The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 12, 1898, Image 1

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_____ a Bill Arp’ warters New Brand eleven dkm: pot Om f Th? Uiulergroifnt! Ct ■: Escaped.,- t ifEf OUS EXPLOSION in The Great Wetm works 1 un nol in Cleveland, O. ,• ( )., J:;iy 12. Liv< .- ,■■ ■ i t n we e- sn lifted f U 1; . . ■■ . < t V in the "Ing wait r v . tm ml that is bein-g Ct r u ~ .((’ uirdtr the bottom ol j 1 , Eri. ns a rcsul of ; n ex- I ’ i \' . i t : .-ue the munis ’ - i ' ,’oH • Ol I w a > a 11 • j, : k ~ foreman, tliirty tv, i old and single. I’ •! s, brother of John, tl : x y< "i s old and single. J•! n F. Radey, tin Italii n, r.t i ty-twoy ears - old and single. T : y Brunetti, an Ittdiar, t. (iilv two years old an 1 single. ,J 1 I. mba, an Italian, eigh teen y ■ r- old and single. ij; ( r-ou Smith, brickla' fr, so; y four years ol L married . JcL i (.Cauley, twenty one >,■. ■< . married. i ■ acker, colored,tvvi n tv ■ x y ns old, single. u A. its, twenty-eight years . i > ; >,d several children. ; Ch nn nis, tr.arii<d, i o < v . ;>.! chi! Ire n. 1 ’1; JI tn y. aged twf niy- 1 o, u< t married. The ■: .iiiel is an immense as s. ir, I i: pr« i cud to extend nutv.v bi m lie shore fur ; ( * for d and a ha ‘ i > les, and it. ,haß been utidei < ■ mtn ' .for more than a y<. r. The <; piusi' ii cci uri < d at a m. utt ;,<■! re • 7 (/clock 1; si 'v< rll l 1 , l.ut nobody Ml J <".i r ' . }■'.]. io i, I! what causer ii, o' L< \ t ir.pi e n ed, for every w hue ■. is ( .'d •nd the bod it s o h . iuu where ilu'V fell, (>Ct U i i< u; under the'lake. ran in the tunin ' <■ ( <1 d< alh is Don O 1 )on- I " no v. as standing 3,500 < • ' i>u)e. Hti heard ■n i- s< l ies of explt ;> i here were ten of nd i lie concussion 'i' i terrible, tor ft in Ml’ his feet and for was in such a dazed it i n that he could scarcely ' mb i what had Im; p tied. II 'midis groped way out ' 1 Id what had occuri■ d. > pari i. to ■-i -1 <!. y i n h i. i ic..i .. ;I: . id ■ ! ■ I'o i.J '.V . !. , B \ ? i.iri.s - n.- or Ch! io ru - (.1 y i :ii roll vu'; ;>i m » (J , • , 111 I< 4 *' • IE •' c• ve! h • pr<H>i h I. . I. “I 1, IV i . ushr-s I• ■ ■ ' ■ ■ s ri ■ ' iCi - t' ft f Suiimo rvil'e •’ he ( • this niornim' ‘I •’'id p nd rev ral days with Tc'l ROME HUSTLEK-COMMERCIAL SPANIARDS DRUNK . r ..i Tb Role efSmjes li ■Santiago. WOMM SHOT DOWFf After Being Rc bbed by The Spanisti Beasts. 1 , c’ .is: ', J lily 12 —Sine ' b> X (ids of refugees from i ’..i;y>c. the Spiinish soldiers v- irCuy/d n unecntrolhd ■o! ’ng of llie eit y. ‘( b< iocs ard ships of the 11 . t' n.' i ai d Vin en have ci 1 ■ i i■ 1 .1 by bands o J anmd •<>i< iers. who have robbed them ( vciythn g 'hey cared to take and destroytd what remained, ike < Idit r- obtained wines and liquor- from the cellar? of resi d -ci -, and ro; n:ed about the - i (is crunk, ligiiiing among th . selves an 1 assaulting the ri man irg residents of the city who are terror stricken. The last periy o| refugees from “ dity reported that last night party of drunken soldiers broke down the nmr 1 f the K-sidence .f a ■.vc.’th' ;■ w idow, Senora Rosa (.’baron I'eOdio, who had re nm ued in trder to protect her m:iy ol j (ts of art acd other iu <sl ( s’: • liie soldiers wrefktd the ion- - in a few’ minutes ' The lady, appeali d tothemer v of the soldiers, but the appeal as in vain . She was shot down kb'd repeatedly, and her s body dragged about the The soldiers then looted 1 Ecu e, and after obtaining a ‘T\ ‘ i . i’i i> y ol wim s and liquors f-om il. .• cellar took their de parture. .Mai y similar cases of barbar -m 1. ve occurred throughout lei m . The inhabitants arc nxi >vs for capitulation, as they '.piet that the Americans upon h< ir ;rr viil will restore and .-I'.-erve order. The !>< altli of the American I roiips is «ood. Less than the usual quantity of rain fell today. Must'of th'e wounded are now on board the ships. The fighting hips ' f Commodore Watson’s qlmdiou. the lowa, Oregon and Newark are fitting out at Guan tanamo. BAGASTA QUITS is Job Aiono ■ atiii-1 LE3 hPAIN V.. unteers Wants War y ■ > ■ 'edAst'’ Indemnity. i i ,Ju . ]’2— The Madm' , , , . <i.. til ue Times tdc . i.hii<. <>i■ y ■ B > r ■■. ■ v. cot Io the palace y (It.: <Lted I'is recigontion i), idy c ('..J'inet, It is said ' o ; ■ d th- quec-U regent to , H .W. cabinet, large!*? . . . ..p. il military element, P y! <4 >-ces®?rdy man '(.’l i f:■ w»r!ik“ police, tut prub-iblv the r.