The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 11, 1898, Image 7

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E j SPANISH FORTS. SJc KEO tv O' '■ lIK Enkmi'b Flag. k . jV H -Wordcou.e . bljckHde iin* off r "” (h . lt two new blockhouses e '] hy the S'parisrus st I’lsys ‘Ostroyed hv shells Cocas ou Hen- Brfti „ ar d in command. Heopened with his four poundes t sunrise, and fired a rational , u , il)g the blockhouse as ‘ kgt The Spanish galnson 'Lndoned their position* and fled n disorder. Brainard afterward iui ded a h )B twitb a prize crew and several Duball ß, and reconnoitered the inund, securing »a booty the Lanish colors from the wreck of L |)f thnhlocllhou***. _ CAMAY'S WILL FIGHT. Messina. Sicily. July 11 -Last Lht the officers of the torpedo boat destroyers which accomoan • ied Admiral Camara to Port Sam arrived here on the return trip. They were nnicn affeoted t.n learning of the destruction of Ad ,niral Cirvera’s fleet declaring themselves ready to make every pucriflce and determined to fight t , the last. ERUIT receipt book FREE. The Editors of Fruit are com piling a new receipt book that will contain nothing but receipts tlrit require fruit in their com position. 1 hey ask that evett housewife who reads this will send them all their favorite re ceipts for pies, fruit cakes, fruit coozies, fruit pu Idings, sauce, pickles, methods of preserving, serving, etc, etc. Anything that is about using fruit in any form whatever will be acceptable. Write very plainly, sign your name and add-ess, and send to the address below, and in pay ment for your receipts one cl the Fruit. Receipt Books will be sent you free when it is publish ed. It is an excellent opportuni ty to get valuable book with lit- J c? tie cost. Address FRUIT, Dun kirk. N. Y ; Roy W. Van Hoe sen, Manager. ETTERS OF ADMINISTRA TION. <■. ' 'HGIA. FLOYD COUNTY I Co all whom it may centem : Equitable mortgage company having in proper lortn applied to in i for permanent letters of ad ministra ion on the estate of Wm B. Wiggins, late of said county deceased. This is to cite all and si. gular th- creditors and next ol I; ans \\ji) R • Wiggins >o U -auM appear al my office within ll>'* in.) uilEwed bv law and show cause, il any they’ can, why per manent udinmi-tration ehou.<l no< V anted to W. 11. Ennis Co Ailinr. on Wm, Lj \\ iggms estate Witness niv hand ami official sig rm tne is 2nd day Mav 1898. J H.x P Davis. Ordinary. 'UMMIRS hool. ' I will u (J en my summer bchool "n the :i • a. vs » i lay m July.Bp>cia ‘'■'aiitiou given to pupils prepar ing lor ibo umversit . PaleM 'N J. King REDUCED RATES D i uccoiin 1 ol tbi Seven'centh "'truaiionu| Convention of the I'fistim endeavor, to be held at Rushville Tenn , July 7th—llth. Lthe Souif ern Railway will " tickets from points on its 11 ' * B t> N ishville, and return at 1 1 eof one fare for the round trip. Li kets >o be so d July Ist to 6th ■'"‘.'u-ive with final liin t July Bist UD By decosi'ing tickets withl ‘R'uiis ol terminal lines at Nash v‘ l e on or before July 31st, the 1,111,1 hunt mav be extended to Au S’.ist 15. h 1898. ‘h.iny prominent speakers wil I “''U'-pate on this o casion. J' Jr Dirlhi r information call on ail .Vagent of the Southern railway. <' all hope that Cervera may "’eiong and proper for his kll 'diiess to Hobson.3 A Tumor Formed finally It Broke Inwardly and. [ ischarged Trouble Hegar With Dyspepsia and Impure Blood Thorough Course or Hood’s Sarsa parilla Completely Cures. There i- danger in impure blood. Disease and -tnf ring are surely com ing lo those w ho neglect this threatt i ing symptom. Head ihis: “Gilliam, Missouri. “C. I. Hoof Go., Lowell, Mass.: “Gentleuan:—My troubles began with nervous headache.;, which would last me for two or three d*.,... The doctors pronounced my troubl dyspepsia, but they could not do anything lor me, and advised a charge of location. At the age of 55 a tumor formed on which Wns Very Painful but did not rite tr discharge. The doctor thought best to cut it out, but I objected. It finally broke and discharged a great deal. The doctors said they could do nothing for it. ’then the tumor began to rise inwardly a id discharge. 