The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 11, 1898, Image 1

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eighth yeah smoke a Bill Arp' warters New Brand JNOPEN LETTER WrittEiitiy Mrs. W. Grimm to the Hill City Cadrts. K . llV( ,rHuM'er-Co.nm e reUi. allow me space in one o f your columns to express my re , r ets in seeing our dear boys leaV ehome Saturday morning. Oh, hoW cheerful and bright they all seemed when the cem- given by their captain to fall in ' ine » ,lOW f l u,ck '- v t,ie - y reS | Glided and as they inarched to the East Rome depot and boarded the train, to say fare well to their home and loved on<‘s. They all seemed perfectly willing to go with their beloved captain. Capt. Stewart is a gentleman . who is respected and beloved by . all who have had the privilege of being acquainted with him. Men of all parties and opinions 1 will unite in this sentiment. It i is perfectly natural that his men should love and honor him * for they all know that there never beat a warmer or kindlier heart; I full of an extraordinary gentle ness, he is not cold or harsh but patient, forebearing, ever ready to answer his co intry’s call. May Heaven bless him. Boys, obey’ your officers. You all stand exposed to so many evils. Do away’ with your deck I of cards, with all the varieties of exciting plays that are tempt ing, set before you to lure you into the jaws of a whole pack of hungry furies. The yellow back novels are nothing but a low mass of liter b I ;itnre that will sweep a tide of venomous serpents into your' soulsand pin their poisonous l fangs upon the very vitals o r your character. This evil is so subtle in it? i* fluence t b at America will never know how many of her noble boys have gone down under its influence. Boys, take the book that moth er gave you before you left home, the Bible. Take it for your guide if you do and if you should be called to the front to face the enemy and should fall on the field never to see ycur mother’s face again, there will be a crown awaiting you in Glory. Oh, how many poor mother’s heart is aching today, but when she thinks for a moment “his country” calls how quickly she bids him go, then puts all her trust in the Lord that her boy some day will return to her again. My own precious boy has gone a ud if be should be number with the slain 1 would rather h* l would fall as a brave hero than to be looked upon as a cow - ard the rest of his life. h hen we think about it a hu ,,ian life in war is of small value and many thousands of brave b" s have gone without a tear, not without a mother’s prayer. ( *h, bow many prayers and pe- li;iv< been offered up by , e mothers of Rome, Ga., in ,Bl) alf of their dear sons. The sweetest memory of life will be 111 dear soldier boys “Home swe *t Home.’’ Pa, 'entß may die, the home decay, sisters and brothers a y be no more, time may have aid lts threads across the THE HOME HfSTLEIH’OMMEBCIAL PROMOTION ■ Given Both Commodore Schleij and Sampson AND ALSO NAMES The Hawaiian Island Commis sion. Washington, July 11 —The pns-l ideut has appointed Senator Cul lom, of Illinois, oenator Morgan, of Alabama, Repressutative Hitt, >f Illinois, Sanfoid Dole, presi dent of the Hawaii: n republic, and W. F, Frear, of Hawaii, to be concinissicners uud r the Hawaiian annexation resolution Judge W. F Frear, whit has been appointed a member of the Hawaiian commission by Pres ident McKinby, is o:.e of the supreme court judge? of Hawaii. He is abou thirty-five years old and was Dora io the United States. He went to Honolulu when a child with bis father, Rev. Walter Frear who was for ny ny years pastor of the Congregational church io H onolulu. Judge Frear was appointed to the supreme bench by President Dole about three years ago. Before that time he practiced law in Honolulu. Judge Fiear was a prominent annexationist, and is regarded as > lawyer of great abil ity His father, Rev. Walter Frear. is at present in charge of the Con gregational board of foreign mis sions, with headquarters in San F rancisco. RESIDENT WILL PRO! TE SCHLEY AND SAMPSON. Washington, July 11. — Jbe President has determined to pro mote Acting Admiral Sampson and Commodore Schley in recogni tion of their services in the destruc tion of the <-paiiiSii iluv’ai nSei HI American waters, but is us yet un decided to the extent of the promo tion. Although Admiral Sampson ranks Commodore Schley in com mand of the naval forces in Cuban waters he is subordinate to that officer by two numbers in the naval register. Commodore Schley stands No 8 in the het of comm-dores Commodore Sampson stands No 10, having been promoted to that grade within the past week. Com modore Watson, also on duty with the fleet at Santiago, is seniorto both of the others, standing No 6 in his grade. Whet an official re* port is received a decision will be reached as to the extent of promo tion to be maAe. brow, but the time will come when the elf of memory, with its golden key will unlock the past. I hope we will all meet again You soldier boys who have left home can only look back