The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 11, 1898, Image 2

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PERSONAL MENTION Mr. J. C. Hams, of Atlanta, is in the city. Mr. M. G Hunter, of Atlanta, is in the city Mr. Z. T. .McKinney, of 1 rion. spent yesterday in the city. Hon. John W. Maddox re turned from Washington yester day. House to rent, close in- Apply to L A Lloyd. Lots of nice fruit at Lloyd s, »nd heaps of other good things to eat. Mrs. Powell, of Silver Creek, is the guest of friends in the city. Dr. C. Hamilton spent yester day at Dykes Creek on profes sional business. Mrs. Alexander, of Atlanta, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. William Darby. Dr. S. R. Belk has returned from Dallas, where he attended the quarterly district confer ence. Miss Josie Hale, a charming young lady of Attalla, is. the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Hale, on •Sixth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards and children, of Lavender, are the guests of relatives in the Fourth ward. Damaged Corn for Sale. H. D. Cothran & Co. CelestJ Ayer will Jeave this week for Boston v\ 1 e:e she will remain the rest of the sum mer. Fancy mild cured hams at Lloyd’s, small in size and price and they are sweet and. juicy. Mr. J. Bateman, one of the cleverest “knights of the grip” in the country, is stopping at the Central. Miss Beulah Mayo returned home yesterday after a pleasant visit of several weeks to relatives and friends at Lavender. Messrs Joe Patton and Charlie McCurry will go to Anniston to morrow to take part in an an eatour performance, at the ope a house tomorrow night forth benefited the Alabama soldier.-. Washington, D. C., and retm <i $19.50 via Southern Rail 'ay Tickets on sale July 4,5, 6 am’ 7. For information and ticket call on J. N. Hafrison, C. T. A Floyd County camp No. 368 Confederate veterans have st lecti d the Old Reliable Westen 4s Atlantic R R. as the < Hicia route to the grand reunion ii Atlanta July 20th to 23d. Mi<s Myra Thompson passed through the city yesterday en route to Ckvfland from Rome where she has been a guest at the house party of Mms Miriam Reynolds.—Saturday’s (■halt: - nooga News. Misses Willie Sharp, Annie Franks and Sadie Lane ster, . three of the most popular young ladies of the Fourth ward, will leave the city on Wednesday to attend a house party at Summer ville. l iny will be out of thecit\ for several days. Nice house for* rent, nea First Methodist Church, now occupied by J S Mav.Possession at once, Ap;jly to L. A- Lloyd. $1 O Rome to Nor folk, Ocean View, Va., and return via W & A R Rand S A Line July 1 1 th, ‘imite ito July 2 C K Z ver, P & 1 r VfUViv The Royal •• the highest grade baking powder luxmn. Actual tests - how it goesooe third further than any other brand. o pH POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL SAKIKn ROWOER CO., HEW YORK. LOCAL HUPPtNINGSS. 3rd. Baptist. R-.-v J. W. Pul* 'eiHif Cave Spring preached at the 3rd. Baptist church yesteiday morning and evening to large con gregations. There were no services at the other churches in North Rome yesterday, Floyd Vets.—The Confeder ate veterans will leave Rome Wednesday morning July 20th on a special train at 6 a. m. via the Historical Battlefield Line, the Western & Atlantic R. R. to attend the reunion in Atlanta Police Court —The following cases were tried at this morning’s police c >urt: George Tern 11 color ed, drunk and disorderly conduct, $3,00 or 6 days, E. W. Wheeler drunk $3,00 or 6 days, Burt P- D'- Uy, drunk $3,000r G days, a mtn by I be; name of Xtvson. drui k $3 00 or 6 days. A Good Player—A young man who is making a name for him self in the base ball world is Mr. Frank Sparks, of Cav., Springs. He is pitcher for the Richmond team and has won 10 games out of the 13 played. He has many tri rids in Rome who w : ll be pleas ed to hear of his success Will Meet Saturday.