The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 12, 1898, Image 9

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QPiFI ID IWItfMICI BviuAns I HUSS™ . • ■' $ We are going rmt of the retail good's business. ‘ ’ QPAH TUCM i Our present sale the end of this business. ' • .< lILHu I Him } Our preset t m !c?s will no/er agam be Duplicated- . ( The oppoituniry to buy su 31i sroocis at such p.icos will soon b ) forever;)'. goods worth ifco cents on the dollar are being offered at 30 cents on thedollar—quantities of them. Ladies’ skirt and tailor made suits==a big stock. Piques, all the family of them. Without question the best stock of goods in Rome and being given away to get out of the retail dry goods business in Rome. L— : r -r( - . - - _ ... 1 OAOYDS; DRESS CALICO 2k ' • * 1,000 FANS AT 1 CENT. 1 li»mna'm l i—i—i;’— DOTTD LADIES' . 500 EVERY SHOE 300 303 'rtrf Shiy waibts--ihe dol- Zards of Goods In our stock at what it Baby caps recently Mens fauna, led shirts Swiss tha. CCm' Jar-igrade at 39 cents. and waist silks, worth cos: us. or less, to qui' boughtat factory pric- that cost where they a yard, hsraf '‘fiance 50s, at 25c. business. es. were made 75 cents to at 25 cents, ! $ 1 .00, on sale at 39c. ■ ■ ; . 2 ; /.tt „ * ACTUAL COST 500 f ’ >. For all misery, with no charges for Miss t t Ladies and genls si k and satin necties that " Snyder’s work. A positive saving of 7b per * cost 25 cents to $ 1 .00, on center table at 10 ’ T cent. •< . : • cents each. ’ ’ V -2.? * - - . ”* 4 W YARDS of summer wash fabrics on center tables—much of it cost 15c, 20c and 25 cents—! o /diest conceptions for Jadies and misses dresses. We are giving them away ut 6centsay 1• 1 Ln; n h when we quit bu^hies^your opportunity for such bargains wiH begone and gone forever. 81/ fro n us sdw just asew things away below cost to make an impression, and then the balance at big- promts t> make (J rnonej[.>sWe affirm, oi a!! the goods i 1 this house, no a dollar’s worth is priced above cost. F'24 r ■ ' -■ <WEHI . ■ v HI ife <•’ -2 a 1 h- V'aV , H bB ■ ; Bi B SSWaswl ••* I J I ~ : ' ■’ ’T? ' '' j JI! Euerett Springs •.Last Week.. " ! < i'’**'" ’ * ft UIRGK fIT'I'ENDRNGk: ' 1 ’ : And Exceedingly Interesting. Conducted by Prof Gwaltney • iTic Fl yd county white teacn- . brings last week was one ° f the most nicerßsful and inter esting of its kind- . r - A. A. MirJlhil Jof Atlan ta, who was to have conducted tlie institute wap ta’keiiiflWL could net be present. ''’’T* V ’ be institute was. ppeaed- . by | PMyer iljy Air.’ 1 J-ldWt.' l Barton. 11of J. J) Gwaltney then intro <lti(id Irof. J. Moore, who i'i a fo'^W'li-explain words wel <oni(-d die te’acnef* *o B , • 11*6 address was responded 11° by | ro f Q|. (i j) ean , Cave ■ bpi'ing ‘ ' ■ institute then opened I "‘ITa discussion on spelling, I ed b V Prof. J. W. Moor(* Com- I sinner ated 1:1 lle would- I 11 'P' ‘">m e sjKKrrA'l method to eat 1 spelling the next echo© 1 your. » .. lb( ‘ national hymn, “Red -e .uni Line,” was then ren i - n ’lie choir, which re l,\U ' b( ‘ a, 'ty applause. lint I *'l''* ' UtS ' l6le adjourned o’, U)( . k UeS ,ay ,n orning at 8 lust lute was opened f'> v LI r*- < ■ ' “ . i > C°nn*ry ’Tis of Thee.” . M r. ,Callahan ;in.tdc-' sfew re j ina’ ks ’ bnerijg two prizes for special literary work executed by young ladies bctwl'en the ages of 18 and 25. - *'.> . • i i 'Miss May Clark then gave a !italf hour instructions in free FiatjdXrawing, which was h',i|h ly The s-ul<«n of spelling was resumed under the direction bl. Commissioner G*\ jitney. - Com.inissrtf4ftr Jones, of- CJKiF, tanooga, gave an interesting t ilk on various ’Th the .MtOTwiort State-Soho <1 Commissioner y> L CH> D Atlanta,' 'made a'magnificent address on e|lpcrtti« .ivd Subjects Following lijs address, the t ach. era discug-s^jf-tV O |p'‘4<V odni 'j schools. The’meeting then', ad maha ed Wednesday morning as 8 o’clock, when the institute was opened'with an interesting on Hispano-A’African war b ( Messrs Dean atll Barttju Inter esting talks weife th'infmhade on school work. ' * The institute closed Thursday with soma splendid exercises. Following were the teachers . ° ’ •;.. i**- present: - Miss Mary. A'd*MM4tWRV. M. ‘ Callahan, O-in |L Ih-B), \V. T. Freeman, W. .l| Moore, CTL I*?i ry, Mis. W. A. Reynolds,’ MRskAnnic-R^M» rtoi|, Mrs. s. j. -\rr>liiiey, isn. w<«, llobt. Barton, Misses Mamie Jones, Alice Masters, Laara Terhune, Mattie Ashworth, Ma ry L. Bass, Katie Tayior,Matt>e Montgomery, Lesley A Minify, Mibel, Mary Re'yrioHls, Claudie Dean, hsteii Canire.i, Mollie Ai idler s M tggie Th >rn ton Ida Bridges and Mrs. S E I Montgomery. C. F. Gaius, A. P. 