1 -end much about cures by '.ood's Sarsaparilla and bought I would try it. Before I had inished nkii ; cne bottle I was much alieved. Icontinued the use of Hood’s arsepirilln.k.'id lakim; 12 bottles I as entirily cured. J sin now well, have good appetite ..nd ; ' chut I Qwe my f e to Hood’s Saisonarilla.” \V. D. Form. U.. . .• 1 9 . Garsa- 1 luuU .r- parllla the best I 1 «• -»<j Pnriliof dd !>y al! 1.-. / ~1 , s If Oil < :iriuo::ioi.sly with * -* " vr- ■ „ , MI „ FREE SCHOLARSHIP IN ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE. io any young man or lady v.’l o enters the Rdiue Business Coliege during the next thirty lays and purchases a new Wil— Hams Typewriter, we will pre sent an unlimited, full course scholarship m bookkeeping and busii ess practice, or an unlimit ed full course scholarship in shorthand and business office work. The price of the scholar ship alone is almost half the price of the typewriter , but it goes in fkee. ,We guarantee th’e typewriter to be a high grade first class machine in every particular. Address 11. S. Shockley, Rome, Ga. a—» TWO FOOD SHIPS SEIZED One Has Provisions Valued at $50,000. Washington, I). C. July 9 war department has received a telegram form Maj.-Gen. Shaf ter's headquarters, stating tha r the auxiliary cruiser Osceoia has captured a Spanish lighter load ed with provisions, and valued at $5,000. PRIZE CAUGHT WITH FOOD F It HAVANA. IvyWekt, Fla.. July 9.—The small Spanish schooner Gallilo, loaded with lumber, hard voo 1. chickens, pigs and provisions of various kinds, has been captured by the auxiliary gunboat Eagle, was brought in here today. T • capture was ell ctecx on I'uesda; last, e >st of Cape Popo, Isle of Pines, southern coast of Cuba. The food was for Havana,, F.. EE TILLS. Send your address to H E Bucklen & Co . Chicago and get a free sample box of Dr. King’s Nev Life I’dls. A trial wi I coining you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in th? cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been pioved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly tree from every deleterious substance ana to be purely Vrg-table. They do not weaken in their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem Regular size 25c per box Sold by Curry-Arrirnrt.on (’■•> druggist? NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS, All bills for subscription to Hustler-Commercial are payable Paul C. Jack, or order, and are due Saturday of each week. Have your money ready when the collector calls. Paul C. Jack, Mgr. circulationt dept. 230 AMERICANS KILLED And 1284 Were Wounded in / Santiago. Ame’dian losses at Santiago 3 July l-_ 1 >9S. Officers kiiied : : : : 22 • Enlisted num killed : : 208 j Total number killed : 230 - Officers wounded : : fit Enlisted men wounded : 1203 t « 11 Total number wounde I 1284 b I Missing enlisted men : : 79 t • Washington, July 11.—Gen. i Shafter has reported as follows : Playa del E<te Camp, July 8. r ; ; —Adjutant General, Washing t ton : Complete report received ’ today of loss bn July 1 and 2. i Killed : 22 officers, 208 enlisted j men. Wounded: 81 officers, i 1203 enlisted men. Missing: 79 • enlisted men. 'The reports giving tlie names ’ of the killed and wounded are being rapidly prepared, abd it is hoped to get them off tomorrow. • Shafter. • - NEW MAN. “I was a" sufferer from dys pepsia, gout and rheumatism, caused by iißpure blood. 