The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 12, 1898, Image 12

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(v®/) 0 A record was broken by a Chi cago firm recently says an ex change. At 5 o’clock one after! oo i an order was received by a Chica go Packing Company to ship 100, 000 cases of canned meat for gov ernrnei t use. In ten mil utes cars were switched into their yards,and before mid night the caaes were enronto to New York in three trains of f orfy cars each. 0 0 o Here is a society item from an Oklahoma papertQuannah Parker is in Washingt n with his squaw, Too Nicoy.Too Nicey wears a pair of silver tipped moccasins costing 140. 0 0 0 Teddy Roosevelt with his war record will have to be considered ii | New York politics in future. 000 If Richard Harding Davis’s statement is to be accepted the brigade commanders do not regard Gen. Shafter as the right man for the general in command at Santiago, and Ins orders from the rear were unhesitatingly counter manded by the commanders atthi front. o <> o Under the date of July 4th the following story was sent out from New York : 000 James Creeman, chief corres pondent cf the Journal at Santi-* ago, was wounded Friday. To W. R. Hears', his editor, he dicta ed the following graphic acccuit of how it happened: “Clark and Captain Haskell started up the slope nearElGauey I told them I had been on the ridgb and knew the condition of affairs, so I would show them the way. “We pushed right up to the trench around the fort, and getting out our wirecutters, severed the barbed wire in front of it. I jump ed over the several strands and got into the trench . 000 “ft was a horrible blood-splash ed thing and an inferno of agon\ Many men lay dead with gleaming teeth ana hands clutching theii threats. Others w< re crawling there alive. “I shouted to the survivors to surrender and they held up theii hands. “Then I ran into the fort and found there a Spanish officer and four men alive, wl ile seven lay dead in one room . The whole fl >or ran with blood Blood splashed all the walls. It was a perfect hogpen of butchery; 000 “Tire* poor wretches put their hands together in supplication O,e had a white handkerchit tied on a stick. This he lifted am moved it toward me The officer held up his hands, while oth»n. began to pray and plead. 000 “I took the guns from all am threw them outside the fort. Thei I called some of our men and ju them in charge of the prisoners 1 then got out of the f> rt. rnd ra, around on the other side and s< cured the Spanish flag. 1 display, it to our treopa and they cheen lustily. “Jusf as I turned to speak l Captain Haskell I was struck I a bullet from the trench** on tl • Spanish side.” o o o Brigadier Bill says it makes him tired to a eso many young com missio: s in the army when th y should be proud to enlist ns pri vates. How now has his excellency given up all hope of military fame for himself?—Macon News. 000 The pronunciation of Arkansas vas official'y sett'ed by Irgisfatio: ind it is Aikansuw. Now let our I Iswmake rs tnke Hawaikio hend r t the C;rO pnrfonify, f t W(1 RJe (() Am< ncanize the c<un‘.rv. M v? also Americanize its names. Foi an 1 American province or territory ’ m-M ah-ee is simply horrible. J A HiiiforJ-ormoa Hnaiiy it Bit’:, inwardly and Discharged Trouble Began With Dyspepsia and Impure Blood • _____ Thorough " • "3C of Hood's Sarsa parilla C mpletefy Cures. There Is darer in impure blood. Disease and suffering are surely coin ing to those who neglect this thrwaleu ing symptom. Read this: “Gillium, Missouri. “C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: “Gentlemen:—My troubles began with nervous headaches, w inch would last me tor two or three days. The doctors pronounced my trouble dyspepsia, but they could not do anything for me, and a change of location. At the age of 55 a tumor formed on my spine, which Was Very Painful but did not rise or discharge. The doctor thought best to cut it out, but I objected. It finally broke end discharged a great deal. The doctors said they could do nothing for it. Then the tumor began to rise inwardly and discharge. 