- ■ • *"’*?’ * •••••••• •••• • • i 4 * * .£...... . ...»« . , | I'T'FT |n ••• ■< | A WHOLE CLUB fe J ■■ [iil 1 Ca ’* la Make fl Better M si J. D • IS y| V. Runnmg H - ‘L’V Time E :: d 9 • I carry a ul l in Ic>n>l >.p line of jewelry, inclu- tSi •"•iiE ding Di in> i h My stock of silver n jtio .s and noy Ities was u«v or more complete. \Y.J)J(Ur P I cSE4 rs JI YLTY. ’ J J. K Williamson || i Ulbui UUHjUIUiIUb UUAU AUI AA AAI AiA aIAI iAA A AAJiI jAi AHAiUllUUAlUlAmHlinmyYVi :: ■» -z. -uir Ours is the Most Complete [>”' y Department Nursery IKI tlfcS S. low rate . of m Seed, Plant and Tree Catalog ties i: sued, - which will be mailed i re* . Send for it n<>w, it will <_ »£ \£l| save you money. Try us, can refer you to customer »in every state and ten itory in the Union. 43 years of square dealing nas made us patron? and frier.j;, Grand near. Have hundreds of carloads of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. j We send by mail postpaid. Seeds', Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival a < satisfaction guaranteed. Urife, by express or freight. year 32 greenhouses. 1,000 acre' , THE am MARRiSO^ 1 # Ro> 593 Gainesville, C 'krtU’ 'J jh J - IVUf SALEEM 3 FEED STABLES Offurs the public the finest teams, best convev ances and mist polit e and courteous drivers. jT he best sto x of- horses and mules on sale con stantly. J Permanently cured by DR. WHITEHALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. Th - and the best. Sold by wuggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cen; pe l - 1 > '«, Sample sent free on mention of this publ ; ?ate‘:n. ;HF •>». Wlirr’ 7 VSKKIMINV fc’H Bend, ladia v