The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 12, 1898, Image 8

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Il|[ U'MMIWL , RERUSTLER of ROME IB lC»t»bii«heii. ROME COM M ERG! AL F.Ht ihlirll'-l uJ« rv.uv evening. except Saturday. Sunday aud weekly. iPHIL <i. BYRD, editor and manager. olb . Block. *•>>“* Avonae . I —• Jy and Sunday,per Itflar, per year IWkly (Thk KuMKCoUHiKKJpei year »• y CARKIEK IN CITY AND .W.IU D»*,y au-i Sunday, lucent, per wee), omit by bans draft. “XpfSJJ, toney order or registered letisr idd-ess THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL, ROME, GA. , nle red”L Ibe Fostofpee at Rome, Ga., as secona cl»® s matter.> «“'* aud Bu,np,e COi " 68 f ° r “* asking, / ~ -- BUSINESS OFFICE P HONE 85 -- —— ' •Sthley is a Southei ner and a democrat. That third call for troops will never come. Rome's water has that beau tiful brick color. Camara tried to steal second but has scampered back to first hate. The Oregon is always in the front rank when there’s a scrap on I Chairman Flem dußigno i is the right man in the right place. I • Uncle Sam wants peace and that is why his brave boys are fighting. The V’suuius’ cough was not heard during the naval battle of Santiago. Capt. Clark, Capt. Evans and Capt. Philip would make good com mod 're-. American iiinnery has amaz ed Europe and paralyzed the Spanish navy. Miles’ stall’of photographers have gone to Cuba with the “uniform” general. The mud that Romans must “chew” is of that delicate vitri fied paving-brick color. When the devil gets his dew it may be frosty, but the old place wcn’t be frozen over. The state convention to nom inate justices of the supreme court will be held on July 20th. Dewey throws no bcquets a' himself, Neithe*- does Schley>on might learn a lesson just here. “There’s plenty of room at the top,” with Shafter and Sampson and others of the adminiatra tion’s favorites. Let cotton wagons and drays have a block of vitrified brick to stand on—after the water sy - tern has a filter. “God and the gunners were on our side” is the way Capt. Bob Evans explains the destruc tion of Cervera’s fleet. The New York Press calls Richard Harding D.ivis “a spy in Shafter’s cartip,” and “a magazine word milliner.” Chairman dußigtion, of the state democra'ic executive com mittee, will establish headquar ters in Atlanta about August tin first. • » Schley did it—but there are a otiier o<licers in the navy "vell ‘ a 7, d ? Ue tbe trick vy i» Dy <*• „ ' “•■'rican r.a- ' / ■ i Col. Cortejo, sent as as a pris [,.) er io M< I'herson b a racksand a ,t , w arus 11 lea-t dai d returned t,o Havana, is not ail the way up ’ou his English. He says w hen p-u-S'd through Macon he heard ihe people saving some thin.' like “Hail to Spain.” Os course, it was something like that, bi t nut quite. —1 hiladel— phia Tim. s. —- If Stigasfa could d-p»nd or the sense of honor of Spaniards he would make pence. But he knows that they ar d 4ards enough to mob and inuruer a woman—the Queen— if their passions were aroused. —St Louis Republic. With Sampson on the sea and Shafter on the shore it will be a short elory for Santiago.—Cincin nati I’, st. If you want it cut real short you will have to make it Joe Wheeler rnd Schley. Sampson and Shafter aie a pair of N. Gv. Germany has a representative at Santiago to take observations of our methods of fighting. She had better “look a leedle oud” how she crowds inside the ropes at Manila or she will have much better opportunity for taking her observations. According to the Waycross Herald Schley must have blown Cervera’s fl 4 entirely out of tin water The Herald says : “Ihe bones of Cervera’s proud Meet lie bleaching on Cu ba’s soil .” Having missed everything else to date Atlanta may yet get poor Alfonso XIII, the boy king when we annex Spain, Shut U| in the park at Fort McPiierso little Fonzy would draw hun dreds of visitors to the capital. —Americus Recorder. Snapper uarris >h, the one famous jockey, has quit the tur and is engaged in the life insur aiice business in New York. H» failed to save any of the bi> sums he made £as a rider and is said to be in debt. Sigsbee is not being treated fairly in this war. His level head and heroism at the destruction of the Maine and during the investigation that followed, stamped him as a man of splen did abilities. Says the Georgia Cracker : Col. Candler spoke in Franklin county Monday and was given a rousing reception. Many popu lists were converted and came back into the democratic fold. The Macon Telegraph comes to the rescue of the populist can didate for governor, and denies that he is in anvwise connected with “Hogan’s i Alley.”—Moul- trie Observer. By all means let’s have a fil ter for Rome’s water system. The people are tired of “chewing” mud. Let the vitrified brick paving for Broad street do a little waiting. The Duluth News-Tribune contains this bit of news: “Don’t step Camara. Give him some coal and send him along. Busi less dull here just now’.”—Sign 'd, Dewey. The meaning of the word Lad ones is “the island ot thieves,” And this will be a good place to olonize Republicans, after the • ext elections. SANCTUM SILHOUETTS. Take your partners for the next bombardment. The music is about to begin.