The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 12, 1898, Image 7

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MsT(IW.IBS • far Ml; 1898. GKOKGIA FL’YDCOVNTY, v Viii be 1 >l'l befnn the court ) 10 . H h door in the city of Rome FlovO county Gbetween the leffttl hours of sale on the IstTues day in August 1898,the tollow ing described property bv vtue of state and county tax fi fa? is sued by thetiix collector of FKyd county Ga.. and against the fol lowing named defendant?. Lo eof land Nos. 19, 20, 53, •-34 235, 272, and 345 in the 16th District and 4th Section of Floyd county Ga. Also lots N«m. 649, 719, 720. 721, 722, and 791 in the «rd District and 4th Section of Mid Floyd county Ga. Levied ou bv virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V. T. Sanford, T- C.,tax for the jear 1997 in favor ol state and county vs Ed R. Minhmnett, as the properly of the defendant. L a vy made by W. M. Byars. L. C. Also at the same time and place that tract of Itmi b-mg a part c f lot Ni. 315 in the 23rd district and 3rd section of Floyd county G»., and more particularly de scribed as being lot No. 1 accord ing to map or plot of said land This map being of Lumpkin’s ad dition to East Rome recorded in book N N of deeds pages 380, 381. said lot being corner of East and Howard avenu.* fronting along Howard avenue southeast 61 feet and running back along East Hvenue 235 feet to Hill street. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issind by V. T. Sanford T. C. Tax for the year 1897 m favor of state and county vs. Nat Harris as the property of the defendant. Ltyj made by W. M. Byars L C. • Also at the s .me time and place city lot in the Fourth wa-d of the city of Rome, Floyd county, Ga.. fronting 100 feet on avenue A and extending back same width t> 0 .stanaula river and known as lot number nineteen in block “B” of form-riy D**soto. Levied on by virtue of a tax sis» issued by V. T. Sanford. T. C. tax for year 1897 in favor of state and c< unty vs Mrs. J F, Ward law a u the property of ’he defend ant. Levy made by W. M Byars L 0. Also at the slime time and placi city lots in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome, Floyd county Ga., known as Nos. 9. 10 and 11 of Butltr’s addition to Hillsboro, each fronting on Butler street 31 fee' ai d extending back 138 fee *o what is known as the Rhucy lot. Levied on by virtue of a tax 11 'a issued by V. T. Sanford, T.< , t x for year 1897 in favor of sta! nod county vs Mrs. Mary Webber uh the property of the defendau. Levy made by W M Byars, L C Also at the same timeaud place thut tract of laud in the Firs' ward of the city of Rome • Floyd connty Ga,, beginning on the West side of Ninth avinue in said ci’y of II one at the Southeast cornel of lot known as the Holmes San tarium lot and running thence in a Northerly direction aiong the West side of Ninth avenue 200‘t to a street, thence along the South side of said street in a* Westerly direction 131 feet to the East side of a street opened through the above ment.ened Holmes Sanitari um property, thence in a Souther-, ly-direction alone the East side ol said street 200 feet, thence, in an Easterly direction along the line, dividing t> is property from estate of G. W, Holmes 131 feet to start ing point. Levied on by virtue ol a lux fi ta issued by V F Sanford, TC, for year 1897 in fa vor of state and county vs H D Bill, agent R L Moseley, as the property of the defendant. L»vy made by W M Byare, L 0. Also at the same time and p'ace 1H in the town of East Rome F oyd county Ga.,beginning at a point the junction of Oak and Ma ple streets, thence running North with the