1 read much about cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla and thought I would try it. Before I had finished taking one bottle I was much relieved. I continued the use of Hood’s Sarsaparilla; and after taking 12 bottles I was entirely cured. I am- now well, have a good appetite and feel that I owe my life to HooS’s Sarsaparilla.” W. D. Fork. Hood’s "parilia Is the best—ln fact the One Tree Blood Purifier. Bold by all drugg'st*. *!: sc: f< . Di’lc act harmoniously with 6XOOII 3 rills Hood's Sarsaparilla. 260. FREE SCHOLARSHIP IN ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE. ‘i’o any young man or lad} who enters the Rjme Business College during the next thirt; days and purchases a new Wil liams Typewriter, we will pre sent an unlimited, full course scholarship m bookkeeping and business practice, or an unlimit ed full course scholarship ii shorthand and business office work. The price of the scholar ship alone is almost half the price of the typewriter , but it goes in free. We guarantee the typewriter to be a high grade first class machine in every particular. Address H. S. Shockley, Rome, Ga. FRUIT RECEIPT’ BOOK FREE. The Editors of Fruit are com piling a new receipt book that will contain nothing but receipts that require fruit in their com position. They ask that ever) housewife who reads this wil send them all their favorite re ceipts for pies, fruit cakes, frui cookies, fruit puddings, sauce, pickles, methods of preserving serving, etc, etc. Anything tha> is about using fruit in any fjrn whatever will be acceptable Write very plainly, sign youi name and addtess, and - •he address below, and in pay ment for your receipts one (I' the Fruit Receipt Books will b< sent you frue when it is,publisli id. Ibis an excellent opportuni ty to get valuable book with lit tle cost. Address FRUIT, Dun kirk, N. Y. ; Roy W. Win Hoe sen, Manager. FREE PILLS. Send your address to H. I Buckleu A- Co • Chicago and get ree sample box of Dr. King's N. Life Pills. A trial wi 1 convim vou of their merits. These pills *u :asy iu action and are particular effective in the cure of constip tion and sick headache. For Mai ria and Liver troubles they ha’ been proved invaluable. They at to be perfectly fn from every deleterious suhstan. and to be purely v. g table. Th< do not weaken in their action, b . by giving tone to the stomach am bowels greatly invigorate the eys tem.Regular size 25c per box Solo by Curry-Arrington Co., druggists NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. All bills for subscription to Hustler-Commercial are payable Paul C. Jack, or order, and aro due Saturday of each week. jHave your money ready when the collector calls. I Paul C. Jack, 1 Mgr, circulatiout dept. GROWS OUt OF WAR TALK On« Favo i., Spain Puts a Knife Info an American. Coudersp ' , P t., July 11.— la ;i fight gi viiig out of a heat el discussion over the war la-t night, James Wade was fatally stabbed in the abdomen by Dom inick Sael!, a young Italian. Snell his b other and several countryman, one of whom had a gun, set upon Wade and three companions because they were Yankees and were against Spain in the present war. Wade declared that he was proud of his American Citizei - ship, when : he elder Snell grasp ed the gun, levelled it at Wade : nd pulled the trigger. It missed tire and I) minick Snell then vhipped out a knife and stubbed Wade. The >noli brothers have (ltd the country to avoid lynch ing at the hands of Wade’s friends. RESIDENT WILL PBCMOTK SCHLEY AND SAMPSON. Washington, July 11.