The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 11, 1898, Image 5

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SAYS UNBEARABLE. Uuj. j T. Gibson Preaches, at Gospel 'rent. ||R COULD NOT WAIT »l -"" ' Conference. Speaks of Knock kneed Ministers. • Atlanta, Jul/ 11 —Rev. J. 'J', Gibson, the former p.istor of Walker Street Methodist church held his first meeting at the. gospel tent, corner Spring and Luckie streets, yesterday after noon. In spite of the threatening condition of the weather, the tent was well filled and the audi ence gave the divine the closest attention throughout his re marks. Rev. J- T. Gibson began by stating that after a silence of four months, which had become absolutely unbearable to him, he li d determined not to await the action of the conference, which meets in November, but to go mi with his choseirwork in the way open to him and to obey the dictates of his conscience and the imperative call of God, regardless of ail complaint. Before beginning he read a statement prepared for the occa sion, in which he stated he had expressed his position and the purposes animating him to re sume the work of God once more He read the statement which is given elsewhere, with some dis play of feeling. Mr. Gibson read the twelfth Psalm and confined his remarks mainly through his discourse to die pussaee of scripture selected for the occasion. It was plain. | however, that the reverend gen tleman made several cojnpari-l eons more or less 11 ittering of biblical ch iracters with some of those who Drought about his suspension from the church. He reviewed the early life o David and went over fully tha‘ ■ p-riod in Iris you. b when he was) ••idled upon to slay the Philietin o I gcat. He said : ‘David was laughed at by K ng Saul when 1 t> offered to slay the gian l who daily paraded in tioiiiof bis camp and challenged any one to come out and meet him in sit gle combat. “David was the only brave man in the army of Israel and he hung his head in shame at the coward ice of the soldiers m er Saul, ai d he was determined that some one should stand ’or Israel ai d not * et all be I randed weaklings hence he came himself to the king and announced his intenti m of going out that day to fight the giant. "Saul laughed and ridi tiled the idea of David, a simple shep heid lad, doing battle with so r - nown<d a warrior as Goliath, but he was also pleas'd with his show otcourage and to lend David his armor for the occiston hut the bov refused, saying h< W nild go in the gardof a shepherd ®ud armed only with his sling and hi® faith in God. u hen the giant hail falLn be fore the sling of David and the lai' had severed ihe bead fro n the bodx then the hosts of Isreal, like a! c °wards the world over, s t up a mighty shout and pursued he 11 j e >og enemy after David had dispers ed them. ‘They doubtless said to each otln-r that they had accomplish <1 H great victory, and boast,, d loud ly of their bravery. hat more does a man want t!, an his faith in G< d • u 8 David B nd. ]| ] conquer it will be liecaus' tlo'l is on In y B j t ] e '' ,loe ver can be brought throng I 'rial and bitter persecution witl »he sky aroui.d darlened al ,d stii **' in his despair, ] believe is GKN. fINOS FOX Makes an Appeal’ to Mauer fil’d Cititein of Rome, i ASKS '"HE HILL CITY TO Do Her Share Towards Geor gia’s E. tartainment of Vets. Headquarters: Room 112 Kim ball House. Atlansa, Ga., July 6, ’vß. To the Mayor and Citizens of Rome, Ga. Sirs : —The Reunion of Confederate Veterans will be held in this city July 20—23 next. They will be the guests of our state. It is desired to give them royal welcome. To do this, we want your cordial and gener ous assistance. The Reunion of 1896 was held in Richmond, Va , and the great people of the “Old Domin ion” united in according the [ Veterans loving welcome. No less grand was the sponta neous entertainment given them bp the loyal-hearted Tennessee ans in Nashville in 1897. Georgia must not, and with your aid shall not be excelled in this regard, by either of these great states. The Cons derate Veterans As sociation of Nashville called on the people of Tennessee for sup plies with which *o feed the many worthy Veterans who could not afford hotel expense . 