—The Floyd county camp of Confeder att Veterans will meet at the court house Saturday, July 16 h to perfect final arrangements for the Reunion in Atlanta July 20th. Fhe sons of Veterans will also meet on that date. All Vet erans are urged to be present. Tried to Lynch Him—Report reached the city today of attempt to lynch a negro at Freeman’s Ferry 12 miles north of R<-m- Haturday night. He had commit - ted several outrages on some white women living od Jones mountain as the facts in the case are e dirty and disgusting the Hustler Commercial will not publish then 16shots were fired but he manag H to escape the mob . Mrs.Goram Dead Saturday morning at 6 o’clock Mrs. Eliza beth Gorani died at her home near the cotton factory on Eighth avenue, of consumption She had been sick a long time and her death was not unexpect ed. She leaves several children. I he remains were interred in tlm North Rome cemetery. Attention Ist Ga. Cavalry. —The annual reunion of the Ist Ga , cavalry veterans will take place in Atlanta, Ga., July 22d Col. L R. Ray will be crater of the occasion. Headquarters for the Ist Ga., cavalry will be No. 41 Prior street, one block from the Union depot. IL W. Cam i*, President. J. A. Wynn, Secretary. $7.00 Rome to Ty be Cumberland, St. Si mons and Amelia Beach and return via W. & A. R, R. Tickets on sale Monday, July I 1 th limited July 2 1 st. C. K. Ayer, C. and T. A I To Morrison’s Camp Ground —Morrison’s camp ground is getting to be quite a summer re-! sort. A large number of Romans' ire spending the summer there. | The following will go tomorrow .and spend several days: Messr. 1 Joe and John Glover, McCrary and Misses Laura Hay wood, cf Oxford ; L'zzie Allison, of Gh ittanooga and A Hie G lover ami 1 i-nie Dimon, of Rome. Arre ted Fob Cattle Steal ing —Alex Steadman, a much ly wanted individual,hy the au thorities hero, was arrested in B omit county yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Jim Johnson and Bailiff Bryan on the charge of cattle stealing. He has dodged the officers for several months. I The officers took him to Gadsden (last night and brought him to Rome this morning. Mr. E. E. Pomroy. after a pleasant visit to his college friend, Mr. Ed Maddox, has re turned to his home in Marietta. Mrs. Hamilton Yancey will leave tomorrow for Cloverdale, their beautiful country home to spend the balance of the sum mer. Mrs. Benjiman Neely left this morning for Young’s Station where she will spend sever. 1 weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Gus Young. Miss Lizzie Allison, of Chat tanooga, wdl arrive in the city t unorrow and spend several weeks with Miss Allie Glover in the Fourth ward. Eyes examined free by Dr. Taylor, experi enced optician. at Wooten’s drug store. Save your eyes.Do not delay. ANNUAL REUNION Confederate Veterans, Atlanta, Ga.. July 20di to 23rd, 1898. Re luced rates via Southern Railway. > On account of the annual re union united Confederate Veter ans at Atlanta, Ga., July 20th to 23rd. the Southern Railway will sell tickets from points on its lines to A llama, Ga.. and re turn at very low rates. From points within a radlous of 100 miles of Atlanta, tickets will be sold July 19th ai.d 20th, with final limit July 28th, and ’ from points beyond a radious of 100 miles of Atlanta tickets will be ’sold July 17th, 18th and 19th, with final limit July 31st. Call oil any agent of the South ern Railway for further infor mation. Do A ou Got it?