The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 11, 1898, Image 4

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HE HUSTLER OF ROME tesUblUhed. IMW. ~HE ROME COMMERCIAL KMtabllNhed. 1H95. - ■ - Issued every , evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL G BYRD, EDITOR AND MANAGER. Ditto.. WiHin'» B#«»clc. r,ur “ * vanll9 >»lly And Buna»» y«»r *’> 0,1 >nn<i*r. per year *' 0,1 ffeokly (Too RomkCookikh) pei year W BY CARRIER IN CITY AND liJJJ'Hi L»%y and Sunday, lix ent* per weal , Remit by bank draft. expfML money order or registered letter Add-ess THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL. ROME, GA. Entered at the Postofflce at Rome, Ga., :v eeconu class matter. Advertising rates and sample co, tea lor th , asking, , BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 T Wingfield Scott Schley is al right. Artist Gary,formerly of Rome, died in Washington, I). C., on Friday. We all hope that Cervera may live long and proper for his kindness to Hobson. The Red Cross Society is do ing a noble work in the army, among friend and toe alike. No prettier sponsor will at the Confederate reunion than Miss Daisy Talmage, of Athens, Ga. Macon proposes to have anoth er carnival. Macon’s last was. a howling success. Macon never does things by halves. Gen. Shafter is old and weighs 310 pounds. This may account for the awful victory w<* achiev ed around Santiago. ' a ■ • t The Spaniards shot away the Merrimack’s rudder, says Lieut Hobson, and that is why tin corker was not a stopper. Allen D. Candler’s nomina tion was unanimous—now let the counties fall in line and make his election equally so. A bar of lead cooled to abou 300 degrees below zero, accord ing to an experiment of Pietet, gives out when struck a j ure musical tone. A few mules turned loose t< graze on those barbed wire fenc es around Santiago might re move those impediments from Shafter’s path. It’s dollars to doughnuts that if Spain’s Camara don’t develop a decided negative,it will present a ship-wrecked picture in water colors. A monument should be erec - ed to Chief Yeoman Ellis, the the only American to lose his life in the remarkable bittie of Santiago. If Englishmen can celebrate the Fourth of July, Americans can appropriately observe the birthday anniversaries of George lll.—Albany Herald. Yousef, the “terrible 'l urk’ who had been wrestling in the United States, was among the victims of the ill fated La Bourg ogne on her fatal trip out. The Chattanooga News says, “Thursday a soldier carried a big Thomas 11. cat around the streets with him all day.” What does that “II.” signify, brother? The Vermont volunteers are serving two pa''masters. Uncle Sam pajs the Ve monter sls 60 per month to serve as a soldier*, and Vermont pays him $7 per, month in addition. Opinion is a light, vain, crud • and imperfect thir.g settled in the imagination, but never ar riving at the undei standing, there to obtain the tincture ofi reason. Ben Johnson. In th < ugine room of the monitors the thermometer regis ters from 140 to 160, thus again illustrating the truth of thessy i ig that “war is hell”—or the niyt thing to it. —"aeon News. “Fighting Bob” Evans’ swear words were roared through a megaphone during the battle, and the frightened dons thought the Vesuvius was coughing at them. Four brigadier generals in the Santiago army received promo tion, and are >w major gener als —among them,none deserved this recognition more than Gen. Lawton . An exchange announces that io Sylvester Scovell, of the New York World, belongithe unique honor of having been recogniz ed by the government as the biggest liar so far produced by the war, Sampson, who, while acting admiral, was, in reality, only a captain, has now been made a Commodore. Schley should be made an Admiral, and Captain Clark, of the Oregon, be promo ted to Commodore. Gen. Blanco cables to Madiid : “No details have been received as to the naval fight, but it is rumored that Admiral Cervera .eached a port ol Southern Cu ba.” He did sure enough, but his port was not a haven. This from a Northern paper, I'he Toledo Blade: “Gen. Joe Waeeler is the same brave man d'a third of a century ago. In Friday’s battle before Santiago, ilthough too sick to lead his men, he was carried to the front on a litter. Wheeler is alright.’ In the closing scenes of con gress, Cannon, of Illinois, called Ball, of Texas, a liar. 'The charge was heavy but the aim was nasty and inaccurate and the Ball bo nneranged back at the Cannon’s mouth ; the last report sounds as if the whole thing was only a flash in the pan. There is a mercantile and commerc »1 side view of the na val battle at Santiago. Some of our foreign critics affect to have found the cause of American success in the superiority of our steel armor plate and puns. As a result they anticipate a great er demand for our battleships i and cruisers on the part of for jeign purchasers The Administration has deem ed it prudent to begin business in Hawaii b\ sending an armed cruised with the flag—and a regiment of infantry with the cruiser. There are so many people in Hawaii who have not been consulted about the nuptials that it is well enough lo make a gunpowder demonstration to begin with. It is a striking coincidence that Samuel J. Tilden, Grover Clevelandtand William Jennings Bryan, the three most notid leaders of the Democracy since (the civil war, are all on record ! against such enterp-is s as the mnexation of Hawaii and the Philippines. Representatives of the sound money Democracy and representatives of the silver Democracy find a basis for unit ed action in saying no tu tho wl THE EXCELLENCE Os SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to tiie California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine S.ytup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par-, ties. Tiie high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of ail other laxatives, ■ as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. LOUUVILLE. ' '»«CW YORK. N. Y. new departure in American pol icy- It still appears from accounts of the recent naval victory that the guns of Morro are by no means silenced. It is said that ns long as the American vessels are within its range the firing was incessant. Morro’s gunners must have more lives than a cat, or else the fortifications must be impregnable on the so a side. CURRENT TOPICS Whatever else the soldier boys in Cuba may be prohibited from eating, they are to have their fill of tomatoes. The government has just awarded a contract io a Baltimore firm for 720,0001bs of canned tomatoes, and a Si. Lou is concern will fu"ni-h 288,000 additional —over a million lbs in aIL A nonagenarian widow of Michigan recently purchased a bicycle, and it is said that she has been making rapid progress in learning to ride. For years she has walked four miles to at tend church services, but now she goes on her “bike,” covers the distance in one sixth of the lime formerly required and with less than one-sixth of the exer tion. The old saw, “Never too old to learn,” seems to be spe cially applicable to bicycling. A new and dangerous counter feit ten dollar note is worrying bankers. It made its appearance in New York. The sample sent to the treasury department is of the series ot 1880; check letter C ; plate number S; J. Fount Tillman, Register; D.N. Morgan. Treasurer, and the portrait upon it is that of Webster. The figures of the numbering of the note, says tiie New York Sun, are poorly formed ; the seal is too dark, being red instead of car mine ; the lathe work on the back is blurred and indistinct, and the siik threads used are 100 heavy. In spite of all these fl iws, apparent to the expert ey", the note is of good general .ppearance and well calculated t> deceive the ordinary person. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty ofexeicisi in the open air. Her form glows md her face glows with its Jeauty. If her system needs the leansing action of a laxative emedy she uses the gentle and deasant Syrup of figs, manufac tured by the Cahiornia Fig Syrup Co , only. ' I Deeper. So far, we have been very succ-ssful with.,our money raisi ig Sl i o bnt the desired amount of cash has not been rai«ea and Ae are com pelled to raise this money out of our stock, During our sale we have sold down a great many lots of suits, leav ing two and three of £ kind, an to close out th se odds and ends havegoneth rough our entire stook and selected out these broken lots and placed them on a separate counter and osier you choice at HALF PrtlCb. If you can find our size in this lot of suits it will be th same to vouas i we had One thousand suits of a kind. They are an new, c ean, fresh, desirabi , in to date suits. On this countsr yov will find suits rang’na in pric * from to $25 00. You can buu any of them at HALF PRICE. You cannot afford to miss this opoov tunity to ouy Clothing, Furnishm • Goo J c and’ Hat so cheap Whu we advertise SLAUGHTERING PRICES we mean just what we si aud that is to SLAHGH TEr( PHIG--S. Tho jsands have gone aw' from our storo pleased with the barg «ins ths/have gotten. So fall line and come to us Land get ycur shaie of tne bargains we aru offering. MEN’S FINE SUITS. • * All $22.50 ami $25 suits go at sl6 50. All sls and $lB suits go at $11.50. All 10 and 12.50 suits at 7.50. All 6 and 750 suits at 5.00. All 5 suits go at 3.50. Children’s Knes ?ants Suits Go SSL’t half $6 00 suits go it $3.00. $5.00 suits go at $2 50. 450 suits go at 225 400 suits go at 200 350 suits go at 1.75 3.00 suits go at 175 250 suits go at 1.2 5 j 10J suits g) at 01 MENSFINEPANTS 311-3 OFF. $6. 00 p mts g i at $ 1.0 ) $5 03 p mts go at $3.35. 450 p i its g> at 3 00. 40 ) > i its g > at 2.65. 3.50 p i its g) at 2,34. - 3 »I piits g> at 2.00. 2.50 pants go at 1.67 2.0 )p i its g) at 1 SJ. 1.5 Jp i its g» a $ 1.0 ). FINE STRAW HATS GDATHALF PRICE. $2 50 hats go at $1 25. I $2.0 ) h *ts g • at $1 .0). 1 50 hats go at 755. ‘ 1.03 ha t, go a s'Jj. 75c hits go at 40c. | 5 hats go at 25c. 25 per cent off ot all Furnishing gaols Underwear, Siiirts, H )siery,ti indker* chiefs, Saf : a r! Stijf Hats. Big Line I lot \\ r e< itljcf Stuff in Si 23 uVp 121 LO 31. .4 31 a3 I J 13k. All g> in thjf d‘- count sale. This Will Bl Oil’ MllOUiSifl SUS YOUR MONEY SAVINS. 1 his bs our moD<sy r rising sa’ oamly on r m iiisy s i v’mg gal 8, , , , th# This *. | th itrl I * I>ris it 1g » Ig> 1; of hiniii,ggalv>rtisiiig s ’,h in ’f” , r , u j linf Doopl°. We always do ax lotlv w 1 w• a Ivo-rm aII w , ar< suri Unpinph of R*®' •" J Los •-oiintry aib aware of this fact. Wiconito v>l 00 v with ths homst, frank statem mt *•>* ( need, r.g money and in order to rai-1 the ■ 1 a-n >u P wc off >r y>u t.h > aha 1 ‘it. bHtb » U J4 ' cl thing furnishing gnidsandhrs in 11 at fa m2st >53 reduction, n mu i >