-veire. It ia expected that the re ‘e.gnationß be set-epted, but lOME GEORGIA, EUESOAY EVENIN J, JtILT, 12. 13J3. SPAIN AROUSED. Adding Strength M her Coast Fortifications, AND WWRfl’B FLEET 18 Homeward Bound. Minister Annon Talks- New York, July 12 —A Gi braltar cable says that Spain is bm every energy to strength en her coast defenses in antici pation of the coming of the American fleet Forty-eight rap id-lire guns and ainmuniii<n have been sent to Alguiras. At Paloma Rocks, between Algui ras and Carnero, batteries are being erected. Big guns have been mounted at Punta Parnero and at Cad ; z. CAMARA IS HOMEWARD BOUND. Port Said. July 12.—Admiral Camara’s entire squadron sailed in the direction of Sp in, with exception of Pelayo and San Augustine,which are heie trans ferring coal Admiral Camaia has paid the c»nal toils for his passage Westward. Spain’s ac tion in sending him Eastwaid has been an expensive bluff to her. She having to pay $140,800 tor canal tolls alone. MINISTER AUNON TALKS. Madrid, Ju}y 12.—Captain Aunon, the Spanish Minister vs Marine, says: *’lt will take admiral Camarajs war ships (the Pelayo and Emperado Car los V ) 10 day* to reach Cartag n , where there is more safety. The torpedo-boat destroyers (the Osado, the Proserpina and the Audaz) and the auxiliary cruisers (Patriotia, Rapido, Bennos Ayres and Isla de Ph nav will be back sooner and will g<> to Cadiz and to Ferol. The present danger is that if Ameri ca dispatches her fastest cruisers with the Oregon, Texas New York and lowa they will waylay Admiram Cuinara in the Medit erranean. The coast defenses will be ready in 10 days.” I the results may possibly be merely a partial reconstruction of the cabinet. The ministers are now in council, and Senor Sagasta doubt less has communicated to them on , account of tjis audience with the queen r gent. R .ANCO CABLES THAT VOLUNTEERS WANT THE WAR TO CONTINUE. Madrid, July 12—It is nder s tod ihat Piemier Sagasta hi s subn it ted to the queen regent a ques iou of w nfi eoce in the cai'iii.3*. I is sriid that Capt.-Gen Blanco iae cabl-d to Madrid declaring hat the volunteer army m Cuba wishes the war to continue, a- the troops hope to eejure*victories. J] h RF is WHAT WE MAY GET Madrid. July 12—It is esseited that the United Sta es makes the fodow it.g demands a*, conditions of peace: 1 Th ' possession of Cuba and Porto Rico, with a port in the Canaries. 2. An indemnity of £48.000 - 000 (about $240,000 000 ) 3 The retention of the Phi i| - pirn sue a guarantee -of the pay ment of tbu indemui'y. Thes' 1 t rtns are regarded as in - possible. LANHAM &SONS. i CLOSING OUT -t- SUMMER DRY GOODS Beginning Mo-.aay morning, July 4th we will! nam prices on all Summar flillinery, Dry Goods, Etc, that will certainly interest every one who ■*' • cares to save a dime or a dollar, i Look At These Prices. Ribdons IRibbons 1 Summer Calicoss par yard 2c 90j Sash Ribboa, all silk in Ladies snirt Waists with de- new colors 6 inches wide 50e tach t bie collar and cuff's, 75c Sash Rib on now 35c laundried. only lOc Sash Ribbon No. 80 was 90c Ladies 50c Shirt Waist now 3Oc now 50c Ladies 65c Shirt Wais; now 40c All silk Ribbon 4inches Wile, Choice of any Shire Waist in red,blue and pink, was 30c the house ex ejt silk now l_ Jl2 d-2c wor.-h much more 75c 25c Veiling now 18c 10-4 Sheeting yard 10c Lsc Veiling now 3c Yd Wide Sea Island 3 l-2c LOOK AT THIS ’ Ladies hise double sole high splice heel 43 gauge Pilot Beautiful Rich Satin worth 50 to dye worth 20c now 10c 75 now 18c in brown, blue, pink, Lad’es low cut Shoes cheap. canarv and orange, * X I illinery at Prices to Close. Violets per bunch • 2c Trinmed hats wor hsi.sO now 99c • “ - 3c •“ “ “$1.25 now 68c “ “ “ of 3 dozen, 6c “ “ “ $2.75 now 1.50 Large assortment of Ko wers I Children’s trimmed hats 35c white and colors worth trimmed hats 40c much more, now 13c Trimmed hats were $5,00 3.40 Shapes worth $1.75 now I .OU ” ‘ *• $6,00 3,75 Shapes were 7oc now 38c “ “ “ $5.00 2.55 Shanes were bOc now 25c “ “ $7.00 380 These aaenot a lot of last year’s Everything in Millinery at prices shapes but this season goods, hat cannot be matened any stvlish and up-to date and we where. Everybody can afford a ! make these prices to close the n traveling h it, a m ; <i summer hat, out for cash. We will not an evening hat or anything m charge goods at these press- Millinery if th ?y will brin ? the This is i chance you wdlprob ably tjo ir s j. V > / . ii». Ii it g 3 ; agiia so mj> a) 1 lie c k ch ir >ls at th ts i orio >i. LANHAMASQNS 1 ” Jgi IO CETSPER WEEa