The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 11, 1898, Image 3

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(JECLARATIOKS- - - i J We are going out of the retail goods business. Ptfill TUCM ( Our present sale the end this business. iiIHU I num J Our present prices will n-wer again be Duplicated- c The opportunity to buy such eoo is at such prices will s >on be forever j> t goods worth 100 cents on the dollar are being offered at 30 cents on the dollar—quantities of them. Ladies’ skirt and tailor made suits==a big stock. Piques, all the family of them. Without question the best stock of goods in Rome and being given away to get out of the retail dry goods business in Rome. » • ' . I St* — ' 1 ■— - r r ' " “ - - ... I,OOOYDS, DRESS CALICO 2jc » ' 1,000 FANS AT 1 CEN T. DOTTD ■ LADIES’ 500 EVERY SHOE 300 300 . that cost 46cts Shirt waists-~the dol- Yards of Dress Goods In our stock at what it Baby caps recently Mens launaried shirts "word \a/p nnw lar grade at 39 cents. and waist silks, worth cost us, or less, to quh bought at factory pric- that cost where they a /nc r Pn fe 50c, at 25c. business. es. were made 75 cents to at cents, | |. $ 1 .00, on sale at 39c. U ACTUAL COST , ’ 500 For all millinery, with no charges for Miss * i Ladies and gents si k and satin necties that W Snyder’s work. A positive- saving of 75 per I * cost 25 cents to $ 1.00, on center table at 10 W* cent. : : cents each. YARDS of summer wash fabrics on center tables—much of it cost 15c, 20c and 25 fVvV conceptions for ladies and misses dresses. We are giving them away at 6centsi/ 1• I Luunn* when we quit business your opportunity for such bargains will begone and gone forever. Bay from us n )>v Not just a few things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at big profits to make money. We affirm, of all the goods in this house, no" a dollar’s worth is priced above cost. BASS BROS. & CO. 4 BYRD’S EYE VIEW In digging in Potter’s field in New York the other day a man was found in a woman’s graxe. The Boston Globe, hopes that s'.ic'i cas»-s of male intrusion are not frequent. * * * John Temple Graves, in his fourth of July speech in Augus ta, among other things said : lu Bagley, of North Carolina, we have presented the pioneer mar tyr of the war. In Hobson, Ala bama has contributed the most s plendid heroism of the modern navy. Sou 4) Carolina has offered in Blue the most daring and ef icctive scout in the federal army * I he St. Louis Globe-Democrat observes that France, Italy and Spain are making heavy daily increases in the number of states men out of a job. When a man tn either of those countries suc ceeds in obtaining,a position in one of the cabinet, his first offi cial act is to write out a resigna -11 ' n , so the opposition can never 'J' 11 " 1 that he was discharged by the government. *** . f,| e p-ditical pot in old Floyd ls simmering, and there’s lotsand C)| ds of good fuel in the wood 8 ini to be had for the asking. **• ‘I) heart screams for your eai sweet, angel face," says a Personal in one of the New York Puprrir. There's poetry” for y°u. fennyson never wrote dny "ng like that says the Boston Globe, * P. * * ‘•Hners coming into the city €ar S| niling faces. The steady i s coining on the heels ot lwd s „ c ,.p 01l planters nave not known in a ■ rrmiernlion, causes them to re- ■ II ct from their honest faces the ‘glow of prosperity the dawning of which has been so long de layed. * * * 'The next naval sensation may lie sprung by ‘‘Brigadier Bill” who should claim an admiralcy because he has held the govern ship during the war, and has successfully witnessed a Spanish bull fight on Sunday. None ot your rear admiralcies, Air. Pres ident, ‘‘Brigadier Bill” will ac cept nothing behind a front ad miralcy. * * * The tomb of Gen. John Bur goy ne, who was defeated by Gen. Gates at the battle of Still water, and who surrendered to the Con tinental forces at Saratoga in 1777, is in Westminister Abbe\ not far from the final resting place of Air. Gladstone. * * * Julius Seeth, toe merman lion tamer, was recently presented with a valuable collection of lions by King Menelk of Abys sin a. The king had heard of Seeth’s prowess, and had twenty eight Abyssinia lions trapped in order to witness the taming of the beasts. The German soon trained the lions, whereupon-the delighted monarch made him a i present of the entire collection. • * * It is a curious instance of the irony of history that the close of the first naval battle between the United States and Spain in . the waters of the New World there should have been left bat tered and stranded upon the Cuban coast a great war vessel named in honor of the discover