line of said Maple street »2| feet to a point, thence at right angles West 180 feet to a stake, thence ar right angles S >uth 724 leel to Oak street’and thence with D k street East 130 ft to the b- gin *dng. Levied on bv virtue of a tax fi h issued bv V T Sanford T 0. Tax for tbe year 1897 in favor of state and county vs Mrs. M E Nelson, as the property of the de- Ghdant. Levy made by W M By ars L C. "Is > at the same lime and place v ' an( i ly :,l g i n the rittn ward of the city of Rome r lovd county Ga., and lying in t"b Northwest corner of the Cave • prints road and Jtili street front ■g on Cave Spring road 71 teet *■*l extending back -ame width ’''’ng Mill street 216 t to Pearce’s ne. Levied on by virtue of a tax h fa by V T Sanford, Tax t >r,the year 1897 in favor of sta e and county vs E L Pearce, trustee. H 8 lhe«property >f the defendant. Livy made by W M Byars I, C. Also at the pame time ai d place lho-e trac'B or parcels of land ly ing and be ng in the 3rd District ami 4th Section of Floyd c untv | Gn ~ the same being one undivided 2-.sths interest in lots 16/ 168 171, 190, 192, 202. 241. 244 and 24.5, also 3-4-hs 189 an i the South half of No. 246, all containing 450 more or Ibs«, vi don by virtue of a fi fa issued by V. 'J'. Sanford, tax chilector, in favor ot the state and county v<i W. II Ennis, administrator J J. Miller estate Lsvy ma-de by R. 11. Coot land, L. C . Also at the same time and place that tract or parcel of land in Coth ran &Chißol<n addition to the* city of Rome Floyd county Ga. f and known as that part of lot, No. 58 'ipr.n which the house is situa'ed and formerly known as the George Underwood place. Levied on by, virtue of a fi fa issued by V. T Sanford, tax collectbr, in favor of state and county vs Dunean Jones for tax 1897. Levy made by R. H. Copeland, L. U. Also at the same time and place that tract of land lying in thw •?3id District tnd 3rd Section of Floyd county Ga , and in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome, being part, of original ’and lot N >. 284 described as fellows. Begin ning at the Southwe-t corner of E L Pearce’s residence lot on Mill street and running thence Nor fa ward along the line of Pi-arce’s 'ot 148 feet to line of J J White head, thence Westward at right angles along tne line of J J h ibe nead 40 feet to the line of E G Hill, thence Southward along the line of E G Hill 148 feet toj Mill street, thence Eastward on Mil! treet 40 f et to beginning, being a lot fronting 40 feet on Mill street and extending back same width 148 feet, to thn property of White-i head. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by V T Sanford 11 C, Tax for the year 1'97 in fav ;r •»f state and county vs E L Pearce as the prop rty ot the defendant Levy made by W M Byars, L C. J P. McConneij, Sheriff. MEBIFF 1 SEES FCE AUdJ I 1 H)J GIEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY, Hill be sold bsforq the court house door in the city of R »m A , 71 >yd Co. Ga. between the l >gal '1 ours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in August 1898 tho following described property to wit: Al-o at the same time and place that traot or parcel of land situat ed lying and being in the’ 23rd district and 3rd Section of Floyd county Ga., being ia West Rome and known as lot No< 188 am! fronting on Decatur street 65 feet and running back same width 165 feet as shown by map of West Rome drawn by K C Hand m 1888. Levied on by virtue of three J P Court fi fas issued from the9l9th District G M. All in fa vor of W E Beysiegel vs M J Hen son. the defendent . Levy made by W M Byars, L C. • , Also at the same time and place one Studibaker wagon 2.