The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, July 13, 1898, Image 2

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Th» Rovn' •• *he highrtl grade baklag gwwdW huoan. A< teal testa Show it gaaatta*- tklrd farther than any other bread. O JIOV4I ,d| 5*6 «g • &AKIHO POWDER Absolute!/ Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. THE WRONG GUNN fl Negro Soldier Tried to Bayonet The Sqilire. WAS KNOCKED DOWN And Was Later Arrested And Locked up. A good deal of excitement was caused on lower Broad street late this afternoon. Mr. Will Gunn and Mr. Geo. Trammell were standing in front of the Simpson Grocery Co., when Perry Griffin, a negro re cruit, came along and pushed Mr. Trammell to one side, Mr Gunn took up the offense and proceeded to knock the insolent trooper into the gutter and gave him a good pounding. Griffin belongs to the negro company which was mustered into service here today. .Mr. Gunn is one of the most popular men in the Flatwoods, where he has served as justice of the peace. He has a host of friends in Rome and not one of them but congratulate him upon his prompt work on the negro, whose’enlistment as a soldier male him insolent to a degree that will never be tolerated by the white men of the south. Mr. George Trammel, the gentleman whom the negro shoved, is one of the county commissioners of Floyd, The negro Griffin, drew a bay onet on ’Squire Gunn but it was the wrong bayonet for that sort of a Gunn. The police arrested Griffin and another negro recruit by the name of Isaac Guage and locked them up. l'he negro company will leave town tonight and to morrow lower Broad street will again be passable. PATROLLIN 3 THE COAST With Fleet Os Captured Mer chantman, Says Madrid. New York, July 13. —A Madrid ••able says that official advice? from Iloilo, Philippine Islands, says that the insurgent leader, Aguiu*! do, has secuYed a fleet vs merchant men, and is patrolling the coast. It is stated that two insurgent bands were defeated at Cebu, and three of their leaders captured and and shut. A TEN CENT Revenue Stamp Must Be Placed On Certificates. Many Romans are not aware that a ten cent (revenue) war tax stamp mu-t be placed on each marriage license. The ruling has been made that the revenue stamps placed upon marriage certificates must he can celled aud dated by the officiating clergyman. The clergyman or the bridegroom can pay for the stamp and affix it, but the duty of can celling is placed upon the minis* ter. Miss Emmie Forbes will spend the summer at Cave Springs. PERSONAL MtNDON Mr. J. W. Little of Atlanta, is in the city. Mr. Z. T. McKinzie, of Trion, is here today. Mr. P. L. McKennie, of Fouche, it in the city. Mr. W. M. Gil I ingw a ter of Knoxville is in the city Fresh Graham Hour and new ;rop whole-wheat flour at Lbvds. Mouse to rent, close in. .Apply to L A Lloyd. Mr. T. J. Anderson, of Chat tanooga, spent today here on business. Lieut. Rowell and R W. Moul ton recruiting officers of the U. S-. A. were m the city today . Mr. G. B. Reeves has returned to the city after an absence of several weeks in Alabama. Mr. W. W. Berry left last night for Fort Worth, Texas, where he has a lucrative posi tion . C?l. W, S. McHenry returned today from Summerville where he attended Chattooga’s Superior court. Pros. Von Deck arrived in the city this morning and will con duct the music at the park thea tre tonight. Hon W H. Ennis, returned this morning fron Summerville where he attendei Chattooga’s Superior court. Hon. Halsted Smith and son, Ow n, will leave tonight for Cumberland Island, where they will spend a week. Mrs. H. W. Stamps audchil- i dren, will leave tomorrow for' Mont Eagle, Tenn., where they will spend the rest of the sum mer. Messrs. Fred Branson and Wooeancroft, of Rockmark, ar rived in the city today and will conduct one of Floyd county schools. Messrs. Joe Patton and Charlie McCurry, of Rome, who are two of the best vocalists of the Hill City will come down and sing with the minstrels Friday night.