— 'be PV-sident bus determined to pro ne.(e Acting Admiral Sampson ind Comm dor : Sc.bey m recogni tion of their services in the destine ion of the Spanish naval fl-et in American waters, but is as yet un decided to the extent of the promo tion. Although Admiral Sampson ranks Commodore Schley iu com m md <>f the naval forces in Cuban waters be is subordinate to that ofileer by two numbers in 'he naval register. Comm >doreSchley stands N > 8 in the list of coruiu-’doree Commodore Sutnpson stands No 10, having been promoted to that grade within the past w-ek. Com modore Watson, also ouduA with the fleet at San’iago, is senior to both of the others, standing N> 6 in his grade. Wher an official, re port fs received a decision will be reached as to the extent of pr mo tion to be ADMINIS i’Urjß S 4 \LK Georgia, Floyd County. Pursuant to an order of the court of ordinary of said country granted at the May term, 1898, will be fold before the court home door in the city of Rome, within rhe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1898, the so - lo ving described property, ; 80 acres of land, more or less, the same being the west half of of No. 81 in the 23 4 dis rict and 3rd section of said county. Said property sold as the property of Julia Parker, deceased Terms o sa'e cash W. H, Fnnis, Adm r . WASHINGTON, 1). C. AND RETURN. On account of annual meeting National Educational As socia tion, Washington D. 0 .July 7- 12, 1898, the Sc. R’o will sell tickets July 4,5, 6 and 7, good until 16th for one faro for the round trip plus $2.00 membei ship fee, making the round trjp $19.50. By depositing ticket with joint agent on or before July 12th, and upon payment of 50c the limit will be extended until Au gust 31st. This is the greatest appo tuni ty of the season c» vi-n W as" ington and the East. See that your ticket re ids via So. R’v. Fast trains leave Rome at 9 a. in. via Atlanta and 6 :?5 p. rn. via Chattanooga and the “Land of the Suy,” both trams making direct connection through to Waseington. For full inform ition, tickets and sleeping car reservation, Cali on or write to J, N, Hani son, C. T. A, Armstrong hotel building. Telephone 39. !t reatfl with ven whtther you - continue tn<- * r.-rve-kilhng lO bu.. u bnbit. N 11 1 O K <(:>■ i.i.icyi s the <hs r»- for U>ba«*<-u. w n h--*» "ii SF’T? -V out nrrvouMiji f«mh». oapc.i 1 tj tine, purdles thu o 4 ou ’ ro- *fl T atoren lost Hi tr.i.u. . J/I •’ovu uokes ‘ Us; Wp - cases cured hu> and °° *• w -fl own druggist, wbv K ▼ouch for us. Take it with dfl| k1 A P*b*i*U), p€r»Hfltvntlv one IflP box usually cur ev, S buxea' Wi r tu UI2: “ r ”• "*“»«• Too Much Knife! The use of the surgeon's knife is bo- I coming- so general, resulting fatally in such a large number or cases, as to occasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpole, of WaUhtown, South Dakota, writes; “About three years ago, there came urid 'r Biy left eye a little blotch about the size of a small It grew rapidly,aud g shooting- pains ran t-4 jfiy in every direction. W . I became alarmed x Awl -*• and consulted a good doctor, who NffiS-fffe'kk prououuccd it can -<-'er, and said that it TwfcJYy'buust be cut out / This I would not J consent to, having little faith in the Indiscriminate use'of the knife. Head ing of the many cures made by* S. S. 8., I determined to give that medicine a trial, aud after I had taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and btgan to discharge. This after awhile ceased, leaving a small scab, which dually dropped off, and only a healthy little scar remained to mark the place where the destroyer had held full sway. A Real Blood Remedy* Cancer is in the blood and it is foliy loexpect an operation to cure it. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real remedy for every disease of the blood. ; Books mailed free ; Vyx," wa-. address Swift Spe gfic Co., Atlanta, ? ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying them through a thorough commer cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks am: accept an easy time note for tuilioi. payable after a position is secured The College procured 92 POSITIONS TEE PAST .YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography o? Bookkeeping. Address all letten the Principal, H. S. Shockley. Rome. Ga SOUTHER? W RfiiLmw. COBilensed Schedule lu l.ffi-ct May I, 18:18. STATiim' _j N” ■ !!) " Na ii No. Lv Chattanooga........ 0.30 am ll.lupni I 10 Ar Dalton 7.Main I .’;pm i;. iu< Ar Rome 9.0 lam 5.3.5 pm ill.. Ar Atlanta ll.+lani B.'ii>i-m ~,0 Lv Atlanta 4.20 pm 8.1. pun ;>. *>.., Ar Macon 7.10 pm 10.5.5am* s HU: Ar Jesup . -l.iOrml ?.HBp> A» Everfett 5,2.'.unil Ar Jaclfson vil'e . .... 8. Ill:ml 9. .5- Lv Jesup 1 Drill am Ar Jacksonville- lOOpmio.ihp tv Everett T’.TTT I sil ium ... Ar Brunswick | 6.30 am! l No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car C at: Booga to Atlanta. No. 10 carries Pullman Sleeping Cai Chat tanooga to Atlanta. No. u carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlan to Jacksonville und Atlanta to Brunswick. STATIONS. “j No.’ 7 No 9 I No. 1? Lv Atlanta jiOJ’jpm 4.00 pm ; n Ar Rome | p.m 6.2.’pm hi.: n. Ar Dalton I 2.i'.4.V.ti 7.34 pm il.l <i Ar Chattanooga | 4.1;.;-m 8.50pn. i o Lv Chattanooga B.4oam> 9. lOpim Ar Burgin... l. *9pinl. Ar Lexington . :>. lOpirik4..tOau, ' . Ar Louisville... 7 :,ui.m Ar Cincinnati Lv Chattanooga~.’ |. p , n .'l. C.m. i . Ar Nashville . 6.55pm 1 s.ti nm <, No. 7 carrie- Pullman Sleeping Car tian toChattano >ga and Cnattanomia to Cin -inn t No. 9, carries Pullman Sleeping Gar Atlant, to Cincinnati and Chattanooga to Louis .-ill ■ STATIONS. ( No. 8. I No. 12 No. 10 Lv Chattanooga rs.-lOam 'ii'itim mom,. Ar Knoxville. .... u 55am Ko ..m i i. Ar Morristown 11.23 pm 11.50 am •» ’s;u. Ar HOL Springs I li.i- . r> 1.00-. u Ar Asheville I 1.15>-m -..hi-.. Ar Salisbury i 6 I.: m ■ t Ar Greensboro 1... 95, t , )•., ~ Ar Raleigh I | t 1 t.l ■■ r At Norfolk . 7 Ar Wa hington.,,. ...i.i>. r: j n 9 1 Ar New York. . . ,| .’l2.4ipm fl.' 1 No. 12 carries Pul'mm Steeping Car ha a nooga to Now York via Asheville a> I ... Isbury to Richmond, arriving Ki.-l-rn i.. ;v „ also Pbllman Sleeping Car Ure< n-bor.t .. ... folk. No. 16 is solid train Chailanotga to - .ii bury, with Pullrnvi Sleeping Car CH . ■ IO Salisbury and Salo-1 lury to N \ 1. wi.L Out change. _ bta Lv Chattanooga Ar Knoxville .. . |. 1.. . Ar Morristown ! Ar Bristol TH ... ~ Ar Washington. ... Ar New York i No. fl carries Pu ' mm ;■ leet- . ■ 1 : >•> nooga to Wnshln »t n a ''iit .d.j', 1- York without chan. N0..4 carries Pu si- ■ - r■ • 5 vtlle to Brl tol. _ UIAII .. . Lv Rome.. ' .... I Ar Anniston '. 1 Ar Birmingham I . Ar Selma Ar Meridian 1 Ar New Orleans Ar Jackson..;,,,.’ ~7~.~7~ As Vicksburg I ;, ( Ar Shreveport I fNo. IS BNo. 0 I -tNo ir.; ;No. 1 . 2.00 pm Rome . ah’ . lr „ ! , - .7 B 40pm 4.57 pm Ar Gad den ar>i-., « ' , Aoopm 7.10 pm Ar Altai a. lv 5 4 ♦ Dally egoept Sunday, $ S- ->o ij -,.;iy f.S.QANNON.Sdv.p. Ao.m .Wash - .->on L.. J- M. CULP, yraL Mgr., Wa tuny. c. o. c. A. P. A.J WwaJUagtot. D U. w IVv d. 1 Time > Tices. Whiln on. Ihe one hand as a remit of the war, nearly all food products have advanc d in price. on the other hancl, it has had precisely the , opposite effect on the pDRUITDRE Trade. We must keep t ur sales’up to the normal standard, and io do th s we» realize that goods must be sold lower than ever, and we are prapar ed flaud deterudued jo make you lower prices on anything in our house tha.i can be f und elsewhere. Our line is Comple' 3 arid ' Up to Date. Consisting ii part of\ Bedro"m Suites, Pa lor f Suites, Sideboards, wardrobes. ' I Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, dockers and IChairs, all kinds! Hatracks. Baby Carriages Mailing Rug , Portki , Curtains, e urt ins, wii dow s>a es. j Pictures, Las .Is Sc . ( ns, lion Ee...