}, one black mare named Dot, 8 years old, one black horse 6 years old named Button, one cream horse 7 years old nam ,j d Charlie. Levied on hy virtue of a fi fa issued from Floyd city c >urt in favor of Ennis & Starling, transferees, vs vV M Early, as the property of the defendant, Also at the «am° time air 1 place lot in the town cf Eas‘ Rome Flovd county Ga , beginning at a point at the junction of Oik and Maple greets,' thence running North J- 'th the line cf said Map e street 72jtt 10 a point, thence at right angles West 130 feet to a stake, thence at right angles South 72| feet to Oak treet and thence with Oak street East 130 feet to beginning. Levied on by virtue of a tax fi fa issued hv J. J Black, former tax collector the year 1893 in favor of state ai d county v- Mrs. M. E. Nelson, ae the property of the defendant.. All that piece or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd county, stHe of Georgia and that part of said county lyiown as the addition <>f J. R Stevens, deceased to East Rome, a plat of which said, addi tion is recorded and registered .n hook X page 66. of records of the Superior Court of Floyd seunty same being lot No. 3 and contain ing Iwo and one fifth acr j s mre or less. Said lot fn.nts 122 feet on the Cedartown road, running back b-tween p iraliei lines to a 6 ) f >'.t street said lot’s north boundary hue extends 800 feet, said I>t s south boundary line extends 82b T— —— - ‘77 < | feet. I. vitd upon by virtue ~ nV, iexectitjoi. ssutd freim the cir> | court of A-1 lat; t 1 in J * 1 * -" ds i I Southern Home I’-tii:/1 I A-socintitm v-s . AnnV',B- Lt di.r ; • ■ ! the propgriy 'f>t ’lift.j4e.ft7 | All tl ■! tr>n*t t/r p'ltei.j of bn.i/1 1 •»i i mt,«d.. I# • ;g-jiiui*-' bpi-J'*- i h city of komr, cmrMiA' and State of the HaXf*) 1 Hill adnitiop .10.4 ho-.citv .".J .R. ;' 1 in the rear of' tba rftairt-iibe r Jiimus F. Moore ami lfim>v|i^»<»'tlii'' Weal htilf of l >t.;Nd. -*six in, yairl udditmii , The above behig ''t(» prop -rtv describe Iyn a-defid- 1 1 >■ ,| F. Huston fay Miinah GoipX colm a: d llutlr Bond, S'‘p| , 125th 1889 and recof /ed in book m I deeds “P. P.” [inge If)2, Nrx 9p'tfl ■ Rec Tri ofDeeds u( F county Ga. Levied; i n,by. of a 11 fa issued from Flpy.d JA#ior, coni" in fav r of Nickle aftnri fdr r' use of ofiioevß’O'l' . £ft'pt.rhb [court vs'C, B ' 4*6*'•‘ ,f I Huson, as the pj; pouty cf J. F Uusoij. , ■ • ,s > il . ■. Also at the thwi*mid A one bl ack" mare mtHe/jf bbGit six years old, about fiftegp.-• hands • high nam’i d Daisy. Quet ark “bav horse mule about GX /eg r« did, ab iut fifteen hands higli Mike, purch' serf of I'LV/..h-VP 8 ?: A Co. Levied qu hy w’ . «.„ inortgage. fi. fa issued ratp’’I'loyo '. city court in faVor of 'Hgss i’-'llroi'''' ■ & Co., vs O. 8, Eilis.'in/’. ■ya. l'lii« .. property of the defenoant. », ~r; / Also at the tamp timml. that tract. p ir<"‘! ■ city of Rome Georgia, bou/md on ' the N irib by the cyi'ijofatel limits j of s id city', oh by.p.iaijH street ri’uning N'orihwe4,Gy i” fro'ii ,■ • West First street .to t.typ f,«rrp-rate • , limits of said ci'ty, said ipet biiingJ-t. unnamed hut mxt Ninth avenue, S.out,h ; 'he ntopef y lately deed d Hy S. b 8. King t'» the M ! vjmi: I " al Bank cf Rjmti Ga.,, the ’ feisuihp boundary line p’r>ic'Q.>m > ’ the Soul hwest pcoroeid ot said . Bank's property to North side of North' .■-Boundary. * street to a p',>int.iop|ro!sJte4'He Wyst , side of the old . a ryfee | ’ to the bl £ cemetary,, twe.nqfe; ai<«V fr-h* ! T. i-’ -ide ot said:..; ,Ci?mA4a>Ky br.kli'.yTQiie 4 Northeast j.