—An niston Hot Blast. No Meeting Today.—On ac count of a quorum not being present this morning the popu list will meet again in the morn ing at 10 o’clock. There will be preaching at the North Rome Methodist church Thursday night at 8 o’clock by Rev. Alexis D, Kendrick for merly of Rome, but now pastor of East Atlanta Baptist church One Large Scar Is All That Remains of Great Scrofula Sores Neighbors Could Not Bear to Look Upon Her-A Grand, Complete Cure by Hood’s Sarsaparilla After Others Failed. “I was taken with neuralgia in my head and eyes. Not long after this, a scrofula sore appeared on my left check, extending from my upper lip to my eye. Other sores came on my neck and on my right arm and one of my limbs. They were very troublesome and painful and soon became great running sores. My face looked so bad that some of my neighbors could not bear to look at me and advised me to wear a bandage, but I feared this would irritate the sora and make it worse. So I Could Not Hide tho Sores. My niece, who was familiar with a case similar to mine, which had been cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, urged me to try it. Finally I was persuaded to do ao, and in a short time 1 saw it was helping me. The sores began to heal and the neu ralgia In my head was better. In a few months the sores on my arms and limbs <ll healed; those on my neck gradually duappeared and now they are all gone. 1 have never had any symptom of scrofula since. One large scar on my right arm is all the sign that remains of my terrible affliction. The neuralgia is also cured.” Mns. J. M. Hatch, Etna, New Hampshire. Hood’s parilia Is the Itest—ln fact the Due True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills on, y ■ • veirvs C- r ina wjth Hwxt , g Sarsapa»*u. LOCAL HAPPENINGSS. * Justice Court.—-Justice court which has been in session for mveral days at the court house adjourned 2'Sterday. Series of Meetings—Dr. R. B. lleadden, of the Fist Baptist church, will begin a senes of meeting Aug. Ist. He will hold t ie usual pi uyer services tonight* Fink Pearl.— Coroner Schlap -1 ack has a uriosity in the exact likeness of human band with 'ur ting 1 nd a thumb and was aken iron; a muscle from the Oostanaula liver, it is nearly an inch long An Enjoyable Affair.—Mrs. Childress entertained a few friends last Mcnday evening at her home on Fifth avenue in a most charming manner. Delignt ful refeshments were served and a most enjoyable evening was} spent by all. Attention Ist Ga. Cavalry. —The annual reunion of ths Ist Ga., cavalry veterans will take j place in Atlanta, Ga., July 22d 1 Col. L R. Ray will be orater of , the occasion. Headquarters for ] the Ist Ga., cavalry will be No. 41 Prior street, one block from the Union depot. H. W. Camp, President. J. A. Wynn, Secretary. Floyd C ounty camp No. 368 onfederatp veterans have se lected th< Old Reliable Western & Atlantic R. R. as the official route to the grand reunion in Atlanta July 2 >th to 23d. Eyes examined free by Dr. Taylor, experi enced optician. at Wooten’s drug store Save your eyes.Do not c’eiiy. , iNice house Tor renV 1 nea First Church, now occupie by J S May.Possessin ; at once. Apply to L. < j Lloyd. RESULT OF SLUMMING TO Louisville, Ky.. luly 13 — H teen white girls were las*, nil taken from negro resorts by 1 police and members of the Bai of Safety on a slumming tour J — t I HYDROPHOBIA VICTIM Louisville, Ky., July 13-1* teen year-old Peter R >illy dietlt night of hyd -oyhobia iu terle agony. He was bitten two wb ago. ROOSEVELT BUTTONS New York’July 13.— Th* A* butiou of Colonel Theodore velt„ for Governor button* Id in this city today. The b*a bear a picture of Roosevelt 111 uniform . SIGSBEE’S SKY PILOi Washington, July 13. has lost his “aky.” In theik orders today Chaplain J. B|ti is detached from the St. JMk ordered home on three rck leave. I WOMAN SENTENCED Ts - Ntw York, July 13. M»f tha Place, who was couviuVt week of strangling her dfr» lia Pl ice waa sentenced I'o tie in the electric chair dfSe /ink bjiuning Au». 