1 tried 1 va -ious medicines, but obtained sno relief until I began taking ’ Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This med -licine has made me a new man - and is the best I ever took. It ‘fins beon a blessing to me.” i William M, James. Brogdon, S. - C. i j Hood’s Pills are the only pills - totaxe with Hood’s Sarsaparilla > EC an 1 yet effi ;ie nt 1 ADMfXIS i’ATDX S S VLE Georgia, Floyd County. Pursuant to an order of the 5 court of ordinary of said country • granted at the Mav term, 1898, will be told before the court home door in the city of Hon’e, within he ’egal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1898, the so - t lo ving d<‘B iribed property, towi ; •80 acres of land, more or less, he same being' the half of ot No. 81 tn the 23 <1 district 1 md 3rd section of said county. Saia property sold as the property ’ of Julia Parker, deceased Terms o 5 sa e cash W. 11. Ennis, Admr. 1 WASHINGTON, D. C. AND RETU RN. t On account of annual meeting National Educational As socia ti m, Washington D. C .Julv 7- 12, 1898, the Sc. R'o will sell tickets Julv 4,5, 6 and 7, good mtil 16’Ji fur one fare for the I round trip plus $2 00 ruembei ship fee, making the round trip ( $19.50. Ry depositing ticket with joint f agent on or before July 12th, ami upon payment of 50c the ■limit will be extended until Au gust 31st. This is the greatest appo t mi ty of the season t > vi-iu \V asj ' ington and the East. See that your ticket re ids via So. R’y. Fast tiains leave Rome at 9 a. in. via Atlanta and 6 : 9 5 p. m. . via Chattanooga and the “Land if the Sky,” both trains nr.iki ig 3 direct connection through to' A ! Waseington. s For full inform ition, tickets • and sleeping car res-rvation, / call on or write to J. N. Harri t son, C. T. A. Armstrong hotel i building. 'Telephone 39. ; ~~ jQWi r. n o » . ■STfllfi : Wi Pifflus, iij America’s Leading K Instruments. . JESSE FRENCH PIANO & ORGAN CO. Manufacturer, and Dealers. No. Olive Street, Ft. Louis, Me. Nashville, Teun. Birmingham, Ala. Pallas, Texas. Montgomery, Ala. Factories: Richmond, Ind. Write o sr nearest house. I A a -cen» stamp w, Orc ik t u'.arxr Ta a Much Knife! The use of the surgeon’s knife is be coming so general, ic.ultiug- fatally in such a large number of cases, as to occasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpole, of Walshtown, Bott tli Dakota, write ; "About three years ago, t r■ < me under xy left eye a little blot. 1 about the size of . mall pea. It grew t .oddly.and AT W shooitng pains ran MW J in every direction. W /. T / bee ime alarmed t an< l con tilted a good d u ■•, who ZJ&A * pronoun iit ean- jgjßy. ■, 'j■■Acer, and that it “w y i, \ ■> be cut out. • f This I would not . \ .' J consent to, having - Title faith in the LidiscrimijiaLt' f ye of the knife. Read ing of the many cures made by S. S. £., I detcriuuiea to give that medicine a trial, ang after I had taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and began to discharge. This after awhile ceased, leaving a small scab, which finally dropped off, and only a healthy little scar remained to mark the place where the destroyer had held full sway. A Real Blood Remedy* Cancer is in the blood and it is folly to expect an operation to cure it. S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable} is a real remedy for every disease of the blood. Books mailed free; ’ tpb, ' address. Swift Spe ciiic Co., Atlanta, N ■ 'C' £- . 3 ? Ga. ■_ _ ROME IH NINESS ( OLI.EGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying ,them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The .College procured 82 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Fen manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed fly hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography 07 Bookkeeping. Address all letter* to the Principal, 11, S. Shocklex, Rome. Ga • ■ ...Nj WTioU .. r nib ’- FT',LOT virhed- > » <>!<*'<• .«*l- / I "v,-;" Eftiufiy. Con-enseil Srhi-rfu’c in » 3’< • ; l. I*» H. i Jfo. id No. H No. i tv (’:< ii ill uno” a 6.:; •.tPi A. • *ii! I 10 i Ar Da Moi Ar !!orne 1 in 5.3>i» .. il-.i; Ar Atlanta 11.4 in'R.Ut. p. Oku Lv Atlanta ». .