1 That call was responded to with I lavish profusion. In like manner do we call on the people of Geergia, and all who cherish the memories of the “Lost Ctius°,” and who honor t ie surviv' rs ot that cause, o show their appreciation by liber al contributions of provisions and supplies, or money. Money is more desirable, as provisions can be procured hire, and save exp-ess and freight. Every dol lar will be applied solely fbr the use o f the commissaries. The General Commanding the Georgia Division U. C. V. has appointed Assistant Commissa ry Generals in every county in Georgia, who will secure and forward such supplies as can be obtained. I now appeal to our city sisters to aid us i.i money contributions to assist in providing for all old needy Veterans. Respectfully. Amos Fox. Coms’y General (in., Division and Chairman Commissary Committee Corf. Reunion Asso ciation. |PROMPTLY SECURED] j > Write for our interesting books “ Invent- < ) or’s Help" and “How you are swindled." I s Send us a rough sketch or model of your f 5 invention or imprevi mentetad we will tell < S you free our opinic n as to whether it is < probably patentable. We make a specialty < lof applications rejt ctcd in other hands. < Highest referoncer f irnished. j MARION C- MZKION < PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPERTS Civil A Mechanical En, Ineerj, Graduates of the C Polytechnic School of Boginsering. Bachelors in f Applied Sciences. I.aval University, Members r Patent Law Assoclabon, American Water Works ? ! Association. New l.ngtand Water Works Assoc. / P. Q. Surveyors Association, Assoc. Member Can. Society of Civil Engineers. > 4 J Washington, D. C. > < Offices. ( jjontrkal, Can. 5 - -» -» -» >* ’ ’Od, is a-great hero There are few greater tests of strength in life than this. “There are inanv little knock kneed preachers it tund town who are trying their best to talk like bis h< ps mid nr* fa’r examples cf the men who composed the army of Saul. They bluster around m gutters! tones and try to imitate a bishop, btt they are m t fooling the public all the time. The only thing they succeed in is the gutter* I al tone of vois*. while hack o: it ie I nothing but vacancy.” HOA’S THIS! We off r One tiundro-’ Dr 11 hi* j Reward for any cas a < H Titnri. (hat cuii'i >r uh cured HallL Catarrh Cure. F. .1. Gurney it Co. , Props, To ledo, O. We th l 'in I •rsig.ied, have km wi F J. ( h. o- , for the last 15yetrs and believe him perfectly honor able in all tm iiiess transacti'ins am. financia ly able to carry 'out anv obligation made by their firm. WKpT <t Tr.iUX, Wholesale j Druggist, Toledo. o Walding ; Kin'.nah it Marvin, Wholesale] Di uggiets, Toledo, 0. Hail’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, a c t i ng, directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sdd by all Druggists. Testimonials free. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeab eto an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd county will be sold at public outcry at the court li >use door of said coun ty t>n the first Tuesday in August next, wi'hin the legal hours of sale, the following propertv to* wit:—One house and lot in the town of East R >me. sa d county front! ig on Howard avenue, be ginning at a point one hundred and forty*one feet, Easterly from the right of wav of the Southern Rai'way Co This being the North easterly conur of Mrs. Eliza Gammon lot, running thence Southe“ly along the lot line of Mis. Gammon two hundred and twelve feet, thence Easterly along the Dunns lot six’v-two feet, thence at right angl«s to Dunn’s line and in a Northerly directiot along the line of Mrs. H. G. Rawlii s’lot two hundred and twelve feet to Ho vard avenue, iheuce Westerly along H ward aVeeiie sixty-two teet Io the be ginning Sold as the property of C A Gainmen lute of Calhoui County Ala. W. M. Gmiinoa, Ad ministra'or. Terms of sale cash. ITis July Sth 1898. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GE RGIa FLOYD COUNTY. I Whereas A. D.Hardin,adminis trator of M. Av-ry Hardin, repre* splits to the court in his petition duly filed that he has administer* ed M. Avery Hardin's estate. This is to cite alt persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause 11 any they cay, why said anminietrator should not be dis charged from his adininistr ition and receive !ettt r-t of ci mission on the first Monday in Octobei 1898. This July 9ih 1898. JjHN P Davis, Ordinary. _ _ ------ I FOR SALE 1 cook stove 1 heating stove 2 bedroom suits rockers, chairs, and other household furniture. Call at 917 W. let. Si. i THE SURE L A G RIPPE CUR There is no use suffeiing . from this terrible malady, if you vill only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambi tion, have a bad cold, in fact are comp’etely used ud Electric bit ters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure -elief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being They are guaranteed to cure or pri. e refund ed. For sal j ut Curry A ringtun ’? rug it).‘a. Oilz 5) cji i per )sCli. REDUCED RATES On account ot the Seventeenth International Convention of the Christian endeavor, to he held a* Nashville Tenn , July 7th —lllli, 1898, the Southern Railway wi i sell tickets from points on its joes to Nashville, and return at rate of one fare for the round trip. T ckets o be sold July Ist to Gib mc'u-ive with final limit Ju y 31st 1898. By depositing tickets withl agents us terminal lines at Nash ville on or before - T uly 31st, th<- return li mt may tie extend d t<> August lOvli 1898. Ma iy prominent speakers wit participate on this occasion. For further information call oi un agent ot the Saachern r lilwAv. ONE MORE WEEK. Ata bite hour last night Mtn nger Marvin engaged the Pi ruchi-Beldeni Co., for next week Toe Woodward-Warren Co., 1 will come Inter. APPL'CATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FL’‘YD COUNTY. \\ hereas W .) Neel ndtninislra toi ot Mrs. F <miv W J nes , de eas <l, ripre.i-nts t > th"onrt in his [ etition duly ti ed, t'. .t he b-o udmmis ered Mrs. Fi.i iin W lones'estate. Thia is L cite ai.' persons C'incermd, ki’ndr d am 1 creditors to snow cause if aio they can, why said administrn'o' should not he discharged 'iom bi> ad minist rat ion and receive letters of dismission on first Monday inOctohpr 1898 This July lii 1898 John P Danh . Ordm ov. Woman's Diseases Are as peculiar as unavoidable, and cannot be discuss or treated as we v do those to which the entire human !'■ family are subject. 1, Menstruation sus tains such import- r V q ant relations to her mJhIV I isW, 1 health, that w T ' Suppressed, Irregu- I' 3 A lar or Painful, {Ai y. she soon becomes ' | j languid, nervous and irritable, the bloom leaves her cheek and very grave complica tions arise unless Regularity and Vigor are restored to these organs.- Bradfield’s of bne of the T7’ f most noted Female —of the South, Regulator sort prevail more extensively than in any other section, and has nevei failed to correct disordered Men struation. It restores health ano strength to the suffering woman. “We have for the past thirty years handled Bridtleld’s Female Regulator, both at whole sale aud retail, au 'in no iPktßiiao has it fuller to give rtatlsfaoti' 4, We ami more of it than all other similar combined. 