The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 12, 1898, Image 5

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OH pf l l' 1D |Mo <t © I WMHATIOfS» nrun rur.. !^ e are g01 ? S 9 ut t of theretail goods business. • RHO TMFM Our Present sale tile end of this business. IILH J I flLln $ Our present nnoes will never again be Duplicated. * The oppoi t unuy toSiuy su ;h srool; at such prices will soon b■f >r goods worth 100 cents on the dollar are being offered at 30 cents on the dollar-quantities of them. flies’ skirt and tailor made suits=-a big stock. Piques, all the family of them. Without question th 2 best ock of goods in Rome and being given away to get out of the retail dry goods business in Rome. ■ ——f . . .. I.OOOYDS, DRESS CALICO 24c J—— ——— - 4 1,000 FA NS-AT 1 ;<X f r. f * ■ 1 r-MnuKnaiß Dorr D LADIES’ I 5 00 .EVERY SHOE 300 Swiss that cost 46cts S hirt waists--the do!- yards-of Dress Gooas In our stock at what it Baby caps recently Men i. • -ts a yard, we now price rßr ea c “ r -ts. and waist silks, worth cost us, or less, to quit boughtat factory pric- thatc - ‘. v at 25 cents. ... 50.;, at 25c. . business. es . were rr,a e 7'"ci to I • I $ 1 .DO, on s<? e a‘, .. ACTUAL COST "V . 500 JML For all millinery, with no chirwc X T . . . , , Sjiyder’e work. A positive saving g ..f J . , ‘ giv. ’ • ©x t .•f* ~ —— 000 YARDS of summer wash fabrics on center tables-much of it cost 15c, 2 oc and ’25 ci- it conceptions foi iadie» and misses dresses. We are giving them away at 6centsa /1 • I ’ - - , when we quit business your opportunity for such bargains will begone and gone forever. B 1 •>' n '-w Not just a few things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at r -Vg iR make money. We affirm, of all the goods in this house, no' a dollar’s worth is priced ab c ■' B iMBI B WSk Mhk w J™ * ..?-J| wwk ‘- ’' - Vw HVL ■ ■ w r' Rc - IB r t JEk I T V FiRSf CAR. Ylis Peach Season of North Georgia Opens and THE lUBBIOUB ELBERTA Is Bai Shjppe Ito the North ern Market. The season lias opened for the f-mous North Georgia peach and already two car loads of this matchless fruit have been hur ried to the Northern market. Ihe first ear was shipped from Plainville Monday and yesterday another car was sent from the same in itchless peach country. Ihe Elberta, of Northwest Georgia, is easily the superior °1 dii a Queen of the peach faini- J he iron in the rich, red soil gives to the Elberta in this see— ii°n a matchless color, making it a thing of beauty, while the peculiar flavor imparted by the P‘ilect combination of atmos phere and soil makes it a joy forever. Ihe crop this season is the finest ever grown, and from the P ices at which the peaches are g'*‘"g on the market the peach growers have a right to count 0,1 <i good harvest of golden ea gles Many young orchards will I<l \e their first fruits put on the ,lU| ket this year, while all th > cii uds will yield heavier crops ’* tt in their history. The season has opened ami guidon eagles have begun to fly Southward and will roost in the Elberta regions of North Georgia - FREE PILLS. Send your address to H. E. Buckden &Co , Chicago and got a I free sample box of Dr. King’s New I Life Pills. A trial wi 1 convince vou of their merits. These pills are easy iu action and are particular.y effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For Mala ria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They ar* guaranteed to be perfectly free fr mi every deleterious eubstanc, and to be purely vegetable. They lo not weaken in their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c per box. Sold by Curry-Arrington Co., drugg sts RANGES. I am agent iorSou th em Que en Coal oi Wood Ranges. Also cisuranod Safety G-as oline stoves- Call and seemvstook ana get estimaes on your olumbitn 0, and tin work- door to oner a house. BAD ■ S’ A Ts IJ ■'W ki & E» I „ «• I have been using I'ASt'A IS F.TS and as inlhl and offe, five laxative tin y are simply »mi rtul. My daughter and! were N.tu red with i •'< iioniai'li ami our breal.l* was very 1...,. At <i •litlng a lew doses of Cascarets we Lave improved .outlorfully. They are a great help Fn the family. WW.IIKI.MIXA 1137 llitlenltousc St., Ciuciur.aU. Ohio. CANDY 7 * XJf cathartic > S. jk TRADEMARK RlO.aitßEO -tlSr Pleasant.. Palatable. Potent. Ta" o«ikI, Njver Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. !L.. 2.