-. e.c. f Also c n pl- te In- of c ■ c o ffi 's, r>> -4, t h | , [ pci-lil. 11l I .1) i Rhudv, Harvey •J a Company. Ii 11' • i !; | i '• ■ r i I, »> u I ni l aid necan I C».t.i }'hit g n h< i u! vt- a I a.~...u«e Sairf, c v>r6ioo •’8 SILIOUS AND NDKVOI3 V '""’a* V.-in.l a, 1( l PaimJ, I nine < ,l '" s tor ! > j;, j,,,'" » n H • it, jjoss of iiHuitii '• I'. .s‘ ‘''"t'-'i'-H on tho ; <’■ ' H"'<l ble.-i>. rriirlitf.i] ... ' " ■US and Tunabli. ,/^ 180 "’!-U ■run fiu;.t w j (N '.'WI TrY MINUTPR e iVi,I ‘ LL C” «vill ack Al u il.;e them to b6 W : A W’ d'JERFUt [’l-t-t-' ■' b .. Pi-.J s ■ ! WiiLi >l.-„|y r .. s J. "a -l.: «1r,..._ pn'to h/ iibn. . J ■ Io e. <>! sirmhx.,l: ,o r i,:. < . ~ '7'i!y r.. ni . j te-.. im<l core x.«.E ii.-m ti: " -“laclie. i Week Stomach U 3 Impaired Digestion Disordered Lj ve( . MEW. womsn Without a Rival l r th" l-M k’tCEST Cffl' F- - - ' '■’•■>o ONE 2-CENT STW! Will send a letter to any ' > b point in Untie Satn’sbig / ..' domain. For this very .5? St:«, reason, if you are sick, £ ' ? ' . •ore or suffering, this ft I:-/ very trifling outlay . ’ W May Save Your Ijfal Here's just how Lllu S : : . write a plain letter, can't: >r’ wi> will take just two cents to early‘it i ’'Waslil3giisMsalS lJ « £ c: Isa Manta, Cwrjla," I Vn 8 who form J of that Institute are able tc gi, ' treatment by mail as well as il v.,.,' eX ~, j 1 I son to the city This is , 10 n ,j 6 t ake |h , ; £ jfrntk...., 'ceres positive orbrcf I 60HSUITATIM HltCl | MB S »*-L U1 '• ' f £ ’ k ‘ n an< i B1 «xi disutxiers, Rheum- I tisia, be. .uca. Catarrh of the Nose. Throat i Luugs. stomach or auy viu.l G:pa r liver S | ;iey and Bladder troubles. Nervous Weil uesse. of e.ther men or w n.e,,. disuses of'he . P al . fs ! ', n<l otfler bodily affliction that Write freely It costs you ncthing If we un dertake your case we shall send j.t question blank for sud particular jf V cu. case is Al’ S’ A skiU ali -I'-tl'-ct'seier e WE SrIALL CURE 11 . | That, 2-ccut stamp me ■ save your life. .11 letters sacredly private. ADDRESS Wnttq lM Meal & Siirgtt INSTITUTE. goo-1 Austell Bldg., Atlanta ua ’profession (S’ ATTORNEYS. •J, EK. AN HAM, .. Liw Offloe, 8TO;e s Fira Street, ROME, GA. i .OHMS, W. UNDERWOOD Attorney at I-jw Koine,Ga. Corporal’ >n Law Only. I M.T3 IS LTZ3 A-TKS: I Alternuv al law. Hi'- Ki 'g Builuint. ■ R, .lite, a I W. n. E-tJITIS, I Viorr-eyatl.v.v Will f. i-'iee in a' 1 | ofiicw. Musonm feu" 1 ". *<■ I "W. J- ITEEIj I \u.<>rnev:U I u.v. Wil; pr.mUM In »!’- jrl J 1 .v, ci .1 atteuti > i V veu I ■ e<»mue.ei»l W | . und the ex.nuicathm cf l iad GU*”- I office iu Kmg biilluiag. | -WA-luT IB tA i-i a I Attorney at law and J. I’- U I Kane & 00.’.- 1 . I UIPSCIOMB .Sc Wl L'.lNi’ I C vannereial Liwy« , i , B. ■ • i; -fy ’’ I Office in Arm<tr >l4 no. -I i ,!l - 1 ■ j. a A.NT r r a- '< 1 - )R 'b n . ; • ( 90s fl Attorney at law, R»:n . " ■ specialty. , H Masonic Teiupl'i. • ■ UEMiila I J. A. WILLS. P- IY 5 "! a, > I.ti-ellsl "'*■ office24l:lßroad. * ' ■ J. L. PENNING !<”• ! I Office. l-i llrcsi htreut. < B nittirf* f’«>. H I o. fti a Miiu r - J ■ ■’ ■ ■ Physician and S.iril-' ■ Bmhßng Rome, da. n " ' ■ I’. iiAM L- :-i i-’- , ■ J -I O d 'j*' i'"* wwli •oy-.«l .I’Vl vt i BIM’-'J- , il> ., ■' . ulldin/ 1-n '■«. ' H *1 .... s<> »w. ■ ....■ -i weed . IB v - (,:)ba«■’ u.»'A •! u l '. dcy.r ■ t- 1 • r *fl !•< ■✓cU.a’jL il’V'ji -‘I 1 Hs I . | fl t jfl ■ I ;, i 5' ,- r . B ■ Ins t'ii’.i s h.d as J f* 1 ’ L>3 ' G ■