er whom Ferdinand and Isabella I »cnt out to find that very islati and this huge western hemis phere. And should it prove pos tible, as Com nodore Schley be lieves it is. to save the Cristobal Col m and to add her to the United States navy as a retribu tive namesake of the sunken Maine the coincidence would be doubly strange. ♦ * ♦ The Adrian county Mo., courts ha v e been wrestling with a pe culiar lawsuit, in which ratscut the pricipal figure. A farmer named Sturgeon hired one Walker to kill the rudentvon his place, agreeing to pay one cent ipiece for the tails of 1000 of he victims. Whe i 750 tails had >een presented for tally Walker tsked $7.50 as pay for his ser vices. Here trouble began, for the farmer refused to pay for tny number less than 1000. He tlso claimed that Walker tried 'o palm off mouse tails on him is tails of young rats. The hired man secured a favorable verdict in the lower courts, but Stur geon will continue hie legal fight to escape payment. ** Willie Atkinson says it makes him tired to see so many young men who want commissicns in the army when “they should be proud to enlist as privates.” Does curly headed Willie re member that he almost strained his safety valve trying to get the job of brigadier general? Oar little Willie should remember that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.—Amer icus Herald. Editor Watterson rises to re mark that Admiral Camara will have ample time to pick out a nice soft spot in the ocean in which to have bis ships sunk, as it will oe severaweeks.l b> >•< V atsmi can reach him Love is the key- v Stone of a woman’3 y- iife. Her fondest hopes rest upon this tender emotion ; her _ highest pride is in her capacity to awaken ) the love which makes J / j a happy wife ; her noblest ambition is to 1 S become a loved loving- mother. k. I V Any weakness or J disease which inea- \ ) pacitates her to fulfill the exalted function SgK t'aiA of motherhood is the saddest blight which Sa can cottie upon a wo- nCSMSKf wfl man’s life. * glgWSjyn But there is no tea- g’ K’ son in nature why any J " ~ hindrances or de ratig-enients of tJ-.s kind should continue to exi-t. Ninety nine time sin a hundred they are conipl ti-lv overcom in a perfect:, natural and scientific way by the use ot Dr Pierce’s Favorite Prcseriptioii. which giyes healthy power and capacity to the special organs; reinforces the nerve-centres ..;id makes natural, healthy n: therhood possi ble, safe and coyiparatively ea-y. It makes the coming- of baby almost free from pain; gives strength and cheerfulness to the moth- r. and constitutional vigor to the child. It is the only medicine in the world devised for this one purpose by an educated physician, a skilled and experi cnced specialist in this particular field of [ practice. , “ I cannot say enough in praise of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite prescription. ;is it has done me a world | of good, and has, undoubtedly saved my life,” 1 writes Mrs. Florenc.- Hunter, of Cork*'-, I.' gan I Co.. Ark. “ I miscarried four times; could get no | medicine to do me any good. 1 concluded to try the ‘Favorite Prescription’ and after taking , several bottles of it I made my husband present of a fine girl. I think it is the best medicine in the world.” Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets : Oue is a | laxative, two a mild eathaitic. ______ i RANGES. I am agent iorSoutlv ern Qut en Coal ot Wood Ranges. Also usuranoe Safety Gits olme stoves. Call and seemvstock and get estimaes on your ulumbitno- and tin work- N p vt door to] 00era house. ■ 1 It r®rts with yon whether you continue thY-OfiRQW terve-kiiling tobacco habit. N amoves the desire for tobacco, >ut nerTouHdUtreas. expels I i lue, purifies the blood, tores lost manhood. if M Loxes makes you strong y 1 health, jOk f® casescured. Buy from *>?<*♦ Oh ITJW your own drut&wt. who ® vouch forua. I it w.tit .a will,path ntly, persisttuUy One jjdfr® k txi-s. *l. usuaDy curcu, 3 licx-m. VM, Wfti-f* WV - RUtrnswcdtofim-.oi wer*hni«wi«nu-y. THE ARHSTRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga t Regular .h £ SDGGIaI Boarders r , Kaus “• Moutlim. ifi.-—l . .. ‘ JThe place to get a quick, good meal, McCALL ;& YOUNG, Proprietors. M . 1 _ ,_■■■■' W ■■■—■■■■■ |Best White LEGIBB si FJ" 11) /3 V O} i • ) 32 1 111 n) ; marked Give orders J. T. Crousd & 3 ) r , s3p $r trio. #3* S Yen lid c ?ck srals / $ 1. I- D.GXIL’JXI). *• *•••»••• »a »•••»••••• <H» •• •• I ■ in , 1 as* tw {Repairing |{ • Don’t Walk On J ; @ Your Uppers?; ; W. A-M U LLI NI X,S„£¥ S’-; I i— ITT in < ‘ - THE HODEL LAUNDRY Isdim r u . iof w>rk tai g ivrnn tees Pri??? are mnt reason 3. Flip v' - ' ? 'soeciaf *