at the happy days of childhood : Beautiful ye seean, Fair as the springtime tide-fl .wore, Bright as -he summer’s beams. The world grows old, but the stars will burn out their bril liancy, the moon’s brightness will fade into oblivion and the sun will throw from it so many planets that there will cease to be a sun—yet home and mother’s influence will go before all this and enter into the silver gates of the golden eternity to brighten Heavenitself. Have mercy ten der Heaven on our boys. Mrs. W. Grimm. i Wingfield Scott Schley is al right. ROME GEORGIA, MONDAY EVENING, JIL I FREE SHOW Every Night This Week at Mobleys’ Pavilion. Manager Marrin, ol t’le City Electric R’y, wishes to aun< unce that he engaged the Woodward- Warren Co. , for this week, Lut they cancelled their engagemei t until b>ter. and wishing to give the patrons of the car line some amusement every week during 'the summer at Mobley Springs, Ihe hits engaged the Peruchi- Beldeni Co, to appear eveiy night this week at the theatre, free to every one riding on the j ixirs.. 'I bis is quite an undertaking and should be appreciated by Romans. To have a high class company with an up to date re | potsire and a change of bill each evening, is something all should take advantage of. Tne following is the list fcr the week: Monday night—“ The Secret” —Short Comedy and Vaude ville. Tuesday night—“ Americans Abroad”—Society Comedy. Wednesday—“ Fun in a Boarding School”—-Musical Comedy. Thursday—“Maloney's V.’ed l ding”—lrish Farce Comedy. Friday—“A Noble Outcast” —Melo drama. Saturday—“ Kathleen Mavour een” —Comedy Drama. Mr. Marvin requests that all 1 who possibly can to take the 7:50 cars, as the 8:10 cars are usually overloaded. There will be a charge of lOcts for .reserved seats, but ample free seats have j been prepared. Car fare 5 cents each wav. " ' - GROWSOUTOF WAR TALK. One Favoring Spain Puts a Knife Into an American. Coudersport, Pa., July 11.— In a fight growing out of a heat ed discussion over the war la*t night, James Wade was fatally slabbed in the abdomen by Dom inick S.iell, a young Italian. Snell his brother and several countrymen, one of whom had a gun, set upon Wade and three companions because they were Yankees and were against Spain in the present war. Wade declared that he was proud of his American citizen ship, when the elder Snell grasp ed the gun, levelled it at Wade and pulled the trigger. It missed fire and Dominick Snell then whipped out a knile and slabbed Wade. The Snell brothers have fled the country to avoid lynch ing at the hands of Wade’s friends. AT AND BELOW Co’ST. Columbiar Spirit, Bromo Laxa* nv Quinrn Pils, Liniment, Gradm ites Axl Caaor Oil Harness Oil, Soap, 9 inch roll wrapping paper. Diamond Wall Fin ish, Tinting culors for house painting, Spears wettierproof fire proof p unt, camel, hair brush -? cruebee, large empty bolls A itomiz rs at Frank Wright’s Fur m icy c rner opposit Masonic I'empl. M as Edna Cain of Summerville arrived in the city this morning and will sp nd several days with friends- LANHAM &SONS, I CLOSING OUT 4- ®At Afc M 3F Zrw IW- v ; 7R iRF IW I Tri 7rt ata' Tnv '-to Wt - ' svMm »ry com -• Beginning Monday morning, July 4th we willl nam prices on all Sumin2rTlil inery, Dry Goods, Ex, ,‘ , i that will certainly interest every one who cares to save a dime or a dollar. Look At These Prices. Summer Calicoes per-yard 2c Ladies Snirt Waists with de tach ibi a collar and cuffs, laundried. only 100 :i Ladies 50c Shirt Waist now 30c ; Ladies 65c Shirt Wa.s ; now 403 Choice of any Shire Waist in the house ex ept silk wor-.h much more 753 \ .0-4 Sheetingjpsr yard 10a 1 Yd Wide Soa Island 3 l-2c Ladies h >se double sole high splice heel 40 gauge Pilot dye worth 20c now . 10c Lad>es low cut Bliqes cheau. Xlilliiierv til Prices to Close. Violets per bunch 2c »• 3c 41 “of 3 doz 3ii, 6 o Large assortment of F owers white and colors wort i m uch more, no w 13 3 Shapes worth $ 1.75 no w’ 1 -OL Shapes were 753 now 353 Shanes were 503 now 253 These aaenota lot ofiistyear’s shapes but this season goods, stvlish and up-to date and we make these prices to close the n out for cash. We wdl not charge goods at thes 3 pr’cas This is a ch nice you wdl prob i ily i ): ge ;agtin so ) a J J i‘ 4 I'3 < LANHAmSONS. Ribdons IRibbons ! 903 Sash Ribbed, all silk in new colors 6 inches wide 59i 75c S ish Rib cn now 35c Sash Ribbon No 80 was now 50c AU silk Rjbbia 4ia3ies Wide, red,blue an d pink, was 303 now • . . 12 l-2c 25c Veiling now 180 ' F'c Veiling now 3c LOOK AT THIS ! Beautiful Rich Satin worth 50 to 75 now 180 in brown, blue, 'pink, 1 canary- an d orange. Triamedhats wor£lisi.sonow 99c “ ‘‘ $1,25 now 68c “ “$2.75 no w 1.50 Children’s trim no 1 hats 350 Masses trimm ?d hats 40c Trimmed hats were $5,00 3,40 $5,00 3,75 $5 00 2.55 $7.00 3,80 Everything in Millinery at prices th it c iaiot 0 3 mPcaed any where. Everybody can afford a traveling hat, a midsummer hat, an eveiiag hat or anything in M.llinery a they w 1 11 bUng casa t j ii’ s; ) .’,3 V)• v. i i• ■ chl -r f g’>l sa: ch 3>3e ri e . U GETS PER WEE!