The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 12, 1898, Image 4

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WE BiiSIIEI-MMEWIH ■ ■ I HEHUSTLER OF ROME E>taon«Lvu, I IBM). '"HE ROME COMMERCIAL — Immi-u every eveniug. s.«n>iu»y. . Sunday and weekly. PHIL U BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. Ditto,, WiHorain Hook. Tttird Avenue Jail, amt Sanaa,,pel year •* 00 InuJay, per year Auekly (The RomeCouhikr) pel year 50 BY CARRIER IN CITY AND H<J3Jt;34 y ar. tSunday, Wceut* per wees, Remit by bank draft. Kxprm. money order or regiHt-red letisr Add’ess THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, ROME, GA. Entered al the I’osioffiee at Rome, Ga., a> eeconu class matter. Advertising rates and sample copies tor lb , asking. BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 Poor, foolish old murderess, “Spain. ” Macon’s carnival this year will be in October Sampson must have been in Delilah’s company. • Cervera is now bottled up from the Spanish court martial. The administration failed to bottle up your Uncle Schley. “They’re after me,” is now the burden of Admiral Camara’s song. The “victimized” brick pav ing for Broad street must be © made in Home. Re”. A A. Tilly has become the preacher-soldier preacher of the 2nd tieor ia. Gen. Wheeler is the on’y Southern volunteer officer per mitted to go to the front. While remembering the Maine do not forget the little Glouces ter, the “cock” of the navy. • Congress having adjourned, Mr. McKinley will now have more time to devote to the war. Spain need not take out a patent on her brand of “honor.” No nation will ever infringe up on it. Linares has not one chance in a hundred. But your valorous Spaniard is as obstinate as he is obtuse. It cost Spain $ 165,000 to send Camara through the Suez canal, and it cost the same amoant to bring him back thrcugh. Schley is as modest as Dewey. They are both democrats. These are admirable attributes in which to display a similarity. L t Watson get at Camara and the “honor” of, the Spanish navy will experience its last “sinking spell.” What has become of the Third Georgia regiment? It occurs to us that it is pulling itself togeth er mighty slow. —Waycross Herald. There are too many politicians in this war who are used to be i'g on the fence, to be worried even by b rbed wire.—Augusta Chronicle. The Southern volunteers are permitted to bivouac in the South while brigades of the un ciimai i/.i d Northern vounteers march through to the war. The ■ South is earger but must give lhe N nh and West a chance to continue ’o draw the pension lUuney. Noon*- will seek ,ot<.ke from Sampson any laurels which lie is entitled to wear. But the country will not tolerate mw in justice to Schley, who is known as one of tho bravest and most capable officers in lhe navy and who has covered himself alh ver with gio yat Santiago. lndia napolis S nt nel. • Blanco uas been saying mean things to Madrid about Ce vera. This is to be regretted. It is not impossible that Blanco and Cer vera may meet ere long as pris oners of war, and it would be unfortnate have their personal relations strained. Uncle Sam does not want any Spanish duels on his hands. Germany has a representative at Santiago to take observations oT our methods of fighting. She had better “look a leedle oud” how she crowds inside the ropes at Manila or she will have much better opportunity for taking her observations. In Atlanta they have locked up a man who said he wanted to kill Sam Jones. They say he i« crazy and indeed he must be crazy, since every sane man wants Sam to continue to live and add to his evangelistic tri umphs and the gaiety of the na tions. —Savannah News. Capt. Nevin, of Rome, who has been forced by ill health to resign from the army, has the sympathy of the entire state to gether with the earnest hope for his early recovery.—Augusta Herald. Shafter has not cabled the war department a message in lhe last 24 hours in which he says he is well. Poor, modest Shafter I Let the na.tion die ol anxiety, for Shafter must be <h irious. Sigsbee is not being treat* d fairly in this war. His level head and heroism at the destruction of the Maine and during the investigation that followed, stamped him as a man of splen did abilities. With a general to lead and six thousand Southern troops for an army Mexico was overwhelm ed—Shafter and his all. North ern troops don’t seem to be do ing so well—Dewey? If we are to hold Cervera un til Spain capturesan adtnird tor his exchange, why it will be a long time before Cervera moves his boarding house. Schley, a Southerner, was sidetracked in order that his ju nior, Mr. Sampson, of the North, might win the glory. But Schley got there just the same. Spain will soon have another “sad but glorious day.” Cama ra hi s return© 1 to the Spanish preserves and Watteon is to cruise in that direction. < Better generals and smaller armies would win the victories easier. The latest advertising novelty reads thus: I want to C-U-B-A Customer of mine. —Cincinnati Commercial Tri bune. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and -unshine, with plenty of exeicise i i the open air. Her form glows nd her face glows with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative emedy she uses the gentle and ileasant Syrup of tigs, manufac tured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only. fete W3L THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of t he combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has\ given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. I n order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO. Cal. LOCISVF.LLF. ’ *KW YORK. K. Y. SANCTUM SiLHOUETTS. Take your partners for the next bombardipent. The music is about to begin.—Washington Post. ——— ' Spain and young Joe Leiter went broke about the same time. The coiner got both. —Louisvi le Com merci al. Schley also fought with Farra gut. The old hero’s work is liv ing after him.—Pniladelphia North American. After Santiago, the progam ia said to be Porto Rico. Havana may. not fall till the fall comes. Philadelphia 'l imes. __, i In short, Gruver is of the opin ion that we ought never to con tract the expanding habit.— Memphis Commercial-Appeal. We are making heroes so fast now that Fame will soon have to lay aside her roll and start a directory.—Philadelphia Ledg er. We fear Aunon, the “active” Spanish minister of marine does not believe Cervera’s fleet is ‘just where it ought to be.”— Philadelphia Press. When Admiral Cervera enter ed the harbor of Santiago it was Commodore Schley who remark el: “They will never go home.” 1 he prophecy has come to p iss. —Wilmington News. IRONICAL IFS If a man is ignorant he soon publishes the fact. If a man itches for fame it usually keeps him scratching. If a man is a loafer he prob ibly labors under a delusi. n. If it was a moccasin snake no wonder Eve put her foot in it. IfyQU want to please some uen just tell them they look I ke actors. If you have plei.t/ of dust it san easj T matter to blind the • üblic eye. If a pugilist goes on the stage he audience has a poor show 01 its money. If a woman misses her hub and wh-ui he is away her aim ay be more accurate when h> s at Lome. If amm would kuow ho .juch he is a; p; eclated he shoul ' ,-ose as a defendant i-i a br ach f promise suit.—Chicago News. I*- •• =•• ■■■“' ■ juie ft}tr ft goes t! W■■ ■■ Deeper. So far, we hwe btu ' ver/ s wit 1 o r m)ney jaisi g sale bnt the desired moi: to! c-ish has not bt en raise 4 and Ae are com pelled to raise Ibis money qjjt of our stock, During o n sa>ew<- lA aye£6ld down a great many Ipts of suits, leav ing two and th ! ‘e a of a kind, an to close out th odds and ends we have gone through ouren ke st:o rk.and sel£c*e<3 out these broken lots and them on a s parate'counter and osier you choice at HALF PrtlCt. If vou c find our size in this lot of suits it will be the samA to \ ou as i 'we had one Thousand suits of a kind. They are ay new, c ean, fresh, de'T ab , uo-to date subs. On th’s counter vor will find suits rang’n • pricv fro ns6 tq $25 00. You can buu any of them at HALF P 'OCF. You cannot afford to miss this onnoy tunity to ouy Clothing, Furui inn > Gooi c and Hat so cheap. Wha' we advertise SLAUGHTERING P310.S we mean just what we si * aud that is to SLA ! »G Cf' ; X PRIC cS. Tho Jeands have gone aw v from our sto'O pleased with the barg dns th ay have gottan. So fall vj line and come to us /and get .yuur share of tue bargains 1 tve a»-J offering. MEH’S HITE SUITS. ' ' . All $22.50 and $25 suits go at*’sl6 50. All sls and $lB suite go at $1 f?sfl. All 10 and 12.50 suits at o. All 6 and 7*50 suits at 5:00. All 5 suits g>it ■ 8.50. ' ..." Children Yaee Pants SniW Go . . .'. I 1 • JfOiZ 1' 'i *<' CiYE F '''l ' ./• ». • ’ I'■ • ■ $6 00 suits go osß 00. » ” $5.00 suits go at $2 50. , lt .« *:. 450 -.nits gi in 2 '5 gj' 100 suits go tr. 2 0.) -id* 350 ts go at 1.75 ’ 3.00 suit-* go it . 175 250 suits g) a' 1.2 S • ' .'{ (0) s uts go L -01 MENSFlffifWrs 3)1-3 Off $6 0.) p ints g > i $ L O'). . • $5 01 ) i its go at $ >.35. 450 p i its g > a', 30 ). ; E : ‘ 4 <).) p t its <gs at 2.65. 3.50 p i its g > it 2, ’> I. ' *'3 0I p i its <g »at 2.00. 2.50 pants gi at 1.67 ''' y 20) p i its g> at 150. 1.50 p i its g> a $ 1.0). ’ s ?i,i FINE STR AAV HATS □□ ATHALF PRICE. $2 50 hats go at sl'2s. *) . , $2. 0) h ,ts g•at «l .0):* 150 hats go at 75s- 1\ .. 1.03 hi , g•» a 53j. ; 75s h its g<> at 40 i. , .; s»c hats go it 2-SJ. .if. ° 25 per cent off on all Furnishing gbjds Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery,Hindkjr- Chiefs, Soft 1 i l Stijj Hats. Big £d i 11 < 3 I I o L XV Ceil 11 e r Stiff in S >-?3 5. V.JUI Ll 3 1.", ia 1 ill .1 4-G All g> in tVf A count sile. , ... ■ . “ This Will Bj OJi MiBJ-BiiiU Sils ■ Sk.r*«J YDLJR MONEY SAVINS.: ■ , • fl. Thia will bn >ur tnonoj’r iin ’ and y »ur m jney giving aale. I Th , i , s / < ‘* , th> trih •. >r ht t g>uig oa, of huuTi 4I v irtisi a» s sn» to ?*d »«'v • tht . oeoplp. We always do oxl ;tlv w. . w 1 >talw lar i san th s» , vjl< of il >n< «• 1 : <n -r ,u 1 ' lountry ait-aware of this fut. W> a >:n *tov 11 my with tin Hjnsst, frank- state n mt'h it ■ nee Lr.g m >ney and in order to -.ei- tm n £,l ■ 1 tn Hint v ■ .>tF >r y »<i tll ’-.hi 1 f«t.- IDsTb ' U : cl< thing furnishin; g uds and h its mLi at fa nn 25 to 53 pir ce it reductibn. I 1.1 1 . 11 iinw 11