-. a.’i thence a 1011 g. th e* NjQX th». ‘e ■ -fiH e>; U ta;v to Kiug-'strprt*' iMd iltAfvf j ’ N -rtljerly a’ong efrfd R/f/gl to the corporate itmifs'o'f . isriwlEi city, the Nof[hybfvn3jd^ry?l'iae' yr i he property .L' lot fronting, oyj, J street, two ptHidri’ii ttpd Vyrii t an J ru ming buckwidth ■tw<' himdredand ’Fn •fi'iet .Cohyty ■, I ed t-> J. P. G-rillin-by Hrhg'h 'Bro.wh'b n Joly 9 h 1869 on asthf-ij property of P. 1/^u^itey, as, iriistne for bib wi e- E' . T. TiiriiJi/’f ' and as the property oMC. T. Turn- a ley, to. satijiy an.'i-xeeulaon issued " by John J . B adk tax collector, against said Tu'rnlrry.ns ft. his wife Dec. 2j} 1894, -fcndax.!#. due the state and co ujtYlLiif’: ’ha.} vear and also oth-r tax | rhe years 1889, IS9?. h 1895 and 1896 and dthbr tax fi -Atki ’A in my hands. ajln- Also at the siinm time airdyplace . all that tract o'r B&rp*’l of. lami ( situated, lying and b.e.i’ng in it de ‘own of East'Rome. 'Froyd'dov/i(^. f ; Ga , beginuir’gh Us 1W 8-o-nt.hE’.sl corner of lot numbey. fiv-Mn “N.”aud running Fl-nst a’r i'£-’ j Sharp Lane,towards Maple; one hundred and lil'fv'T ht, My-niCe K running .with sums width. 15(> Jfeet ■■ West o>e hundred smi fifty -fee to starting mint Levied oil; by 7 virtue of a fi fa issfitid from- lib*. • city court of Atlirnta.„ i io favor Qf Miss Florence'Young' vs Mj> • 4 A Wils h, as the’ pr >p<rlyrof' th ■. 8 defendant, , jrr ■ ;■ • ’ Also at the same tiine si’idyplace.i'n one rebuilt Campl «H' - cptpplete printing press No. 567 k repair wit h ' cast rollers in lieu hiold bard , y packing, wrenches can\; to ’ satisfy tho within fi la, property of the B ibg.Qcx, -1 riiTtintij.i Press Manufacturing e.b’fnp'Hiy,, I’hg j press will be sold and delivered ae 240| Broad street, the priutind . office < f the plain!.iT t> aveig ■' the expense, risk auii. rnooii- ■ venience of moving heavy maehm- - |ery. Will be sold'r a.tfi fji .is • ■ sued from Floyd Superior ! ‘ | in favor of Fietcher Smijb vsl flit J Babcock Printing Press Mahnfac- ~ luring Co., as .the property of Uie defendant. J. P. McConnei.l', SlreritF ST. PAUL FIGHTS TERROR » Capt Haytien, July 7. —Tie announcement is made hyre- J-Lft a dispatch from San Ju in’ de Pq ; , to Rico, carried, to St. Thomas bi. a carrier pigein. asset ts_. that Ji'*~ 5 day the United Slates avxill arj cruiser St. Paul had an' engage; * i ui-ent with the Spakislu—terpedp ' boat destroyer Terror add *EiIT(9 . -h -i engineer » n I five meu S BEST SANITARY PLUMBING " A N I f '• * Gas, Water and Steam Fitter. ■ X - Water 'Gas Fixtures, deters # Pumps, Hydraulic rams, steam fix y | tures, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Elec- 4 trie fixtures. • I /.J) • -"*** I I have employed Alex S. Pierce to L take charge of my shop department. 1 rj He is one of the bestworkmen in the Ji -vi M South. Repair work attended to fc ■? l S promptly. B ;13 ® ar:/- '1 I. t KJOHN C-CHILDS. 1 "N- • I / 1 ® 223 Broad st. Opposite Thos. Fa iy. i ' I £ S'® ® '£®®®£®®® ®® •®® ®®@l ■'v < v •''■Tu / . < IE ME o'l 0® « ffeUJ? ai!son earth §? - i * .THEY ARE THE * $7 KIND ,AT OTHER PLACES. Bjniav -Tailosira CoS < i<w> tailifoi »* " , ■ *w*#*******w* ■ »i< •..•» ..M .’" ■ i MILM ■ aMf. .•-■r.ii') V®' Ta \t is, l Ta<' milli.iary, is im ' . aid St/lil’l. Ws 11/3 J) lid CA3> *■' " for our al'.irs si."in? ai 1 sin •' ’ mar stock- We got a libsra *■ -discauih b/ paying cash and . " $• afford to give our custom ; $ ers ;>id; fi' I ess tin Dim . i S' . ' pay for theirs, who bay oi tima ~. ' and sell on tims. Cans and » «‘. price before buying. Wecan < sell yo i t#s hats far wh it y) J § I ■* will pay fer one at other houses i 1 rtrs. A. O. Garrard * i 4***#*#«*#>*i«*** . » Z-- X’ *•. ■ . *‘ e *' •.X • •