1: Lamak. Rankin A i amar, A’ianta, Macon and Alb. ny, Ga The BRADritku RkaukaTon Co., Atl sen . G». Sold b' dll Druq*j!sts at SI.OO per Bottle. CHEAP RATES. . The Southern R’y operates 3 daily trains bitween Rome and Chattanooga, by which parties can leave Rome in the morning, spend the day in Chattanooga and return home same evening. The schedule between these points is as follows Leave Rome 1 :00 a. in. arrive Cuattanooga 4 :15 a. m. ; leave Rome 10 :35 arrive Chattanooga 1: 00 p. in. • leave Rome 6:25 a. in. arrive Chattanooga 8 :50 p. tn. There is also a local train leaving Rome 3:50 p. m. going by the way of Cohutta and Cleveland and ar rives Chattanooga 7:20 p. m. Returning, trains leave Chatta nooga 6 :30 a. m. arrive Rome ): 00 a. m ; leave Chattanooga 3:10 p. m. ariive Rome 5 :35 p. in. ; leave Chattanooga 10 :10 p. arrive Rome 1 :44 a. in. Pull man sleeping car’s on aH trains. For further information call on C. Harrison, C. T. A. SUMMER RESORTS Many delightful summer rtsoits tire sitrated on andYeac'n d via tne Southern Railway. Whether one I desires the seaside or the m nm tains, the feshionab'e hotels or quiet, country homes, they can be reached via this magnificent high' way of travel. Asheville. N. C. , Hot Springs. N. 0., Roan Mountain, Twiut and the mountain resorts of Fast Tenne-Ste and Western Nortt Carolina “The Land of the Sky’ Tate Springs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn , L'okcut Moun tain, i'enn., Lit da Springs, Ga , he v&iions Virginia springs, and tlm seashore restr's are reached hv the Sjuthiru Railway. The Sou'hern Railway has issued a handeotne folder entided “Sum mer Homes ami Resorts ’’ descrip lye of nearly one thousand sum mer resort hotel and boarding houses, including information r - gnrd’ng rates for board at th> different places and railroad rate* to reach them Write to C A. Beuscoter, As ei« i»nt General Passenger Agent Sonthsri Railway. Cl^attan>> gy. Tenn. f<K a copy of H i folder. . HANKS j A x i. FUfiii lire e f co* You wid , be surprise Ljr - • \j • tu— ' J ed to see how much you can buy at our store for a little money. It is our object to give the >cst goods for the least money. If you are thinking of frnying some thing in the line of F’ui .-aiture,. Car= pets, Alattings, Rugs Etc,, you will be sorry if you don’t see us. WesrA making va y Ida/ o, eve y thing no a/, to get ready fcr □ 4 r fall goods ’hat are coming in. Don’t far t > . t ; see us. Yours r* to please. K * y •" - $ ■ Furniture i * '"-iln -iW ■■ r -..- - 5 i f • ?’■••• • ,* r . .‘7.1.’ *'y.'‘ ’"I ’ * i •••• ...■ i 4. i i 4 ■ -.‘it ’ L.'y:::;;;;:: • r r. 1:: r* ixtj * • •?•••■- • —,... -i I A WHOLE CLUB fa Sj .. . Ca 't Id II Make Id Better gh Running j i d Time lg jl c.rry a ill anlciinjtst? hna of jowalry, biclii* fiiil Sb ding Diin >:j h ' Bct Mj' stock of stiver nHious and novdties was riev- t 331 er more complete. |u.rj :3 i W.S).)[.U P.l C >f PS V. SP3 j[\Lrr. J. K Williamson i| IMB |gj| Ours is th© JViost Complete!' ■■ w s*« Department Nursery in the U. S. F" t *TTitT—j the leading Seed, Plantand Tree. Catalogues i ,eed, V<- which Will be mailed free. Send for it c w, itwid I r'ftho ?aV K y ?r U money ' Trv us >= a n refer you to customers in every stat and ter-itorv ’ in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends f . nnii □ear. Have hundreds of carloads of • a-A' i. -V , FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. We send by mail postpaid. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees Etc S-f- .. / IWfc s Rox spa Gainesville, O aßu iltHiii Jil it idhiUll .Jbf ilijjjjj. l UUU I iilr.ilHl ;i;||||J <4il illli i ? iTiIS ‘ /: : ' 1 \ l_;, M ) F : 3 rA3LS> , i Offers the public the finest teams, oost convcv auci s and mist polite and courteous drivers. r l he best stocK of hors e s and mules on sale con stantly. iVrmanentlv cured by using DR. (VlirmiALL’S RHEUMATIC CURE. Th surest and the Sold by ‘ruggists on a positive guarantee. Price BO cen pg- Sample sent free on mention of this pvW' , at» n. HF ”»K WHFT ’ YWMUJUM ‘ »?Tt Send. Indi.- /