20. f ADMIN IS PATOR’S Sp- Georgia, Floyd County.! Pursuant to au ordei’fiil court of ordinary of fiaidfcy granted at the May te#LV■ will be eold before the ccUft*! door in the city «f Rowe II he legal houra of *ale, firut Tuesday in July 1898, t owing described property, 80 acres of land, more a be same being the west i iut No. 81 in the. 23 d d and 3rd,aeetiou of said I Said property sold as the W jf Julia Parker, daceaied I 1 4s’e cash. W. H. E.fNit, I | Too • Much Knife! The use of the surgeon’s knife is De cerning ao general, resulting fatally ia such a large number of cases, as to •cession general alarm. ; Mr. William Walpole, of Walshtown, leuth Dakota, writes; “About three years ago, there came under ■y left eye a little blotch about the tadlscrtsniaateuae of the knife. Read er of the many cures made by S. S. 1., I determined to give that medicine l trial, and after I had taken it a fevr Uys, the cancer became irritated and I began to discharge. Thia after awhile teased, leaving a small scab, which Anally dropped off, and only a healthy Lttle scar remained to mark the place where the destroyer had held full sway. A Real Blood Remedy* Cancer ia in the blood and it is folly tcexpect an operation to cure it. S.S.S. purely vegetable} is a real for every daease of the blood. Baoks mailed address Swift Spe die Co., MME BUSINESS COLLEGE I<me, Ga., will receive young men and ladies now- at the actual co.< to the College for carrying than through a thorough commer cial jourse, and furnish board, boofcgand commercial blanks ami an easy time note for tuition pay IHe after a position is secured Th® College procured 92 PISITIONS THE PAST TEAR It supplies schools and colleges i witi competent teachers of Pen b majstip and principals of conimer ois departments; sends first les t soi® in Shorthand fully explained loi io cents in stamps; is strongly irdorsed by hundreds of business . and professional men who employ ' iddrws au 'letten jrnucipai, h. Shocklkv Rome, Ga. ’ (■I !■ 4S l»»«m<;«norrl,o.a —x. Sl-ehwvgr. >r.M lh«/7 \ RAILWAY. «■ Kftet «.y x, W!M Ar JlJptn Ar Dr Atlant* i.." ‘I'iSS 5 o,aw Ar Macon.. J-SJJpm 8. l.>prn 5.20 am Ar Jesup tlOpm 10.55 am B.loam Ar M vei-fl tt,', * 2,38 pm i Ar £ack*onvtli« »*jatn 3.25 pm t.v . .7. —±3spm Ar Jaeltawnriile ?’2L urn ' 6 L‘» 'KveretV ~r.7~' , >!>• Ifipn VRrurwriet s‘£? lrn i 3 - 3 'W ••JU toAUM t £ Ulh, “" Slee PlPK car Chalta tanuog* taTJth^£ U110,,n sle *P*n« Oar Cbat- *o : o1 No. 18 Ar Rorne i 3fc )In 4ao P ni 7.50 am Ar Dalton ..... * IJJ*" 1 J-J&pm 10.3:>arr Kassas-:- ® WKS tts/c .Ss .. S«saiaSr iii! “J2r , 4?“ 1 cvebStssiss—_ fcr Nushvllls n I'i’P® 1-ISumj 1- o r 4- wp-- ■1 *»• » p.m t. Oo,, » luCin <-’l'‘' att i 1-^’- 2 x " ” Ar Sets prints 23pm 9.60 am 2.25ar- Ar AebevfiUj. 11.46 am 4.00 an Ar SaliNbury....’.’ 115 pm 5.10 an Ar Greensboro.. <M ( >pxn h.3D.-in Ar Raleigh »• 5-*pm 1? io n Ar Norfolk...’. l-40nm 3. inn . p*- e.ei». 7Y ? - ■ 4?” mS. “»"% WburrtoHlohtttondl u lea " 1 Sl ‘> •Jjo A»U WM SlMplnt , Cr’GrwnXro’to N-?. kury’ will to Sal!s ' to Salisbury u kJ •Ut change *“ lßbur * to New York with *tlt<O.VS ' -pff T- . 4 j. « tr Morristown. Mian r Bristol . .. ?T°P In Ar Washington I ? wam ( 3.50pn Ar New York 7.40 an ~ 1 1.20pn ■Mm t->°'Va<hlnat l ) 1 n I, ?i?d Ch°? lntf ° ar Chatt a- Vork without change. d Chat ‘anooga to New vitte toBr"lol. Pullu *-‘ n Sleeping Car Knox- I ... sJ7 r '" | A* Anniston 9.10 am fl Ar Birmingham 11 -lam x Ar S»lm* 10.00 pm I Ar Meri41»n....'..’.‘2.. 9.s'>i>ns ‘ I A? New Orleans 7.i!upn J Ar JaokhM 7,7~ i,h f ”” 9 - 45 ani I tw«. 