—Washington Post. Spain and young Joe IxiiUr I THE EXCELLENCE OF SYIUF OF FNS its due not only to the originality and simplicity of tha combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific prooeaaea known to the California Fir Byruf Co. only, and wa wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthleaa imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ban rßANciaoe, <m LSVISVILLK. • »«W YORK. N. Y. went broke about the same time. The corner got both.^—Louisville Com merci al. • Schley also fought with Farra gut. The old hero’s work is Jiv ing after him.—Philadelphia North American. After Santiago, the progam is said to be Porto Rico. Havana nay not fall till the fall comes. —Philadelphia Times. I n short, Grover is of the opin on that we ought never to con tact tbe expanding habit.— Memphis Commercial-Appeal. We are making heroes so fast now that Fame will soon have to lay aside her roll and start a directory.—Philadelphia Ledg er. We fear Aunon, the “active” Spanish minister of marine doe* not believe Cervera’s fleet if ‘just where it ought to be.”— Philadelphia Press. When Admiral Cerveraenter ed the harbor of Santiago it was Commodore Schley who remark ed: “They will never go home.” < he prophecy hrfs come to pass. —Wilmington News. IRONICAL IFS. > , If a man is ignorant he soon publishes the fact. If a man itches for fame it usually keeps him scratching. If a man is a loafer he prob ably labors under a delusion. If it was a moccasin snake no wonder Eve put her foot in it. If you want io please some men just tell them they look like actors. If you have plenty of dust it is an easy matter to blind the public eye. If a pugilist goes on tbe stage <he audience has a poor show lor its money. If a woman misses her hus band when he is away her aim may be more accurate when he is at home. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and mnshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows uid her face glows with its •eauty. If her system needs the deansing action of a laxative remedy she uses the gentle and Peasant Syrup of figs, manufac ured by the California Syrups C<k k MIX D SOES JVP 9 WK Deeper. So far, we have bee ver/ s jcc ssful with oi r money raisi >g sa i e bnt the desired ? mourt of cash has not be en raise u and as are com pelled to raise this money out of our stock, During our sale we have sold down a great many lots of suits, leav ing two and three of a kind, an to close out th se odds and ends we have gone through our en ire stock and selected out these broken lots and p aced them on a separate counter and osier you choice at HALF PrtlCb. If you qtn find our size in this lot of suits it will be the sametovouasi we h id Line Th 'usand suits of a kind. They are ay new, c ean, fresh, desi abi , u >to date suits. On this counter vo will find suits rangirin jric- from $6 to $25 00. You can bj l any of them at HALF PRICE. You cannot afford to miss this opoo u tunity to ouy Clothing. Fun i »hin - Good c and Hat so cheap. Wh y * we advertise SLAUGHTERING PRICES we mean just wnat we si 1 * aud that is to SLA* 1G i P'R PRICES.. Thousands have gone aw y from our store pleased with the barg n'n? th9/ have gotten. So fall e u lineandcome to us and get your share of trie bargains we a r u offering. MEN’S FINE SUITS. All $22.50 and $25 suits go at sl6 50. I All sls and $lB suits go at $11.50. All 10 and 12.50 suits at 7.5 I. | All 6 and 7.50 suits at 5.00. All 5 suits go at 3.50. j Children anee Pants Salts Go SEfL’tt tWO.l’f* price. JUS’S 1 T3IIM DT JtH $6 00 suits go. it sl,llO. $5.00 suits go at $2 50 4 uOsqits go ai 225 400 suits go at 200 350 suits go at 1.75 .. 3.00 suits go at 175 250 suits go at 12) | 10J s uts go u. Oil MENSHNEMIS 331-3 Off. $6.00 pints g) a*. SI.OO. $5 00 pants go at $3.35. 450 pants g > a‘; 3 00. 40) p i its go at 2 65. 3.50 pants g) at 2,34. 3 o)piitsgiat 2’.00. 2.50 pants g> at 1.67. 2.0 )p t its g) at 15). 1.50 p ints g > a $ 1 00. FINE STRAW HATS GDATHALF PRI CE, $2 50 hats go at $1 -25. $2.0) h *ts g » at M .00. 1.50 hats go at 75-. 1.0.0 his go a 59c. 75c h its go at 40 i. 5 )c hats go at 25c. 25 per cent off on all Furnishing goads Underwear, Shirts, Hosiery,!! n lker chiefs, Soft all Stiff Hats, IB igLin< >II o t eall ]0 r Stuff in A piot L’ 15 1. ? amo I I isk. AH g)in count sale. DIS Will B 8 Oil MlilJj-lßlsHlil Sll« YEHJR MONEY SAVINS. This *i!l our money rJsin? saN and yo r money saving sale. ’ . 14 ’ J th >tr;l■l >■i > 1 1 a'X >oig ,>u ,of bmin aI v irtising s *.h in> tn d v people. We always do px ictly w>> v■i tv tus >anlw> an sum th j pnol >of Rom •a G < arr ,lU ,1 country are aware of thia fact. \V ■ ; >n ;to via now with the honest' frank etate nmtth it 8 ‘ j oeedicg money and in order to rai- ■ ton nn.) 1 4 am Hint we off ir y Hl t.'i • 'nh in >,t. bui b > i; g s’’ 1 | ck thing, furnishing goods and h i's in R)□!* at fadn 25 to 50 par reduction.’ f I * iih Milti a Mil I u iff Iwn nil r vUn il K Hl fl I I nnA AT All 11 ii, i. imifiiiiiift iNii