'Ha in ntou, W. L Landrun, G, -■ K Prof. Isa Moore, •'Giles Barton, \V. M. Mortin, Julian Montgomery, Phillip s Kirtou, J. T. Woods, R. F. Brown. IfHE SADNESS OF WAR. ’V-' 1— Little Laughter Os A Dead Awaits His II necoming. ’) here is a little girl who site ' ind plays with her dolls and bps and,dr the ’rees on Governor sD ’ gai.d ’innec-ut of the blight that ms come into l er y ting 1 fe. She • ins iiv d- the fire crackers thjit .Mere giver, to hf-r for the Fourth, nd sa> s: “I will not lire them u - il-papa comes home.” Her father was Ci'pt James i Fonuyice, of Ccmpany K. I'hit -eenth infantry, who was killed ] n the taking of the fortifications’ >f San Juan . t Santiago. The little girl’s m< ther diedr. few years ago, that Capt j Foman-e was never the same in..n., ’he l’tt e girl is C years old, ai d .vas passionately devO'ed th per ather. She u= looking forward tn his coming home, and no one has courage eno l gh to teil ’but she is now an orphan.—New Y< rk Times. APPLICATION I TERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY : Whereas Soloi yert t administrator ot John Mills, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has administered John Mills estate. This is to cite a’i per-; sons concerned, .kindred and , creditors, to show cause if anx i they can why said adtninistra 1 il ir should not be discharged from bis administration and re c ive letters of dismission on the I .first Monday in Sept. 1898 '1 his Junc 6th, 1898. John P Davis , o.dipnry - The voting- man Z’rti Mails in business life with a good at?,l. tie fl training back of him will % b? able to stand more 'k than the man who has not had the same advant-XjAAjSsSIW age. Nevertheless, if he fsC* IJI overworks and neglects \ by his health, he is likely to S‘‘Tiliis3'bk fall a victim to snine fa tai malady like his less fortunate brother. f ' There is only one safe road for a man touf py tread in the matter of 'J (I health. That is the \ IA ] yr-' road of eternal KyJa Ay ( vigilance. No fi * ~~~ man, no matter <f * ***’ how strong he y may be natural- ly, can with impunity neglect the little ills and indispositions of life. These little dis orders are what make the big ones. When a man suffers from headaches and loss of appetite, feels drowsy and dull during, wak ing hours, cannot sleep at night and is nervous and shaky at all times, he is in a dangerous condition. If he long neglects his condition li -•. ill find himself a very sick man. Dr. I'i.rce’s Golden Medical Discovery is the best of all medicines for the many di • es that ar - c..tis< dby an impaired digestion and insufficient and im proper nourishment. It creates a hearty, healthy petite; it makes digestion and I assimilation perfect ; it invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches pie blood. j It is the great blood-maker, flcsh-builc’-r and nerve tonic. It is the best of all medi- I cines for n rvous disorders and it cures 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption, if I taken in its earlier stages, before the lungs > are too far wasted. For chronic, bronchial, tjiroat and nasal affections it is an un equaled remedy. An honest dealer will 1 not suggest some inferior substitute. I Rev. C. M. Lemond. (P.O. Box 207), Quanah, , Hardeman Co., T writes: "I write to sey 1 that during the late trouble between the States it became my duty as well as privilege to speak in the open "air at night, which produced slight hemorrhages and los. of voice from which I had suffered more or 1- ;. for a number of years , until that God s< nd ‘ . >l>iMedical Discovery,’ given to the world by the inventive and scientific brain of Dr. R. V. Pierce, was obtained. After six tat tles had been us* d the pains and aches in my lungs bi in n to give way and now I f-el that, with a judicious course of life I mar live in my I thai.k God for giving to the world a r dou< tio’much for suffering hu manity.” , RANGES. I am agent torSouth em Que en Coal or Wood Ranges. Also i asuran.3 9 Gas' ol ne stove - • Call and peemvGtock and get estimaes on . your and tin verk- door t( n era Itrc t' v’tfi you whether you continue th . iervo*kUH)ig touaruo habit. !•' O ) emotes the <J tJire for tobaco, with •uincivousdlstress. eNpelsni. < .no, purifies the bL»od, rt“., ' , ? gh JA) '• res kn-1 inaiihoutl. r ,r u(K‘ I «)x<- .'Akes you i’ ft >*-*soltl. <OO,(K liv nerve , Mf ' vasrseured But •* nd li&'k O K A < ’ fro! own drufreiut. wL * 41 W vouchforus. Tare- it wji vtH, pair nth , persi.-tt ‘Uy v ' ,a - y currs: 3 be *— AC C’ L ako.j C»» «* j- dfii. THE ARfISTRONG HOTEL Rome. Ga Regular . f Social Boarders Rates Wanted- Monthlu- ’The place to get a quick, good meal. McCALL YOUNG, Proprietors. ~_L J ■UH ' """' '-'".'A r , jßest While LUBINS!« •J?*!? r)’ tu /J7 oh. )’)) I til n> ; ijH*Ap3rfectiy marksd fovl?, lai/?ord3rs J. f. Cro a3 n 3 S 3 d A tri a. S a!en lid cack srals 0 d ✓ $ 1 » 1 D 3Vi ’\ J 1. J. j < . . \ t J . g o • e iSiSBSSS • B w t<< b eo ißepaiiing -• • Don’t Walk On | S © Your Uppersll ® W, A' AI UL LI NlX, Masonic < Tmp' • THE rtODEL LAUNDRY IHrao C ot work and. ga v io- G93S Ut.if I3tio i-. PriOH ara nut rat )1i >. h 1 ‘ V? .•» ih j 1;