■ i s. I d ■ .».•>? • 4r Macon 7. i.j* ... 1 ; B.loar Kr .Jesup ; i loa-r J. ifipi \r Everett 5 :/> :>i \r Ja?ks»»ii. 1 .... .' Jt MU> 1 I I ‘’f '■ L' kr Joieksonville |..... . d-’p: I ’.'f.;: Uy Evei ett • ■ \r Brunswick j . .. L.3oaui| 1..* p No. b can T - 1’ ’Hi n • i :('ar (' au. luojca to A’.’.an’a Nu. 10 ca> i-’s I’ul’nian S’.r ’ping Car (,’lia; an o r a to A’ 1 ml t N- •. II ■ •: ‘ ■ ’-ii • - • , k. Atiaiil;i L;‘--. , | it 7 » »;ir X.T J ;»)’!)<■ I I’ • ‘::.n . \r ballon i • t’- 7 2Id;; 11. I n vr < iip.l 1 I • i ■ 1u pn ■.V C.i’al la noo ' H-» n ( ‘ iVRin . .... \r Bur D » . \r Lexni *n ..... '>.!<:■ h i nJ \r I AMI , • . \r ('inui il . ' i-a * i Ai Numh. • I No. 7 carrie ‘ i. m S •» ul*' ;i if •»o (*n alt in > •• ■ .;i ! ■ i.i'' tIO • aIO ' i.':-. I ’ ■ N<». R carrlo • Pi’ in in Sl^epin: Car Atlant:- o Cincinn.H .n l f h.u a t<» Lo i: .vi’le. ' s r ‘.tii ins ?; .rt No. 12 ; No. 16 . < •’ . I n. Ar En- v ... ArMorrist wn. I.J .pun y. 5 Lmr 2 “ an Ar Ho» S, i s • 11. iF in UMaii Ar Asheville. | l.lbim .*>. lOain Ar Salisbury i i 6 io ( rn '» .*.» in Ar GrecitsiM!<> r w.H.n ip I ’ H) m Ar Raid ■ l i I 1.4 ;in :. I•; in Ar Norf Hk 1 • T.B'k rn Ar Wa Rin'ion ; 612 rn 9. in? kr Xt w Y-.-r ... II I; in ’>. n No. I ’ car’ i'*> P il rr>i’i Sleeping Car Chat ta nooga to .V *w Y h a via Asheville and Sal isbury to Ki Hi n nut arriving Richmond 6.l'Ja.m. also Puilrnun Sle» pi ng Car Greensboro to Nor ol k. No. I'ls solid train C’i rtanoi/a to Sulia- Oury. with Pullmii SL* »piu < < ’ p- ( Irittan >mra to Salisbury a S il.-.ijury to X w York with out chant’o. 'IX. « ■ I •Lv (’hail-;n«»i »a s.iK)pm B.4<>an Ar Knotvilhs K 4 qiri 11 ••.’lain ArMorr’-t, ,v n . . . 2.1 pm’ 1? pm Ar Bristol 7.(7)am 3. <>pn» Ar Wii.x . i 'ion .. 7 i <n. Ar K< w York # 1.20pr0 N • 6 C • • I 'll’Hi. i i r Car Cha’ la noof'a t -V ii:i 'i n.m 1 ‘ ;la t Oja to New Yoi kait h i ■ i ■ ;. No. 4 <• in . ' P i :: a < pii.j Car Knox* V’.lic t( i> ' ■ '>. STAT ’ me ” 10am Ai* Anniston 11.21 am Ar Hirminuham .... «lu.Wpm Ar Selma S.D'pm Ar Meridian 7. 2'pin Ar Nov Orleans ■ • • Ip Mam A r Jacd<son. V. 15am Ar Vicksburg r li. Gnrn Ar Shreveport ■ 7.2(>pm tNo. iS'i sNo'.~9 | ' t No - 16 2.oopni| 4..iopm Lv Home .. as B.s>)am li.:ttr>rn 6.40 pm; 6.57 pm Ar Gad den. ar 6.00 am 6.30 am S.Uopm 7.10 pm Ar Altai a. lv 5.40 am 6.20 am t Daily except Sunday. $ Sunday only. F. S.QANN'ON, 3dv.p & o.M., Washington, D.Ct J. M. CULP,” Traf. Mgr.. Washington. D. a W X TURK, a. P. A.. WMhlagvoa, u a C A- BI N'-' OTZB. Wai .• K |T> « 1 line Prices. .While on'lhe one ham! ns a result of the war, nearly all food pr< duets have hdvane d in price. on the other hano, it has had precisely th'- opposite effect on the Furniture Trade. M, Ljmust keep i.ur eales’up to the normal standard, and to do th’s we realize that goods must be sold lower than ever, and we are prepar ed 'and determined 'to make you lower prices on anything in our bouse tha.i can be f .und elsewhf re. Our line is Complete and Up to Date, . Consisting ir. part ofj Bedroom Suites, ’ Parlor Suites, Sideboards, i wardrobes, Chiffoniers, f Dining Tables, Rockers and Chairs, all kinds Hatracks. Baby Carriages Mattings, Rugs, Portiers, Curtains, ] Lace Curtains, window Jshades, Pictures, Easels Screens, Iron Beds. etc. • • Also c .rnpbde line o' li is. ro >M, esc., at the loa'eat ir.: u. 1n . oil Rhudy, Harvey & Company. tie I Dm’t r or4ot J that pj- Lamdel I is in nnr rp nsedepari ment. and that he can I’d.mtiy thing mace us. wood ■ Ann* i Sutes ovor 6,000,000 Coxoa t’OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS LI3OKDERB Mich ns Wind amt I’ain in the Stomach, jiildlneg.'. F..llivc' af' r nculs, lleail -1 whe. Ili: '..’i' s, I’ iw-iiienc, Fluahlngs J Heat, 1.. <>t pi ■ . OoHtiveness, BlotehcH «■ • Ilin Si. i. (.’ Id t'liiilK, llin turbed K! ■■>>. _ Libitum and nil Nervous .4 1 .v...i>lliig Sensation-. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer ‘ Will ucknowlodjju tin in to l>o A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. 1'.4 IK II P 11.1.5. taken nsdlreet “<l, will uuickly r s ore I'emalea to e<>in pli'te li.ultli. They promptly remove ol.siriieliuiis or irreuuluritiuH of the gys tern ami cure Mick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion . Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN UR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And hnre thn LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine in the World. 25n. nt xl! Drvu* RtoW»q. 248ENT STAMP! W’ill send a letter to any point in Uncle Sain’s big 4 domain. For this very reason, if you are sick, ' 4 jFfrgAT •ore or suffering, this very tt isling outlay May Save Your I ifa I Heo-s h-t how LI IU i 'I is- Von can write a plain letter, can't you? will take just two cents to carry it to tb» “Washington Medical & Surgical Institute. Atlanta, Georgia,” And the fatuous specialists who form the staff of that Institute are able to give you advice and treatment by mail as well as if you came iu per son to the city. This is no mistake They are do ing it every day. They now have patients in all the adjoining States, some i f them hundreds of mile- away, and their .ucs a: - -imply wotv derfiil. cures POsniVE ANDrnrri CONSULTATION MILLi In every Deformity of Spine or Limbs. Club boot. Hare I.ip. Cross gyes ami <>t her surgical cases, also in all forms of Skin and Blood di.4or<jcrs. Rheuma tism, .Sciatica. Catarrh of tile Nose Tll/o-it, Lungs, Stomach or any vital organ, Liver. Kid ney and Bladder troubles. Nervous weak nesses of either men or women, diseases of the sexual parts and every other bodily affliction that highly trained specialists alone eaii deal with. Write freely It costs yon nothing If we un dertake your case we shall send jev question blank foe full particulars. If you, case is curable b human skill and perfect science WE SHALL CURE IT. That firs. 2 cent stamp may save your life. AU letters sacredly private. ADDRESS, Washington Medical & Surgical INSTITUTE, 500-1 Austell Bldg., Atlanta. Ga. miisiosOim ATTORNEYS. 1 •J. BRANHAM, SL-Fa Lsw Office, 2f)t)|Bist First Street, HOME. GA.; 'iGHAS, W. UNDERWOOD Attorney at Law, Koine. Ga. Corpdrat Ijn Law Only. M- B EUBANKS. Atterney at law. ofltceKing Building. Rome. > a ‘ ■ W H . EUSTMTS, Attorney at Law Will Pristine in al< enntts Office. Masonic Temnl- home, fla. -W. J. JSTKEL. Attorney at law Will practice in all courts. Special aiCeiiUon given to commercial law and the ex imiealion <1 land titles. office in King building, Rome, Ga. AA7A.LiTEFd HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F, .1. Kane & Cd.’ . LIF’SOOMB <3c WILLINGHAM Commercial Lawyers. Office in Armstrong hotel building, !< >me, G a J. SANTT Ort A. W J 1 OR Attorney at law, R »:ne. Ga. CoHectlous a specialty. Masonic Temple. Rome, Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office-2IC 1-1 Bi'oa 1. * Over Cantrell & Owen . J. L. PENNINGTON. D.D.S..M D. . KNTIST- Office. A's 1-2 uroad street. Over Hauks Fur niture Co. PHYSICIANS. c. h row, jvi. d- Physician and Surgeon Office, Medical Building Rome, Ga. O.i ce ’phone No. Bff. —. —— ■■ 9 —* I_i. F. HA-MMOND. Nl. ID,, Physician ’and Surgeon, In Medica building. Rrsidence, No. 433 West '”'rst st Office ’pho No tiff. rest., witA you whether yo.i eontlmi*- Ue.. ■ . ve-lotlii-gtonaecoh:.bit. M>-5 ii-u; ■ r , ’’ ... veß the desire tor tobacco, will .-Xuff C-.ev-Ai .aaerrouiuUstresb. expel; nice.,/- ? i t VJi'Ml*' .me, purilie- the blood re-., a ii ’ 'J*. itores lout manhood.*6 t' fl a it. Jr, MSt”*Tio-'il O-UA4 to-m SI \J|Eb g own ra Ik li TO| lch for u-». Tai w;ll,p.aii nt.';,-, u Olh II box. SI. Übuaily cures; ,»Ih>xc-; s2.u - ‘cure ... p rt-f -n»i ✓ SurinJir tt..-—r A Chinaman out in Indiana has enlisted a« John Dewey.