*<. SUC. ... CURE COWSTIPATCOH. ... urlh’:: itemrdy < hknuo. XnntHx). N« m York. 315 u* A Tft r» £ n Sold 11fl guarante<‘«i by all drnu liu*TU*BAv gists to Cl KK Tobacco Habit. SUB MARINE W 3 -- , ' ; • . ■ Nd Longer Needed are lo be Blown lip Hl Once ? AREA SOURCE OF DANGER 1 J ■> •• . To the Shipping No Attack 'is Now Expected. j Washington, July 13—The sec retary of war Lut ordered the re moval of all submarine mines which now protect the harbors ms ti« United States against the en try of hostile ships. This action vas di cided upon at today’s cab net meeting. For week-i past, iu fact, almost since the beginning of hostilities, he war depar'ment has been dfluged with protests from the •ommercia' interests of the coun ty against the ch tiuuance oi these mines, which operated ti the great detriment of comme ce fi?. certain cases ii fluenc's were brought to bear that secured an abatement of th° ru'es. bift this >nly increased the dissatisfaction in localities where th <y were rigid ly applied Practically, it has been impossible for shipping to enter or leave any of the harbors of the Unit, d States during the last 'w > months betwaen tne nourtf of sunl - and sunrise. The*decision of the cabinet to remove these mines now is one jf the most signal manifestations of (he supreme confid nc Q of the gov eminent in the future and the pro tection of ihe United States from a'tack at »he hands of any hostile pow< r. After thoroughly con-» : derit r the subject it has l>een decided by the engineers that the safest an ‘ # lAK »ill I *5 Moonlight on the W\ 1 sea. There are pic 'Vfc JvL tures ajief dreams \\) F 'l] and in the JPG \ \T J! aimfor the woman ■J’ V 'A. rs sit< and ga/.cs V out over it. lie tnres pf a happy hornet dreams of a manly .husband, beautiful castles to be built by the loving . -hands Jpf mutual helpfulness aud filled with Jiealthj;, happy children. Almost without exception these dreams might become realities if mothers would only teach their daughters the most com mon ‘sensd facts about their own physical make-up, and advise them how to protect themselves from the perils of the three critical, periods of their lives —puberty or . maturity, motherhood and the “turn of life.,” Women at these times suffer from ■ , irregularities and weaknesses which, if , i tieglVcted, will develop into dangerous dis b' eases and make lheir whole lives wretched. The delicate fcyjgans that make wifehood and inotherhoofl’ possible, cannot be neg , leciyd with'imptfftity. If they are neglect ed the result is unhappy wifehood, and - motherhood will be a menace of death. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is an un failing specific for all' diseases of these organs. It restores them to perfect health. It promotes regularity of their special func tions. It. fits for wifehood and mother hood. If tones, invigorates and builds up i the nerves that have been shattered by . , pain and stiffening. “ For years ujy wife suffered from what the doctors celled pv.dapsuij of the uterus,” writes Mr. Harry Cllßnt. Ot an Haskell Street. Dallas. I Texas. “She ua- nervous. had cold hands and fefet. 'palpllatibn. her diy he. hacknqjie. coustipa | tfun. a di. ago.cable dr.ijn, Uearineslown pains I and no appetite, Stic got so Weak she'eouk! not I get around lam oirjya laborer, and wus always in debt to the' doctors. and all for no good. as none , of them did her any good. She began taking Dr. Pigree.'s Favorite Prescription and it seemed to work like ft charm She has taken about | thirteen" • bottles and is to-dav as stout and ; healthy as any Human iu the United States.” i -. ..... ...-■ -■—.— i qnickest of removing the miijpp if l<v » xjjioding them, and (orders to <!■> been v«'- jpared for tr "an i-sion to all of the T T "* ed S f at«o engineer officers in charge of harbor def-mses thr ugl;r.if :H t-otin r.v. Whi'e the mines proper are to be rer;o' T ed, dl the incidental at tachments nece a sarv to their nt taintnent and r 'ention will be , o f t, fii"h a« ssi i.’chb 'fl'ds, etc., so ’>n So- is found to replace the mines it«wi|! be done on short notice. * . . ■ Lots of nice fruit at Llovd s,. ■ nd heaps of dilifer good thing to eat. .'t t '.i Tri E AKr ‘">3* d,.-. Rome. ua. Reoular ■ - SsiGciai Boarders A ta Mow- JSILb 'ft mo»W JThe place to get a quick, good meal. McCALL & YOUNG, Proprietors. J Best White , 111); is /3*/ on-mi Ml M; marks j fov.i, lai/eo* sit5 i t' A/ithJ - r. JfOJM 8l J. XX s > en -iid C3ck?rJ3 oH/ s I > J- j VL'/ \ it ) X '• ,;-S ißepainng i| •Don’t Walk On I J @ Your kippers IZ »W l A.MULLIN.X„w.; VERY SALE AND FEED STASL-S ‘ Offers the public the finest teams,.o st ( \- aiices and most polite and cburteotis . X The best sto< kof horses and mules >; ui cou stantly. g*