15 FfNoTTr’ 1 tassggg F J rs - und » s aANNON.Mv v.AoM w Mh . , ’ It M CULP T»w ” ° • ”“blngt cn , D.o . **•»-. Washington, D. a *a a size of a small pea. It grew rapidly,and shooting pains ran in every direction. I became alarmed and consulted a good doctor, who > pronounced it can- and said that it ™must be cut out. This I would not consent to, having little faith in the Sideboards, wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, Rockers and Chairs, all kinds; Hatracks • Baby Carriages Mattings Rugs, Portiers, Certains, Lace Curtains, window shades. Pictures, Easels Screens, Iron Beds. etc. 7' Bo line of eask.troo el, O "- St tl,e f 31. H I on Rlmdy, Harvey S’Company. , 'fl Doi’t f. r ,- f ; amdeli ia ; n (f O((p and tut h ., vj ’ Uauiyth ig adj , vt)d ' War ■ Time q-ices. \\ hile’onjthe one hand as a result of the war, nearly all food products have advanc-d in price, on the other hand, it has had precisely the opposite effect on the Furniture Trade. * W® must keep our ealepjup to the normal standard, and to do th : s we realize that goods must be sold lower than ever, and we are prepar ed and determined ’to make you lower prices on any t trig in our bouse tha.i can be f und ein where. Our line is Complete and Up to Date, o—• u: pan of Bedroom Suites, 1 Parlor Suites, 1 t’°B BILIOUB and NEKVOUB Bro inch as Wind ahl i T > . UUS Dlß oKD£h Siddlness. Fulness icbe. Dizziness Drr'm r I* M ’■ Blotches on theis'k ‘ h ' lufs turbed Sleep. FrLhtX i, 1 FIRST DOSP wttA h " ll winh ‘ twenty minuter ? IVe ‘ 111 “ ckl^«lod K o them to b 0 VWy B Wt- A WONDERFUL MEDi-mi: bhechaus ' uu MNt, “'d. Will quickly r s om' akl ’ n ns direr. wcaK Stomach Impaired Dig esfi Disordered I;, .KM.K, WO„, M OB “,L ve, Beocha m . s p||, s are Without a Riv a i Os any Patent ->ll bruit St, ONE 2-cent STW; Will ..nd a letter to I point in Uncle Sam’s big / | domain.! For this very reawn. if you are sick | »re or suffering, this I Very trifling outlay • ' May Save Your f lifiii He , re »j<ist h <>w LllUi it is. You cau I Washington Medical & Surgical I Atlanta, Georgia," I | And the fanions special,, I of that Institute are able to ci.',' v',iu aI treatment by mail as well ,s ii, ' ' lct “ d I lull to the City. This 7 r “ We I ing it every day. They now'h' 1 h< -v are do-1 all the adjoining’states ~f I CURES FOSiTIVt CONSULTATION rOCt! Hsre’ ° r “..■ FX I in all “ rB, “ cas "‘ l « I | tUm., I Lungs, (stomach or anv vit-.I oXI, ■ l ' I I«y ami Bladder ironies Vel nesses of either men , -’JJ'vus ■ I dertake von/ ca X <h' : . i r, , n' l ’ g I , blank f,,tl Articular" if q “' aw I , MIAIJ , ’.iu h «E I rr.'’ kl " auJ P erfc « XbcTwe I lettere sacredly priv a t "e , ° P may “ vc your life AO I address, I Washington Metal 4 Sw# I INSTITUTE, I * X) - 1 A »«tell Bldg., At | anta I NIfBSIIIII till. ATTORNEYS. 1 ' J. BRANHAM. Law Office, 2JOlk Ist First Street, | HOME. UA., . I sch as; w. under wooP Attorney at Law, Home, Gs. Corporat’ >n Law Only. M B EUBANKS, Atterney at law. I’fficeKing Building. Koine,» a. w. H ENNIS. Attorneys: Ltw Will Practice in all couiw Office, Masonic Temple, koine, Ga .W. J. rJEELi Attorney at law. Will practice in all court*, Special attention given t i commercial l»< anil the examlcat lon ct laud titlus. office in King building, Rome, Ga. WALTER UAftiaiS. Attorney at law and J. P. Office overF.J. Kane A Co. LIPSCOMB <Sc WILLINGIMM Commercial Lawyers. Office in Armstrong hotel building, R >:ue,o» J- SA.NTX" OR, A.'WKORD Attorney at law, Rome, Ga. Colle«tif® * specialty. * Masonic Temple. Rome. Go. DENTISTS. J. A. WILLS, D. D. 5., Office 240 1-9 Broad. * Over Cantrell & O' ,pU J. L PENNINGTON. D.D.S..MU. . BNTIST- Office. 3Q5 1-3 Broad street. Over Hanks hit niture (Jo. PHYSICIANS. C HA-NZCILi ro IST. M D- Physician -and Surgeon Office, Medlcsl Buildlug Rome, Ga. OH ce 'phone Xj. F. uAMMO'rJ. M- D” Physlciati and Surgeon, Office in M-dh* building. R‘.sideuce, No. DJ »Ve.<t "r’* ,l Office ’plrb No tW. rests with you whether yc.i > > "'.T!'’,. l '!!*'' J( • v < , -killlng It ■ muves the desire lor tobac o, "“-'uj t *t nervous distress expt.. ■' o-, j'rfP i* 1 U pFT ■ .j, .10, purille' tlw blood, l z.'X r < t cores lost manhood. ci .no ,74 ■Mce» you strong M J * health, )J i *fre® | ■ *SO Y. ~k' Ls*<:u r own ■!. W» t „ dIM&XN ntiy, ' 1 K. rwdrC-.. CMra"''. Mr. J. C„ HaniHS of Ai u" 11 *' 1 ’ ut the jug today.