—l have ex clusive charge of the circulation department of the Hustler-Com ' mercial. Ifyoudo not get your paper promptly, report to me and it will be a tended to. TI e subscription is 10 cents per week, payable every Saturday. Please have the money ready when the collector calls. Res| ectfully, Pai l Jack APPLICATION FOR LEI TERS OF DISMISSION. I GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY I Win S lo i Everett .|at in n str.itor ol Join Mills, ■ deceas >d, repress its to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered John M ill. ’ estate. This is to cite a'l per sons concerned, kindled and creditors, to show cause if any , they can why said administra tor should not be discharged from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in Sept. 1898. This June 6ih, 1898. John P. Davis, Oidinary- ( An exchange announces that to Sylvester Scovell. of the New 't oi k World, belongs the unique honor of having been recogmz— 'od by the government as the I biggest liar so far produced 1y I the war, Marshal Si!ei> I For August ’9B.J ItOMK. i-KORGIA, Flojd Conn'y There will be sola before th' c urt house door in the city o Koine. Floyd county, Ga.. <n» th» first Tuesday in Angust I*9B he-i tween the legal hours of sale the following* described property to* wn • Parts <-f lots Noe. 5 and • in the Etowah Division city of K< me Floyd coumy Ga. commencing at h point on tin , South side of Broad b rent 56 l‘«.t Iron) the corner of Broad street - aid Filth avenuo (formerly B i<lg<-1 street) and lunn'Lg thence \V -si ei ly along Broud strut t 28 led ai d i buck from ami at light hi. glen to Broad street the wdlh me hundred feet more '»i fens. Also a lot. 20 fe t wide nnd 32 feet long joining the above de j •■cribed properly on the West and in rear of the store on the adj th ing lot, Baid twenty feet in, width commer.ciug ninety feet bck from Broad street and running back the same width thirty two ti. Said two pieces of property con stituting what is known as the Tur.Jty drug store joining th' ■ Central hotel. Said property l< v j ied on us the property of P. L. , Turnley and E. T. I'urnley isfy the taxes due the city ol Kome on said property f r tin j vears 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895. 1896; and other years. Ft tas havii g? been issued against said property i for said taxes and levied on the | same. Also at the same f iim ami pise one vacant lot known hr part ol lot No. 86 in Etowah Division of , the city of Rcme Flo countx Ga.Fronti' g on Sixth avenue 50 i more <-r less ami running bac>- same width 125 feet, more or less j loan alley. Bounded on the N >rth| by the property cf W. L. Huim- j on the West by Sixth a’enue. cn l th-- S. uth b, East Tiiird stree and on the East by an alley. Lev- ! led on r.s the propery of Mrs | Judith E Shieblev. !->r taxes dm ’ the city of Rome <or the year 1897 for the use of J B. Gh transferee, Frcperty |oi ited out l)y transferee. J. B Shropshire. Marshal LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA- TION. GE-'UGIA fl«yd county. To all whom it may concern. Einn.a Pentecost having in proper form anpiied to me for per in men i letters of administration on the j estate of Polly PenU'Cost iate of i said enmity, deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of km of Polly Pent-cost to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law. and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to W. H. Ennis, Co., Adm’ron Polly Pentecosts’ estate Witn*-se my hand and offi cial signa’ ure t nis 4 h day of.July 1898. John p. D vis Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINI3TRA j '1 ION. GE RGIA FI. YD COUNTY. 'To aii whom it may. c ucern Emma I’enteccst liaVini m piop.-i form applied to mi lor nerman m l- t’ersof admit istration on ts.-i estate of Redmon lYi.lecost. late of said c Übly deceased This is le cite alt and singn’ar tho cred, ors and next of kin oi Reduioi Pen eco-t to and appear at m’ office within the titre allowed I \ law uni show cause if any fhei cai>, why’ permanent udmiuistra tioii shell d not be granted |o \\' H. Ennis Co , Adtn’r on Ri.d<luu. PenteC;B’’s estate Wi n-‘S< my hand and • fficial siguat me (hi, Ii!. day of July 1898 John P. Da b i Ordina INSOMNIA •■Shave been iikliiu <' AM’ A H KTM'or <USl.llium. Willi winch i have b- hi ufHlcteu lor • ver twenty veuix. and I e::ri xuv thilt i'usvuret.- -/iveii me relief any other rem<- VI h ive i'Vi-i | kiitiil i ci-tiiinly tecom n-n-t cli in io uiy frk.-.(is ■ . b,; 1: ) they in-.- nysented. ’ Tilu. ~xi.,..iiw. Kigin, ill, CANO-v --cathartic . VRADC MAAK RCOISTTRED ’’ n’ TuMe Good b •I ■. ,-eo-r si 01-.1. Wenk< ■or Oi 1,, 111,. ... CURS OO iBTiPATIOH. ... *l»*i !i» •• Kelhrdy ( uuipuni. 4 J»i. ..-zu. )!<>•«. >-«*al. VorL lip fliG TO BAK ; : Spains last “sad but gl riom d -v"’ on the wator cost her many 'ive, and more than -16\00 \0() i in cold School Supplies. Wh are pioneers i’ the school books and W ho->1 SU p. ply buami'B* and w- are als > right tlp-ro-d ; p H in every • Jjj tbin? 'hat should be kept by an up-to-datu Bookstore j i ill PAPER. I >? b' use i;; th St -te car. mu v< vou better when vou de- sire to invest ii a new covering fcr tr.c dear ?id wrflh , • y nr home.'See our stock on band and samples »)) | H. A. SMITH. I p" TH I- OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE, i 0 To the'People of Rome. | it/ o ’• ' vhh that I have bought the Model S ? : Sun Yiuniry anl ur.p ho to rearrange ami aidto lt V/ s . lii il you wt! have m v-.ur city a plant second to m> lje U/ m :he south. W • Ili-ive hnl ol pracVea! experience, the past \!/ v : own Gand operated one of W th * la. -st plan s m 1 x 18 . With 'he ye ir a of exn-ri- V/ ence I n ive ti 11 and us 1 will d. w .c- my tim- and W at -in.u ’>th ■ I will :.i in a positmn to g. 4ar , W ant >th it a.i. lirn4 :>m ug to my laundry wilf he done /ii • • smm i' ll.', iy. A trid will c mviiice you diu 1 can d.iall tia Icrn.n - smdl ) y , U r bvn llli n ‘ails m please /h /si v’ V ! b '“’ (l ‘ ‘ r:H - Sr,p Wa S nr I'dephme No lob, an I pi !> i i lie will bi r-ita.-oeJ > ")n,cly. /l\ G'pi '-I ' ’ •‘iv • i stir sh u-.> of yarn-;p V t.- )Jag)( fam iii $ H- PARKIN- S l’r q>>'i-t >r Mod-I’Steam Laundry, [ CANDY CA ' rHAKTIC d hwcaiww CtJR£ CQNSTIPA ' rior ' I - - ' < $3.00 A MONTH. 1 For this merely nominal fee any sufferer from any Chronic disease can obtain H a line of treatment that has gained a world-wide reputation for its healing and curative powers. Cases that have been pronounced hopeless are quickly and radically cured at home. Dr. Cowden gives every case his personal attention. Thousands cured. His specialties are; Nose, Stomach, Deafness, Asthma, Throat, Bowels, Consumption, Cataract, Lungs, Blood, Rheumatism, Obesity, Skin Diseases. vigorine;s:s® An absolute speeific for Lo-m > 'ft As I Jk B B BLI Drains, Premature Discharges, wv B B AM B fl Iwl Bad Dreams, etc. V B B MM ■ ■ Either of these remedies will he sent upon receipt of $2.00. Their effect is little short of miraculous. . Send for Symptom blanks cad full information regarding specia • All inquiries cheerfully answered. Consultation Free. Don t let this c escape it may never occur again. Address, ,*J. M. COWDEN, M. D„ 7!S 13th St., N. W„ Washington, 0. (pSr.. Como, W is., Hyannis, m Jan. 10,1898. I would not be I without P ISO’S CUR »nnnv R a q G tlltl CURE for CON- curesmedi' SUMPTION for any. best Cough thng. For a mid used it Cough or C: lit is ““ having nseu beyond all others. 15 years. ilreC REYNOLDS. J. A. “ The Cough Medicine. -MM'. OtaVMrf-jaMBEM. --Jirrnr-T— **-^*™—* * '